Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1710: Family reunion

Lin Mengya felt even more cautious of things that even small medicines couldn't detect.

But she is more curious that the other party must be at Long Tianyu.

But why not a poison?

When she was wondering, the door was pushed open.

He turned around and saw his man, looking at himself with a gentle smile.

"Come back, how is it going?"

Lin Lin Mengya greeted her and asked softly.

"Everything is properly set up. The teacher and great-grandmother are now in the car. After finishing packing, they can start the journey."

Xun Long Tianyu knew that she was worried about her family, but she couldn't help showing a smirk after watching her cup in her hands.

"Why are people here to see people thinking about things?"

Slender fingers gently brushed her delicate red lips, and when looking at a kiss was about to be printed, she was pushed away by Lin Mengya, who finally reacted.

"I'm not so boring. Someone sneaked in just now and gave you some medicine."

Lin Lin Mengya was very angry and funny, and this person, every day, didn't know what was stuffed.

Xiao Long Tianyu heard the words, his face was cold.

He just thinks that Fang Cai Ya'er is still in the room. What if that guy found Ya'er?

"What happened just now?"

He held the person in his arms, and after confirming that Lin Mengya was safe and sound, he then asked.

Lin Lin Mengya also said things carefully, at the end, he carefully held the cup in front of his eyes.

"It's weird. The things in this cup don't look like ordinary poisons. Even I haven't seen them. It's weird."

For a moment, Long Tianyu's eyes and pupils tightened slightly. He tore off a piece of clothing, and put the cup on the table by Lin Mengya's hand, and then wiped her fingers clean.

既 "Even so, be careful."

"I know, rest assured, this thing should not work for me. How can it be easily broken into by a thief in your yard?"

Although Xiaoyao was unable to determine the ingredients and efficacy of this thing, one thing is certain, this thing should be harmless to her body, otherwise the small medicine will definitely give an alarm.

I was just curious about Lin Mengya, Long Tianyu was a cautious person.

If he reveals a flaw, it must be intentional.

After all, this man is doing things, but he is a little crazy, and he is innumerable in terms of risk.

But this time, it should be an accident.

Because Long Tianyu will never, let himself be in danger.

This is the tacit understanding between them, and absolute trust in each other.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also felt that the situation was very strange, and the guards he arranged would definitely not allow such things to happen.


"You go back first."

Chen Long Tianyu touched her forehead with her lips and said softly.

Obviously, Long Tianyu has realized that there is something wrong with the people around him.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, some secretly worried.

Yu changed her identity this time. In addition to Xue Hua, the only two shadow guards who followed him were confidants.

Other people don't know much.

Did someone know his identity, so he wanted to fight him?

I was worried and worried, but Lin Mengya chose to believe him.

This little thing is nothing to Yu.

But this does not mean that she will let go of anyone who wants to do something with Yu.

"I'll wait for you at home."

Lin Lin Mengya hugged him and turned to leave.

Outside the courtyard, Bai Su was already waiting for her.

She secretly kept in mind that although the shadow guards could not be seen, these people could not escape the radar of the system.

She gave an order to Xiao Yao, and as soon as there was that mysterious medicine, she immediately warned.

But the other party was too cautious, there was really no trace.

Outside the back door of the college, several humble pony carts were parked.

She inspected them one by one, and then on the last one, she found the teacher who was giving needle to Zengzu.

"Come on up."

Teacher Wu smiled and beckoned at her, and when her illness was healed, she seemed a little weak great ancestor, and looked lovingly at her great-granddaughter.

I saw her relatives safe and sound, and the boulder in her heart was suddenly relieved a lot.

The last carriage also slowly left the college.

Along the way, everyone didn't talk, but Zengzu always held her hand tightly.

The old man's hand, with the vicissitudes of years.

She is such a pair of hands. For decades after her great-grandmother left and her grandmother disappeared, she protected the people and kept on waiting until the day when she returned.

Zeng Zengzu always said that she was the lucky star of the palace family, but in fact, he was the real benefactor of the palace family.

Without him, when she returns, the house of the palace may have been ruined.

Therefore, she can't forgive those who started against her great ancestor.

The palace palace can **** the palace family's wealth and power, but it should not. This old man who only thinks about how to save the entire palace family will do it.

Flexible and fair hands, strong back to grip the great hand of the great ancestor.

That is the promise of her great ancestor, she will always protect the palace family, let the palace family continue to flourish and flourish.

In a silent and solemn atmosphere, the carriage directly entered the inner courtyard of the palace from the back door.

Outside the carriage, there were many people of the clan family.

The sight of each one of them is full of warm expectations.

The carriage stopped slowly, and the people looked at each other, and the figures walking down from the carriage gradually became red.

Until the last carriage stopped, Lin Mengya personally helped the great ancestor out of the carriage.

"Once, ancestor!"

"Several young masters are awake, too, great!"

"Masters, ancestors, welcome home!"

The tribe standing here are the true supporters of the palace.

Under the oppression of Gong Tu and Lin Mengwu, they have not become the running dogs of power and wealth.

Even though they were treated the most unfairly, they still gritted their teeth and stood upright.

The backbone of the Kunimiya family is hard, but they can temporarily lower their heads for long-term planning.

Only when you can bend and stretch can you achieve great things.

This is what their homeowners told them. The temporary loss is not shameful. As long as this life is retained, there will always be a day when clouds and fog clear.

I'm fine, they waited.

Gong Palace, finally it's time to see the sun again!

He shed tears and became a witness of joy.

My old ancestor was very complicated when he looked at the excited people below.

"Everyone has been wronged. It's my old man who doesn't know anyone. If you want to blame, blame me."

不 "No! No wonder you are in this matter, it's the lack of greed in the sidelines that caused this kind of trouble."

"Yes, if there is no Mr. Su Mei, I'm afraid we will all be harmed by the sidelines. Now that the ancestors are sober, the revival palace family is just around the corner!"

For this matter, Gong Qianfeng's heart was actually full of guilt.

He couldn't reuse it, but he had to restrain it well. Yaer reminded him more than once.

In the end, he was fascinated by the so-called family harmony.

Repeated concessions only allowed those thieves to take advantage.

But what he didn't expect was that not only did Yaer not blame him, even these suffering people came to comfort him.

For a while, many mixed feelings, many words stuck in the throat, but I did not know what to say.

Lin Lin Mengya secretly pinched Zengzu's arm, begging him not to get too excited.

"You, my ancestors and a few young masters have just woke up, and now they are still weak and not suitable for emotional fluctuations. I see, let them go back to rest first, and there will be other big guys busy in the future."

Her words, now very useful in the palace.

After seeing the ancestors and several young masters safe and sound, the pressure in their hearts suddenly eased a lot.

Everyone urged them to take care of their bodies, and then left reluctantly.

Lin Mengya also welcomed her great ancestors and brothers into the hall.

Brother Sisi already waited here, and was excited to see his brothers.

The brothers and sisters patted each other's shoulders, everything was silent.

曾 "Zengzu, several brothers, I want to introduce you to two people."

She clapped her hands, and two people walked in outside, just Ning Liang and Gong Ping.

As soon as the two of them came, they knelt down to greet their great ancestors.

"This name is Ning Liang, who will be our housekeeper in the future. Except for the housekeeper's things, all our family's business needs to pass through his hands."

Zeng Zeng nodded his brothers and looked at Ning Liang's eyes. In addition to examining, he had a little more trust.

After all, this is the one the little girl personally chose.

Since it was chosen by the younger sister, it is tantamount to them.

It's just that this person is competent. They have to see it in person to be convinced.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled again and helped another.

Xia Gongping felt that his skin was feverish, and he was afraid to look up.

After all, in front of his ancestors and a few young masters, he was too small and incompetent.

"Where is this one, but the future housekeeper of our family. Now, I am apprentice under the housekeeper of Ningda. For this young apprentice, housekeeper Ningda can't praise it."


Hagi Gong's face blushed like an apple.

He said that Zengzu and a few brothers nodded.

Xi Gongping grew up watching them, this child is indeed a good material.

"Well, Gong Ping, now that Yaer appreciates you, you will learn it well in the future."

Zeng Zengzu said with a smile. He could see the growth of the juniors, and he was naturally happy to see him.

是 "Yes, Gong Ping must do his best to help the lady manage the house!"

No matter how stable the teenager is in front of outsiders, now he hastily expressed his mind.

A few people saw him in this way, and their mood followed a lot.

After the introduction, Lin Mengya knew that Zengzu and her brothers must ask if they had a stomach, so let people go first.

At this time, there is only their family here.

I looked at him a lot, but my eyes seemed to have deposited a lot of brothers, Lin Mengya felt a lot of emotion.

"Sister, I'm sorry."

I didn't expect to apologize first, but it was the older brother.

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