Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1733: I have mine at home

林 When Lin Mengya learned that Shang Guanqing was wearing a full body of swill, and all the leaves were running away from her head, she was holding Ning'er to practice writing.

Both babies are in the beginning of the Mongolian period. Although Xiao Yi is an excellent master, after all, they are two young children / children.

Xiao Long Tianyu stood outside the window, watching the three of them, writing and drawing on the desk, and could not help but leak a little smile.

In the study, there were a few brothers sitting in the palace house.

From time to time, a few people spoiled and looked at their sister and nephew, and then glanced at the person standing outside the window.

Alas, unwilling!

"Dad, hold on!"

Su Ninger was young, and because her elders were petting at home, her brother was hurt, but she was a little more active.

I especially like to be held by my parents, stretch out a small hand and say to Long Tianyu.

Although the latter can be treated coldly to anyone, it can still be regarded as a loving father for the baby.

一 As soon as his long arm was stretched out, he picked up the child, and showed off to the people in the house intentionally or unintentionally. Oh, after all, he kissed his son!

Suddenly, the atmosphere of a few people in the room became more serious.

Lin Lin Mengya pinched Mo Yan's little hand, and took him to write and draw a few strokes, and then went out to work, Ning Liang, and walked back.

"Axiu, take the children to Master Shaw for class."

After she kissed each other on the faces of the two children, Axiu took the children away.

After the children left, she sat behind the desk.

温 The soft and soft breath disappeared, and it seemed that here was a general with a plan.

Everyone has this feeling in their hearts, but they cannot ignore one person.

The man who came into the room and stood beside her.

One person is a general and the other is handsome. It is difficult to distinguish between the two, but they seem to complement each other.

The two seem to be one, and no one can do without them.

I saw here, a few people in the palace family, even more heart-broken.

"Homeowner, Your Highness, several sons."

Ning Liang salutes respectfully, and then calmly said, "We have identified where Gong Tu has settled. And, we found that he bought some explosives. I heard the master carpenter in the college say that these days There are many people sneaking around outside the academy, will it be Gong Tu's person? "

Hey explosives, that's a good idea.

If he had done it for him, then they would all become fly ash.

I ca n’t but--

"He's not so stupid, since we can all be aware of things, can we still be fooled?"

Gao Linmengya smiled, showing a little irony.

She doesn't think Gong Tu's intention is completely bluffing.

If there is a chance, he may not implement it.

How many innocent students are there in the college besides them?

He is so mad that he is the number.

"Furthermore, according to the news from our various business firms, each business firm originally had a white jade goddess of mercy statue in a town house. However, many white jade goddess of mercy statues were stolen. Until now, The rest are very few. "

Lin Ningliang's news was only understood by Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu.

The rest of the people were all embarrassed.

Baiyu Guanyin, what's the matter?

She nodded and let Ning Liang retreat first.

Then, he looked at Long Tianyu and spoke slowly.

"I know, my brothers have doubts in my heart. Well, I and Yu found a mine. The thing in this mine is very precious. Because this thing is the nemesis of Xiancheng people."

Before I was stunned, the matter about Xiancheng was enough to disturb five people.

After all, they are still too weak, and there is no such thing as Xiancheng is very spicy.

They are also worried, how to deal with once the war starts?

I didn't expect that the little girl gave them such a big surprise. How could they be upset?

"What is it, little girl, please tell me!"

The two palaces were overjoyed and hurried.

"It is a kind of ore that is similar to jade, but not jade. This ore, the processed weapon, has a restraining effect on the Xiancheng people. But this ore is really too difficult to mine. Yes, I can only bother a few brothers. "

Zhen · Mine Lin Mengya at home, blinked innocently.

A few other members of the palace family were stupid.

"Let's go mining?"

The expression of Kusugiya Goku was a bit inexplicable.

Although he has done many things with his younger sister, this is also the first time.

"How do you say, oh, let's say it."

She squeezed her eyes toward Long Tianyu, thinking that it would be more appropriate for her man to do this kind of hate pulling.

Nine Dragons Tianyu had no objection, but pulled out a tattered booklet from her arms.

"This ore, called stone jade, is an extraterrestrial meteorite. The knife is cut continuously, the axe cannot be moved, but it must be turned into gold water."

"This golden water is--"

The boss of the palace palace frowned, and suddenly a bad feeling came to him.

"The gold bars melt, the purer the better."

The words of Xun Long Tianyu immediately let the five members of the palace family take a breath of air.

哪里 Where is mining? This is obviously a burnout!

Seeing a few brothers shocked, Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, "So, I can't let others do this. Our palace family is rich, but except for a few people in our family, I really It never occurred to anyone that they would not be at all concerned. "

这么 She said that the individual of the palace family was even more painful.

Cooperating with them not only to mine, but also to burn money?

Suddenly, the eyes of hatred turned unanimously to the shameless man.

"I heard that His Royal Highness Xi has a lot of private property. Since this mine belongs to our palace family, shouldn't this gold come out of the royal family?"

As soon as the words of Nian Gongsan fell, Long Tianyu narrowed his eyes toward the other side.

"You are richer."

What? What did His Highness Xi say just now?

Suddenly, the mood of several people in the palace family was even worse.

Shouldn't he resist this errand for the sake of face?

How about face? Not at all?

A few people just wanted to say something, but heard him continue to say, "My private property has been transferred to her name."

What it means is that to spend, you have to go to their sister.

Wu Gongbin didn't feel any good. After looking at the man for a few eyes, he asked, "Sister, is this true?"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head, then quietly opened her eyes under the eyes of her brothers becoming proud.

"I don't know if it's under my name, but his property is indeed in my hands."

He smiled and said, but completely stopped everyone's words.

At this moment, the five men in the palace family can also be understood.

I'm really the water that my daughter got married!

Look, my heart is home.

"It's not too late, I want to wait until you show up at the opening ceremony, and then get some minerals out of your own name. As for the tools, he will help us get ready as soon as possible. Second brother, fifth brother, I will I ’ll take you to see this ore first, and what kind of weapon to make after this ore is mined is up to you. ”

When talking about business, the two men nodded and said yes.

After a few more discussions, Lin Mengya took Gong Er and Gong Wu to see the ore together.

Only this time, she and Long Tianyu are familiar with each other.

Wu Ke came to Miyaji and Miyako for the first time here, but they made a sound of astonishment.

"My God, is this the legendary God of Wealth?"

He was so busy with his eyes that he didn't have any greed, but felt that it was too grand.

Gong Er was frowning, and after the initial exclamation, he seemed a little dissatisfied.

"You said that our ancestors knew how to make these gold, silver and vulgar things. Why didn't you know how to collect some famous swords?"

Lin Mengya, who was leading the way, rolled her eyes.

Brother Er, is really a martial artist.

"Second Brother, the stuff here is enough for you to get all the famous swords."

I didn't expect that the second brother shook his head.

"Not necessarily. Those celebrities don't necessarily only collect money. But you say that, I saw a sword at the auction before, and I still feel that my private property is not enough. Now it seems that it must be mine ! "

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and didn't take it seriously.

Brother Er's brother is just talking about it. They all know that this is the wealth of the Li family and belongs to the entire family.

Therefore, they will not be paid for their greed.

I soon reached the black passage before.

In order to prevent the previous situation, Lin Mengya came in and disconnected from the system in advance.

刚刚 As soon as they stepped into the darkness, they saw a portrait not far away, with a warm and shining light.

光 Light is the only pursuit in the dark.

Even if they have no intention, they can't help speeding up.

Soon, they came to the portrait under the guidance of light.

"this is"

Wu Gongwu stared at the stone statue, for some reason, it reminded him of his mother.

For a while, Miyaji touched his head and seemed to be thinking about something.

"This seems to be the portrait of the third generation homeowner!"

Zhe Lin Mengya heard the words and looked at her elder brother in surprise.

The latter nodded, and became more and more certain that he was accurate, explaining: "It is rumored that the third generation of the owner is not a mortal. Here, she also set it down, saying that it can keep our palace family and the generations safe. I remember, I When I was very young, my great ancestor used to worship a portrait with me. The person in the portrait was so special, so I remember it to this day. Yes, it's exactly like this! "

A few of the people present at the meeting also felt similar.

After all, this is the most important place of the palace family. Can we still let the old ancestors of other families fail?

But Gongwu felt strange.

"Second Brother, when did you see it? Why haven't I seen it?"

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