Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1720: Show heart

Lin Nansheng, who was in the past, loved everything, and she would take her first.

Regarding the relationship between them, she respected her everywhere and never embarrassed her.

He just felt that being with him, even when the sky fell down, he was with him, fearless.

However, now Nan Sheng, although she believes that their feelings have not changed in the slightest, Nan Sheng seems to be missing something with her.

"Maybe so, Xiaomei, do you say I should go with him to meet Uncle Lin?"

Seeing the confusion in Sister Hui's eyes, Lin Mengya knew that she was afraid she was the one who hadn't lost her heart these days.

这一 At this point, she and Lien are both a strategy.

If they stop, maybe they will have the opposite effect.

So, it's better to change another way.

"Since I'm an uncle, it's natural to welcome back. However, I feel that it's not as good as the family outside. Yesterday I let Ning Liang and I packed up a house again. I know that Master Lin may be in the palace for a while I ’m not used to living here. This house is on this street. It ’s not too close, and it ’s spacious and comfortable. I want to come, Master Lin can like it. ”

When Shang Guanhui heard this, she felt more and more sorry for everyone.

From mother to Su Mei, everyone is so carefully prepared for her affairs.

要 If she does n’t appreciate it, I'm afraid the big guy will also be sad?

He pulled Su Mei's hand, and Shangguan Hui said softly, "I know your kindness with your mother. You can rest assured that I will convince Nan Sheng."

Lin Mengya succeeded, but she still made an empathetic look and patted Sister Hui's hand.

不 "No rush, don't quarrel over this matter. In doing so, you misunderstand our good intentions."

怎么 "How come? You are all for our sake. People like Nan Sheng will certainly not be so unreasonable."

Seeing Sister Hui's brawny appearance, Lin Mengya just smiled and followed Sister Hui to the courtyard of Mrs. Lian.

She didn't provoke their relationship on the surface, but that person obviously wanted to abduct Sister Hui.

Once the two of them have disagreement, then the difference between that skinny monkey and his brother, Sister Hui will never notice.

Once she had doubts in her own heart, the next things would be much easier to handle.

After discussing some banquet details with Mrs. Lian and Sister Hui, Lin Mengya returned to the palace.

As soon as she entered the inner courtyard, she felt the atmosphere and seemed a bit wrong.

Xi Gongping stood at the gate of the inner courtyard and waited for her, but as soon as she saw her, a small face worries like something, and wrinkles tightly.

"Miss, my ancestor invited you to go there. Say yes, there is something to discuss."

Lin Mengya's heart "sucked" for a moment.

I dragged on for a day, and finally did not drag on.

I sighed lightly, and finally had to face it. Besides, this was the great ancestor who loved her the most, not Longtan Tiger Cave. What was terrible?

But when she went to the great ancestor's yard with Gong Ping, she spontaneously spun up into a quail.

I saw the courtyard doors open wide. There were two rows of seats in the courtyard.

Her five elder brothers, Malaysian Golden Swords, were sitting on a chair. On the most central theme, the great-grandfather's face was gloomy and serious.

This scene, like the three trials, suddenly made her nervous.

She walked in timidly, and the big guy also saw her.

"Hum! Now the little girl is here, I see how you continue to quibble!"

Gong Gongwu showed a mouthful of Bai Sensen's teeth, and seemed to be waiting for an opportunity to tear the **** man in front of him.

Xi Gongbin is the one with the best attitude among the crowd.

However, it is only limited to nothing.

He beckoned towards Lin Mengya and said gently: "Little girl, sit here."

For a moment, the eyes of the palace brothers were full of pride and provocation.

As if admonishing those who rushed in to rob the little girl, their little girl will never be abducted easily by him

Then the brothers of the palace family became angry.

Because, the little girl actually walked to the man's side firmly, and also took his hand.

"It's like what you see. Sorry, brothers and great ancestors, it's my fault not to sue you in advance. I officially introduce to you this one, His Royal Highness Wei Guo, my son Father, my husband, I will talk to each other and spend my life together. "

Alas, she said without hesitation.

Big hands clenched suddenly, and the dry and warm palms passed on her a steady stream of strength.

"Damn! We don't admit it!"

"That's right! He tricked you into tricks while you weren't home yet! We won't admit such a person!"

My brothers fry the pan.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed sigh in her heart, in fact, she can choose a more gentle way, and gradually let the family accept.

But she chose the simplest and rude one.

Lin Lin Mengya quietly turned her head and smiled at Long Tianyu.

The latter just looked at her with a petting, gentle look, as if to reward her for her actions.

She immediately narrowed her eyes with a smile, and her fingers tangled with him even harder.

I was with him, she never regretted it. Just because he deserves it.

"If you are still a man, come out and challenge me!"

Gomiya stood up sharply, as if looking at his father and his enemies, his eyes were wide.

Chen Long Tianyu gently let go of her hand, and then made a "please" gesture.

Brother Wuwu rushed over and hit Long Tianyu deliberately, then raised his head like a proud cock.

"Be careful, don't hurt him."

Gao Lin Mengya's reassured exhortation, Gongwu immediately turned her head, and there was a sneer on her lips.

I looked at it suddenly, and found that it was the younger girl who was talking to the dead man.

Suddenly, he was so angry that he wished to take a sword on the thief and poke thousands of holes.

Nine Dragons Tianyu naturally also felt the murderous gaze of Gongwu.

Helplessly shaved the girl's nose, her, for fear that the world will not be chaotic.

"it is good."

After saying that, he followed Gongwu out of the gate and didn't know where to go.

"Second, you still have to follow along. He is His Highness Xi, in case of any damage, we can hardly blame it."

Xi Gongbin said worried.

可 林梦雅 laughed at the rare elder brother,

Everyone knows that the brothers are best at protecting shorts.

Brother 派, where is the second elder brother to see, it is clear that I am afraid that the fifth elder brother can not beat Yu, so find a strong foreign aid for the elder brother.

But she's not easy to stop.

After all, my brothers just wanted to teach Yu.

If I didn't give them that breath, I would always have a puppet in my heart.

I forget, let them go.

Anyway, it wasn't her who was beaten.

Thinking of this, Lin Mengya held a smile on her face and came to Zengzu's side.

曾 "Zengzu, will you blame me?"

Gong Fang was still holding a face, and Gong Qianfeng, the feudal old paternalist, sighed heavily after hearing the pitiful voice of his great-granddaughter.

"After all, it's ours. If we can find you sooner, we won't let you stay out and have suffered for so many years. Girl, your brothers, just don't worry about you, there is no maliciousness."

哪里 Where is she still unclear?

With a flick of his small hand, he took off the mask on his face.

Facing such a small face that was a bit similar to the previous owner, Zengzu's gaze could not help but relax.

"I know that great ancestors don't have to blame themselves. I didn't blame you and my mother. We all had to do things in the first place. Since we passed, we shouldn't take them to heart."

Lin Lin Mengya knew that the great ancestor and her brothers still remembered the sufferings of her mother when she died early in the Lin family.

Therefore, in addition to a little bit more pity for her, she also has a compensatory mentality.

So no matter how good people are in her marriage, as long as they don't get their witnesses, they will not be at ease.

However, she is convinced that her own man will surely settle a few brothers.

If he doesn't have this skill, then he's not going to crawl on her bed.

"Oh, I'm old, I just want to look at my grandchildren. By the way, haven't the children returned? Why didn't I see them?"

Seeing this, great ancestors acquiesced.

Zhe Lin Mengya laughed more and more brightly, as long as the great ancestors passed the other, everyone else could say.

"The children just came back. They were excited at last night and they didn't sleep all night. They followed the master's class one day during the day and they couldn't support it before they said dinner. Speaking of which, I also I haven't seen them. When they have a rest tomorrow, naturally, they would like to greet your great ancestors. "

Nowadays, the palace house is the safest place. If you want to enter the inner courtyard, you must not only go through a lot of inspections, but also the key places that you ca n’t touch.

For example, the children and great ancestors used their daily food to take things and prepare them in the kitchen in the inner courtyard.

At this point, Ning Liang and Gong Ping both had to check in person to confirm that there would not be any omissions.

"Well, you are doing very well. Especially Ning Er and Mo Yan, brothers and brothers Christine, quite like the style of our family."

Lin Lin Mengya was slightly surprised.

Because Ning Er's identity could not be disclosed for the time being, she and Long Tianyu both thought that after the dust had settled, they were dealing with this matter.

I can hear what Zeng Zu meant, it seems to be to realize Ning's identity.

曾 "Zengzu, in this way, I am afraid that the palace family will be criticized."

What others say about her, she doesn't care.

Bian Ke, an old man like his great ancestor, has the highest regard for reputation. How can he keep others behind and poke his spine?

Qiangong Qianfeng smiled, but with a pride on his face.

"When will my palace family be afraid of someone else's mouth. Besides, you and His Highness Xi are the parents' matchmaker's words, and the child born is the legitimate child of my palace family, what can they do with them!"

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