Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1717: The Golden Family's Puzzle

Alas, her discovery tonight was very inspiring.

Although she cannot excavate on a large scale, if used properly, she can still produce an unexpected effect.

At least, they also have killer 锏.

The mood is a lot easier than when he came, and Long Tianyu, by the way, found the traces he had excavated before.

After he is sure that the method can be excavated, he can try to get a part first.

Xun Long Tianyu was afraid of her fatigue and insisted on carrying her out of the hole.

I waited until the two of them closed the door, and when it was outside the house, the sky was white.

"Tired, I'll send you back to rest first."

Crouching on his back, Lin Mengya rubbed his back gently with his face.

"I'm not tired, but will you lie with me for a while, shall you?"

The soft and soft request made Ben Long unable to refuse her, and her heart wanted to spoil her even more.

Two people walked to Dongyuan in a generous manner, and Bai Su, who had been waiting all night, quickly opened the door after hearing the movement.

"His Royal Highness, Lord."

Zhe Lin Mengya waved his hand at Bai Su, and said sorry: "I'm fine, let you wait for me all night, OK, go back and rest."

Bai Su nodded slightly, closed the door, and also entered her own room.

I lay in bed, Long Tianyu gently wiped her face, hands and feet.

She then took off her coat and hugged her to sleep.

Lin Mengya, relieved of her stress, slept in a familiar and warm embrace.

When she awoke again, Long Tianyu was still there.

I could not help but reach out and hugged each other tightly.

"Are you sleeping? Are you hungry?"

Scratching his head, he came without any inquisitive questions.

She flinched into his arms comfortably again, narrowing her eyes like a snoring kitten.

"Hungry, why haven't you left yet, aren't you afraid of being caught by my brothers?"

She was just joking, where she was willing to let him go, but before that their relationship had not been open for various reasons.

And Long Tianyu was also out of respect for her family, and most of them were sneaky.

无 "Anyway, they came here anyway. I told them that you were too tired last night, so you slept late."


Hey, wait, isn't it right?

"Have you seen them? God, didn't you fight?"

Xi crawled up, Lin Mengya widened her eyes and looked at Long Tianyu who smiled quite deeply.

The latter immediately rubbed his back along the spine, as if comforting a fluffy kitten.

"It's nothing, your brothers are very well-cultivated. They are afraid of making noise, so they just told me to take good care of you and left."

Xiaolong Tianyu automatically ignored the brothers of the palace family, and when he saw him stepping out of their little girl's house, he could not wait to stab his angry eyes.

Alas, afraid of making her real.

He was just threatened by the brothers of the palace family for a round before he left.

He also said that Gong Er and Gong Wu also fisted to express his willingness to compete with him.

These are all things between their men. It ’s better not to tell Yaer, lest she worry.

Since he was married to his younger sister and snatched their treasure, it was right for him to fight.

What's more, he didn't think he would lose.

Here, Lin Mengya didn't believe it at all.

But before she did hear nothing, she had to believe what he said for the time being.

"I will explain this to the great ancestors well. I have told them before that Ning Er is my biological son. I had to hide them before and had to do so. I hope they will forgive me.

Xun Long Tianyu took the person into her arms and kissed her forehead.

别 "Don't worry, if they blame you, everything will be with me."

"The great ancestors wouldn't do it, you, be careful."

Lin Lin Mengya poked at his chest, this man is obviously intentional.

But this is also good, so that she always feels sorry for her great ancestors.

What should come, it will come eventually.

Lin Mengya thinking clearly, calmly refreshed.

Bai Su, who had risen long ago, has made people ready to eat light and easy to digest.

After warming up the empty stomach for a night, Lin Mengya drank tea with Long Tianyu.

对 "Yes, do you know the person who prescribed the medicine before?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't seem to care about this problem, but the coldness in his eyes couldn't fool people.

"Well, there are results. The Jin family responded quickly and pushed the guard they bought directly. I pushed the boat down the water and broke their minions."

I didn't expect it to be the Jin family again.

However, she cares more about Long Tianyu's tolerance for the Jin family.

"Shouldn't you, really like the daughter of the Jin family?"

She was sour inside and out.

I glanced at the guy, dared to climb the wall, and broke his leg!

Nine Dragons Tianyu was extremely speechless, and gently nodded her forehead.

"Except for you, where can I tolerate others. But that jade belt was given to me by the Jin family. Also, other stone jade that has been dug out is in the hands of the Jin family. Otherwise, you think I Can you tolerate them? "

Xun Shiyu is Long Tianyu's name for that thing.

Only then did Lin Mengya understand why with Yu Yu's personality, she had to endure several times.

"I'm not afraid of this, the things in their hands were flowed out as early as fifty years ago. Let them be proud first, and they will look good sooner or later."

Chen Longtianyu thinks the same way, and what he wants to protect more is his lover.

The Jin family can just become the protection of Yaer.

"Well, the Jin family is afraid that there is still a method for extracting stone jade. I will find a way to come over, don't be afraid, nothing will happen. I will be careful about everything and this will never happen again."

Nine Dragons Tianyu squeezed her hand and whispered comfort.

After two more words, Long Tianyu temporarily left to deal with Jin's affairs.

But the two have already agreed, since it is open, there is no need to cover up.

Nine Dragons Tianyu will officially move to Dongyuan to live. As for the great ancestors and their brothers, they went together to get the consent of the family.

Long Tianyu was unwilling to say that this was the responsibility of the man, and he had to personally seek the consent of her family.

But Lin Mengya knows the personalities of her brothers and great ancestors. When she goes, as long as she is cute or crying, they will definitely not stand it.

昱 But if Yu goes, I'm afraid it's going to be tossing around.

In the end, Long Tianyu only stepped back together, the rest, no need to worry about her.

But before that, she has more important things to do.

Teacher Yun came with Zengzu and lives in Xiyuan now.

As for her teacher, the palace family is regarded as a guest.

His grandfather gave a speech in person, and the teacher would be like the master of the palace, and he must serve sincerely.

Also, the teacher thought it was good here, and the sons and daughters and grandchildren entered again, and they happily stayed to take care of themselves.

一 As soon as she entered the door, she saw that the teacher was grabbing a new prescription.

"Teacher, I want to ask you a favor."

Bali Rui immediately put down her hand, came forward, and grabbed her wrist.

"What's wrong? But is there anything wrong with your body?"

Lin Mengya let the teacher press her into the chair, and after careful examination, she said, "In a while, I may have some problems. If I pass out, don't worry, I will soon Wake up. But if it takes too long, you can stimulate my brother and their points to stimulate my acupuncture points. "

The reason why Bai Bairui was so anxious was because Miyaji had come here before, saying that she might have inhaled some medicine that they had planted before.

Fortunately, Ya'er's physique was so special that no abnormalities were found.

随后 But then, because of her words, he made him nervous.

"Does that medicine also affect you? Don't worry, I've taken all the medicine out, it won't make you lie in bed for so long like they do."

Lin Lin Mengya didn't explain too much, and after exhaling deeply, she closed her eyes.

What she has to do is reopen the link to the system.

Soon, the consciousness gave instructions to connect the brain, and the system responded instantly.

With the re-appearance of the system interface, the things that worried Lin Mengya did not reappear after all.

"the host!"

Wu Xiaoyao cheered and ran into her arms, Lin Mengya picked up the little guy and looked around.

I was still familiar with the system interface, and the feeling that almost gave her a headache did not appear.

Xiaoyao was lying on her shoulder, but she was actually a little worried.

After all, he has done many detailed inspections before, but he has never found the cause of the system out of control.

This is an extremely dangerous thing for the host and him.


Gao Linmengya called up the hidden control area of ​​the system.

她 She can't authorize Xiaoyao's functions here. Only her consciousness can operate it. Even Xiaoyao cannot detect it at all.

When she clicked on the "Settings" column, she suddenly found that there was a red icon in the "System Update" item.

She opened it immediately, then a dialog box popped up.

"This system can upgrade some functions. Do you choose to update now?"

Lin Mengya stunned between "yes" and "no". It's strange. In the past, this option was not available, and the system was automatically updated and upgraded.

But, will upgrading some functions be bad for the system?

She glanced at the small medicine in her arms and asked tentatively, "Small medicine, do you know what the consequences will be if the system is upgraded with some functions?"

Xiaoyao thought about it and said, "I used to judge the system update. Once the conditions for updating can be reached, I will choose to update immediately for the host to use the system more conveniently. As for some feature upgrades, sorry Master, little medicine can't do it now. "

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