Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1732: Design escape

The next month, Shangzhongqing, Shangguan Qing also awakened from her sleep.

The dream of Ji Fangcai seemed to give her infinite strength.

As long as she can escape and meet with Wuer, everything in the dream just now will become a reality.

Thought of this, Shangguan Qing sorted out her clothes and hair, as if she was still the luxurious and elegant lady Qing.

Outside, stopped by a lock.

Shangguan Qing knew who the key was on, and the two guardhouses usually had a bunch of keys on their waists.

Now they are sitting under the eaves and dozing.

Shang Guanqing squatted inside the door, a pair of eyes flashing with light, and then, a dry hand out of the door.

Since these days, this life is not as good as death, making her arms thinner.

A little bit, trying to catch the key of the guard, but every time, it was always a bit short.

The door slit was very narrow. Up to now, Shangguan Qing only felt that his arm was hurting hot.

But she still hasn't given up. That is her beautiful future with Wuer, she must do it.

I did not expect that at this moment, the nursing home suddenly rolled over.

The key that was out of reach just now came to her instantly.

She Shangguan Qing barely hesitated, holding back the ecstasy in her heart, and gently grasping the key.

只有 On the bunch of keys, only one is the most prominent.

Su Shangguan Qing immediately recognized, only this key can unlock the lock on the door.

She crept open the lock, and she rushed out of the door where she had been trapped for an unknown amount of time, and then stood in the yard, breathing heavily.

Is that so?

She wants to laugh at these stupid people loudly, but now she dare not speak out.

As soon as she wanted to leave, she rolled her eyes and sneered suddenly.

These people have insulted her.

She Shangguan Qing picked up a handy stone from the yard, and walked to the front yard where she stole the key.

This **** slave!

She obviously has the key, but has been trapped by her these days, they all **** it!

The stone in his hand was lifted high and his eyes were about to fall, but the guard suddenly opened his mouth and yawned.

Shang Shangqing was stupid, and turned and ran.

Behind her, the guard who was almost killed by her, opened her eyes gently, revealing a pair of cold eyes.

"Go and tell the girl, people run away."

The cold sound quality is like the lingering strings. The entire palace family, except for the clear fox, has no such voice.

The guard next to me was like Lin Mengya's most powerful confidant, Bai Su.

"Okay, everything is careful."

Wu Qinghu opened a smile, shook straight at Bai Su, and followed silently.

He came back for a few days, but only felt that the bones in his body were stiff. It seems that tonight, he can loose his bones.

Wu Zhuanying shook. Lin Mengya sat beside the bed, hugging Ning Er in her arms, and Mo Yan was still on her legs.

The two little guys are completely uncontrollable now, they have to sleep with her.

Lin Lin Mengya was happy to be close to the two little guys. She just took a bath with the two babies and was sitting on the bed telling a story, coaxing them to sleep.

Xi Baisu walked in from outside the yard and stood at the table, unwilling to startle the two little masters.

"The matter is done, the master can rest assured."

"Well, you command to go down, starting tomorrow, the whole city will hunt down Shangguan Qing."


Bai Su left, she continued to hum a gentle minor, and placed the two babies side by side in the quilt.

She is also a mother, but her mother and Lin Mengwu's mother are two completely different extremes.

Push your fingers and brush over the child's smooth face.

Looking at their childish brows, Lin Mengya only felt soft.

She also loves her children, but she will never do those black and white things for her children.

She wants to give the children a better world, but this does not mean that she will imprison them around.

How can life be complete without the slightest setback?

She will only give up their skills, but will not **** her for a lifetime.

After all, Lin Mengwu was actually ruined in the hands of her mother, but who can blame this?

On the second day, as soon as it was bright, there was a noise outside.

Only after she got up, Axiu rushed in.

"Sister Ya, people outside said that last night, a confidante who was waiting beside Gong Wu ran out. Everyone is looking for someone!"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, held the children's quilt tightly, and then stood up and wore a simple dress.

This matter can be big or small for the palace family.

But everyone knows that the palace dance is a sinner of the palace family, and that confidant was turned upside down for a while, if not nervous?

Alas, but after searching for a long time, they didn't see the woman's trace. Is it possible that they really slipped out?

"Sir, how do you think this is good?"

Wu Ningliang has a lot of things now, so everything at home is also assigned to each supervisor.

The person who spoke back was a distant relative of Ning Liang who called Ning Xu by name. He was a loyal person who had only been told by Ning Liang's ears. He must do his best.

Sui suddenly happened like this, where is he not afraid?

"Everyone go out and look for it, this person is very speculative, if they escape, it will be very dangerous."

Zhe Lin Mengya commanded calmly and calmly, because everyone was looking for someone, so she directed the people in the small pavilion near the lake in the yard.

Soon, most of the guards of the entire palace family sprinkled them out, looking for the trace of the woman.

But no one knows. In an empty room in the palace mansion, the person whom they could not find was getting out of a large urn.

Here is a small room with tools near the garden. Usually no one will come, so she escaped last night and saw that the front door and the back door were locked. Then she thought of hiding here.

Someone came to search just a moment ago, but just opened the door and took a look.

She lay on the door with a pair of eyes and stared outside.

Finally, he landed not far away on a slender figure.

Damn bitch!

I was all Lin Mengya's little bitch, and this little **** called Su Mei with her under her hindered her. Otherwise, why is she so miserable?

I ca n’t help but think of Lin Mengya's escape.

If it wasn't for the little **** Lin Mengya, she always climbed to such a place when she wanted to learn, she wouldn't think of such a good way now.

If you let that **** know, maybe you're going to die!

However, Shangguan Qing did not dare to neglect.

She squinted her eyes and watched the situation outside tightly. After seeing those nursing homes, she almost dared to open the door a little bit, and slipped away from the wall.

Lin Lin Mengya turned her back to the hut, but the Shennong system kept locking the movement over there.

"Master, the target has left the hut! The target seems to be shaking! Oh, the target was almost discovered!"

In the system, with a small green helmet medicine, holding a walkie-talkie, playing a joy.

"OK, you give me a break!"

Lin Lin Mengya frowned, and warned secretly.

Wu Xiaoyao immediately closed his voice, Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes, and her consciousness entered the system.

"Can't you change your hobby?"

She's a little speechless.

什么 What's wrong with this system, it has become a Scout, and still playing dress up?

But Xiaoyao seemed to grab her mind, and stretched out her fat little arm, and flung it into her arms.

"Master, I have always locked that person!"

"Well, well done, you can unlock it when she leaves the yard."

后 After the system upgrade, the radar detection function has become more powerful.

As long as she thinks, now she can completely envelope the entire palace house in her detection network of the system.

Of course, it may not be as clear as the camera, but the personal information data of various people recorded in the system has become an icon of activities.

She even thought that Shang Guanqing's actions just looked in her eyes.

上 Behind Shangguan Qing, he is always a follower.

Qinghu looked at the crappy woman disdainfully, like a noble leopard cat, ghostly behind her.

Grandma is that girl has such good patience. If he kills him, he hangs on the wall for three days.

Anyway, someone will come to see it.

Pity, this is the girl's errand, he can't mess it up.

Soon, I thought that the wise Shangguan Qing was in the back of the backyard under the care of the Qinghu secretly.

There are few people in the backyard, but there are many horses and horses.

She Shangguan Qingzai carefully observed for a while, only to find that the back door was locked. As long as no one entered or exited, the concierge would be locked immediately.

It's still a bit difficult for her to run out like this.

She Shangguan Qing was a little anxious. At this moment, she looked at the idle horse and carriage next to her.

Gritting her teeth, she quickly ran to the side of the carriage and hid in an unremarkable carriage.

She came up and regretted it.

This car is so big! Inside, there are four chases lined up.

But at this moment, the handlebar style came back.

The horse-drawn carriage moved away, and Shangguan Qing had no time to go down.

She covered her mouth and nose, narrowed herself tightly to the corner of the carriage, and as the carriage moved, the water in the carriage was shaking constantly.

He uttered a "wow," and poured it down from Shang Guanqing's head.

The sour smell makes people faint.

Her patience, even if her nose and mouth have been choked by her, but she can only endure it.

Until, the carriage turned a corner, went out of the alley in the palace's backyard, and went north.

She Shangguan Qing has been hiding in the carriage, has she looked at the situation outside, until the carriage entered a small alley, and as soon as she stopped, she was impatient and jumped off the carriage.

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