Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1721: The beginning of the banquet

"Zengzu, thank you!"

抱着 Holding her great ancestor's arm, she just felt the warmth in her heart.

"Well, what you told me today, you did a good job. Alas, you also know that because of the past things, your brothers are not willing to marry a wife. Over the years, it has been stunned. You are attentive and accurate. If you have someone you want, you need to pay more attention to them. "

When Zeng Zengzu said this, he also glanced at the remaining three with the eyes of hating iron and steel.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately agreed, and she was good at such things as a matchmaker.

When I was thinking about making fun of the older men who were at home, I saw the elder brother and said in a panic, "Zengzu, I don't need to worry about my sister's affairs. If there is a suitable one, give it to several Look out, brothers. There's still something in my yard, let's go first. "

After I said, I didn't wait for her to say anything. The elder brother seemed to be greasy on the soles of his feet and slipped very fast.

"What can you do so fast, I can still eat him?"

Lin Lin Mengya was a little curious, but this was when the sun hit the northwest.

Is there always a time when I can't avoid this big brother who has always been stable?

Squinting his eyes, he turned to the third and fourth brothers.

I saw the two men looking down at the half-hot tea in their hands, one contemplative, making it clear that they would not give her face.

Humph! Ignore her now, and when they are single, they wo n’t have the chance!

After staring at each other's two brothers, Master Lin Mengya let them go a lot, and helped to actively transfer the topic of the great ancestor who tried to force marriage.

One night, the inner courtyard was so noisy.

But the result is still satisfactory to her.

Although public, Long Tianyu's identity is now different.

The conditions put forward by my elder brothers are that Long Tianyu must have another beautiful wedding.

It is said that countless harsh conditions were mentioned, and Long Tianyu actually accepted it.

At the same time, my brother's biggest concession was to let Long Tianyu live in the palace.

But you must never live with her in a yard. And the guards in her yard were arranged three times as much as before.

Beilong Tianyu's residence is located in Beiyuan between the second brother and the fifth brother.

In this regard, Yu naturally refused.

Unfortunately, Lin Mengya promised quickly, and the matter was so settled.

她 In her words, the cabbage that has been arched by others is still thought to be uprooted, and that's not too much of an eye on others.

Long Tianyu, who arched to cabbage in order to smoothly and smoothly, was also forced to sign this unequal treaty.

I just stuck with Lin Mengya all day and used the excuse of discussing business affairs as an excuse to cause serious discomfort and dissatisfaction to my brothers.

As a result, various weapons have been worn out in the training room of the palace family recently.

In this regard, Lin Mengya is optimistic.

Boys, especially this kind of single dog, need to sweat that strong hormone with sweat.

Then, with a big swipe, this part of expenditure has doubled as much.

Anyway, their family has money and can afford it.

The banquet was held as planned in this environment of tight outside and loose inside.

Early in the morning, Lien took Sister Hui and came to the house to prepare for the banquet.

They had already been laid out last night, right in the palace's garden.

Compared to the scenery, the palace courtyard that has been carefully taken care of is not inferior to the inner courtyard of the palace.

I have the previous momentum of the palace family, plus the high-quality aesthetics of each palace family's homeowner.

The garden was exquisite, so Lin Mengwu came to the beginning, and he couldn't be faulty.

The more I do, the less dare they let go.

I personally took someone with me, checked everything properly, and made sure nothing was missing.

Lin Lin Mengya was also there, but she found that Sister Hui seemed to be in a certain state of mind, and she was not interested, and she found it as soon as she entered the door.

"Ma'am, I don't think it's too early. I might as well take sister Yue first to see how the cook's dishes are prepared."

After saying that, she quietly pulled Sister Hui and blinked at her.

The Shangguan Hui was absent-minded, so the response was slow for a while.

Fortunately, Mrs. Lian didn't notice it and nodded.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately hurled people to the direction of the back kitchen, turned them to an elegant courtyard, and asked with concern: "Sister Yue, how are you upset?"

Ying Shangguanhui has never been an emotional person.

Even if it is a big thing, she won't show it easily.

Unless this matter caused her great confusion.

Sure enough, after hearing her question, Shang Guanhui said almost impatiently, "I found a strange thing. Yesterday, I clearly wanted to persuade Nan Sheng to take over my uncle. But he said, I felt that he was right, involuntarily, and wanted to listen to him. After he left, I thought about it, and thought that he said, there is no reason at all. You say that I am not in the wrong. Right? "

The evil spirit was missed, but it was indeed a trick.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't rush to tell Hui sister the truth, but just comforted her.

Sister Hui suddenly remembered something again and said a little sorry: "Yes, I told him before, there is a banquet here tonight, I can't leave for a while. But he said he wanted to I do n’t know what happened, so I agreed stupidly. If it is not convenient, then I will ask someone to reject him. "

不用 "No, it's just more people. Where is the inconvenience?"

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes.

This is really a self-injection. Since she is so active in seeking death, how can she refuse?

In the evening, Sister Hui must be with Lianyue's side, for fear that she could not take care of the skinny monkey.

Once he orders, and there are so many people in the banquet, it is too easy to do something.

Sister Wu Hui is naturally grateful and feels very embarrassed, so she has to take extra care in doing things.

Gao Linmengya couldn't wait for her to ignore the skinny monkey at all, and ordered to go, find some neat people to watch the skinny monkey's every move.

She'll have to see what the skinny monkey is thinking.

I only used lunch, took a nap, and the guests arrived.

Lian 婶婶 intentionally pushed her out, so the three of them greeted them together.

At the beginning, Lilian was still afraid of her stage fright, and intended to point out one or two secretly.

But it was soon discovered that her rules for handling people were extremely strict, and this was a temporary relief.

In her heart, she even recognized that she was a person who had been trained by Gong Ya herself.

In this regard, Lin Mengya can only smile bitterly in her heart.

There were many people coming. The male guests were personally entertained by the elder brother, while the female guests were more people.

I said it was a banquet, but basically from now until night, many guests will come one after another.

The Ma family and the Cheng family also came early. Ma Beichen and Cheng Su, young talents such as those who have never married, have also become important targets for all women to look at.

Seeing them, Himemiya could not help but laugh bitterly.

I finally have someone who can share the pressure for him.

Soon, Lin Mengya was on the guest list and saw her and others.

She just surprised her by seeing Jin Yao in it.

I was surprised, she hadn't invited Jin Yao.

Since Jin Yao knew that it was a banquet of the palace family, he should not go forward so actively.

Lin Mengya was puzzled until they and her group came to her.

I was even more worried that there would be other changes and the like tonight.

"This one, it must be this non-Yecheng, is the famous lady Mr. Su Mei right?"

Beside Yan Jinyao, a gorgeously dressed young girl said provocatively.

Lin Lin Mengya said she hadn't had any festivals with this girl, and because the other party was a guest, she didn't have an attack immediately.

"Miss missed the prize."

"Hmm! But it looks like this, how can it be compared to cousin Jin Yao."

After the girl looked at her up and down, she said disdainfully.

I turned out to be a cousin with Jin Yao.

Lin Lin Mengya was not angry, but even his wife and sister Hui were a little displeased.

How to say, Su Mei is also the host.

How can you be so rude when you come here?

As soon as Mrs. Lilian was about to speak, she heard a good-looking, elegant lady behind the woman saying "Shang Ying, apologize to Mr. Su."

The sound was cold and clear, and it was crisp and clear.

Their people are all beautiful women, so they have attracted many people's attention.

I was in such an eye, and the woman who had ridiculed her just now lost her face.

He didn't even dare to play with his temper, so he reluctantly said, "It's not Shang Ying, but I hope Mr. Forgive me."

"It doesn't matter."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and sold her personal feelings generously.

If she hasn't guessed wrongly, this graceful lady who just spoke is the former fiancee of the teacher, right?

Such a small friction has not affected the overall situation.

She Jinyao also smiled apologetically at her, then pulled Shang Ying away.

梦 Lin Mengya is clear about Jin Yao's behavior.

I was just a whisperer behind the scenes that Sakura Sakura was a gunman, and she was a fake.

As soon as Tatar walked in, she felt a scrutiny.

I turned and looked for it, and met the lady's sight.

Gao Linmengya nodded slightly, and the lady did the same. She glanced at her and followed the juniors to the inner court.

Lin Lin Mengya fiddled a little, a silver sachet tied around her waist.

In my opinion, the teacher was right.

The guests were almost there, and beautiful singing and dancing began at the banquet.

As the host family of Sumei Palace and Sumei, they also accompany the guests to enjoy.

The previous things, Lin Mengya never minded.

But she has been watching her four brothers, but she is a little angry.

In his heart, no matter who the younger sister is, he is now a member of their house, his sister.

He is no one can bully her.

So I just introduced her grandly just after taking the seat.

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