Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1741: Four Thai College

Gao Linmengya looked around, and winked at Liu Xiurong and A Xiu who were in charge of turning the pages.

Two people quickly turned their eyes and a page, Lin Mengya coughed a few times and caught everyone's attention.

"But if there is such a place. It has strong faculty and a mature and complete education system. It can not only train excellent talents, but also promote the next generation of communication and development. And everyone only needs to get With some tuition fees, your children can be educated by the top masters in China. Why do n’t you do it? "

I want to say Huyou, Lin Mengya said that she was second, and no one dared to say first.

At first she quickly suppressed it by force, because if she didn't do it, these people would not have that interest at all, listen to what she said.

Now things are different.

When she was talking, those who were responsible for blocking the door had actually dispersed quietly.

He was on the court, but no one found it.

They all stared at the strange cardboard tightly, thinking in their hearts that although they couldn't read the contents of the cardboard, they felt inexplicable.

Speaker Lin Mengya, with a standard hospitality smile, experienced the feeling of a press conference.

Hey, no wonder everyone loves to use ppt, it really is a good tool for Huyou!

"Does this really make the younger generations in our family the same as those in the top ten families?"

In the crowd, some people began to ask tentatively.

Zhe Lin Mengya's smile is even brighter. When someone asks, it means that someone has begun to tempt.

She immediately spared no effort and recommended her own college: "This elder brother asked a good question. Even though the top ten families are strong, the masters hired by our college are all invited from all over the country. The purpose of our college to invite masters, Regardless of their origin, they only learn by virtue and character. "

He said, everyone knew what it meant.

The ethnology of the general family, the teachers hired are all elders in the clan, or they are close to each other.

They also heard that there were many people from poor backgrounds. Unfortunately, they couldn't pull their faces to invite, and the other party was too high to come.

If the Sitai College can really invite such people over, they would be looking forward to it.

"I don't think so, the masters in our family studies are really real people. Not your grass-roots team can afford it!"

In the crowd, most people from a good family think that she is bragging.

也不 She was not annoyed, and signaled the person behind her to turn another page.

"Look at this, this is the list of appointments for all our Masters. As for the question mentioned by the Master just now, may I ask, maybe in the Book of Poetry, your Master is the leader, but in terms of art? , Martial arts moves, rhythmic pictures, masters of your family, can you really be accomplished in every way? "

The man was stunned by her words.

In fact, comprehensive, this is one of Lin Mengya's few advantages now.

的 The masters they hired before, although they do not occupy the absolute advantage in quality, they are good in all.

Even she hired many skilled masters to come here, and usually bring apprentices to work for the college in her spare time.

After seeing these things, these people were silent.

They are all thinking carefully, it is not worth their belief.

"If you do this, aren't you afraid of trouble?"

In the crowd, a woman suddenly stood up.

The woman had a beautiful face and a graceful temperament, but her eyes were a bit shrewd.

While everyone around was talking about it, the woman narrowed her eyes and stared at the cardboard behind her.

Zhe Lin Mengya only noticed her, but did not expect that this person would ask back at this time.

"What does this lady mean by chaos?"

"Your idea is good, but the disciples of the family receive the ethnographic education of each family, not only to become the pillars of the pillars, but also to let them understand the history of the family and strengthen their sense of responsibility to the family. The children will be sent to you. After that, will they sincerely support their families? If you do this, you clearly want to obliterate the family mark. "

As soon as everyone heard this, they came to their senses.

If they really send their children to the college, they will remember that they may have more colleges.

What if I returned to my family and refused to accept discipline?

When Lin Mengya heard this, she knew that this woman was not fool.

Turned around in person and opened a page on the back.

"I have also taken into account what the girl said. Although the classes in the class have been reordered. But I have reserved a place for each family. Any family member who comes to school here will With the family as a team, at the end of each year, all the masters of the college will give students a score based on the performance of this family over the year, and the one with the highest score will get the final victory. Is it an honor that belongs to the whole family, and it is better for them to learn to glorify the family from an early age? "

Her remarks made her feel better.

But the girl frowned slightly.

"Since it's all the same, why come here? Isn't it easy and safe for them to receive education in the family?"

姑娘 "Girl, little wolves will learn to bite only when they are in the wolf pack. Only if they know that there are people outside and there is sky outside, they will have an upward motivation. Fighting, coming out of the womb, they should learn.

I'm honest, most of the things taught in the ethnology are the son-in-law who knows nothing about the world.

Even though there are fights in the family, they all know that the biggest enemy is from the outside.

As soon as they entered the academy, they had to learn how to compete with others for good marks.

Hesitating for internal reasons, most of these battles are benign, so they will be promoted instead.

"I still feel that this academy is not as good as our tribe. No one can guarantee what people will encounter when sending people here. Besides, there are many grudges among families. In the event of someone, take the opportunity How can you guarantee these children? "

Lin Lin Mengya shrugged, then turned the paper to the last page.

"This is a contract. Every family that sends children to the college must be signed. In non-Yecheng, you must give up your personal grudges. You must not take the opportunity to seek revenge. If someone violates, all The family that signed this contract can all flock to attack! My palace family, the first to live with him! "

The words of her were a shock to everyone present.

Those weaker families have already made up their minds.

Don't say what the master ’s level is, just to protect the children of the palace, they will come to this academy.

At the same time, those families who are slightly inferior but still have the ability to protect themselves have the most enthusiastic.

After all, although they are more than better, they are still weak compared to the top ten families.

的 The woman who was still trembling just now is sitting under the stage with a cold face.

知道 She knew that no matter what she said, the final result was reversed by the woman named Su Mei into conditions conducive to the Palace Academy.

So she had to keep silent.

"Dare to ask Mr. Su Mei, how does this bunch of repairs count?"

In the crowd, some people couldn't wait to ask.

At this time, Lin Mengya pulled out the third brother who had been dumb.

"For these matters, we have to ask our dean of the palace. But now I want to ask you, who is the third son of the palace family to serve as the dean, who else is not qualified?"

In a few moments, the crowd that will become somewhat warm just now has condensed.

怎么 Why did they forget? Just now the old man did not agree with San Gongzi as the dean, and then they almost let people be slaughtered like chicks.

同意 "Agree! How can there be disagreement? This dean is not a sir, as long as the character is noble?"

"Yes! The third son has a reputation for virtue. How can this dean be so bad?"

Any family who intends to send their children over naturally supports Miyazo as the president.

Lin Mengya smiled and looked at the location of the top ten families.

The others did not know, but she was clear.

The reason why these people didn't jump out to stop the three brothers was because they were well-thought-out and didn't want to completely tear their faces with the palace family in this matter.

Everyone knows that this college was established by the emperor and the saint.

If the palace family cannot support itself, you are the palace family's own incompetence.

But if they are obstructed, it means that they are openly opposed to the royal family and the temple.

They are trivial and they are clearly distinguished.

"Dear everyone, today is the opening ceremony. Now that you intend to send the children over, then please follow me to the inner court to discuss matters. I will definitely answer your questions."

Sannomiya said politely, and these family members naturally refused, and after leaving their own name cards, they returned to their seats to sit and watch the ceremony.

I looked back at the tacit understanding of the younger sister, and even Gongsan himself did not expect that the situation is the current situation.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and returned to the corner, then looked at her three brothers and four brothers, followed the steps she designed, cut the ribbon in the sound of courtesy and blessings, and then announced the official opening of Sitai College.

今天 From today, it will be the most intensive step of the palace family and even the entire patriotic nation.


Beside him, a low congratulation came from the man.

Lin Lin Mengya slightly moved her steps, and leaned gently on his shoulder.

"thank you."

Xiao Long Tianyu's eyes flashed, and she grabbed her waist with no worries.

As long as she wants it, he will desperately make her dream come true.

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