Now that they have inquired, they should visit as soon as possible.

I ’m just afraid that it ’s too late today, and I ca n’t just rush over without any reason, right?

It's impolite to do so, and it also makes people doubt their motives.

She didn't want to let too many people know about Sister Hui's affairs, so that no one would make a nuisance from it and make a story about it.

Soon she came up with an idea.

盼 Gu Pan didn't say that Princess Xiao brought several daughters in order to find a wishful Langjun?

Nowadays, many sons and young ladies have come a lot. Although they move a lot during the day, after all, here is the land of the palace family.

I also happened to be because of the past, they did not have time to entertain these families.

I'd rather take the opportunity to hold a banquet in the garden and invite those men and women of the right age to come to the banquet, and each family will certainly not refuse.

And in this way, these husbands will certainly follow.

After all, female elders are always better at speaking than male elders.

If you feel right with anyone, it's better to ask your elders to take this matter to heart, it can be considered a lifelong matter.

More importantly, she must have asked Lien to do this.

In this way, Sister Hui must not be able to see that even 婶婶 is working alone, I'm afraid that I have to come to help, where can I spare time to deal with that rogue?

With such a good thing, she naturally had to step up.

After Xun Ning Liang went to tell Zeng Zu, Lin Mengya brought Bai Su to her home.

Ye Ke hadn't waited for him to enter the door before seeing Sister Hui, she was so shameful that she sent someone out.

She looked intently, the one who was reluctant to be with sister Hui, wasn't that the skinny monkey?

Now she sank a face.

As soon as I realized that the goods were actually in the eyes of Sister Hui, and actually took advantage of her brother's face to take advantage of her sister-in-law, she wanted to chop him into dumpling stuffing for the wild dogs.

Fortunately, next to Sister Hui, followed by a few capable maids, otherwise the goods might not be cheaper for Sister Hui.

收敛 A little condensed to her full chill, she smiled and greeted her.

"What a coincidence, is Sister Yue waiting for me here?"

巧 She cleverly smiled when she didn't see the skinny monkey.

After the previous incident, Sister Hui's attitude towards her also became a lot closer.

"You girl, aren't you too busy to have time to eat? Why are you free to come here?"

Xi Shangguanhui is now satisfied, and the only wish is to get Nan Sheng to take over his father and reunite the family as soon as possible.

But these days, Nan Sheng always said that it was inconvenient and still hoped that she could go with him.

Although her mother's attitude has always been very agreeable, she often can't bear to see her father and Lian Xing return early and return home late, and the mother has to take care of the affairs of the palace family at home.

Because of this, it was delayed again and again.

"I'm here, naturally there is something to ask my wife. It seems that Sister Yue is inconvenient. Then I will not bother, I will go to see my wife first."

She glanced at the skinny monkey. These days, the innkeeper will tell you nothing.

也 She also knew that this man was a rogue. Not only did she eat and drink in the inn, she even took credit from the counter.

But all this was done with her acquiescence.

Only by stabilizing this skinny monkey can we win more time.

"Hurry up, I'll be right there."

Xi Shangguanhui was worried about delaying her business and quickly sent the people away.

And there was a flash of light in the skinny monkey's eyes. He grabbed his eyes and smiled and asked: "This Miss Sumei, I have heard of her name. It seems that the palace family, It's really her head. "

Lin Mengya coaxed Shangguanhui and said that she was in danger now. If Lin Nansheng knew that her sister was Gong Ya and she was in danger, she would act impulsively.

So let Shang Guanhui consider it for the siblings. For the time being, don't say that Lin Mengya is the owner of the palace.

I heard "Nan Sheng" say this, and Shang Guanhui couldn't help but say with a guilty conscience: "Well, Xiaomei is really capable."

She didn't dare to mention the housekeeper of the palace, for she was afraid that "Nan Sheng" would also ask Yaer.

But where does she know that this person in front of her, even Lin Mengya is unknown.

Now, he is focusing on Su Mei who can control the power of the palace.

Yesterday he inquired that at least half of the entire non-Yecheng industry belongs to the palace family.

If I can get that woman in my hands, I'm afraid I won't worry about it forever.

He touched his chin, groaned in his heart, but it was the silver money he got from this errand.

I'm afraid that even a small part of the palace's property is missing.

Mind your heart, can not help but have some ideas.

"Oh, this is the case. I just don't know if she has a sweetheart. I think that such a weak woman can support this huge family business alone, and no one can help."

He said falsely, Shangguanhui smiled, and didn't notice anything wrong.

"Of course there is, Xiaomei and the college Mr. Su Yan, but a pair. I see, we will soon be able to drink her wedding."

I heard her say that the skinny monkey laughed and opened the flower.

I have something hidden in my heart, and I'm not as tight with Shangguanhui as before.

I just told her to persuade Mrs. Lian as soon as possible, and then go out to find her father and so on, and then hurried away.

I was surprised that Shangguanhui was standing at the door. After watching the man leave, he sighed and took the man back.

I didn't want to, and just walked to the backyard and saw Su Mei with a smile on her face.

Xu Shangguanhui asked with a little surprise: "Why didn't you go to see your mother, or did you finish?"

"I heard the lady's waitress say that the lady is taking a nap. Where can I disturb, I have to wait here first."

Siesta is true, but Lin Mengya wants to hear what the skinny monkey is talking to Hui sister.

Fortunately, she didn't even consider her an outsider when she went up and down the house.

So the cat went overhearing in a humble corner just now, and no one doubted anything.

I just heard that the skinny monkey was asking her.

With Lin Mengya's intelligence, how could she not guess the idea of ​​the skinny monkey.

I really have a way in heaven, you do n’t go, **** dreams come in.

I pretended to be her brother and lied to her, and now I still want to touch her family business.

The reason for this death is that even if he has nine lives, he cannot save him.

对 "Yes, my mother did say she was going to take a nap. I ca n’t wait for you here. If there's anything urgent, tell me first, and when my mother wakes up, I'll tell you."

Looking at Sister Hui, who was as sympathetic as ever, she just felt that no matter what she did, it was worth it.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, and immediately told the sister about the banquet.

The latter kept nodding, listening very carefully.

I waited until everything was clear. Lin Mengya's words turned sharp, but her tone seemed to be commonplace.

"Sister Yue and Lin haven't seen each other for a long time, have they? It's just this little one, does it really win the wedding?"

She Shangguan Hui blushed and tried to hit her.

In the end, she just squeezed her face gently.

"I have known him for many years. Later, I experienced many storms. Naturally, it is he who understands me, and I understand him."

Despite Sister Hui saying this, Ke Lin Mengya heard the hesitation in Sister Hui's words.

She remained calm and kept asking.

"It's so rare to have such a heart. The most rare thing is that Lin Gongzi is unwilling to change your mind. It is said that people's hearts are changeable. I think that only an infatuated species like Lin Gongzi will treat you like you. It hasn't changed at all. "

She intentionally hinted at Hui sister.

Sister Wu Hui is a clever person. Even if she can be blinded by madness for a while, she may not be suspicious for a long time.

I just don't want to take the liberty to tell the secrets of madness. After all, it is difficult for a person to overthrow what she sees with her own eyes.

What's more, thinking about this medicine, the deeper the feeling, the stronger the medicine.

Why else would Sister Hui mistakenly treat others as her sweetheart in a sober state?

Xi Shangguanhui was smiling, but when I think of all these things, my smile is less.

She was hesitant and just didn't know how to say it.

When Lin Mengya saw this, she immediately took her hand and said, "It seems that Sister Yue is shy? Also, a rare man like Lin Gongzi naturally wants to be optimistic. But sister Sue may be too protective. Are you unwilling to say it? "

She deliberately spoiled her, and Shang Guanhui also made her embarrassed to make fun of it, and quickly nodded his forehead.

"You girl, you obviously have a sweetheart, don't you know what it feels like?"

When she saw Sister Hui intentionally speaking, she pretended to be distressed and caused a topic.

"Speaking of which, I do n’t have such good luck as my sister. When Su Yan first met, she was so tender and caring to me. However, it is easy to change things, and I always think that he is a little different from before. Now. Sometimes, I even feel like he changed his personality. "

Lin Lin Mengya said while staring at the expression of Sister Hui.

The latter's brow also touched quietly, and seemed to be aroused by her some troubles.

"Actually, people will change. Recently, I also feel that Nan Sheng seems to be a little different from before."

I watched Sister Hui hook up, and she continued.

"No, I don't think people like Lin Gongzi have a bright and clear mind. How can they change their affection for you?"

In the eyes of Shang Shanghui, there was a moment of confusion.

It's true that Lin Nansheng she fell in love with is the fresh and angry horse general and the righteous young general.

But now

"Probably, it will become different from before. After all, a lot of things happened before, it will inevitably make people change."

"However, if you change again, the nature of Lin Gongzi and the affection for you should not change?"

Hasn't it changed? Shangguanhui remembered Nansheng's words and deeds, and she felt a bit of disharmony in her heart.

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