Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1736: The meaning of drunk

There are less than ten days before the eighth day of August.

In recent days, non-Yecheng City has been turned upside down, not only because of the college's opening ceremony, but also because the palace family is hunting some people within the city.

In just a few days, several waves of people have been arrested and released.

I made people who are not in Yecheng feel heart-scratching.

But soon, those responsible for arresting people went outside the city.

The people who were caught before were released because they were sure they had nothing to do with the people they arrested.

The Xia Gong family only questioned them routinely and did not make things difficult, so this little turbulence soon subsided.

However, the foreigner only said that he had lost a fugitive slave.

What kind of fugitive slaves can they use in such a big battle?

It's a pity that the family's mouth is too tight. They don't say that no one has the chance to know.

But no one knows that the action of the palace family is that the drunkard does not want to drink.

In the study room of the fourth palace, the whole family was listening to Ning Liang's reply.

"According to the situation we investigated these days, it seems that it was these families who took away the second lady that night and mingled with the guests."

Su Ningliang put the list in his hand on the desk.

In the past few days, they were only in the guise of arresting fugitive slaves, but they were actually investigating those who had taken Lin Mengwu away at the banquet.

Now these results show that as early as when they entered the city for registration, these people were afraid of collusion.

Xiongong looked down, looked at the list, and then changed hands to Lin Mengya.

After a quick glance at the latter, he made a comparison with the guest list in the system that day.

As a result, some discrepancies were found.

"There are a few people missing in these homes. Although it doesn't matter, things can be explained in this way."

The grandmother knew that she had the ability to never forget, so she never checked again.

But in fact, even if it is checked, it is currently useless.

In the end, people are guests, not prisoners.

What if they knew it? Not only can you watch it secretly, after all, catching thieves is about catching stolen goods.

"It's awful!"

Xie Gongbin patted the table heavily.

客人 These guests are all carefully arranged by them.

But they did not like the palace family.

Even though he knew it, he couldn't help feeling angry.

"Big brother, why are you angry with these people, Ning Liang, are you sure these people are really sent by these families?"

She raised the list in Yang's hand and asked.

And Ning Liang shook his head and replied, "I also feel strange for these young people. These families are so far away from the back cover of our family, and they have not had any deep friendship. In the second, they have arrived early. Puzzled. "

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, she also thought that would be the case.

Others also understood what she meant, and it appears that this time someone got into their hole.

"But these people can't enter the college's meeting place. On the day of the opening ceremony, only families with invitations from our palace family can enter the ceremony. Others can only be outside."

"But what if they forged invitations too?"

Xi Gongbin couldn't help asking anxiously, but Lin Mengya and Gong Shi smiled at each other.

"Is it fake? I can see through it with my elder brother at a glance. Big brother rest assured that no one will succeed in forging."

Because all the invitations have the abbreviations of the pinyin letters of those families.

There is such a unique, anti-counterfeiting technical support that is simple and easy for her at home. The possibility of false invitations is very small.

If you are really smart, you can learn the secrets—

She doesn't know that the mark she made is not just that.

As the day approaches, the palace family becomes more and more busy.

As one of the real figures in the palace family, she and her four elder brothers were both pulled by his wife and tried out new suits.

Brother Sisi is a man, so long as he is careful with his accessories.

At most plus a crown, it is the most formal dress.

But her side was plunged into deep water.

"The style of this skirt is pretty. Unfortunately, the pattern on the top is too vulgar. Go and get her another one!"

Lin Dongmeng, Lin Mengya was dug up by his wife from the bed early in the morning, washed her face, and under the command of Mrs. Lian and Sister Hui, she wore a set of dresses and showed them.

At first she was able to hold on. After changing about seven or eight sets, she finally realized what it means to have no love.

"Ma'am, I think this set looks pretty good, otherwise, just let it go!"

I tossed all morning, Lin Mengya, whose stomach was still empty, asked with a smile.

Anyway, even 婶婶 is for her good. Even if she doesn't want to, she can't defeat others' good intentions.

Mrs. Lilian looked at the dark green dress on her body and frowned slightly.

"It's rare that your girl can hold such a color, and it is not old-fashioned. But that day is a festive day, and it should be a festive color. You guys, please bring the begonia red to give her a try. "

When I heard it, I had to try on clothes, but Lin Mengya had to pretend to die.

Fortunately, this set of begonia red, so that Lilian finally satisfied.

Then she was pressed in front of the dressing table, and she was asked to try those sets of head and face.

Okay, I can sit, but I'm not afraid that if I eat, my stomach will be stretched, which will affect the look and feel of clothes.

She ate a lot of sweet butter prepared by Bai Su for her, and just thought the world was beautiful!

瞧 "Look at your gluttonous look, it's a bit like Yaer."

It wasn't that Mrs. Lin Lian didn't see it. Since the honey came, this girl has been staring closely.

Yun Yaer is also a girl like her, can't help but laugh.

Lin Mengya blinked, and Lin Mengya dug a big mouth into her mouth and said, "As the saying goes, it ’s not a family, you do n’t enter a house. I and the owner have the same interest, so they will be sisters. , I have to share more for the homeowner! "

Mrs. Lin Lian shook her head and shouted helplessly, "You, you will make excuses for your pouting. But you are right, Yaer is not here, you have a lot of hard work."

"Where is there any hard work, the owner is so good to me, I want to repay her."

I boasted of myself, Lin Mengya really did not blush and not beat.

But she was also in the mirror and saw some unusually quiet sister Hui.

I think it's because of the skinny monkey.

"Sister Yue, help me to see, the jade inlaid on this 钗 is a bit crooked?"

Xuan Zhenghui, who was immersed in her thoughts, was sober by being called by her.

He took a step forward, took him, and looked at it subconsciously before he said, "It's okay."

"Oh, like this, but sister Yue, what do you seem to be thinking about? I just called you twice before and you didn't return me."

She turned her head and asked with a smile.

Ying Shangguanhui looked at her, but stopped talking.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that Sister Hui was afraid that she would be worried about the people around her.

Now, he got up and took Hui sister to Lianhe.

夫人 "Ma'am, your vision is so good, I really learned today. But, I have to go and see the dishes. You can rest here first, I'll go and see with Sister Yue, shall I?

Mrs. Lilian was actually a little tired, but she was happy and had the rare opportunity to dress up a girl. But she was so full of energy that she wanted her children to be the most beautiful girls at the ceremony.

I saw her so obediently letting her mother-in-law be dressed up, and she was addicted to her heart, and she did not refuse now.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately took off her dress, unloaded her bead, changed her usual dress, and took Bai Su and Hui sister out of Dongyuan.

"My mother, Madam is really terrific. I'm in the hands of my wife like this."

She patted her chest and sighed exaggeratedly.

She Shangguan Huizheng was worried. After seeing her appearance for the rest of her life, she couldn't help smiling and nodded her forehead.

"It's your mother who values ​​you. You and I are the same. Although you are not biological, you have not been treated badly."

当然 "Of course I know, no matter the wife or the owner, they are all kind-hearted. They are good, and I remember them all."

I looked at the girl in front of me, Shangguan Hui's desire to confide, I do not know why it is particularly strong.

Xu Xu is that they are both lonely and helpless, and finally they have regained the love of their family; or they have changed their lives because of that beautiful and intelligent woman.

In short, facing Su Mei, Shang Guanhui just wanted to tell her what she thought.

"Xiaomei, what do you say if everything you have been looking forward to for a long time has changed and you are completely strange and unacceptable at all?"

Lin Lin Mengya, where she didn't know what Sister Hui was pointing at, took her look, pretending to say, "If it were me, I would not be willing to be wronged. Since it's not what I want, then I don't want it."

"But what if you can't let go of him? It's him who is thinking of you, but when he really arrives in front of you, what do you think, when he is not the same as before?"

Lin Lin Mengya saw the painful struggle in the eyes of Sister Hui, and wanted to come to her sense, always telling her that the person in front of her was Lin Nansheng, her lover, and her life.

Ye Ke emotionally, she felt that the person was no longer the one she was familiar with.

反复 This repeated tug and torture can really make people crush their hearts.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed softly and looked at Sister Hui seriously.

"Sister Yue, are you sure, is that really the person you are waiting for?"

The Shangguan Hui subconsciously nodded, but she thought of all these days, this head, no matter how she can no longer nod.

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