Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1745: Poisonous White Scorpion

龙 Even Long Tianyu himself did not expect that the first direct confrontation between Xiancheng and the ground would actually be here.

Perhaps it was because non-Yecheng was once a taboo of Xiancheng, so they chose to call here and call their ambitions.

I can say that if Yecheng is not occupied tonight, then Xiancheng will be unstoppable.

Because for them, there is nothing on the ground to restrain them, then all obstacles will become meaningless.

对于 For those on the ground, a battle that only a few people know and participate in, they must also win.

Therefore, both of them will use all means.

"But if you reveal your identity, isn't everything you planned out in vain?"

Xue Hua is still discouraging.

He can completely ignore the things next to him, and even in front of others, he behaves more slippery than loach.

But he has his own insistence on major events.

Chen Long Tianyu glanced at him, his lips tightened, and he spoke for a long time.

"If you lose this time, what other big events are there for?"

"His Royal Highness, leaving Qingshan to worry about without burning wood. If we lose this time, we can still"

"Xue Hua, where do you think it is the Qingshan we stayed? If we lose this time, we will lose it completely.

Xue Hua also wanted to say something, but eventually had to be silent.

Some things, Your Highness knows more than they know.

Therefore, he can be easily convinced.

The roar of the beast was almost in sight while I was talking.

The heavily armed fighters looked in horror, the strange beasts opposite them.

Most of these beasts are smooth, even with a layer of mucus on their bodies.

Nine Dragons Tianyu cheered up and yelled, "Be careful, don't let these beasts touch you!"

After a while, he urged his horse and greeted him.

Suddenly, the crowd of people and the tide of beasts met, and the blood and blood fight officially opened.

Everyone in the old palace house was fully armed.

Except for the young and strong adults who have the counterattack power, all the old, weak women and children were collected by Lin Mengya into the main hospital for protection.

I was just sitting in the yard, she still couldn't rest at ease, she could only inquire about the situation.

"What's going on outside the city?"

小姐 "Miss, Master Two and Master Five are okay, it's just His Highness, we can't get through."

Yun Ningliang is in charge of the overall coordination of the entire palace family, but this situation, he has never seen it, but also obscured his eyes.

Upon hearing this, Lin Mengya was anxious, holding Ning Liang's arm vigorously and drinking, and asked, "Why can't I get through? Isn't it just a glance at the situation?"

Pu Ningliang was also sweating with anxiety and had no time to wipe, and quickly replied: "It is not a small person who does not send someone, but His Highness sends someone to guard it, and we are not allowed to pass."

How could this be?

She knows that Long Tianyu is facing the true main force of Xiancheng.

However, Yu's staff had been back and forth before, saying that the exit at that place was not large, and they responded in a timely manner, and there should not be many talents.

Is something unexpected happening?

I thought and thought, she was still uneasy.

My heart beating violently, as if something was going to happen.

She turned and looked at the calm crowd.

Before the incense incense, there is a soothing ingredient, so even if the situation is a bit critical, there is still no trouble.

"Zengzu, eldest brother, I still have to go and see."

She turned around and said slightly anxiously.

Xu Gong Qianfeng chatted with Gong Bin and subconsciously shook her head to reject her proposal.

"Little sister, don't worry about it first. You should believe in Your Highness. If even he can't cope, what can we do?"

Xi Gongbin calmed down, but Lin Mengya's brow frowned.

The reason why they can find out that Xiancheng is going to fight against Feicheng today is because after she let off Shangguan Qing before, she followed her to find their nest.

I also prepared for them to be besieged before. After all, there are many people who don't want to make the palace family good or make the Thai Thai College successfully completed.

However, these responses have been hastily after all.

Even if she had developed a medicine with the teacher specifically for those running dogs attached to the fairy city, as long as they smelled a little bit, their actions would become much slower.

However, the real danger is probably from the Xiancheng people who know very little about them.

"No, I still have to go."

"Sister, it's dangerous outside. If you go like this, what if your Highness distracts them?"

知道 She knows that her elder brother is also worried about her comfort, but she has her own intention in her heart.

I had previously told Yu three times and five times that she must not appear in front of Xiancheng people.

She also asked a few times for reasons, but Yu Yu blocked them.

But she guessed it herself, either because she was the most wanted tribute for people in Xiancheng, or it was

If it is the latter, if Yu can't stop her, she must go out.

"What is this!"

Outside, there was a burst of exclaiming.

Lin Lin Mengya rushed out with her elder brother before thinking too much.

I saw the outside of the courtyard wall, not knowing when it was covered with white scorpions.

These scorpions are very weird, not to mention the whole body. The hook on the tail is more than twice as long as the scorpion of the same size.

"Don't panic, go in the advanced room!"

Gao Linmengya said loudly immediately, and all the family members did not dare to delay any longer, and hid in the house.

"Come in too!"

Xi Gongbin said anxiously, but Lin Mengya shook her head gently.

"I'm not afraid of these things, you go ahead, don't come out before you figure out the truth!"

Xi Gongbin looked at her, eventually nodding heavily, and finally returned to the room.

He just stood by the window with his ancestors, watching her nervously.

Outside the courtyard, the large and small white scorpions seemed to have a scorpion carpet on the ground.

After Lin Lin Mengya stabilized her mind a little, she tempted to take a step.

Sure enough, as she expected.

She was just a layer of white scorpions, and instantly gave her a way out.

In the cricket system, a small medicine has been given to her, an analysis of this scorpion.

"Master, this scorpion is very poisonous all over and around. But it has a characteristic. If you live in a specific environment from an early age, it must find the exact same environment wherever it is. Otherwise, it He will soon die because the environment cannot adapt. "

Lin Lin Mengya looked at this kind of scorpion material, and was puzzled.

In general, although scorpions like cold and humid environments, their adaptability is not as weak as shown in the data.

Besides, unless it is kept in captivity, it will be in nature, because of the weather and the season, the environment will change considerably.

How could such a fragile species survive to this day?

"If you live under the ground, the environment will look relatively stable."

小 The little medicine linked to her consciousness quickly provided her with an answer.

所以 "So, this scorpion is from Xiancheng?"

"Unclear, but there is a high probability that this is the case."

"But why did they come here?"

Since this scorpion is afraid of her, it is much easier to handle.

Lin Lin Mengya quietly made a mouth on her finger, and then made a slight stroke on the door frame of the main hospital.

曾 "Zengzu, eldest brother, this scorpion is afraid to enter the house for the time being, please close the doors and windows, do not come out, you know?"

The overwhelming scorpions made everyone fear.

So even if Lin Mengya did not say, they would not want to come out.

Before that, only Gong Qianfeng and Gong Bin saw the scene where the scorpion avoided her.

Although the two felt unbelievable, they subconsciously nodded for reasons that she wanted to keep a secret for her, "You can rest assured, we know what to do."

"Well, let's go out and see!"

Wu Gongbin was a little uneasy and told her to be careful.

After thoroughly closing the door, Lin Mengya turned and stepped into the scorpion group again.

It was only this time that the scorpions seemed to see their natural enemies, and the mighty ones let them back.

Lin Mengya was not idle, she gently tapped her precious blood on the courtyard wall and the gate.

I was just such a thin finger print, and the scorpions faded away, leaving nothing but the same kind of body.

Zhe Lin Mengya followed immediately, at this time, she realized that the direction in which the white scorpion retreated was completely opposite to the gate.

She didn't worry about the guests, turned around and ran to the front yard.

Strangely enough, the front yard didn't even have a scorpion.

Soon, she saw the guard in charge of the patrol.

小姐 "Miss! Come here at this time, but what do you tell me?"

I guard the boss, I have seen her several times before.

Even though she doesn't know her true identity, she also knows that she is the righteous sister of their beloved one, and the relationship is extraordinary and naturally polite.

Lin Lin Mengya stomped her feet and swept around quickly, frowned slightly, and said to herself, "What's going on here, why not here?"

"Miss, did you say anything?"

The guard leader asked puzzledly, Lin Mengya noticed him at this time, and immediately asked: "Excuse me, have you seen a white scorpion with a large tail hook and a large number? Yes, you guys Can anyone be injured? "

The guard's leader looked around subconsciously, beckoning at the patrolling guard.

Soon, a five-man patrol squad came to the two of them.

"Can you see the white scorpions?"

Everyone immediately shook his head and said that they had never seen it.

The guard leader repeatedly asked, and all the same results were obtained.

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