Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1702: Embarrassment in public

"Since she has been serving the princess for so long, she must have a deep relationship with the princess. If such a person is to be handled by me, wouldn't the princess feel bad?"

She pretended to be innocent, with a pair of accidents in her eyes, and seemed to not understand the Princess's way.

The princess stunned for a moment, then immediately bowed her head, as if making a difficult decision, even the figure was affected with a poor tremor.

"I, I just want to give an explanation to the palace family."

He said this as if the palace was more aggressive.

Lin Mengya picked up the wine on the table and sipped gently.

"If you do something wrong, you must be punished. When you are in charge, you should have a clear reward and punishment. Only in this way, the family members will perform their duties. Does the princess think that this My mother didn't do anything wrong, it was just our house. Do you think she was wrong? "

She never came to disdain, pretending to be soft to win the sympathy of others.

On the face of it, the woman concealed the palace family step by step, and did face-saving.

In fact, all she did was make everyone think that this was the palace's intimidation, not her sincere admission of mistakes.

Princess Wang was a little helpless because of her words.

The atmosphere of the banquet also seemed a bit cold.

The wife-in-law, who was in the center of the whirlpool, took a look at her, cruelly, and struck her head heavily on the ground.

"Mr. Sumei is right, the slave was doing it wrong. Please ask the princess to punish him, and please Mr. Sumei to anger."

This is a loyal and knows how to make a siege for his master.

He squinted and watched the drama almost sing, even his wife looked at both of them and opened his mouth carefully.

"Well, since she has confessed something wrong, Girl Mei will spare her this time."

既然 "Since even the wife said so, let's do it this way. But our palace mansion is in disrepair over the years, and we are really afraid of wronging the princess."

With the steps, she naturally wants to go down.

I just said a few words, and everyone's relationship with the princess was clear.

Most people who can come here are smart people.

I played in the nest in my backyard for a lifetime, and this idea is a trick, I don't know who can hide it.

From the moment they entered, the princess showed weakness, but she lost first.

Why are you losing and not losing?

In the family, women are outside, which represents the virtue and status of the family.

How cold and proud is His Royal Highness Xi Xi, as his princess, how can such a weak and incompetent look?

Suddenly, many people frowned secretly.

"Thank you Mrs. Lien, Mr. Sumy."

Princess Hyun's face paled a little, as if someone was going to pass out in the next second.

He said a few more words. After the banquet started, most of the time, he sat quietly in his position.

Frowning frowns slightly, as if with untold worries.

"I don't know who to pretend to be like this princess."

Lin Mengya's ears came with a dismissive grunt from Sister Hui.

"What does Miss Yue mean?"

Ying Shangguan Hui raised her chin in the direction of the princess, and whispered in her ear.

"The princess can raise such a servant, obviously it is not a soft stubble. But from now until now, she has made concessions to you step by step. If we are here, there are one or two blind men who take care of The messenger of the flower will stop here, but it happens. There are women here. Who can eat her set? "

I think about it, this is really what Sister Hui said.

When the two of them were talking in a low voice, a maid walked quickly to the princess and lay in her ear, not knowing what to say.

Immediately, the princess showed an anxious look and gave a low voice.

"Come in soon."

The servant girl left and brought a few people to her without a moment.

The one headed by is not familiar to Lin Mengya.

"Isn't this Mr. Su Yan? Why is he here?"

Around me, someone who knew him suddenly called his name.

Gao Linmengya looked at his man in doubt, then glanced again, and stood up to meet the princess, and immediately understood what was going on.

It turned out that this princess had such an idea.

No wonder, keep tolerating her.

"Mr. is here, but what's the matter?"

Concubine Princess Wang was very kind to this legend, who belonged to His Highness Xi's most trusted subordinate.

The people around me looked at them with curiosity.

Is it true that His Royal Highness attaches great importance to the princess, so even his most powerful subordinates are sent to meet the princess?

For a while, everyone had some speculation about her identity as a princess.

Zhe Lin Mengya covered her lips with a sneer. As long as the man came, no matter what the purpose was, she always recognized the status of the princess in disguise.

What a pity, can men in her family be easily used?

Nine Dragons Tianyu was brought to Nine.

The next morning someone sent him a letter with the seal of His Royal Highness on it.

Xun said that he was asked to come to Confucian Garden tonight to discuss matters.

He didn't want to come by himself, but he didn't know where Xue Hua died. He didn't see anyone all day.

In addition, he also wanted to know the mother's condition, and knew that the princess was so powerful, and he didn't want him, so he brought people and wanted to see what medicine was sold in her gourd.

But when he saw the female relatives in the house, the one who was obviously angry in his eyes was still his own lady, and he immediately realized that he was making calculations.

Icy eyes gaze over the **** woman.

The most unbearable thing in his life was to be designed by a woman other than his mother.

Since he has the courage to design him, the consequences will be washed away with blood.

Facing the man's indifferent expression, the princess's palm was already completely cold.

She even feared the man's gaze, clasped her fingertips fiercely, relying on her last courage to hold on.

"Sir, but came from His Royal Highness."

She braved her courage and pulled His Royal Highness Xi's tiger skin to serve as a banner.

But where does she know that the one standing in front is the Lord.

Xiao Long Tianyu heard the words, but only felt ridiculous.

He stepped forward a few steps, didn't mind letting the liar bleed blood on the spot.

"Since Mr. Su Yan is from His Royal Highness, it naturally follows His Royal Highness. It seems that His Royal Highness Xi is really kind to the Princess."

Xiao Long Tianyu's heart stunned.

He swears that he heard the little man gritting his teeth.

I could not help but screamed in my heart, but he was really wronged and felt a little wronged.

I can't wait to hug the man in my arms immediately, telling that she is so affectionate.

现在 But now, he can only complain with his eyes, but unfortunately the man smiled and seemed to ignore him at all.

"I don't know, am I right?"

Lin Lin Mengya tilted her head, in Long Tianyu's eyes, she looked different and cute.

At the same time, he felt cold wind on his back.

This is a proposition, if one is not handled well, I am afraid that this evening will be the time of my own demise.

Qiang Rao is as powerful as Long Tianyu, and also tightens his body, and he dare not make a mistake in half a word.

"I did come with the will of His Royal Highness. His Highness said that in this life, his beloved one is only Gong Ya. No matter who the will is, no one will count. And, you have not married your Highness, His Royal Highness does not know what the will is. In the future, don't continue to sway and deceive in the name of the princess. "

The man's cold and straightforward words instantly made the princess' face pale.

She stood up staggering, with a pack of tears in her eyes, her fists clenched tightly, and she seemed to endure great pain.

"I, I know, I know that Your Highness has never pleased me, and I also know that I should not be sandwiched between Your Highness and the House Master. This is all my wishful thinking. However, the will of His Highness himself, Your Highness, Even if you are reckless, you cannot. You cannot be so willful. "

Tears flowed across the princess' delicate white cheeks.

Some of the female guests I was working on were also unbearable on their faces.

I want to have some sympathy for her. After all, this is the decree of the posthumous emperor. Even if His Highness Xi is devoted to Gongya, it cannot be so shameless.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the princess lightly, and now she felt shameless and wanted to sell miserably.

I do not know who is so high-profile, relying on the name of the princess, showing off in the city.

It's just that the princess is a superb actress. This bun burst into tears, and it seemed to them that they were a little unemotional.

Nine Dragons Tianyu watched coldly and became more and more disgusted.

Such a hypocritical person is too lazy to look at it.

Lin Lin Mengya is also very annoying, but she doesn't want to bake such people.

"The princess makes sense, Her Majesty's will, His Royal Highness should obey. But I'm a little curious. The Emperor's marriage is personal, and it should be made known to the world. Why haven't you heard of this?

The princess stared at her with tears in her eyes.

But Lin Mengya saw a bit of hatred from the other side's eyes.

She continued to tear down without paying attention.

Princess Concubine was a little anxious and couldn't help crying anymore, eagerly explaining.

"Yes, it is Houzun who is afraid that His Royal Highness would think too much with the palace master, so he did not announce the world."

"That's the case, Her Royal Highness is a bit eager to come, so I just told the good news in advance. Just don't know where His Royal Highness knows, will I blame you?"

Tong Mingming is a greedy rich and rich, but also wants to take the opportunity to stir up the relationship between Gong Ya and His Royal Highness Xi, do you still want to wash yourself?

Lin Lin Mengya refused to let her wish, and every word was debunking the woman's vicious heart.

Princess Concubine panicked, she was anxious.

But she also listened to that man. Only when everyone was caught off guard, could Gongya and His Royal Highness misunderstand each other, and then he was taken in.

He didn't want to, but turned up and smashed his feet.

Suddenly the scene suddenly became embarrassed.

"No matter how anxious the princess is, it is also justified to be married. How dare you disrespect the princess!"

My wife, who was just forgiven, jumped out to protect her.

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