Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1726: Want to give up

She doesn't want to comment on the events of that year.

But the teacher is not old enough to start the second spring, so what happens in the future depends on their own.

I patted the teacher on the shoulder and Lin Mengya expressed her support to him.

Fortunately, Bai Lirui is not a person who is indulged in the past feelings and cannot extricate himself. After sighing for a while, he suppressed these emotions back to the bottom of his heart.

He rubbed his face and looked at his students.

"Think crazy things, I will definitely help you to ask clearly. I heard that tonight, you have to be careful. The other party, the visitor is not good."

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes, nodded slightly, and then looked at the teacher, and said positively, "Teacher, do you know why the people in Xiancheng cannot stay on the ground for a long time?"

Hearing her question, Barry Rui hesitated.

After a while, stood up.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the teacher in puzzlement, and she seemed to feel that there was a totally different temperament from the teacher.

In front of me, the slightly neurotic teacher who could love her as a daughter and teach her acupuncture and toxicology in person was quickly becoming unfamiliar.

Instead, it is a proud poisonous saint who exudes mystery!

Yes, this is the spirit of the first person in contemporary toxicology.

"Girl, I love you so much, so I never want you to be involved in these things. But every door has its own rules. If you want to know something, you must give something. "

Teacher Yun turned back, and there was a flash of light in those black eyes.

Lin Lin Mengya saw clearly, but she also saw a touch of expectation in the teacher's eyes.

The fleeting fleeting, almost suppressed to inexplicable expectations.

"Why not?" She smiled, her lips twitched slightly upwards, she was sitting there, but she was immovable.

"I was originally a person who has nothing. Although I have a lot now, I am even more greedy. Teacher, I have never stopped, so this time, I will never stop."

Bari Rui looked at his students, seemingly helpless, but more, but relaxed.

"I already knew that your girl would have this day. OK, the day of the opening ceremony, you remember to help me prepare a dress."

Lin Lin Mengya was a little curious, but no matter how she inquired, the teacher's mouth closed tightly like a river mussel, and she couldn't relax.

In desperation, Lin Mengya had to temporarily put away her curiosity.

开始 On the second day, people in the whole house started to get busy.

Lin Mengya did not go to the appointment, just stared at the person who leaned on the skinny monkey to report, saying that he really stared at the restaurant for a long while.

I just came to the end, but left with a gloomy face.

Shigeru Miguchi happened to be talking to her about the guest list. When she heard that, she couldn't help but ask, "Ya'er, didn't you say that you want to use this person? What if he got angry and anger, and ran away?"

"Run? His greed is like a nail, he nailed him here. Don't worry, my brother, I'll see him tomorrow."

She's seen more people like the skinny monkey.

And she asked the teacher by the way last night, what are the sources of madness.

老师 Even the teacher said that after Shang Yang made his madness, his control was extremely strict.

I am afraid that it is a business, few people get it.

Isn't skinny monkey familiar with Shang Yang?

However, the person sent daily to stare at the skinny monkey did not see it at all, and he was associated with anyone in the non-leaf city.

That ’s why Lin Mengya had to start by herself, and dig out the buried behind-the-scenes black hand.

"You have something in mind, and Lin Mengwu was rescued, I always feel a little uneasy in her heart. After all, she is someone who may know your identity, I am afraid"

"She won't say."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled at her worried four brother.

If it really is as Yu predicted, unless Lin Mengwu is crazy, she can never leak any word.

Conversely, she may still seize this opportunity and hit her back.

Even though he believed what his sister said, the sadness in his heart continued unabated.

I just saw that she was so calm, but she was anxious like an ant on the hot pot, and finally she could only sigh deeply.

My sister is too calm, my brother is so lost!

In the afternoon, after a nap, Lin Mengya came to the college to inspect the site.

It has been renovated here, and she has arranged a special grand venue in accordance with those learned in modern times.

And she came here to see how the preparations for the conference went.

Today, her position in the academy can be consolidated a lot.

At least those gentlemen, dare not face her in a big way.

On the ground, they loved to say anything, and she couldn't help but care.

先生 "Mr. Please rest assured that everything has been properly arranged in accordance with your requirements."

The person in charge of Ning Liang was the manager who was promoted by Ning Liang himself and called Ding Quan.

Lin Mengya thought in the past that she didn't want those families to think that the academy was opened by their palace family, so some positions should be avoided.

However, after these days, she was trying to understand.

Saving money was spent by their palace family. People were invited by their palace family, and crime was also suffered by their palace family. This college is their palace family. What can be avoided?

As a result, she hinted that Ning Liang had thoroughly taken over all the affairs of the college.

He only waited for the third brother to return to the college to become the dean after the opening ceremony.

After a while, see who dare not admit her three brothers.

As for these teachers, Lin Mengya has made more favorable conditions than before, and at the same time, he has also formulated stricter terms than before.

I have the previous gentlemen as examples. These people have their own duties, and never dare to have a second heart.

I even thought that after seeing her, some people were even a little afraid of her.

For this result, Lin Mengya is quite satisfied.

In my opinion, she used to be kind and she thought too much before she could have a chance.

I don't know, only fast knives can cut chaos.

嗯 "Well, you are well prepared, Ning Liang said you are very capable?"

She just glanced at the doorway of the venue.

Whether it is safety or comfort, it is good.

Pu Dingquan smiled very smoothly. He is a smart man and naturally knows who to listen to.

不过 "However, the atmosphere is more than luxurious."

收回 She retracted her gaze and looked at Ding Quan with a smile.

The latter immediately understood that he was afraid that it was Mr. Su, who thought he was greedy, and hurriedly explained: "The small sums that you have allocated to the small sum are reported to the big housekeeper, absolutely right. The reason for this arrangement is that I feel that the college is a quiet and elegant place, which is too beautiful, but it is not good. "

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and shook her head. The man's mind was good and his mind was delicate enough.

It is a pity that in the end, there is no strength, and there are some shortcomings in these aspects.

"You know, who are the people who come to observe the ceremony?"

"The great steward has instructed that all the guests who come to observe the ceremony are the noblest people in the country."

对 "Yes, now that you know it, you should know how to do it?"

Wu Dingquan still hesitated, but soon, Lin Mengya looked around, and said something unintentionally.

既然 "Since you can't get along with each other peacefully, you have to divide whoever is higher and who is lower."

Ji Dingquan froze slightly, and he suddenly realized what Mr. meant.

"Yes, the little one understands."

These families have always had bad feelings towards the palace family. In this case, she is not polite and directly takes silver to suppress them.

Sometimes, extreme luxury may not be the simplest way to show off your strength.

She wants to make the palace family, a shame before it, become a true first family!

After returning from the inspection, Lin Mengya returned to Confucian Garden, listening to the supervisors in the college.

Soon, Long Tianyu, who had handled the matter, came to her.

After the two men quickly exchanged a look, the latter sat silently beside them.

Unfortunately, that powerful presence really makes it impossible for him to ignore him.

As a result, those who are in charge of the affairs are even more stressed.

But she was just like nothing, and from time to time, she asked them a few words.

"You said, Mr. Jin is moving out?"

After listening to the words of the steward, Lin Mengya's eyes seemed to fall on Long Tianyu's body.

I saw that he had no response at all, and continued to watch the manager.

"Yes, Mr. Jin said that her family has also come and now has a residence in the city. She is a girl and lives in the college. After all, it is not a trick, so she wants to move."

It's strange.

Ji Jinyao's idea is not to get the moon near the water platform first? How come, give up such a good opportunity?

Sight, once again fell on Long Tianyu's body.

"Since she's moving, let her move."

She casually allowed the matter.

I saw that there was nothing left for the steward to return to, and Lin Mengya sent everyone out.

I turned my head and looked at Long Tianyu faintly, as if waiting for an explanation from him.

"I asked her to move."


因为 "Because, I am obsessed with her."

"噗" The sip of tea she just drank was so unstoppable that she got stuck in her throat.

He squeezed his eyes round and stared at him in astonishment.

Chen Long Tianyu got up helplessly, then gently gave her the air.

"What do you say, you say it again?"

Holding Long Tianyu's placket, Lin Mengya raised her voice dangerously.

And Long Tianyu let her hold it, then hugged people easily.

"She gave me medicine, so now I should be obsessed with her, understand?"

Gao Lin Mengya blinked and asked, bewildered, "Ha? Are you unconscious now?"

Xu Wenyan said that Long Tianyu looked at her with a bit of wickedness.

"What do you think?"

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