The dark shadow beside the bridge blocked the figure of the man.

If it weren't for their two eyesight, I was afraid that they could not see the slender figure who was walking back and forth, a little proud and disturbed.

At this time, Lin Mengya and Bai Su were already in doubt.

做 什么 What are you doing here in the middle of the night?

Soon, they saw that there was a man with a bag carrying him over the bridge.

Judging by his figure, he looks like a man.

The man stood on the bridge and carefully looked at the opposite side. After confirming that the person he was waiting for had arrived, he hurried over.

Obviously, they are together.

Lin Lin Mengya pressed the surprise in her heart, waved her hand, and approached Bai Su quietly.

When the man got off the bridge to meet the woman, the two of them also walked to their side.

"You finally came!"

The woman came out of the shadows because of the man. In the moonlight, a gentle and beautiful face, with tears.

She could hardly wait to rush to the man, but because she was too excited, she trembled and couldn't move at all.

The man looks handsome, but he is too thin.

He also smiled at the woman, but when he wanted to hug the woman, he was hit by a sword to his neck.

"You, why are you here?"

The woman opened her eyes brightly and looked surprised at the two women who appeared suddenly.

At this moment, Lin Mengya's heart was also complicated and powerful.

"Miss Yue, who are you waiting for, is he?"

Yes, the person who sneaked out was Shangguanhui.

If I hadn't recognized the medicine in time, maybe she and Bai Su had already called someone to catch her.

The lingering doubts turned sour when he heard and saw the scene in front of him.

She knows that people's hearts are changeable, and she knows that now that her brother is unpredictable, it is not surprising that Sister Hui loves others.

But in her heart, she has always regarded Sister Hui as her own sister-in-law.

Auntie Xun witnessed the derailment of her sister-in-law, and this situation was awkward.

"Let him go."

Zhe Lin Mengya waved her hand weakly, and she admitted that she was really angry just now, anxious to let Bai Su pierce the man with a sword.

But after seeing Sister Hui's tears, she couldn't get started.

Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, and this is a matter between sister Hui and her brother. As a sister, how can she choose for her brother.

Wu Baisu took the sword and returned to the Hui sister, who immediately came to her, and rushed to ask if the man was injured.

This dazzling scene only made Lin Mengya in her heart, silently mourning the green grassland above his brother's head.

After all, she still can't be so open-minded.

Xu Leng looked at Sister Hui and the man with a big **** in her heart.

"Why him?"

Zhe Lin Mengya still didn't hold back, and her tone was a little rude.

Didn't Sister Hui Hui and her brothers experience life and death and are committed to each other?

How could it disappear because of such a man?

Also, how can this dry skinny monkey compare with the handsome and handsome young man in her family?

Even if Sister Hui Hui wants to change her heart, she won't get worse.

Now, she looked cold at the skinny monkey's eyes.

I must be this product, and coaxed Sister Hui with rhetoric.

Alas, scum in danger!

But she didn't expect that Sister Hui had tears in her smile and looked at the skinny monkey affectionately.

他 "He is my life, it is my possession. For him, I am willing to leave everything behind."

The skinny monkey also wanted to grab Sister Hui's little hand. Unfortunately, the sight of the two girls across was too cold. He had no doubt. As long as he dared to do it, the long sword that had just crossed his neck would cut it over .

He could only respond with emotions: "Me too, unswervingly, this life is the only one."

"Nan Sheng, me"

The tears that I just stopped collapsed again, and Shangguanhui called with emotion.

But Lin Mengya and Bai Su next to each other had a strange thought in their hearts.

If they didn't hear it wrong, Sister Hui did call "Nan Sheng" right?

They glanced at each other subconsciously, and from each other's eyes, they saw the same question.

Could it be that Sister Hui had found a lover with the same name as her brother?

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes when she looked at the skinny monkey who was obviously not a good person.

It seems weird.

I changed my mind, Lin Mengya turned to smile at the thin monkey.

"Since it's Miss Yue's lover, then we should be blessed. But I don't know, who is this" Mr. Nan Sheng "?"

Seeing her change of attitude, Shangguanhui was also a little happy. After looking at the man reluctantly, she introduced her with embarrassment: "Nan Sheng made a great effort to turn the door of the family, and I also turned back and forth a thousand times. . "

He smiled and froze in the corner of his mouth.

Lin Lin Mengya is very eager to open up Sister Hui's eyelids and let her take a good look at the thin monkey in front of her.

"When were you blind? No, I mean, when were you together? Why haven't you even heard from your wife before?"

Sister Hui Hui lowered her head even more shyly, but in her tone, she was sweet like a girl.

"We met in my hometown. I am a righteous daughter adopted by his wife, so the wife does not know about it. However, your lady should know. She and Nan Sheng are brothers and sisters. Thanks to her help to be with Nan Sheng. "

Now she can determine one thing.

If Hui sister is not crazy, then this thin monkey has a problem.

Since I was sure that it was not the sister-in-law who climbed the wall, things became much easier to handle.

For those who dare to make a fool of her in front of her and try to abduct her sister-in-law, naturally she will not give the other side a way of life.

It's just that this thing is too weird.

She made a moving look on her face, but secretly, she clicked Bai Su's hand.

This is their previous secret sign. Bai Su stepped back without leaving any traces, but the purpose was to observe whether there was any ambush behind the other side.

Here, Lin Mengya held Sister Hui's hand and asked in disguise.

"If so, then the two of you can be regarded as agreeable. I think the wife is not unreasonable. Moreover, the wife also has the grace of adopting Miss Yue. If you leave without saying goodbye, I am afraid that it will hurt the wife."

This kind of elopement must not have been brought up by Sister Hui.

Sure enough, just after she finished speaking, Sister Hui lowered her head and looked very guilty.

I felt that the skinny monkey couldn't wait, forcibly suppressed his eagerness, said falsely.

"Yueer is naturally not the kind of ungrateful person, but we still have other things, and now this is also unreasonable. In the future, we will personally come to the door and apologize. Yueer, let's go."

I was so anxious to leave, there was no ghost without conspiracy.

Lin Lin Mengya grabbed Sister Hui's wrist in a hurry. Her expression on her face did not change, she was still gentle and kind, and she could not see the slightest discomfort.

"Even if there is an urgent matter, the city gate is closed now. Even if you want to leave the city, you will have to go out tomorrow morning. If so, I will arrange for you to stay overnight at the inn. If there is an urgent matter, it will be tomorrow. Liang, I'll just ask someone to send you out of the city? And, I think I still have to talk to my wife about this matter. Madam hurts you so much. I'm afraid you will disappear suddenly. Madam will be in a hurry. "

Lin Lin Mengya has long grasped the softness of Sister Hui.

The reason why she is willing to agree to elopement is actually because she has just seen someone she is longing for, and she can't take care of anything as soon as her mind is hot.

I was reminded by Su Mei so now that I felt that my behavior was a bit wrong.

Lin Lin Mengya saw that there was a hesitant look on Sister Hui's face, and she knew that she had touched each other.

At the moment, without showing any emotion, he pulled the person to his side, and then smiled and said to the skinny monkey.

"What do you think of" Nan Sheng "?"

瘦 Originally, the thin monkey was in a hurry to lead people away, but didn't want to see such two people in the sky.

He thought he was broken down, but didn't want this woman to be too stupid, so he helped him out.

He looked at the attitude of the two women and knew that they believed, so he felt relieved.

这 "This is not good."

It was difficult for him to act, but Lin Mengya did not give him a chance to refuse.

"Our family still has a few shops in the city. The boy and the boat have been toiling, and they have just reunited with Miss Yue. They must be in need of a rest, so let's stay overnight."

Xu Yi heard that the woman was quite wealthy, and the eyes of the thin monkey suddenly brightened.

At this time he could take care of a small number of opponents.

I saw the two women. Although they looked less beautiful, they did not look like ordinary people.

At the moment, he became greedy.

Licking her smiley face, she pretended to say, "So, don't you bother the girl."

"No trouble."

A glimmer of light shone across her eyes.

I only exchanged for his cheap life.

In the middle of the night, it is not appropriate to alarm too many people. Lin Mengya thought about it and arranged the thin monkeys in a fairly high-end inn.

The shopkeeper of the inn is the person of the palace.

And no one knows the relationship between the treasurer and the palace family, only if he is an ordinary treasurer.

Lin Lin Mengya was so coquettish that Sister Hui promised to go home with her tonight.

There are so many things, she has to ask herself clearly.

Outside the inn, Lin Mengya watched Bai Su who had arranged everything well, and said lightly.

"Let the shopkeeper show me the person, but do n’t stop him from doing whatever he goes."

Bai Su nodded and arranged for someone to do it.

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and looked at the candle light on the second floor alone, eliciting a cool smile.

Hiding in the shadows, she blurred the fake skin that hides her true face.

Yan's sole eyes flashed with a dazzling lilac light.

It is like a poisonous flower buried deep in the ground.

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