Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1716: Bizarre scene

"The ancestors would not laugh at me."

Lin Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed and turned her head to look at the beauty of lights again.

Because they had been walking in the dark before, after lighting these lights, the focus has been focused on the beautiful pictures of lights, so some details have been ignored.

"Yu, how can this stone wall feel a bit unusual?"

I don't know if it's her illusion or because of candlelight.

The stone wall buried deep in the ground for many years was not cold to the touch.

Chen Long Tianyu also put his palm on the stone wall, and then raised an eyebrow.

After a tacit glance at each other, the two touched them a few times.

The results prove that the stone wall has some temperature even when it is far away from the lights.

This is strange, how could this be?

"Is this stone wall the key to the chosen place you said?"

Chen Long Tianyu looked up and looked above the stone wall, asking thoughtfully.

Lin Lin Mengya also felt a little weird, after all, she hadn't thought of it before, there would be such a stone wall here.

She looked around, especially after seeing the gold spoon and the gold bucket, she couldn't help whispering.

In general, since there are portraits of ancestors and the like, future generations will often come to worship.

But why bother to get a picture like this with candlelight if it is here?

She looked at these candlelights and was lost in thought.

"We have also delayed a lot of time today, so let's go up first and come again later."

Nine Dragons Tianyu always has some shadows about the system that has just been affected.

两个 After two people couldn't think of anything, they had to propose to leave here first.

Lin Lin Mengya also feels reasonable, but she and Long Tianyu both patiently filled the oil lamps with pictures of beauties filled with lamp oil.

灯 This lamp oil is not an ordinary thing. Such a lamp, I am afraid that it can support them next time.

Qi Lin Mengya worshipped her ancestors sincerely, and then she was going to leave with Long Tianyu.

Who knows that they have just reached the dark border, and she inadvertently looks back, but sees the portrait made of the lights, which seems to be brighter.

"Wait a minute!"

She exclaimed, Long Tianyu subconsciously pulled the person into her arms, and watched alertly.

I didn't want to, there was a more obvious change on the beauty map.

I saw the beauty picture originally composed of candlelight, but at this moment it became more bright and eye-catching.

两个 The two of them stood in place and looked at the beautiful picture in surprise, becoming lifelike.

In addition to the dark stone walls around, the place illuminated by candlelight gradually became white and transparent.

It looks like a huge jade sculpture, shining in the light.

"How is this going?"

Lin Mengya was stupid.

She has never seen such a scene, and just wanted to go in to check the situation, but was pulled by her.

"You stand here and wait for me, I'll go and see first."

This vision made Long Tianyu alert.

谨慎 He moved cautiously and slowly, approaching that beauty picture, but suddenly changed his face.

how come

"how about it?"

Not far away, Lin Mengya asked a little worried.

Xiao Long Tianyu immediately packed her expression, but fortunately, she turned her back on her and was not found.

She nodded toward the other side, signaled that she could come over.

Zhe Lin Mengya walked over, but was stunned after seeing the beauty picture.

"Is this amazing?"

I really didn't see that she hadn't seen anything before, and the scene in front of her was the only thing she had seen in her life.

I saw that on the stone wall that was just like a rock just now, the picture of the beauty turned into a white jade statue.

And it is not protruding, but it seems to be inlaid in the stone wall.

She couldn't help but reach out and touch it gently, smooth without any seams, then it shows that it is likely that it is not inlay, but directly grown inside!

怎么 How is this possible?

"It's amazing, but I'm even more curious about how this is done."

Two people looked up and looked at the portrait of Bai Yumei in front of them.

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and watched carefully.

Then, he suddenly took the golden spoon and extinguished several lamps in front of her.

Chen Long Tianyu didn't know what she was going to do, so she had to follow her.

It didn't take long for the stone wall that had been extinguished with lights to turn black again.

It turned out to be temperature!

"Look, the upper part, because we are back lit, so there is no clarity below. It seems that this light should be used for this purpose."

Lin Lin Mengya admired the ingenuity of the man who made this statue.

The ocher wall may be a special kind of stone, which will become white jade if it is continuously roasted with oil lamps.

So, using these oil lamps to make a beauty picture, you can make a shadow like a jade carving appear inside.

Zhe Lin Mengya ignited the oil lamp again. Looking at the jade carving became clearer and clearer, her heart became more and more certain. This thing definitely has more than just such a little effect.

"Ya'er, this thing is really the key."

She turned her head and looked at Long Tianyu.

The latter seemed to have made a decision and untied his belt.

Zhe Lin Mengya grabbed his hand and said a little embarrassedly, "Oh, look at you, what kind of system is undressed in front of the ancestors. We will go up later and say," Be good, don't wave. "

Long Tianyu was still serious, but at the moment she reluctantly slaps her little hand for making troubles.

"Say what, I'm showing you this thing."

Lin Lin Mengya certainly knows that Long Tianyu is not such a Meng Lang person. After releasing his hand with a smile, he looked at her man and tore the cloth outside the belt to reveal the white jade belt inside.

白 This white jade belt is very simple, just string some pieces of white jade together.

"what is this?"

"Do you remember those encounters when the two of us were together in the ghost market before?"

Chen Long Tianyu did not answer her question directly, but mentioned their previous experience.

Lin Lin Mengya naturally remembers that those crickets are controlled by medicine, which is really difficult to get rid of.

Hey, didn't they run away with their master?

"Actually, I killed them all. Those puppets were made from the secret medicine of the fairy city. The ordinary swords are useless to them. Only this thing is their nemesis. "

Xu Wenyan said that Lin Mengya could not help raising her eyebrows.

I took the jade belt from Long Tianyu's hand, don't look like it is jade, but when I hold it, there is no luster of jade, just like a slightly smoother piece of stone.

She looked at the white jade belt, then glanced suspiciously at the white jade statue.

"Do you think this thing is the same as Shibi?"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded. Until now, he was a little hard to believe.

"If it wasn't for you to discover that the stone wall would change only when it came into contact with the candlelight, then I wouldn't think of it here. The person who gave it to me said that this jade belt must not leave for a while. Keep it close to your body. I used to be afraid of your discomfort. I put it on my lower back. Now when I want to come, when he gave it to me, it was a string of black stones. "

Hey this guy, it's quite hidden.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that he had more secrets, but did not care about what he said now.

"Is this thing really easy to use?"

She looked over and over again, she could not imagine that such a thing existed in the world.

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, but looked a little sorry.

只 "Unfortunately, the less this thing is used, the less effective it is. This one is not as effective as it used to be. Listen to that person, this thing will be completely invalid after two years."

"So what's that, there are so many here. By then, would you just move out a little bit more?"

Lin Mengya felt that this was not a big deal at all.

The look of Chen Longyu also eased a lot.

If they hadn't found it today, I'm afraid that after the jade belt expires, it will be a real big trouble.

既然 "Since this thing is the nemesis of the people in Xiancheng, if we cut out the things here and make them weapons, wouldn't it be easier to deal with the people in Xiancheng?"

She was a little excited, she felt that she had finally found a weapon against them.

Ke Ke Long Tianyu shook his head gently.

"Hold my sword and cut a stone wall."

After saying so, she pulled out her sword and gave it to her.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that the sword was sharp and iron-sharp.

Holding the hilt of the sword tightly, she chopped it down vigorously.

He only heard a "ding", and the part where the sword touched the stone wall emerged from Mars, but it didn't fall down at all.

Rin was her tiger's mouth, and was numb by shock.

"It's too hard!"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the sword blade, but fortunately, she was not cut by the blade.

Jiu Long Tianyu immediately threw the sword and took her hand and rubbed it carefully.

是 "Yeah, this thing is extremely hard. Do you know what tools you have to use to dig?"

She shook her head.

Long Tianyu looked at her with distress, and then slowly said, "Although the texture of this thing is extremely hard, if you want to dig, you must use gold as a tool for digging, and the amount of gold is huge. It may not be possible to excavate a pound. If you want to cast it into a weapon, it must also be made of gold. "

Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed.

哪里 Where is the excavation of the stone wall? It is obviously burning gold! Yes, she is rich, but she can't afford such loss.

"Also, I just heard people say how to excavate and how to implement it. I have to ask it carefully. It must be kept secret here, so think twice."

After listening to Long Tianyu's words, Lin Mengya immediately dispelled this thought.

Not to mention the sheer amount of weapons used to cast the weapon, even if she was afraid that all the gold of the palace family would be offered.

Even if she is willing, but making such a big noise, it is bound to cause the idea of ​​Xiancheng.

I'm afraid, things will change because of this.

In this case, the gain is more than worth it.

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