The mind is full of delusional skinny monkeys who still care about that month, but now, I have to use her.

I thought, a gentle smile toward Lin Mengya's pretense.

"Since Yue'er has returned safely, I don't have to worry about it. In fact, I came here to invite you to Yunhe Tower tomorrow. I don't know, Girl Su refused to appreciate her face."

Gao Linmengya sneered quietly. Today, the innkeeper of the inn came to report that he had taken another one hundred or two silver on his account.

I was holding her money and wanted to soak her. What a good thing it really was for this skinny monkey.

这 "I'm afraid it's inappropriate, right?"

"Naturally, the nanny knows that it's a bit abrupt, but I always listen to how the girl Su cares about her. Alas, I have been separated from her for so long, thanks to meeting a kind person like you. Even a cup Tea, I just want to express my gratitude and ask the girl to make me get what I want. "

How about tea? I'm afraid she should be poisoned, right?

She took advantage of her sister-in-law, and dared to come and pretend to be in front of her aunt, so arrogant that this skinny monkey is also the only one.

这个 "This, I'm afraid I can't give you an answer now. So, if I have time to go tomorrow, I'll ask the maid to ask the son to come over. It's too late, and I should go back."

I asked for the purpose, Lin Mengyaduo was too lazy to deal with it, turned around and left.

As soon as the skinny monkey wanted to continue to say anything, he saw the two concierges of the palace family, just like the two mountains, and steadily isolated him from the house.

"Miss Su, please come here, I will wait for you!"

"Walk, don't be blind!"

The janitor's room naturally also looked down on this insignificant fellow, like a fly, pushing people out.


The skinny monkey looked at the closed door, but with a faint cold in his eyes.

Wait until he let the girl drink the medicine tomorrow, and then take the opportunity to become a good thing

This big palace house is his.

Lin Mengya didn't care how many dirty thoughts were hidden outside the yamen.

It was Gong Si who heard the last sentence of the skinny monkey, but he only knew that the man was the sweetheart of Lian Yue.

Although he has seen it twice, he doesn't like it very much.

Especially just now, the man whispered two sentences without knowing its importance, which made him feel that he was half-hearted.

It's just a private matter of others, he's not good to intervene.

But his own little girl can't entangle with such a person. His Highness Xi is much stronger than that skinny monkey.

雅 "Ya'er, what's the matter with you, Lin?"

The four palaces looked serious and had an attitude like an old father.

Gao Linmengya smiled slightly and teased him intentionally.

"Nothing, he just plots against me."

既然 "Since you know, why bother with him? You know, he is the sweetheart of Lian Yue."

Upon hearing this, Lin Mengya showed a slight disdain.

"Lian Yue is my sister-in-law, so he deserves it!"

Kuimiya was confused at one time.

My dear sister-in-law, they have nothing to do with even months.

Could it be that--

"You mean, is Lianyue a brother born with your mother?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and then told the elder brothers and sisters all the time.

Suddenly, Gong Si was angry and gritted his teeth.

"I don't know what lives and death, even the people in our palace family dare to touch!"

Although the Gong family really looked forward to her as a girl, for her brother, the Gong family was actually treated as a brother.

In this way, the skinny monkeys dare to dig the corners of their brothers, killing him lightly.

"He can't live for a few days, and I'll go and see what kind of trick this guy is playing tomorrow."

"You have to be careful, too. The medicine is really weird. What if even you win?"

Although the fourth palace looks calm, it is actually worried.

I ca n’t help it, it ’s about the most precious little girl in their house. Where can he not worry?

"Anyway, I should go to the teacher after a while, and I should be able to gain something. I doubt it, and it may have something to do with the disappearances in Longdu. Most of the women in the family are smart and smart, and besides, they have to have maids. It ’s not easy to follow them, but if they volunteered, all of this would make sense. "

That's why she still wants to keep skinny monkeys.

So far, they have not received any news that a family girl in Yecheng is missing.

But looking at the skinny monkey's fearlessness, I want to know the efficacy of this medicine very well, and it's also a matter of getting used to it.

So she took some time to think.

She also understood her thoughts and nodded: "Indeed. If this man did it, he wouldn't be dead. I know what to do, you should be careful tomorrow, and I will arrange others."

I have four elder brothers to help her, she is naturally more powerful.

Xiong Gongsi sent her to Xiyuan before leaving. Lin Mengya just entered, and she smelled the air, filled with a light peach fragrance.

The teacher, sitting at the window, looked at a cup of tea in front of him in a daze.

She stomped over, stood at the window, stretched her neck and looked into the tea cup.

I saw a few pink peach blossoms floating in the tea cup, and the tea was really fragrant and extraordinary.

"This peach blossom tea is so rare, you can live another five hundred years with one sip."

She laughed and laughed, and Barry Rui who was shocked by her was taken aback, and subconsciously protected the cup of peach tea.

He didn't want to look up, but after seeing the smiling little face of the student, he exhaled and squeezed her face.

你 "You, you, I'm not getting used to it every day. Sooner or later, I have to scare you to death."

"Where is the teacher so terrible that I was scared? I think it's clear that someone is thinking spring!"

"It seems the teacher is going to clean up the portal!"

"Haha, teacher and I are wrong, please look at the apprenticeship, don't you clean up?"

In front of the teacher, she will always be a spoiled child.

Fortunately, where Bai Lirui was really willing to touch her, she was really angry with the child's naughty energy, and only slightly struck her head.

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed immediately, smiled at the teacher "Hey," and frowned and said, "Teacher, I didn't see it, you are still a passionate seed! This old lover meets, aren't you two jealous?"

Bali Rui glanced at the girl with a bad temper, and see, what did it say?

"Did you say your teacher like this? What old lover, I have a clean relationship with Shang Ye."

"Yes, yes, I know that the two of you are innocent and unmarried couples. But I think Madam Shang seems to be still unrequited towards you, but you and my former teacher are also sadistic. Your business, I A junior is hard to say, but I still feel that you can't live like this forever. If you have a suitable one, you can find me a master again. "

Bali Rui sighed.

Why did n’t he know that this is the student caring about him, just

"Okay, my business, you don't have to worry about it blindly. Don't you want to think crazy antidote? Shang Ye said, as long as the person who takes the medicine kills the crazy person with his own hands, the medicine can be relieved. By the way, she said that thinking madness is not just a kind of emotional poison, but consists of a poisonous poison. Strangling, poisoning. Otherwise, this poison will not be solved in a lifetime. "

Lin Lin Mengya secretly wiped a cold sweat, this lady Madam really is not ordinary.

In the eyes of the poisoned person, that person is her living beloved.

I want to let myself kill my beloved. Even after detoxification in the future, knowing the truth of the matter, I am afraid that it will also be a psychological shadow?

毒 This poison is simply the knife of a lover's pan. It's not good. I'm afraid I have to fold in it.

"Can't someone else kill it? Anyway, it's dying, why do the poisoned people need to do it themselves?"

She was a little puzzled, but the teacher sighed again and shook her head and said, "Killing is nothing more than annihilation. But then, in fact, it is the person who thinks crazy and kills his thoughts. Without acacia, there is no madness. "


吐 She secretly groaned. No wonder Shang Yang can turn his face away from people. She can study this poison, and she seems to be a tortured lunatic.

"Well, teacher, can't you mess with a normal woman? I had a cloud bamboo before, which almost killed my life. Now I have a business woman, still want my life. Want Knowing that when your students are in such a high-risk industry, even if you killed me then, I would not be wrong! "

Bai Liru was so angry that his eyes were aggrieved and his heart was aggrieved.

"What are you talking about? Are you a teacher who is a messy person? Me, am I not a victim?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the equally sad teacher, and also felt that the other person made sense.

"Well, teacher, in fact, I think this business woman is not bad for you. Although she said that she was going to kill me, she actually gave me some anesthesia and nothing else. I think , This thinking crazy, shouldn't it be so abnormal? "

Xu Wenyan, Bai Lirui looked at her with surprise.

"You mean, she didn't kill you?"


Her feeling is extremely acute, she can see if others are killing her.

Maybe Shang Ye gave her medicine at that time, in fact, to take her away to protect Master.

Such a person should not be so ruthless.

她 "She, why didn't she tell me the truth?" Bai Lirui's face was deeply helpless.

"It was also the same year. It was because she was in the trap of others, and the festival was ruined. I went to the door and just wanted her to tell me the truth. But I didn't expect that this person was very embarrassed, didn't say anything, and took the initiative to regret marriage. . I was forced by the situation and I could only push the boat down the river. But why don't I know who she is? "

Lin Mengya sat with her hand on her chin, sitting next to her teacher.

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