Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1701: Pretend to be nice

Especially after seeing Lin Mengya's party, she even raised her mouth and smiled brightly.

"Isn't this even Mrs. and Mr. Su Mei? It's a great guest, please."

Zhe Lin Mengya clearly saw the man's good intentions in his eyes.

But she didn't notice it, and instructed people to take the present up, followed Mrs. Lian, and went inside.

In fact, the size of Ru Xinyuan is not small. Because it is a gift from Long Tianyu, it is revealed that it is extremely delicate.

After entering the courtyard, he saw a delicate two-story building.

两 Each floor has two windows on each side. No matter who is spring, summer, autumn and winter, as long as the window is opened, you can see the scenery outside, and they are all different.

Many people only use it for viewing, but I do n’t know because under the Confucian Garden is the general control of the institution's institutions. It is even more necessary to see the situation everywhere.

But now, after the husbands visited, they praised him.

The first floor is a good place for visitors to watch, so the banquet is also held here.

Although the scenery outside is beautiful, if you enter it, you will know what is luxurious.

Not to mention that those decorations are rare and good things, such as pearl agate and jade, can only be regarded as ordinary here.

It's just those bonsai flowers that don't look very expensive. They are specially made by skilled craftsmen and made of the best materials.

I glanced at it, life-like, and leaned closer, and it was surprising that I could smell a faint fragrance.

"Although this flower is fake, it doesn't taste like incense or incense."

The guests were curious and could not help asking. It ’s just that people around do n’t know what ’s going on.

Lin Mengya knew the reason, but was too lazy to explain.

Sister Hui Hui was also a little curious, holding her and whispering, "Miss Mei, do you know what's going on?"

"It's nothing, except that the branches of these things are made of spices." As soon as she finished, someone was asking next to her.

"Made of spices? This is not possible. If the spices are not prepared, I am afraid that the taste will not come out. But how can it be a branch if it is made into bait powder?"

Suddenly the man asked such a question, which immediately caught the attention of many people.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the doubts in some people's eyes and had to explain with patience.

"These things were made together when the spices were processed. The spices were originally designed to allow these materials to smell, so the method is slightly different. When the processing is successful, the spices will be discarded, and these materials are Soaked in spices, so they have these flavors, and they are made of special materials that last for years. "

I could not help hearing her explanation.

I did not expect the seemingly inconspicuous little thing, but there is such an ingenuity in it, which shows that the builders here are ingenious.

I waited for the woman who was aside and saw her embarrassed after seeing her explain to the ladies.

I haven't forgotten what the **** said before to drive them out.

She raised a smile, the mother-in-law said intentionally.

"Thanks to Mr. Su Mei for his willingness to sacrifice love. If it were not for Mr. Su Mei, our princess would be wronged."

的 Most of the people here don't know what's going on, so some people inside know the inside, so they told this yard that it was a male gentleman in the college and donated to Su Mei.

Soon, everyone will know the news.

No wonder just now, she knew how to make these things.

But Su Mei represents the palace family, and is willing to give up such a house for the princess to live?

After feeling everyone's subtle look, Lin Mengya didn't care at all.

"It's just a yard. It's just that these things are up for repair recently. When the princess moved in, she was in a hurry, and I forgot about it for a while. Ning Liang, holding the roster for a while, put things that needed maintenance Move away. "

She smiled and seemed to really just want to fix things, not to embarrass the princess.

But the woman changed her face, and just wanted to stop, but found that the present situation was not right.

No matter how good things are, they can't lose face.

"I also feel that something is too old."

"Yes, since the princess thinks so too, then I can't obstruct the princess's eyes."

My uncle hated her teeth.

But where did she know, she could not even fight a little finger of Lin Mengya with her little idea.

The ladies and ladies around me looked at these two people, and could not help thinking about it.

How could the nature of Su Mei and the palace family give such a yard to the princess?

I'm afraid that it wasn't the princess who fancyed something, so she forced her to move in.

When Xun Deng got a bad impression on the princess.

再 No matter how valuable things are here, they are not worth much gold or silver.

如何 How can it be a big thing if your eyelids are so shallow?

In the speculation of the crowd, several women came down from the second floor.

The grandma immediately greeted her and cleared her throat.

"The princess is coming—"

Everyone came forward and saluted according to grade.

"Have met the princess."

"No need to be polite, everyone is comfortable."

The voice was soft and soft, with the tenderness of her daughter's house.

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and saw that the so-called princess really had a good look.

As if the fairy of Lingbo Yanmiao, she could not help but feel a gentle and gentle elegance.

She originally thought that this princess was a sprawling person, otherwise how could there be such a subordinate.

But when I saw it today, it did make her feel a little surprised.

"Let's all sit down. Today is a family banquet. Don't be so polite."

Princess Wu looked a little timid, but it was quite appropriate to deal with it.

She looks like a fancy new swallow. Although she looks weak, she can see the colorful feathers hidden on her spine.

He is like a jewel that has never been carved, but anyone who cares, wants to hide her and carve it carefully.

He is a person who is completely opposite to her. Just such a woman is more prone to appreciate love and compassion.

Zhe Lin Mengya only glanced down, then lowered her eyes.

I was able to pick such a woman, and it was considered the posthumous intention.

"Excuse me, who is Mr. Su Mei?"

Princess Concubine looked around the guest and asked softly.

Lin Lin Mengya did not expect that the other party would ask her and immediately stood up and said, "Back to the Princess, I am Su Mei."

When Princess Wang saw her, she smiled softly.

"I also want to thank Mr. Su Mei for his love, Yue Qin, and bring the gift I prepared."

Soon, the maid next to the princess brought a brocade box.

The brocade box was contained in a tray on a brocade mat, which looked even more precious.

"Sir, please take a look, do you like it?"

Lin Lin Mengya opened the box, and there was a jewel and gold owl lying inside.

There are only big red gems on it, but each one has a unique shape and is inlaid on the golden urn, which is indeed luxurious.

"It's just a little of my mind. I heard that this yard hasn't lived before. But I don't want my people to take the lead, I'm really sorry. Sir, please rest assured that when I leave, I will definitely be called. , Clean this place cleanly. Just still can not make up for the regret of the gentleman. "

Princess Yue's tone was very humble, as if she were really sorry for the incident.

Who is Lu Kelin Mengya, how can she be confused by her whispering?

If you really don't want to win people's favor, why move in forcibly without her consent?

Now come back to apologize, don't you think it's a bit late?

She just couldn't say that, otherwise the princess' weakness showed that she was unfriendly.

Pretend to be weak, right? Then it's best to give her the end!

"It's just a yard. The princess is willing to live, that's the blessing of this yard."

合 She closed Jin Yan with a smile, but she didn't really care.

"It's just that I heard that the princess felt a bit unaccustomed to living here, and sent the mother beside you to the house and said that she wanted to live in the house. But this matter, I couldn't get the idea by myself. Plus, There are men in the house, I am afraid that it may make you feel unaccustomed. If the princess is really unaccustomed to living, we have a house outside the house, it is better to ask the princess to move to the house. "

嚷嚷 She didn't do this before, just for today's attack.

Princess Yue was surprised and glanced at the woman.

The latter flustered, and immediately fell to his knees.

"Please also ask the princess to forgive me! This is all an old slave's own claim. Only because the old slave felt that people in the academy came and went in the end, afraid to disturb your quietness, so he took a sip and hoped that the princess would forgive him."

这么 She said that the princess' face was a bit ugly.

He bit his lip, as if he had suffered a great grievance, said tearfully.

"How can you be so arrogant? Thank you I often tell you, don't be fooled outside. I can't control you anymore now. If so, you all go."

With a trace of wailing like a wailing cry, she seemed to have no half strength.

Lin Lin Mengya pressed her eyes, thinking that this is not acting for them?

Mother-in-law repeatedly scratched her head and said she would never dare again, begging the princess to forgive her and the like.

The female guests next to me also spoke some scenes.

Princess Ke, however, seemed to have made up her mind and wiped the corners of the reddish eyes with a handkerchief.

"You have been with me for so many years and have been faithful. However, I really can't deal with you here. Right or left, you offend the palace family, and I will give you to the palace family to deal with."

Princess Luan said that Lin Mengya was not surprised at all.

After all, kicked the ball to her.

Everyone looked at it, even though Lien was helping the palace family, in the end it was the palace family, and she was the only one who was serious.

Isn't this just trying to make her a wicked person?

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at the princess, and a smile came to her lips.

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