Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1737: Night Tour Academy

Gao Linmengya knew the hesitation and pain in her heart, and couldn't bear to ask any more questions. The matter had to come slowly.

也许 "Maybe, it's because you have been separated for too long, for the time being not used to it. Sister Yue is better to be cold and cold, think again."

Hearing Shangguanhui, he could only nod.

But in my heart, some strange ideas came into being.

Although there are people who have changed their temperament after encountering a change.

But how firm Nan Sheng's mind is, how can he become such a look.

Hey, what went wrong?

Gao Linmengya looked at her look, and after making certain determinations, she stopped talking.

I turned to sister Hui and went to see the dishes prepared by the people.

After checking everything that was fine, Lin Mengya accompanied Sister Hui and returned to Dongyuan.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Mrs. Lian's pensive look, thinking what she was thinking.

Two people sat nicely in front of his wife, who looked at them with a loving smile on their faces.

"I saw Yaer when I saw you two. That child is a benefactor of our family. Without her, there would be no family like us."

She Shangguanhui nodded. She was extremely grateful to Yaer, but Lin Mengya felt a fever on her face, but she had to cooperate.

"I thought about it. The previous matter of the fake princess was afraid that it would have an impact on Yaer's reputation. At this ceremony, I don't know what will happen."

Mrs. Lin Lian is not without reason.

Although the previous events did not toss the palace family, at the same time, they also exposed the shortcomings of the palace family.

Compared with the families that have been flourishing for generations, the previous fifty years have not only let the people of the palace family be disheartened, but they have also lost their most abundant power.

Fortunately, there was support from the Ma family and the Cheng family. Otherwise, how could those families see the prosperity of the palace family like this?

一旦 Once the college is completed, it means that the palace family has a chance to flourish again.

如何 How can these families be willing?

"Mrs. said is, in the case of Gong Tu's slander of my ancestors. If no one helped in secret, why is he so capable?"

Lin Lin Mengya said coldly.

At that time, don't look at the palace family seems to be in the hands of Gong Tu, but in fact, some of the key forces are actually in her hands.

But what happened? But she almost became a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouted.

And the princess, how come there are so many people, rushing to hold it?

I just want to step on her face and want the palace family to lose the advantage of uniting with His Highness Xi.

These people, hiding in the dark to stir up the flames, just want to let the palace family quarrel, they are good fishermen.

I'm afraid that on the day of the opening ceremony, they must make some noise so that the palace family can't climb up completely.

Some of Mrs. Lilian's face was not very good-looking.

The future and fate of the Xun Palace family is related to Yaer's life and death.

There is something, she has a heart, but she can't stop it.

"This matter, my master and I should not come forward. We can protect you for a while, but we may not be able to protect you forever. Presumably, if Yaer is here, I will certainly think so. Xiaomei, you are a good person, the palace family You have to rely on you. "

Mrs. Lin Lian patted her shoulders arduously, Lin Mengya couldn't help feeling a little moved.

Regardless of whether she is Gong Ya or Su Mei, Lian Ye and Uncle Lian all truly love and support her.

This kind of gratitude, she did not want to repay.

"Mrs. Please rest assured, since I dare to invite them, I am not afraid of their troubles. Although they have tried their ideas. If it can make them successful, then we don't have to think about the revival palace, let it go. better?"

Mrs. Lin Lian looked at the girl, only to see her firm eyes and indifferent attitude, it really looked like she was in the chest, not like stubbornness.

I do not know why, she felt that this girl was credible, every word and every word she said could come true.

The heart that was dangling was also ironed down.

Since Ya'er chose to believe her, it naturally has her reason.

"Okay, you are all good children. In the future, whether you are a family or a palace family, you will have to rely on your children."

Mrs. Lin Lian looked at the children with relief.

Lin Lin Mengya and Shang Guanhui looked at each other and smiled. They had people in their hearts who wanted to protect, and they would naturally become strong.

Today's time hurries past.

From the evening of the seventh day of August, the whole college is brightly lit.

As soon as Tan Tianbian wiped off the black, there were constant carriages, and guests came here.

Everyone looked at the academy in front of them a little strangely, and the housekeeper Ning Liang was wearing new neat clothes and standing at the door, welcoming the guests from all directions.

However, except for some young ladies who came with their children, most of the guests were younger generations of each family.

This is a warm-up activity that Lin Mengya conducted, named "Night Tour Academy".

I actually invited the young people of each family to visit first.

In this way, families and households can get to know the college first, and the second reason is that the college first recruits students for these people. Naturally, they must first attract their interest to recruit people.

"So many people, what if something goes wrong tomorrow?"

In the Confucian Garden, Gong Si and Lin Mengya sat on the second floor and looked at the lively garden party outside, and couldn't help asking a little.

Lin Lin Mengya filled herself with a cup of tea, and after a while the sound of spring water dinging against the wall of the glass sounded, she said quietly: "There must be a problem."

"Then you still"

"Four brothers, it is better to give them a convenience than let them sneak in."

Squinting her eyes, she looked into the dark night sky.

Sugimiya sighed helplessly, and learned her appearance, adding a new cup of tea to herself.

"Sometimes I really doubt what's inside your little head. If it's put on someone else, it's all defenses, I'm afraid it's a little bit of a problem. But you're good, big Open the door of convenience. If they don't do anything, I'm afraid they're all sorry for you. "

He spit out his tongue, Lin Mengya's gaze was attracted somewhere in the crowd.

I wonder, why is he here too?

There are so many people below, but she only feels the eyes of that person, as if he is looking at himself.

In the crowd, a tall, gray figure stood in this way.

He was incompatible with the surroundings, but it was inexplicable that he didn't want to touch it, so he stopped suddenly and hit him without opening his eyes.

"My son, what's wrong?"

The confidant who was waiting beside him saw only his son watching somewhere.

Your subconsciously looked at it together, but saw nothing.

"Nothing. I'll go over there."

The man turned and walked firmly in one direction.

He didn't dare to disobey his orders, so he had to stand aside, and looking away, he never left his son.

He went outside a courtyard and looked up to see only the three characters of the letter "Ru Xinyuan".

As soon as Xun wanted to go in, the person next to the nursing home politely stopped him.

"This boy, you can't trespass inside."

The Nursing Home did not scold, and his tone was polite.

只能 He could only stop, visible line, but closely followed a figure on the second floor.

A little confused, floating on his black eyes, but the next moment, quietly disappeared.

He took a few steps back and glanced at a window on the second floor.

He frowned slightly under the mask, and frowned slightly. Eventually, he left.

Suddenly, on the second floor, Lin Mengya seemed to be relieved, slowing her tight shoulders.

Observation of the four palaces is meticulous.

At that moment, the little girl in front of me was like a little hedgehog who was aware of the crisis, and opened up all his sharpness, facing unknown fear.

He was a little worried, and looked out, but only the lights were dim, and the figure was dim.

"Is there anything wrong? Ning Liang is still underneath. Would you like to call him?"

After Lin Mengya knew it, she wiped the sweat from her neck.

She also didn't know what happened to her, why she had an instinctual resistance to that person alone.

"It's okay, it's time for Yu, I'll go down to meet him."

For the past few days, Long Tianyu has been extremely busy in order to dig up the stone jade.

Because there are so many secrets and many things, he must ask him to do it himself.

Apart from the daily breakfast, the two of them even had difficulty meeting each other.

Yu Yu knew that she had arranged these night tours to the college, so she was busy and wanted to take her to relax.

Even if the waves are tomorrow tomorrow, you should not let go of the fun of today.

Sometimes Lin Mengya feels very lucky. Fortunately, the person accompanying her in this life is a person who knows her completely.

As soon as she went out, she saw Xue Hua waiting outside the door.

"When did you come here, and he?"

Xue Hua, dressed in white, smiled, but did not speak, but handed her a mask.

She took it. It was a fairy's face in the painting, but at the left forehead, she carefully painted a blooming rose.

Su Linlin Mengya suddenly recognized that it was Yu's Danqing.

I had a sweet heart, but didn't know what this person was doing, even if my heart was in doubt, I put the wooden mask on her face.

Xi Qiangwei was enchanting and bright, although she covered her face, it was strangely integrated with her own temperament.

As if she turned into a rose fairy, a little bit, step into this earthly world.

Xue Hua, led her to the courtyard door.

She looked around without seeing any familiar faces.

She didn't have any reason, she was a little nervous, and the two little hands twisted together subconsciously, but in the next second, was held by a big hand.

"I'm coming."

He said lowly in her ear.

Only momentarily, those uneasy and those nervous flew out of her mind.

"You want to take me"

Where are you going? But the remaining two words were blocked by his fingers between his lips.

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