Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1727: Meet strange people

Then, she politely blocked her red lips and gave her a warm still kiss.

Lin Mengya also let go of her heart completely, forcibly pushing his head away softly, staring angrily at the other side.

"You play me? Do you want to die?"


Nine Dragons Tianyu trapped people in his arms, as if soothing a fried kitten.

Gao Linmengya felt indefatigable and bit her on his shoulder, but unfortunately, she had the same fangs as before.

"What trick are you playing again? I can tell you, don't think about acting in the field! In my eyes, intolerable sand!"

警告 She warned with a calm face, but Long Tianyu smiled proudly.

好 "Okay, I can't bear anyone with you."

She Mingming hated her teeth just now, but she just eats this set.

After looking at that guy for a moment, he just asked calmly: "You'd better bring me the truth, otherwise, the men in our house are not vegetarian!"

As soon as I thought of the five big eldest brothers, Long Tianyu felt tight.

I hurriedly obediently, put down my plan, and cleaned up.

"That day, the people of the Jin family gave you poisonous poison? What poison, wouldn't it be crazy?"

Xun Long Tianyu looked at her with a surprised look and nodded gently.

Gao Linmeng suddenly thought, is this madness a big bun on the street? Why is it necessary to have a copy now?

"The medicine is very powerful. As long as you take it, you must kill yourself to recover. You can cooperate with the acting, but you can't catch yourself."

I didn't expect that Long Tianyu nodded her forehead and said, "You know, the medicine of madness can be used by everyone in the world, but it doesn't work for you or me."

"Why is this again?"

He thought Long Tianyu would spit out some secrets, but saw that he actually grabbed her hand and put it seriously on his chest.

"Because it's all you, so violent emotions, I can't erase you."

"to be frank!"

"Yaer, you and me are destined lovers."

He is this sentence again!

Lin Mengya was a little angry.

Every time, Long Tianyu spoke with sincerity, as if there was a red line of marriage in the world, binding them together, from two independent individuals to one.

"In this case, only you can fool me."

She kicked him angrily and said dissatisfied.

Long Tianyu was kneeling in front of her on one knee, stroking her face slowly.

"No, Yaer, this is true. You will understand it later, so now, you just need to remember."

She lowered her head slightly and looked at him with his own look in his eyes.

I do not know why, but the ghost sent the gods, nodded, and seemed to believe his words.

"But why do you cooperate with Jin Yao? You are not afraid, does she want to cook raw rice for you?"

Lin Mengya raised her eyebrow and glanced at someone's belly three inches.

Xun Long Tianyu suddenly felt a cold in her heart, and calmly kept her in her arms, blocking her sight.

"No. Jin Yao controls me, and there are other functions. Moreover, she dare not be too brazen. In case you notice it, it will be her death."

Zhe Lin Mengya thought about it right.

Who is Chen Longtian Yu? In front of outsiders, he is almost a cold-blooded and ruthless person.

If you really let him know that the lover in front of him is fake, it is estimated that he would immediately pull out the sword and end up with the other party.

Therefore, Jin Yao must appear alternately with her, and it cannot yet attract the attention of others.

I do n’t know what this person is trying to figure out. The man who grabbed her feels so good?

也是 "Yes, but Si Kuang has strong control. You can almost obey her. And even if you see me, you shouldn't recognize me, right?"

She raised her head and asked in doubt.

Xun Long Tianyu squeezed her nose, but her tone of disdain was a bit.

"She didn't dare to plant a cricket on her body, she was with her. I only mistake her for you when I face her with a lover. If she took the lover away from sleep, I would Will return to normal. "

Still have this gameplay?

Lin Mengya suddenly thought of how to solve the sister's love.

In my opinion, it should not be so troublesome.

"Who else knows this?"

She turned her mind and probably guessed Long Tianyu's plan.

From the moment he knew that the raw materials of the stone jade were in the cave of the palace, the Jin family was on Long Tianyu's death list.

I used to compromise because of Shi Yu.

现在 Now that they are going to excavate the stone jade, the Jin family not only loses its effect, but also pays a bitter price.

"Jin Yao only knows it now, but after tonight, probably the Jin family will know. Yaer, the method of mining stone jade is coming.

She has no doubt about Long Tianyu's methods.

Speaking of them, Shi Yu is really a relic of their palace family.

I just worshiped, and the pressure that had accumulated on Yu and her head before disappeared without a trace.

I do n’t know if it was the ancestor's blessing. Fengshui took turns and it was time for them to rise.

好 "Okay, you can do it with confidence, I know how to deal with it. As for the excavation of Shi Yu, you don't have to worry about gold, but this person is the one you need to consider carefully."

Special excavation methods and locations predestined that stone jade cannot be mined on a large scale.

即便 But even so, the candidate must be extremely important.

She is not afraid of the other person's desire for money, but if people want to make peace, the consequences will be great.

Therefore, we must find some absolutely reliable to make things happen.

"I know, rest assured."

Gao Lin Mengya nodded. Of course, she was assured of a hundred men's handling ability.

"Do you have anything else today?"

As soon as Ji Long Tianyu wanted to shake his head, his men came over, saluting respectfully and saying, "His Royal Highness, Jin Yao said that he had something important to see you."

Xu secretly poked his lips, Lin Mengya had to let go of his hand.

Qi Jinyao, where there is something wrong, it should be to test the medicinal properties.

If Long Tianyu didn't go, wouldn't it be exposed?

"Go, I'll wait for you at home. It's best to keep a good distance for me, otherwise"

Threatened clearly, Long Tianyu didn't want to understand.

"Yes, obey."

He watched the man leave, and Lin Mengya exhaled slowly.

Doubt will not doubt, but just watching her own man go out to sell male sex, she still feels so upset.

"Bai Su, walk with me on the street."


In the past few days, Feicheng seems to be lively again.

Because it is not far from the port, and coupled with the opening ceremony, many foreign vendors have poured into non-Yecheng.

For these people, the palace family is strictly managed.

Everyone will have a booth and there is no need to pay any management fees.

But there is one point, it must be operated by myself, and no transfer is allowed. And every day, in addition to the stalls of the night square, other stalls have to rest at the place designated by the palace.

Although this management method is a little unfriendly, it has greatly maintained the security of non-Yecheng city.

看着 She looked at the prosperous downtown, and the little depression in her heart was completely dispersed.

After all, Long Tianyu won't really betray any beauty. It is estimated that now, how could he give Jin Yao a cold face?

She only imagined that her lover was shrinking, and she felt that she had made more appointments.

"Miss, you smile a little bit thief! Did you do it, what bad thing?"

An unfamiliar male voice seems to be laughing at her, but because of the clear tone, it is annoying.

Lin Lin Mengya almost subconsciously put away her smile, and then looked at the sound source.

I saw across the street, a man in a purple dress, with a mask of gold and silver, covering most of his face.

On the half of the face that was solo and solo, a pair of thin lips exuded a slight arc.

That look of non-laugh, but it does not make people feel that he is mean or laughing at anyone.

Lin Lin Mengya subconsciously did not want to have anything to do with such a person, and just said a little.

"My son is kidding."

别 "Don't get me wrong, I don't know what bad things you have done, and at the same time, I like bad girls like you."

Only a moment later, Lin Mengya drew the equal sign between this man and the disciple.

He pulled Bai Su and turned away.

I can still meet such people when shopping, it is better to go home quietly.

Suddenly she left in such a hurry, but did not arouse the slightest dissatisfaction of the mask man.

"Son, shall we?"

The mask man's side, I do not know when a ghost-like figure appeared, asked his voice down.

"No need to."

The mask man who just expressed his favorite feelings just now, just blinking, just like Fang.

He seems to the woman, he does not have a little nostalgia.

He said it was ruthless. It would be more appropriate to be ruthless.

I walked with graceful steps and disappeared at the end of the long street.

When I returned to the palace, Lin Mengya's mind was thinking of the person just now.

It wasn't his clothes that impressed her, nor was it a sloppy sentence that made her resentful.

It was a very strange feeling.

She can be sure that she has never seen this man, but she just can't help noticing his existence.

I was like the image of a person who was stuffed into my life by my heart.

She didn't like this feeling. When she got home, she immediately started the system and looked at the reason for her strangeness.

But when she just entered the system's page, she saw that Xiaoyao was surprised and rushed into her arms.

"Master, master! Look!"

Lin Lin Mengya didn't know what he let her see, but then she knew why Xiaoyao was so excited.

图标 The icon of the system page after some function upgrade seems to be a little different from before.

Later, Xiaoyao was like pouring bamboo beans into a bamboo tube. While giving her a demonstration, she explained to her.

"Some of the functions you upgraded make the system more complete. Now the functions on the Shennong system are complete!"

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