Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1743: Fancy party

The truth is very simple.

For example, if she saw a piece of meat cut by her neighbors at the fair, then she can speculate that they must eat a meal today or tomorrow.

As for how to eat, she may not know, but at least there is a direction.

Many of the things that happened before, maybe they happened to be coincidental when they happened, but to this stage, they are inextricably linked.

"It is true that there will be such people in the world."

Xiao Long Tianyu's frown frowned, and he seemed to think of some key issues.

Lin Mengya stretched out his hand, gently smoothed his brow, held his face, and said softly, "We can no longer fight passively. The establishment of the college is the beginning of the entire alliance between the nations. We will not let us succeed. So we must take the initiative! "

双方 Both of them know that once the forces on the ground are united, at least they still have a battle with Xiancheng.

This is obviously not something that Xiancheng would like to see.

Before, they manipulated the change of the royal family, bought and provoked these families, and made so much blood and blood, didn't they just want to sever the entire Patriotic Kingdom, and then make them slaves who could fish?

Now, one person jumps out and comes up with a method that can unite the entire Patriotic Power together. Can they not kill it in the bud?

But their control of the ground has weakened greatly.

And many of their temptations are no longer important to people on the ground.

Alas, they had to use the hottest tricks.

If Gong Tu's plot succeeds this time, it may not be a warning to all families.

If you combine, you die, and if you divide, you live!

But she and Long Tianyu knew very clearly that once the whole ground force collapsed, then Xiancheng could let them kill each other without any effort.

By this, it is really their end.

Therefore, the college must be established smoothly and smoothly!

In this case, they cannot be in such a passive position as before.

"I know."

He couldn't help but for a while, this man raised his head and smiled slightly at her.

With dark stars in his dark eyes, Lin Mengya felt only a little glance at her, and she felt a bit sorrowful.

I'm not good, this beauty is too lethal.

"Not many people can get my movements, but the people under my hands cannot hide their whereabouts. Otherwise, why would there be that‘ prince ’.”

Jiu Long Tianyu said coldly, but Lin Mengya moved.

She looked at Long Tianyu with surprise.

"Do you suspect it"

"Yes, besides my father, who can get the movement of those under me without alarming me?"

其实 She was actually a bit surprised when she learned that the prince of the emperor was the emperor of Jin State.

I just didn't expect that the one who didn't enjoy the good blessings in his own fief, actually wanted to come out and make waves, which was really a bit abominable.

"However, we have always ignored him, but the Emperor does not like him. Where does he come from so much power?"

Zhe Lin Mengya asked with some confusion.

In fact, before Long Tianyu's mother's affairs, they made them doubt about the former emperor.

But what they didn't expect is that this man can secretly make such a big storm.

"Then ask, my good father who can control everything. You can rest assured that I will be careful."

那么 Another moment, Yu's face, with unforgiving murderous power.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that between their father and son, they were afraid they could not be good.

Ji Youyou sighed, the husband and wife looked at each other, the father and the son were separated.

Is there really such a big temptation?

Xiao Long Tianyu only glanced at her and knew what she was thinking.

Hugging her into her arms, she vowed loudly.

"In my heart, you are the most important."

Su Linlin Mengya was suddenly moved by this sentence.

But Ke was a little embarrassed and could only ask with conscience: "Are you saying I'm fat?"

A low smile rang in her ear.

Then, she was suspended and hugged by him, even pretending to weigh.

"Well, it's a bit fatter than before"

"Long Tianyu! You look for death!"

She raised her head with her teeth gritted, but smashed into his eyes with a smile.

Anxiety disappeared, and worries hidden in the heart.

She leaned in his arms. At this moment, she just wanted to grow old.

After a moment of warm storage, she returned to the same way.

The reason why Xun rushed to talk about it was also afraid of the action tonight. In case of any mistake, all her previous efforts would be in vain.

But before she left, Long Tianyu asked people to go in, and slightly changed the action plan tonight.

Although these changes are not large, they are enough to make people unclear about their laws of action.

In this way, what can they do with their clever calculations?

After returning to Ru Xinyuan, the excitement outside has come to an end.

Even though they had made certain preparations before, no one of them had expected that there would be such enthusiastic feedback with the help of the little girl's weird cardboard.

Now, the 500 application forms that Lin Mengya had previously prepared for Ning Liang's students to enter the school have already been scrambled.

In the end, the elder brothers three and four had to promise that all students who are of appropriate age in the family need only their elders to register at the college, and then they will send in application forms, and the number is only a lot.

This move has made everyone temporarily relieved.

Lin Mengya also put a carefully prepared white paper version of ppt on the bulletin board outside the college.

As long as someone wants to see it, whether it is the family or the children of the poor, they can see it.

Moreover, she also deployed a special person to explain to ensure that everyone who is interested will get an effective answer.

Therefore, when Sitai College swept the whole country, almost everyone knew Sitai College very well.

In the old palace house, guests from various families and some other forces have extremely diligent smiles on their faces.

Although there are also a small number of people, they remain opposed to this new school, but the courtesy's hospitality is too polite.

Even if it is a bit too aggressive, he smiles and accepts it without arguing.

This makes these people feel that a punch on cotton is like nowhere else.

But they couldn't stop coming.

Even if it is a top ten family, I dare not openly shout that I do not need the support of small and medium-sized forces at all.

You know, ants can kill elephants.

What's more, the relationship between them is also complicated.

Since there is no way to give up, you need to know what is going on.

This situation is really called a humiliation.

At the banquet, there were many well-trained girls in the ring, pushing various dining cars to shuttle around the venue.

Each dining car has recipes, cold dishes, hot dishes, and different types of visits together.

Guests can take whatever they like, and there is no limit.

At the beginning, everyone was still stretched their faces and seemed somewhat restrained.

Especially those elders all feel that they are begging for food and can't get over their faces.

Therefore, most of them are reserved, indicating that they do not need it.

It was the younger juniors who felt curious first.

"I want that almond cake, I want two!"

A little girl, about seven or eight years old, suddenly blinked her eyes, staring at the dining car, the pink and soft almond cake, said timidly.

Xiao Xiao, who was pushing the dining car, stopped immediately, while the maid in charge of holding things immediately smiled and put the two plates of almond cakes in front of the little girl.

"Guests please use it slowly."

The little girl with her eyes brightened, wherever she went, the eyes of her father and mother were about to stare out, and she took a piece of cake with her hand and put it in her mouth.

"It's delicious! I want more, sister!"

The little girl was greedy, and some dared.

But the maid rarely saw one who offered to speak to her, and immediately smartly put the almond cake on the table of the adult, then bent down and politely said to the little girl, "There is still a lot of delicious food behind Yes, guests don't worry, taste slowly. "

The little girl ate deliciously, and her big eyes were bent into a crescent moon.

Behind her, those elders couldn't help but wink.

There are not many almond cakes, each plate also looks like two pieces, and the aroma overflows, which attracts people.

"Cough, Huan'er, your grandfather hasn't eaten yet, how can you just take care of yourself?"

Behind the little girl Huan'er, came a slightly helpless voice from her father.

The little girl swallowed two pieces of cakes in a row, and all of a sudden reacted, hiding the cake residues in both hands, and putting them in front of her grandfather.

"Grandfather also taste it, it's delicious."

The little girl was eating deliciously, and her grandfather couldn't help but feel a little hungry.

After a while, I had to cheek and try this almond cake.

Huoxiang is soft and glutinous, but also reveals the sweetness unique to almonds.

It ’s delicious. It ’s delicious.

I saw the elders moving chopsticks, and the younger people behind them also tasted.

In the end, it's just too much.

I was rather alert to the little girl's mother. She drew the little girl behind her and lay in her ears, saying nothing.

Soon after, the little girl, under the education of her mother and the temptation of food, stopped another dining car.

"May I ask for this?"

Facing the little girl's question, the maid answered cheerfully: "Of course, how many do you want?"

The little girl suddenly blinked her big round eyes, glanced behind her, the hungry elders like wolf, and then stretched out a finger timidly.

"I want, a car!"

The elders behind me suddenly felt that this was too shameful.

It's shameful to shame, but they really eat everything in their stomachs, don't they?

So, with their help, the guests of this small film first let the younger people get it, and finally, they let go of their restraints and went to order food according to their preferences.

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