Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1703: See also reinforcements

Lin Kemengya didn't even care about her master, let alone a slave.

"I don't seem to say anything, right?"

"Your palace family just don't like our princess, so you're provoking again and again! My princess has a good temper and doesn't care about you. And Mr. Su Yan, but I heard that you insulted the princess The woman is very careful, fearing that His Royal Highness has no intention at all, all these are made by you in order to please this bitch! "

The wife's voice didn't fall, so she could see a white shadow flashing in front of her.

The next moment, a sharp long sword hit her shoulder.

Only need to move an inch, she will immediately land on the head!

"Sir, can you scorn me?"

Bai Su narrowed his eyes and drank coldly.

Suddenly the woman-in-law seemed dumb, and opened her mouth, afraid to speak.

The real killing intention, transformed into the coolness of the sword blade, invaded her limbs and bones.


Concubine looked at her servant, and was restrained by others, and she stopped immediately.

The guards responsible for protection immediately rushed in, and shocked the female guests inside.

The guard came in, and saw the situation of Bai Su and the wife. At the moment, he sang loudly.

"Someone is going to assassinate the princess, take me!"

"I see who dares!"

Zhe Lin Mengya couldn't hold back her anger, suddenly got up and walked in front of Bai Su.

The momentum of her body is faintly compelling. Where can the unprincipled princess compare?

Hold her head high, as if the sun, moon, and stars were surrendered to her feet.

Even if the princess dress and body are added, what can be done with Zhu Cui?

After all, he is a king, and one is not even a false king.

I looked at the magnificent woman. In the eyes of the princess, she could not help but continue to be frightened, but more, it was dark envy and anger.

为何 Why did she get something that was hard to come by in the hands of this woman?

No, she must not lose!

"It's just a misunderstanding, Master Zhang, please step back."

Until now, the fake is still hypocritical.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the other with a sneer and looked at the fear in her eyes. Then it didn't make her really think that she cared about her life?

"Misunderstanding? Where is the misunderstanding? Since it is a misunderstanding, it is better to clarify it, lest everyone think that it is my palace family who bullied others and it is also Su Yan's intention to pass on His Highness.

Princess Ling bit her lip, and looked at her sadly with an almost pleading look. The tears in her eyes grew more and more, almost crying.

"I don't know everything, it's my fault"

The guards were jealous of them, especially after hearing the princess's cry.

The long knife in Lin's hand pointed at Lin Mengya, threatened fiercely.

"Dare you be disrespectful to my princess, that is to be disrespectful to our Highness! Come, take her down!"

The subordinates who were behind him just wanted to act on their own, but before they got close to the woman half a step, they kicked people out.

"You dare to do it! We are the guards of His Highness Xi. If you dare to do this to us, you are offended by Your Highness!"

The scream of Master Zhang's eyes was cracking, but Long Tianyu looked like a dead person, leaving no vitality in his eyes.

"Betrayer, die!"

His low voice mixed with Huang Quan's breath of death.

的 The two guards who remained silent behind him, like ghosts, captured one of the two guards and let them go outside.

The speed of the two people was extremely fast. Between the ups and downs, except for the master Zhang, the guards were left with nothing.

Especially what I wanted to do just now, there was no one at all.

Master Zhang Zhang stunned and looked at the man in front of him. Suddenly, a terrible idea came to his mind.

"This is the life of His Royal Highness, the young will never dare, and never dare!"

With a "Bang Dang" sound, the knife in Master Zhang's hand fell to the ground.

He shivered, hoeing desperately, begging the other party to forgive his mistake.

What a pity, Long Tianyu never left such a person.

The two turned back again and suddenly grasped the adult's shoulder.

The latter trembled and shouted again.

"Master, let ’s kill your life. It ’s the small woman who really lost her heart! It's that woman who took the will of Her Highness with her silver and gold to fool the small one. The small one really doesn't know that she is not the true princess."

His voice stopped abruptly, Lin Mengya knew that it was the person who had paid the price.

But his last cry was heard clearly by everyone.

What princesses and what wills have become jokes at this moment.

The princess fell into her seat suddenly, she knew that everything was over.

However, the man had said clearly that His Highness Xi would rely on the will of his lord, even if he did not want to, and did not dare to embarrass her.

一切 What's wrong with all this?

"Princess, princess! You can't hurt the princess, she was married to Her Royal Highness by the Emperor Xi, so you are treason!"

Mother-in-law no longer cares about her safety.

She yelled around her neck and tried to hold the ridiculous princess title.

But everyone here is already treating this princess as a joke.

I was feeling a little embarrassed when everyone wanted to get up to leave, and listened outside, spreading a shock.

"What are you doing? Offended Your Royal Highness, you have a few heads to cut!"

Later, Lin Mengya saw a group of people and rushed into the house.

Sister-in-law saw the light reappear in her eyes.

"Aunt 佟, you are here! My princess, I have been insulted by them!"

Here comes the man, wearing a white robe.

The bun was meticulous, with coercion on his face.

After coming in and looking around for a week, she didn't see any panic on her face, but said humblely.

"Today's affairs have surprised the ladies. Slave willows are serving by the post. Today I have the post of the post and take care of Miss Pan."

In this, Mrs. Lian is most familiar with people in Longdu.

At the moment, a little dignity appeared on his face.

She remembers the aunt, who was the dowry girl of Houzhuang at the beginning, but she did n’t say that after the prince was born, she was brought up by one hand.

I have only been in these years and don't know where I was sent.

I didn't expect to see it at this moment.

Aunt Grandma also saw Mrs. Lian and acted as a gift.

"I haven't seen my wife for many years, and my wife's look is getting better."

I saw Aunt Aunt recognized herself and even her wife identified her.

He calmed his face and said, "It's not a big deal anymore, thank you for remembering."

"In the past, even the wife's condition was repeated. I gave my wife many medicines because of the posthumous wife's errand. Now I see my wife's health, but I have a wish."

Hearing that the other party mentioned the matter on his own initiative, the poor lady knew that the person could not be wrong.

After all, it wasn't her who knew the matter, it was the people around her.

Mrs. Lin Lian smiled and shivered, but took the opportunity and gave Lin Mengya a wink.

This person is not easy to deal with, so you must be careful.

Lin Mengya began to take precautions when her aunt came in.

Xu shook her head at Bai Su, who immediately let go of the woman.

"Slaves have met Aunt Aunt, Aunt, they are disrespectful to the princess, you must punish them severely!"

The grandmother chased the complaint, but Tamarix's expression on her was very cold.

"What princess isn't a princess? Miss Pan hasn't married his Highness Xi yet, don't you know the rules?"

Such severe accusations are that everyone around him has changed his face.

Obviously, Auntie gave the princess a scene, but how could she reprimand the people on the princess' side first?


My uncle was anxious when she saw this, her eyes were red and she seemed to want to yell.

But the woman in white behind her aunt gave her a slap first.

"Aunt training, you dare to disobey!"

The woman in white was extremely charming, with a pair of phoenixes quite powerful.

The clenched hands didn't even slap, and they fanned the woman's mouth with blood on her face and a swollen face. She couldn't even say a complete sentence.

Aunt Grandma frowned slightly and was impatient.

"Can't protect the master is one of them, destroying and encouraging the master's reputation is the second. How can you keep a useless person like you by Miss Pan. Marry slaves and take people down."

At this time, a black and white woman standing behind Aunt 佟 nodded and waved.

Immediately, two guards rushed out and followed her, forcibly dragging the woman away.

She huddled in her seat, changing from the princess to the woman of Miss Pan, and hurriedly stopped.

"Aunt, she is the mother who brought me up. Where do you take her?"

Aunt Grandma immediately walked to Miss Pan, grabbed her slender wrist with both hands, and pressed the person back to her seat.

"Ms. Pan is going to marry His Royal Highness to serve His Royal Highness in the future. Such a useless slave will stay with you and will only hinder you."


Ms. Pan Pan also wanted to ask for love, but her aunt did not give her this opportunity.

He turned around and directed the people he brought, taking over everything here.

Finally, I set my eyes on Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu.

Seeing the look of the two men, I glanced across Aunt's eyes.

"You two, presumably your Highness?"

Chen Longtianyu thought of a foster aunt, but Lin Mengya felt that the aunt was not easy, so she never pleaded guilty.

But just nodded, it is impossible to take the initiative to please.

Aunt Grandma didn't care about their attitude, she smiled and saluted the two of them.

"Since it is His Royal Highness, that's not an outsider. This Miss Pan was indeed given to Her Royal Highness by the Emperor, but Her Royal Highness has been busy with government affairs recently, I'm afraid that her good news is still unknown. Ms. Gong's family is a match made in heaven. Ms. Pan entered the government as a servant, but she was no more than a few people who took care of her highness. "

小姐 Ms. Pan has an incredible look, isn't she a flat wife? How could this be a servant again?

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