Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1728: Little test

浮动 Floating cursors are arranged neatly in four areas.

Lin Mengya took a look. Yingai was classified according to function.

But there are many functions. Only after using them can we see the specific differences.

But initially, the improvement of the system is still good for her.

For example, the concealed function can completely eliminate her odor in a short period of time, and allow her heartbeat to breathe without being rushed because of emotional tension.

This way, like the man I saw that night, as long as she hides in the dark and turns on the protection system, even if the other party is a peerless master, as long as she doesn't come near, she can't find her.

But at the same time, she found another problem.

"Why is this upgrade so slow?"

Xiaoyao shrugged helplessly.

"Here is an independent network. If the system wants to upgrade, certain conditions need to be triggered. The original owner did not meet this condition, but because of an accident, it was possible to upgrade some system functions."

"Accident? What accident?"

She has eaten well and slept well these days. Apart from being a bit more busy, she is not surprised.

Xiao Xiaoyao also seemed a little confused about this.

"It seems that the host's body has been stimulated in some way."


She suddenly remembered the pain in the burrow that almost made her faint.

Almost every upgrade of the previous system, she is in a state of life and death.

Is it because she hasn't had much trouble this time that the system has upgraded some functions?

Suddenly, she felt bad for herself.

This unlucky system is really afraid she will not die.

After chanting, Lin Mengya thought of serious business.

小 "Small medicine, let me check my physical condition, especially the location of my brain."

Xiao Xiaoyao clicked in the void, and all of her physical conditions immediately appeared in front of her.

Her physical condition is also healthy, only when she checks the position of the brain, she has some abnormalities.

Part of her brain showing abnormal activity. And this part is just related to emotions.

Looking at the data, she fell into deep thought.

She can be sure that she has never been interested in any man except Long Tianyu.

But when the mysterious mask man appeared in front of her eyes, she was very abnormal, remembering the figure of that person.

I was like someone, forcing her brain to remember what that person looked like.

Yun Ke's feeling of being restrained by others is what she hates most.

Whether it is physical or emotional, she is never allowed to be controlled by others.

Frowning, she ordered the repair.

Very soon, under the systematic intervention, when the consciousness returns to the body again, that person is no different from other people.

Xi Baisu has been standing beside her, watching her nervously.

When she opened her eyes, Bai Su finally breathed a sigh of relief and came forward and handed her a cup of warm tea.

"Is he back?"

Bai Su nodded and said, "I'm back already. Is the lady going to see His Royal Highness?"

Pouting, she smiled a bit.

"What's so beautiful, sleep!"

Now, Long Tianyu must be anxious like an ant on a hot pot, for fear of her misunderstanding and for her sadness, she must want to find an opportunity to explain.

Unfortunately, as long as she doesn't take the initiative, judging from her brother's attitude towards her protection, at least tonight, he won't be able to enter.

I deserve it!

Zhe Lin Meng Ya fell asleep joyfully. After a good night's dream, when she had breakfast with her family, she rarely saw such a depressed atmosphere.

曾 Even Zengzu's face was calm. Several brothers in the family stared at the dinner table with the sharp eyes of awl from time to time, the only outsider.

She clamped a crystal clear shrimp dumpling in her mouth, narrowed her eyes, and was eating happily.

This kind of tense atmosphere, she is just like nothing.

"Everyone eat."

She looked left and right, with a good and innocent face, always with goodness.

I felt a few brothers holding back the heartache and glaring at the "culprit".

In the end, the mature and steady big brother first spoke.

"Looking at His Royal Highness, it should be that our palace family has been inadequately entertained. In that case, it is better to invite His Highness and find another place to stay."

I was so angry that he was so angry.

Xiao Long Tianyu's eyes were cold, as if he didn't care about Gong Bin's words at all.

But he was also full of anger, but unfortunately, he couldn't let it out.

"Why drive him away?"

Gao Linmengya quietly opened her mouth, and at this time, the five of the palace family almost endured to the extreme.

"Hum! I have to ask His Highness Xi!"

Wu Gong is so angry that his nostrils are facing the sky, his eyes are like a knife, and he is stuck on Long Tianyu's body.

"My sister, although our family is not as prominent as others. At least, it will not let you suffer this kind of grievance."

It's rare that Miyazaki got angry.

I do not think anything else, just for that man to look at Shu, it is really abominable.

Among the few people, only Palace 4 was silent today.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her brothers with a smile, and then turned to ask Gong Shiyi a sentence.

"What do the four brothers think?"

I saw Gong Si calmly swallow the last porridge, and then put down the tableware properly.

"I don't think seeing is true, and I don't want to be at the mercy of anyone. At least, I won't make my enemy happy."

Lin Lin Mengya was a little surprised, but soon, she smiled with satisfaction.

After a long time at home, the fourth brother grew up the fastest.

And the fourth brother now probably guessed what happened.

They are going to play a big game of chess. In it, she and Long Tianyu are the generals, so there must be someone who can guard the barracks for her.

This is the most suitable person, I'm afraid it can only be the fourth brother.

"Old fourth, what do you mean? Don't you just look at that disappointed person and throw away the little girl?"

My second brother, who has not spoken, asked with a dark face.

But Gong Shi shook his head gently.

"How did the news that Her Royal Highness went in and out of Jin's house last night and that she was intimate with Miss Jin's house came to our ears?"

Gongsi only raised this problem, and Gongwu said impatiently: "It's not until someone sees something different, only to be seen, and finally, it's come to us! Otherwise, I'm afraid the younger sister and us are still in the dark. in!"

Qiong Gong was swollen, but Gong Shi's brow frowned slightly.

"Don't you find it strange? If His Royal Highness really secretly communicates with Miss Jinjia, then he naturally has countless ways to let us know nothing about it. But we know it and it happened in the courtyard of Jinjia in."

Kumiya Fourth looked up, smart and wise, and looked at his brothers.

"Someone is setting up a bureau, and they want us to misunderstand His Royal Highness' relationship with the little girl, so as to achieve their purpose."

梦 Lin Mengya cast a glance of admiration for her brother's conclusion.

Actually last night's thing was just a small test.

She expects that Jin Yao will get into trouble, and she knows that her brothers will know the "gossip" between Yu and Jin Yao.

So, she wants to see the reaction of her brothers.

Admittedly, she is very happy that her brothers care about her, but she is also secretly worried that they will be exploited and conspired.

The result made her mixed.

Worrying is five insides and four in strokes. Fortunately, her four elder brothers were sober from beginning to end, which also became the only surprise that made her calm down.

既然 "Since everyone is full, then work hard."

Lin Mengya said with a smile.

So far, the other four brothers of the palace family have also responded.

Even though she felt that she was being used, her heart was a little angry, but at the same time, she didn't regret it.

Nine Dragons Tianyu has been sitting opposite her, her dark eyes, never leaving her.

But Lin Mengya felt it, and there was a lot of grievances in her sight.

She turned her head to face him, and in the eyes of the man, read five words, "You did it on purpose!"

"Deserve it, who made you not believe me."

Suddenly, Tian Tianyu couldn't hold his breath with a trace of complaining voice.

He stared at the woman in front of him, wishing that he would just rub her into his arms fiercely.

"I'm afraid you are sad."

"Afraid you didn't even give her a smile, what can I be sad about?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu raised an eyebrow and looked a little surprised.

"You all know?"

"I don't even know it. Actually, I'm too lazy to manage it. The closer the Jin family walks with you, the faster they die. I never get angry with the dead."

Nine Dragons Tianyu disdain to use feelings to deceive people, even if he pretended to be Chinese medicine, but he must not lie to Jin Yao.

Anyway, Jin Yao didn't know the mode of getting along with each other, so naturally she dared not be angry.

I was staring at the Jin family, but not just the palace family.

They released such news, and they heard more than just them.

"You can rest assured."

Xiao Long Tianyu's heart was so upset.

Although he also knows, this is a sign that the beloved trusts him.

But after all, he still hopes, at least Yaer, even if he shows a little bit of anger, he will probably give everything and just ask her to laugh.

It's a pity, my wife did not plan for it, and her mind is one by one.

I always felt a little sullen in my heart and a little regret.

"Bai Su said, I have some clothes that don't fit well. They are not good for people, so I need to burn them. I see that you wore that dress yesterday, and the cuffs are a little bit rolled up. You might as well burn it."

Holding tea, she said lightly.

Suddenly, Long Tianyu smiled immediately.

"Okay, you can just ask Bai Su to go directly to my yard."

雅 儿 This is angry! Jealous!

Mind her heart and smooth her last fine lines.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Long Tianyu who was suddenly happy and smiled disdainfully.

Hehe, man.

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