Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1742: Speculative trend

After the school opening ceremony, Hagi originally prepared song and dance banquets to entertain these families and to soothe the psychological shadow they had left behind by the intimidation of Lin Mengya.

But they greatly underestimated everyone's ability to resist pressure. After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, the third and fourth brothers were surrounded by everyone and went to the backyard to discuss their own enrollment.

As for the wicked nurses just now, Ning Liang has been replaced with a courteous and clever little 厮 at this moment.

The present situation is a little bit unexpected.

Lin Lin Mengya talked dry and dry before, and she also intentionally introduced her brothers, so she just retreated to an inconspicuous corner and drank the warm tea that Bai Su handed her up.

The crowd was disturbing, but the person she wanted to notice did not lose track.

Lin Lin Mengya calmly looked at the woman who had doubted her before. She was not interested in the introductions of Sitai Academy, and she did not see any angry look on her face.

After seeing everyone around her asking, she got up and left.

"Bai Su, go find someone to inquire about that person."

Alas this woman, she has never seen it before.

But if she can appear here, she can openly question her, this woman must not be an ordinary person.

Although the matter on Tong Ming has come to an end, there are still more issues to be dealt with.

After a little rest, she took advantage of others' attention and returned to Confucian Garden.

I just left Bai Su at the door this time and went into the room alone.

Although Pan Jin had been occupied by this place for a while before, in fact, Pan Jin didn't know a little about the secret here.

She walked down to the stairs leading to the second floor. This is the dead corner in the whole house, let alone Pan Jin, for fear that even her descendants will not clean the place carefully.

What's more, even if it is found, what can it do?

It was designed and built by Yu himself. The mechanism is not ordinary.

She stomped her feet slightly and pushed away from the lower part of a staircase, then exposed a mechanical lock similar to a modern combination lock.

This was the idea that she had an idea before, and then Yu asked someone to design it.

The puppet organs are divided into two layers, and one layer has sixteen finger-thick wooden sticks.

阿拉伯 Arabic numerals are used for the first layer, and sixteen letters are used for the second layer.

And the passwords change every once in a while. Except for them, no one knows what the password of this institution is.

I pressed the combination lock and heard only the muffled sound of mechanical rotation.

Under her feet, a hidden door appeared.

Lin Mengya pushed back the combination lock and stepped down the stairs.

The meticulous path was not too dim, nor was it deep.

However, this is the core of the entire Sitai College.

If there is an invasion of the enemy, if the college is completely in defensive, it only takes a short period of time for the entire Sitai College to be destroyed, and it will be destroyed with the enemy.

This is its heaviest promise to the students it protects.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't go to the office building, but in the tunnels extending in all directions, silently went to the other exit.

I waited until she went up and found out that this was actually the place where the family was injured before.

But at this time, there are a few more figures here.

"Miss, you are here."

I was a little surprised by the people outside when she suddenly came out of the room.

But here is Yu's confidant, so she just smiled and greeted everyone one by one, and went to the study.

At this time, Long Tianyu is dispatching troops here.

"In the middle of the night, you must take three hundred people outside the city to assist the palace guards in inspections. There must be no mistake."


"Bali Rui, you take three hundred people to set up dark whistle at various main points in the city. Any wind and grass move, you must be aware of it immediately."


"Xue Hua, all the rest are dispatched to you. Be sure to protect every family, neither can they make waves, nor can they be harmed."

"Subordinates obey, what about your Highness?"

Xue Hua changed his former frivolity, and Junlang's face was full of grim expression.

Chen Long Tianyu raised his head, and just saw the woman standing at the door. The cold and proud face suddenly showed a affectionate smile.

"I will be with Su Yan as her side and attend this banquet."

"However, if there are people from the fairy city mixing in, your Highness and Miss will be very dangerous?"

Xue Hua somewhat disagrees.

According to the information they have discovered now, Gong Tu is planning an extremely brutal blood-washing plan.

Before he died, the explosives he bought also became the weapon of command.

Tonight, all the guests who want to attend the banquet of the palace family will be victims of Gong Tu's conspiracy.

The man was crazy. He didn't want to care about the whole situation at all. Instead, he felt that as long as everyone died, there would be no obstacle.

This matter, even Lin Mengya was a little curious, for what reason did it make Gong Tu such a dog jump over the wall.

However, the banquet can no longer be postponed, and the ceremony must be held as scheduled, otherwise the palace family will only become a laughing stock for others.

So, they just have to hit it hard.

Everyone in the squatter was assigned their own task.

And Lin Mengya's arrival did not attract much attention, as if they had acknowledged her existence.

"Tonight's work, everyone is working hard tonight. But before you go out to perform the task, please go to the house to get something."

She said with a smile, these people also agreed one after another, faintly already have her as a leader.

Nine Dragons Tian Yu was relieved, and he was happy to see such a development.

Even in the near future, he can give her everything.

And his support is also the key to whether these people can accept Lin Mengya.

The people who got the task all left, one after another, Lin Mengya smiled and walked to his side.

"What do you think is coming at the time, aren't you busy ahead?"

I sat in a chair, in front of her, he was always relaxed.

Lin Lin Mengya tilted her head and smiled mysteriously toward his god.

"You're not curious, what did I give them?"

I put my five fingers on my knees, tightened subconsciously, and then let go.

This is his habit, especially when he feels puzzled, he will unconsciously pinch his fingers.

She was in front of him.

Xiao Long Tianyu nodded with a smile, then made a helpless appearance.

"But if you don't want to tell me, then I have to wait until the day when the water comes out."

"噗嗤", she did not hold back a laugh.

I was so serious and pitiful that he could do such a naive ghost.

"Your son doesn't bother to play such a trick with me, do you know?" She laughed and said softly, "All I prepared for them were masks soaked in potion."

A touch of fine light crossed Long Tianyu's long eyes.

He really did not expect that in such a short period of time, his wife was so well prepared.

Immediately, he frowned slightly again.

"The wind direction tonight seems to be unfavorable."

没 "It doesn't matter, the wind direction will change tonight. As long as they dare to come, I will never let them go easily."

There was a cold smile on her lips.

In my opinion, it should be that her temper was too good before Gong Tu and the people behind him shot her repeatedly.

I have to know that if anyone makes her live badly, she will definitely fight back ten times.

不过 "But why haven't you heard the wind before?"

Xun Long Tianyu took the man in his arms, raised his head, and asked with a slight smile.

Because Gong Tu has traces of people from the fairy city, Long Tianyu does not want to alarm Lin Mengya.

After all, for Yaer, it is not a good thing to confront Xiancheng prematurely.

Therefore, he didn't hide her from this news, but he didn't take the initiative to talk to her.

So when Lin Mengya spoke, he was a little surprised.

"If I told you in advance, how can I achieve unexpected results?"

She bent her eyes and said softly.

But Long Tianyu was keenly aware of the deep meaning in her words.

"Are you afraid, among the people under me and yours, is there someone else's work?"

"It's not just fine work." She also thought of Ning Liang's arrangement of people to do things these days.

"The things we have to do are too big and too dangerous, so we have to let our own confidants do it. But people are unpredictable, and even if they have nothing wrong, they can't guarantee that others will not."

"and so?"

所以 "So, it's best for us to do it all by ourselves. In this way, even if they all fall into the hands of the enemy, our affairs will not be leaked."

This way, Long Tianyu is no stranger.

It was this method that Yaer used to make secret drugs.

Seeing his thoughtful appearance, Lin Mengya gritted her teeth and whispered, "Don't you think that's weird? Why can't we take the lead everywhere? From the time we two went to sea, the civil strife in Jin State has now Do n’t you think it ’s too strange that Jin Yao started working on you and your mother? ”

There are actually some things that he may not be aware of.

But they have been so exhausted that they have no time to think about these things.

Now she really mentions it, but it makes Long Tianyu alert.

"Is anyone really familiar with our affairs?"

Seeing Long Tianyu's serious face, Lin Mengya shook her head gently.

"No one in the world can know the prophet. Besides, there are too many unexpected factors, and even we have no way to control the direction of things. But if someone just knows our actions, or even just trivial matters? I know, this There is a person in the world who can guess the general direction of things based on clues. "

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