Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1705: Missing cloud

"My rules, you know."

Long Tianyu's punishment has always been severe for his wrongdoers.

The rewards and penalties are clear, and in the future, we can do our best, and we will not delay the fighter because of someone.

But in front of him, Xue Hua was a means of hitting a little woman in the house.

This has to make people think more.

"Yes, my subordinates know. But I ask His Royal Highness to keep his subordinate's life, and after the matter is over, he will be punished. His subordinates have no regrets."

Xue Hua nodded, extremely humble.

Although Lin Mengya felt the anger of Long Tianyu, she did not feel his real intention to kill.

He also knew that when he came, it must be something strange.

Seeing her own man silent, Xue Hua didn't dare to intercede anymore, after all, she still couldn't ignore it.

"Look at it this way, Xue Hua is a capable person. We might as well let him lose his work."

The soft and weak voice is Xue Hua's only savior.

He was suddenly grasped, but at the moment slowly slowed down.

He knew that His Royal Highness would listen to the lady.

"I'll take you home first."

I didn't say how to promise or not, the man just asked the woman to leave.

Xue Hua didn't dare to move until the opening sound came from the ear again, and people couldn't help getting tense.

"You are very smart."

You can't hear it when you say this.

But Xue Hua felt subconsciously, His Royal Highness seemed very unhappy.

Alas, he pressed his back a little lower.

"This time, you must give me an account."

Xue Hua immediately seized the opportunity to explain.

"Her Royal Highness, in fact, we were outside the city and found the whereabouts of the Xiancheng people. But when we arrived, they had found our whereabouts. We looked for a long time according to the traces they left, but found nothing."

Chen Long Tianyu pondered.

This matter is very important. It is reasonable that Xue Hua went in person.

"You know, what happened today?"

"Yes, I did not know about Ru Xinyuan until my subordinates came back. Does His Highness also think that this matter has something to do with that woman?"

Xue Hua is a smart person.

自然 He naturally knew that if Xue Hua had not been stumped by this incident, he would not have gone to Confucian Garden in person.

But for them, these are trivial matters.

"The subordinate felt that this matter must not be related to her. However, the subordinate has investigated her origins before. Pan Jin is the daughter of a wealthy businessman. The expression of Hou Zun's side was because she was with her father when doing business. , Accidentally rescued the old lady. The posthumous sensation of her good deeds, and felt her gentle personality, so she decided that purpose. Our people have investigated it, it is about the same. However, there is something abnormal. One year ago, Pan Jin disappeared for a month. After returning, the Pan family only said that she was abducted by Huazi. "

It stands to reason that Pan Jin disappeared one month ago.

So it should not be too much related to now.

But she can rescue his mother, which is already the biggest problem.

He Houzun and his father worked hard to choose such a person to plug him in. What was the idea?

"I see, you check it, the aunt next to Hou Zun is the one responsible for raising the prince."

An abnormality is a demon.

Nine Dragons Tianyu will not let go of any clue, besides, his keen intuition has felt the abnormality in it.

Xue Hua, who understood that he had escaped for a while, was relieved immediately.

刚 He just wanted to step back, but he could hear a cold voice above his head.

"When did your relationship with Yaer become so harmonious?"

A little sweat, slipped from Xue Hua's forehead.

He swears that the consequences of this sentence are more horrible than just now.

He almost knelt down on the ground and said with a smile.

"Xu yes, Miss Xu Shi thinks that if his subordinate is dead now, that highness will have to bother to find someone who can take over the responsibility of his subordinate. Miss, maybe I am afraid you are tired?"

He said that he was not happy at all.

Xiao Long Tianyu's eyes fell on Xue Hua's head indifferently.

"So, is Yaer all for me?"

正是 "Exactly! Who else did the lady care about besides Your Highness? The subordinate bets, if the subordinate is in your hands, I am afraid that today is dead, the lady will not look at me more."

Xun Long Tianyu stared at Xue Hua's head in silence for a long time without saying a word.

A moment before Xue Hua was about to collapse, he said softly.

"I know."

That gentle tone is clearly showing off!

However, Xue Hua didn't dare to show up, but he was already aggrieved and cried.

Are they so abusive to subordinates? Did he scare urine just now?

"Send someone to watch their every move."

Nine Dragons Tianyu only punished Xue Hua with a small punishment.

And his mind was not so small, it was just to scare him, lest he be lazy.

Xue Hua finally got up from the ground, kneeling for so long, his knees were a little numb.

"A few days, there is a strange shape over Longdu?"

"Everything is the same. Longdu has had several other disappearances. This time, all the missing are all young girls from the same family. Therefore, Longdu is heartbroken. Even the streak that was originally planned to come together is because of this. , Dragged his hands and feet. "

As soon as she heard that the girl was missing, Long Tianyu's brow frowned.

他们 "Are they still dead?"

Women in Xianxiancheng can't have children, so in recent years, many slave women and school-age women in the SS have been trafficked to the dark place by traffickers and the same party in Xiancheng.

But before them, they didn't dare to touch such a blatant woman like this.

Because it will attract more people's attention, it will increase their difficulty in abducting people.

But now, they are so bold, are they brazen, or are they jumping over the wall?

"I don't know his subordinates. Anyway, this time, the Emperor is angry. Even winning them, they have been running for a long time, but they still haven't found any clues."

Xiao Long Tianyu rubbed his eyebrows, but after a moment, he sneered.

"You send someone to tell the winning streak, and tell him to pay attention to the palace."

"Yes, Your Highness means, in the palace, someone colluded with them?"

"It depends on the winning streak. Remember, don't let him know. I told him."

When a man respects him, he returns.

Hold this gift, and hope that old woman hiding in the palace can smile.

As for how much wind and waves this incident would abandon in the future, Long Tianyu didn't care.

As long as no one dares to let his woman suffer a little bit of grievance.

Lin Lin Mengya returned to the palace a little later, and as soon as she arrived at the door, she saw Lian Jia's sedan chair.

In my opinion, Mrs. Lian was waiting for her.

She hurriedly walked in. It wasn't until the living room that she saw the fourth brother who had been "restored" almost. He was talking to Uncle Lian Lian with the help of his servant.

Seeing her in, Lilian's eyes lit up, and then she kindly greeted her and sat down.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little overwhelmed, and it was difficult to secretly marry. What was Lian Ling showing through?

She was uneasy on the side, and when she tried to ask her fourth brother with her eyes, Lian Ling took her hand.

"Xiaomei, I know today that you have loyalty to Ya'er. Although I also think that the mother's will is not appropriate, your performance today still makes me look good."

Lin Lin Mengya breathed a sigh of relief, and after listening to Lian Yan's praise, she spit out quietly.

It turned out to be for this reason.

I was probably even thinking that what she did today was because of her loyalty to the "master".

I immediately made a look of shyness, with a small head hanging down, but the corners of her mouth were open.

不要 It's so shameless, because she wears a mask, otherwise she's a little embarrassed.

只是 "It's just that she is the one in the posthumous state. Even if you don't look at her, you have to avoid the edge, so as not to cause trouble."

In Lianlian's tone, there was no trace of complaints.

What I have is just an elder, who cares and worry about a younger one.

"Yes, I wrote it down."

"That's good, you and Su Yan are good children. You two are also very good. Rest assured, I know something about it. When Yaer comes back, I will let him manage the wedding for you two.

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and looked at Mrs. Lian stupidly.

怎么 How did she feel that this was a little awkward?

"His kindness, Su Mei must remember it. 婶婶 Please rest assured, we will take it to heart."

Fortunately, there were four brothers to make a siege in time, so Lin Mengya was so shameless.

With this little episode of her, several people continued the issue just discussed.

"Uncle, you just said that there are family girls in Longdu, who have disappeared for no reason? What the **** is going on?"

She was so considerate that she didn't hear her head, and briefly mentioned it intentionally.

Master Lilian had a dignified look and was obviously worried about it.

"Before we came, there were no fewer than seven or eight women from the family, missing one after the other. Now the whole city of Longdu is already heartbroken."

If there are only one or two, it is nothing.

The problem is that most women in the family are accompanied by a close-up mother-in-law and accompanied by guards.

I want to say that the threat of abduction is excusable.

I can hear what Uncle Lian meant. After these young ladies of the family disappeared, there was no news at all.

I can't help but think of some less good aspects.

"Will it be the trafficker who thinks the strange goods are habitable, so he just ventures?"

Zhe Lin Mengya did not tell her true guess, but chose a compromise method.

Obviously her thoughts, even the master thought.

"Well, I guessed this with Seunger before. However, after the first disappearance, the dragons have already closed the city. In order to enter and exit the city gate, they must undergo strict inspection. In this way, they again How did you get people out of town? "

Since can't be shipped out, it must be hidden in the city.

I am a big dragon city. It is easy to hide someone, but I ca n’t do it for a long time. For traffickers, it is risky.

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