Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1744: Collective hypnosis

Such a scene is staged throughout the banquet.

Besides some old stubborn stubbornness, he is still stubborn and refuses to order anything after speaking. The guests at the banquet are all very happy.

Lin Lin Mengya sat in her host's place and glanced for a week.

Those who can accept new things mean that they may be persuaded in some way in the future.

As for those who are stubborn, since they have chosen a way to go black, why should she go to be this wicked.

"Master, come down."

Wu Baisu whispered in her ear.

She raised her head, only to see the man in a black suit, like Mo Go's body, revealing the coldness that refused people thousands of miles away.

Puppet crowd, involuntarily gave him a way.

Even if he didn't look at his identity, he didn't show that handsome face, but his sense of existence was still strong enough to attract everyone's attention.

But those gloomy long eyes never stayed on anyone, alone, only on her.

Lin Mengya toasted and wished each other far away, and the other side also sat in her place and drank with her.

"Go tell Ning Liang that the show can begin."

Bai Su quietly left.

The leisurely silk and bamboo sounds in the market began to change. At first glance, the sudden drumming was quick and short, as if it was announcing that something was coming.

Everyone stopped and looked around subconsciously.

Then, after the sound of the exotic pipa sounded, on the two sides of the garden, suddenly there were four rows of dancers in Hu clothes.

舞 The clothes on these dancers are extremely transparent, but they are wrapped tightly and without any smell of dust.

Even so, it also made some old die-hards angry and blushing, and reprimanded the juniors who were fascinated by their own home.

"Coldness defeats morality, what kind of system!"

The cursing sound naturally reached Lin Mengya's ear.

After she just glanced at the opposite, the old **** was watching the performance.

I waited until the dancer was on the court. Suddenly, the music turned, and in the voice of extravagance, but with a touch of vulgar rhythm.

Soon, this feeling strengthened again.

舞 Dance music with lutes as the main timbre, coupled with drum beats with a strong sense of rhythm, completely free the music from the fascinating erosion.

I have a strong force, hammering everyone's heart.

In the market, the dancer's movements began to work harder.

The original weak and charming beauties brought a few nobles that could only be viewed from a distance, not playful.

They constantly shuttled around the field, flying between the belts, or flying or martial arts.

At this time, there were knowledgeable people at the banquet, and he was surprised and sighed: "This is the long-lost 'Feitian Wudouqu'!"

Suddenly, those who had been secretly and secretly accused the dance and the song of being unsightly and shut up.

Zhe Lin Mengya watched with interest the way they ate. It was not a mistake to read a book, but when she came out, she was wrong.

This "flying martial arts song", as well as the flying dance performed by the dancers, were specially arranged by an expert.

Only the person who recognized the tune just twitched his nose.

"Strange, why is there such a delicate sandalwood smell?"

The people around me also smelled this smell.

They looked and looked at each other, only to find it strange, but the scent really smelled so strong that it didn't make people feel dizzy and did not have any smoky, burning smell.

The crowd couldn't help but ask the same question, but at this time, Lin Mengya just stood up and said leisurely: "Feitian, also known as the goddess, is a magician of the heavens. It ’s not close to wine and meat. Today, everyone, please come and enjoy this rare flying dance. The meals you use are all vegetarian feasts. "

这么 She said so, among the crowd, some people's faces suddenly changed slightly.

Before they were still talking about such wine and meat banquets, coupled with such unbearable dance, it was simply vulgar.

But the fact is that the proof is not that they are not banquet customs, but that they do not know the goods.

打 This face beats so badly.

Suddenly, those who said they would only spread their voices became weaker.

Zhe Lin Mengya hooked her lips and put them on, so she had to do it.

She nodded towards the musician, and suddenly, the drums became weaker, and the lute sound gradually softened.

The warmth of the fragrance was faint, and everyone was fascinated and looked at the dance above.

After watching Lin Mengya for a week, she quietly got up.

He walked briskly. Soon, Lin Mengya and Bai Su arrived in the backyard.

In the backyard, more than a hundred nursing homes stood here, holding red torches in their hands, which almost illuminated the night sky.

The second palace and the fifth palace, wearing light armor, stood in front.

His face was dignified, but in his eyes, there was something eager to try.

"Second Brother, Five Brother."

She walked quickly to the two of them.

"Sister, why are you here? It's okay, but it's a bunch of black people, don't underestimate your second brother and me."

Eriya Miyaji looked at her with a smile.

Wu Mingming was such a rough man, but he always kept her careful, lest she would break.

Lin Lin Mengya took out the two masks hidden in her arms and brought them to the second and fifth brothers.

"I will be here, waiting for your victory."

The two looked at her seriously, and said nothing, but nodded strongly.

Today's fight is for the survival of the entire palace family, so they will swear to guard every inch of the hot land where the palace family lives.

She stood under the eaves, Lin Mengya looked at the second and fifth brothers, and quickly left.

She must stay here, because she holds the key to their victory.

I waited until the last person disappeared, and after the back door was carefully locked, she turned around, but saw the man who was almost to be integrated with the night.

"Be careful."

知道 She knows that, whether it is the second or fifth brother, or the lover in front of them, they have to face their own enemies.

Step by step, Long Tianyu came to her.

I reached out and touched her delicate cheek with her finger.

"I will come back sooner."

He didn't see any heavyness in his words.

It seems as if I was going to do the most insignificant thing, but Lin Mengya knew that in fact Long Tianyu was not easy.

"Well, I'll wait for you with the child."

She looked up and smiled brightly.

Chen Long Tianyu loved her smile the most, lowered her head, and kissed her forehead gently.

"it is good."

The night was as dark as the sound of the lute in the front yard, I do n’t know when it stopped.

Nine Dragons Tianyu has already left, and countless guards in black are alert and guarded by the banquet.

In the market, time seems to be forbidden.

The guests kept their posture of being just talented. What they didn't know was that from the moment they stepped into this courtyard, everything was for hypnosis now.

In order not to cause panic, Lin Mengya took a risk and conducted a large-scale collective hypnosis.

Now, the whole old house is sober, only to defend his palace family.

"Girl, are they like this now, really okay?"

The ancestor of the palace who had been hiding in the house for a while, looked at the guests with some confusion at this moment.

Gao Linmengya ordered people to check one by one, and determined that everyone was hypnotized, and then she was relieved.

"Come on, great ancestors. Even if they didn't eat, didn't watch dance, didn't hear music, they didn't smell the incense. As long as we end before dawn, they won't find it."

The foundation of Yuansitai College is weak, and this matter is related to Xiancheng.

没有 Until she has no sufficient grasp and strength, she is not ready to expose the crisis that currently exists to the public.

In this way, before the advent of the decisive battle, people will have a feeling of fear, so that the fairy city will notify the ground faster.

Only strong can challenge without fear.

Qiangong Qianfeng always trusted this great-granddaughter, so he didn't ask much.

After Lin Mengya ordered people to take good care of the guests, she brought her own people to the main hospital.

Here is the highest point of the palace.

巨大 And in the main courtyard, a huge dip is ready.

Except for the fourth palace, no one knows what this tripod is used for.

At this point, Baili Rui also came out from the other side of Ding.

"You girl, you can waste these medicinal materials like this, it is really rich!"

There is a lot of medicinal herbs, which is enough to give Bai Lirui a lot of pain.

I ca n’t bear my distress anymore, but I ca n’t meet the request of my students.

"Teacher, no matter how good the medicine is, if it is not used, isn't it a waste?"

She replied indifferently, and Barry Rui thought she was right, nodded, and stepped aside.

The night wind gradually became stronger.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the night sky, she seemed to see the trace of the invisible wind.

Gently raised her head and grabbed one in the night sky.

I turned around, took the torch prepared next to me, and said sharply, "Ignite!"

The flaming torches were thrown into dry and flammable herbs.

For a moment, the fire rose into the air.

The thick, scorched smoke with a bitter, medicinal flavor spread at this time.

At the same time, there were five identical scenes in the palace's old house, which were staged in turn.

The entire non-leaf city has the same scene in all the buildings on the second floor and above, as well as in the slightly larger yard.

At this time, Gong Er and Gong Wu, who had already reached the gate of the city, were riding on horses and staring at the shadows not far away.

Just as the shadow approached, a strange stench came from the wind.

But at this moment, the stench seemed to fade a lot.

显然 They obviously don't know, the wind direction has already changed quietly at this moment

"Your Highness, do you really want to go to battle yourself?"

On the other side, the power hidden in Long Tianyu's hands has been transferred.

Xue Hua was next to him, frowning seriously.

"Well, no need to say more."

At this time, Long Tianyu held a stone jade sword with crude benzene in his hand, but still prestigious.

For those things that Palace 2 and Palace 5 have to deal with, it is obviously much more difficult for them.

The beast roar came from the sky, everyone around him sank.

仗 This battle is not easy to fight.

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