About half an hour later, Lin Mengya, who had had breakfast, slowly took Bai Su slowly and returned to Dongyuan.

After pinching her ears against the door and making sure there wasn't much movement in it, she pinched her eyebrows hard, pretending to be agitated, and pushed open the door.

At this time, Mrs. Lian was holding Sister Hui in her arms, and patted Sister Hui's back gently.

When the mother and daughter saw her, they separated immediately.

Zhe Lin Mengya walked to the bed and squatted on the ground, showing a poor and uneasy expression.

"Miss Yue, the person who told this to my wife is me. If you want to blame, blame me."

I originally had some small complaints from Shangguanhui.

I always felt that it was she who betrayed herself that made her mother so sad.

I didn't want to see this careful little face, like a little dog who admits to being wrong. Now, that little bit of regret in my heart disappeared.

Gently squeezed her nose, Shangguanhui said helplessly: "Like the owner of your house, you know to make me pitiful. Well, I know you are doing it for me. In fact, it is still my fault, if I told my mother long ago that it wouldn't cause everyone to be troubled. "

After a deep sleep, her head was awake a lot.

I was also surprised last night. She was content with how she had to go high-flying with Nan Sheng, and she even forgot the grace of his wife.

Especially when she woke up, the first thing she saw was when her mother cried red and swollen eyes. The guilt in her heart almost devoured her.

怎么 How can she leave so irresponsibly?

When she was about to admit her mistake, Mrs. Lian brought her a burden.

Not only is it full of clothes and silver tickets, there are even many snacks she likes.

I heard the wife choking and instructed herself. When the weather was cold, I needed to change clothes, and the money was not enough. I would send someone home to take it at any time. When we must not be wronged on the road, she cried.

She didn't know until now how ridiculous she was yesterday.

What the **** is it that made her do such a sad thing for his wife?

The mother and daughter talked and cried.

By the time Lin Mengya came, the two were already crying almost.

"Okay, you are all good children. Yueer, I heard Xiaomei say. Your sweetheart is a good boy. If you really want to leave, let Lianxing go to send you a ride "I haven't been very peaceful outside recently, I'm afraid you two will lose money on the road."

There was a gleam of light in Mrs. Lin Lian's eyes.

知道 She knew that the more she said that, the more reluctant she was to leave.

Sure enough, Lian Yue lowered her head and said very embarrassed, "No need, in fact Nan Sheng said that he just wanted to take me to see his father. You are right, so messy outside, we should take his father Come back. "

Lin Lin Mengya blinked blindly at Mrs. Lian, who gave her a reassuring look.

Ginger **** is still old and spicy, Lian Ling's move is to retreat, but it completely caught Hui Hui's heart.

I'm afraid that in the future, no matter what the thin monkey says, it will be greatly discounted.

Mrs. Lian didn't agree in a hurry, but hesitated and said, "We are very happy, but can your sweetheart's father like it? Child, if you marry out, it ’s their family. Everything has to be done for Your future plans. "

Speaking of Lianlian, Sister Hui said nothing more.

Rarely, she hugged Lianyi's arm and shook her coquettishly. "Uncle Lin certainly wouldn't care about these things. In fact, I think he should be coming."

Lin Gongya is Lin Mengya's thing. She also tried to check whether Hui sister told the liar last night.

Fortunately, the liar didn't come to listen to the news, but just let Hui sister follow him quickly, and the others didn't care.

By this point, Lin Mengya felt relieved.

觉得 She thinks that she should mention Sister Hui so as not to say anything.

"Miss Yue, I think the identity of their father and son is best kept secret. After all, it's an eventful season, and the owner can't stay away for a while."

Only Sister Hui understood her words.

The latter thought it made sense, and nodded slightly to her.

He was a bit of a doubt in his face, not knowing what kind of mystery they were playing.

"What does this have to do with Yaer?"

"It doesn't have much to do with the owner, but I am afraid that it will make my in-laws feel that we are not entertaining."

Zhe Lin Mengya immediately perfunctory the past, while Shang Guanhui's side frowned slightly.

Strange, Nan Sheng loves his sister so much. Now that you can find yourself, why bother to leave?

Doesn't he want to inquire about Yaer?

Such an idea flashed by, after the maids served the three men to clean up each one, then they were regarded as settled.

Gao Linmengya asked people to prepare a table of easily digestible meals. After giving everything in the house to Mrs. Lian, she took Bai Su quietly and went out to the inn last night.

They knocked on the back door and entered the yard. The shopkeeper didn't close his eyes overnight, and now they rummaged back and forth.

"Sir, that person hasn't left the room all night. However, he asked for a lot of good wine and food. I'm afraid it's a while and he's still sleeping."

I am drunk, it is a more effective way.

看着 She looked at the closed window, and there was a little coolness in her eyes.

"When he wakes up, you can serve as you please. Also, take this thing into his diet."

She took out a small porcelain bottle the size of her thumb, and the shopkeeper immediately took it, without even asking.

I presumably even the poison that sees the blood to seal the throat, the shopkeeper will do the same.

What's more, he wouldn't let it be here because of that liar.

处理 After processing here, Lin Mengya took Bai Su to Sitai College again.

Although Long Tianyu will definitely be ready for everything, she is still not assured that she has to watch it in person.

As soon as she arrived at the college, she was invited to Long Tianyu's yard.

But at this moment, the man didn't know what to do, and the man was not in the yard.

"Bai Su, go and see the teacher, can you help me?"

Zhe Lin Mengya does not know how to martial arts and should not come forward.

I can only wait until the great ancestors are transported out, but they can go back with the carriage together.

There are many people in the college today. Obviously, it is not a simple matter to hide these people's eyes.

The courtyard of Long Tianyu was relatively safe, and the students were in class when they came. No one saw them except Long Tianyu, so there was no need to worry about safety.

In the study, the scent of the man's body remained.

Zhe Lin Mengya was surrounded by this elegant and peaceful atmosphere, her heart could not help but relax.

放松 This relaxation doesn't matter. The tiredness who didn't sleep last night climbed up.

After yawning, she turned to the screen of the study.

有 There is a small bed there, which was originally used by Yu to take a nap.

I just had a lot of things these days, and this person directly slept in the study.

The familiar taste on the quilt made her more at ease.

I fell asleep after a little more time.

Before she could sleep, she heard a little medicine and issued an alarm.

"Master, someone is approaching outside!"

Zhe Lin Mengya did not open her eyes, but directly used the perspective function of the small medicine to "see" the situation outside clearly.

I saw a man, sneaking into the study.

The man is a real face, and his martial arts is extremely high.

Ji Rao was her keen hearing, and he could hardly hear his footsteps.

Xiao Xiaoyao immediately started the camouflage mode of the system. Soon, her breathing and heartbeat were quietly slowed down to an extremely quiet frequency.

只要 As long as she lay motionless behind the screen, people outside would definitely not find anyone else here.

Is it Long Tianyu's enemy and wants to be against him?

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help but keep an eye on the man, thinking in her heart, should you make a little movement for yourself so that the other party can find herself, and then lead people to escape or deal with it.

But soon, the man achieved his purpose.

He took out a small paper bag, and lightly touched the contents with his fingers, and carefully wiped it on the edge of Long Tianyu's cup.

The man's actions were extremely subtle, and he quietly put the cup back in place.

Even the orientation of the cup pattern is right, even if Long Tianyu is here, it is difficult to find, and his cup has been manipulated.

After I did all this, the man immediately fled.

Almost at the same time, several other footsteps sounded in the yard.

Obviously, it was the chase.

"Master, the enemy has left!"

Xiaoyao is like a loyal little guardian, he won't neglect even the slightest bit.

The system immediately lifted the camouflage function, and Lin Mengya took a deep breath.

以后 "In the future, you can't evolve this camouflage function to be more comprehensive?"

Lin Lin Mengya really took it.

After the drug awakened, many hidden functions in the system were awakened.

She wanted to try it one by one with great interest, but only to find out in the end that hesitation system has not yet evolved completely, resulting in many functions that are completely chicken ribs.

For example, this camouflage function that almost made her strangle.

这个 "This, Xiaoyao doesn't know, but I will work hard!"

胖 The fat doll in the system sold Meng, Lin Mengya really didn't see it, she could only choose to open her eyes to deal with things.

She went to the desk, picked up the cup that had been wiped, looked carefully, and sniffed again.

Has no taste and its color is almost colorless. If you don't observe it carefully, you won't find it.

小 "Small medicine, can you test it?"

In the system, the small medicine flickered with big eyes, and Bai Nennen's brows frowned.

主人 "Master, this thing is not like medicine or poison. Sorry, Xiaoyao doesn't know what it is yet."

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