Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1706: Until the point

Streak is the leader of the Guards. He took over the matter, which means that he can mobilize all the Guards and search the whole city.

Even traffickers have their own rules.

They absolutely do not have the strength and courage to oppose the entire embargo.


"If they hide someone in a place where the Guards can't find it, then don't be afraid."

She pretended to inadvertently.

Actually she just thought of a place.

Only for Uncle Lian and Lian Sheng, if they are really sure where they are, they will be a bit difficult.

Therefore, Lin Mengya feels that she is still better to order.

Master Lilian's brows frowned for a moment, but after seeing his wife's worried look, he eased his expression and calmed his voice.

别 "Don't worry, Seunger is very capable, he will take care of this."

Mrs. Lin Lian obviously did not have the keen intuition of her husband.

Now she is just worried about her son's ability to complete the task and will not be blamed.

The atmosphere in the world was a little depressed because of this incident.

Alas, they are in a hurry here to no avail, and Lin Mengya knows that even Uncle must have understood something.

At least that way, they won't be defenseless.

"In the end, dragons can be born in large numbers, and I believe that those families will also be integrated by even the eldest son. In this case, don't worry about it."

Lin Lin Mengya secretly gave Hui sister an eye gesture, and the latter immediately understood, smiling and holding Lian Lian's hand, and kept saying a few thoughtful words.

Da Yi's family is all attached to his wife. In protecting her position, everyone has the same purpose.

Mrs. Lin even understood everyone's concerns, lovingly nodded Guan Hui's forehead, and looked at Master Lian with a strange look.

"You guys, you know how to comfort me. I'm not that embarrassing person, rest assured, I know how to do such a thing. It's Xiaomei, now that Miss Pan has auntie aunt help, don't take it lightly."

Mrs. Lin Lian is a thoughtful person. Nowhere can you see that everyone is trying to relax her.

She couldn't control the affairs of the front, but she couldn't ignore the affairs of the backyard.

Today she can see that Su Mei is smart and loyal.

What a pity, she was still too young to hold back.

"Yes, in the future, there will be Mrs. Lao in the family. I must wait for Madam's life to obey!"

She stood up on purpose and gave Lilian a playful gift.

Looking at her grinning appearance, it even made Mrs. Li's heart worry a lot, but she also receded a lot.

At this time, everyone immediately changed the topic.

After asking the eldest brother "injury" carefully, Mrs. Lin Lian ordered Lian Xing to be responsible for the internal and external security of the palace family at all times.

On this uncle's urging, I went back to rest.

Lin Lin Mengya and the other four brothers sent people outside, Mrs. Lian was just escorted into the sedan by the Lian Xing, but Mr. Lian deliberately slowed his pace.

Lin Lin Mengya is also very tacit, two people lag behind, behind everyone.

"How about this, but Gong Ya's news from you?"

She raised a brow secretly, but immediately understood.

For her current identity, she really should not know everything about Longdu.

Now, he nodded quietly.

Grandma thought so too, and didn't feel surprised.

"She has always been keen, but what else did she say?"

"The owner only said that the grandson should plan patiently, it should be slow or urgent."

In the eyes of Master Lilian, he agreed with a little.

The conversation between the two people ended quietly without alarming anyone.

I stood at the door, Lin Mengya looked at the distant party, and could not help exhaling slowly.

The world is like a chess game, no one can survive alone.

The Lianlian family has inherited the identity of the imperial waiter for many generations, and I am afraid that it will also change.

As we get closer to the eighth day of August, Lin Mengya and Gong Si are preparing more and more things.

两个 The two of them are often too busy to beat the back of their heads, and even to eat, both the wife and sister Hui must come and hold the person in person.

Otherwise, it ’s common to just starve in cold water for a whole day.

Fortunately, there was some good news. On the third day after the banquet at Ru Xinyuan, the teacher sent a letter to say that it was Zengzu and a few older brothers, and finally he was awake safely.

When Lin received the news, Lin Mengya collapsed on her chair and exhaled heavily.

After all, what she cares about is not lost again.

Immediately, she let people bring a lot of nourishing things to the past, and promised to secretly bring her great ancestors and children back to the palace's old house on the sixth day of August.

After all, on the eighth day of August, the college is the main venue. With more people and more things, the security is worsened.

现在 Now there are her and her four elder brothers in the old house, and uncle Lian Xinglian outside, which can be said to be solid.

连 Even Long Tianyu sent someone to complain that it was not convenient to turn over the wall at night.

However, Lin Mengya only said aloud about this.


虽 Although they are busy, they should pay attention to the same places.

So when Lin Mengya learned that Miss Pan, who had been saying that her illness could not be closed, actually took the initiative to give up Ru Xinyuan, she was somewhat surprised.

"This man, before his face was gone, had to go live, but now let it out, it is really capricious and annoying."

The person that Miss Pan sent was received by A Xiu.

Naturally, I didn't get any good looks.

Gao Linmengya looked up from the stack of papers, rubbed the sore temples, and asked.

"Apart from moving, what else does she want?"

"Where does she still have a face to ask us, but she said it, I hope we can send someone to follow, and just make a transfer, so as to avoid any misunderstanding afterwards."

This is normal. After all, there are a lot of things in Confucian Garden. They are just talking about their current dry relationship. It is understandable that they invited people to witness.

Xun just looked at the candidate Lin Mengya and turned around Bai Su, A Xiu, and Liu Qianrong.

They are careful, but most of them are already burdened.

I sent someone to me casually, and I was afraid that there might be some moths on Miss Pan.

While she was thinking about the right candidate, she came to give her a shot, and Shang Guanhui, who was responsible for watching her, stood up.

"If you can trust me, let me do it."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Hui sister a little bit.

The latter smiled gently at her, explaining a little crampedly.

"I just watched that you were all busy, I was stupid, and I really couldn't help. I thought, check the number will always be. Forget it, just let me not mention it."

"Where is Miss Yue's thoughts, she can't ask for it. Bai Su, go to the storeroom and bring the account book of Ru Xinyuan to Miss Yue."

Lin Lin Mengya held Sister Hui's hand and instructed with a smile.

"I will send a few people to go with you in a while, you do n’t remember to be wronged by them, it happens when it happens, and I stand with Mrs. Lian, it will certainly not let you be bullied for no reason. And, You can leave these trivial matters to others. If there is any difficulty, send someone to tell Su Yan. "

"Okay." Sister Hui couldn't stop her crying and couldn't stop her crying, her eyes narrowed with a smile, and pinched her nose. "Why are you as shy as Ya'er, rest assured, I know what to do."

Lin Lin Mengya didn't worry about Sister Hui recognizing her.

Only for Sister Hui, she always has an appreciation for maintenance.

I asked Ning Liang to draw the two most powerful people and followed Sister Hui to the college.

I knew that it was getting dark, and the talent came back.

She wanted to thank Sister Hui personally, but at the door, she just received the account book brought by the people.

"Where is Miss Yue?"

She took the ledger and flipped through a few pages at will.

The above records are very detailed, and there are traces of damage or used, which are marked on it carefully.

It seems that the errand is done well.

Two people looked at each other before answering, "Ms. Yue said she was uncomfortable and went back first."

Lin Mengya frowned, and closed the ledger with a "pop."

"But in Ruxinyuan, have you been wronged?"

"That's not true. Aunt Aunt is busy today, and she's kind to us. Besides, the aunt in the yard damaged and used things, and she said she would pay for it. However, after using dinner, Miss Yue seems to have some We do n’t dare to ask questions if we do n’t abide. ”

His Majesty can only say anything, and they are indeed keeping Miss Yue inseparable, and the other party is really not sorry for them.

It's strange. Sister Hui has always been working from beginning to end. Is it true that something is wrong?

She waved her hand, let go and left, and turned to Bai Su.

"You put the ledger down and go with me to Sister Hui."

The latter immediately took care of everything quickly, and when they arrived at Lianjia, they saw a figure sneaking out of the door of Lianjia.

"Lord, look!"

Bai Su hastily stopped the sedan chair. In a very unusual time, each of them was nervous. Naturally, they would not easily hit the grass.

As soon as Lin Mengya lifted the car curtain, she only saw a back that was about to disappear, but she did not think about it, she got out of the car and followed up with Bai Su.

The two of them thought they were thieves, but with their family and sons, how could a little hair thief have a chance?

When they finally saw who the man was, they couldn't help but be a little surprised.

The man carrying his baggage trot along the way to a small bridge on Dongwu Street.

Although there are night squares operating in the city, here on Dongwu Street, because the rich people in the city live there, it is much quieter at night than other urban areas.

The man stood under the bridge, as if waiting for someone.

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