Just now, Chonghua's men wanted to conceal the guards who guarded the city, but Lin Mengya noticed in advance and dived into the alley to prepare.

At this point, both of them have fallen into a coma.

虽然 Although her physical strength is not good, the Yin Man is an expert.

I identified the acupuncture points and went down fiercely with a knife. The technique was still pointed out by the master of Qinghu himself. How can the two people not fall?

Then, in order not to frighten the snake, Lin Mengya showed Su Mei's identity, and let the two guards swallow the medicine that could be turned into a corpse.

This thing is good for the dead, but for the living, it is not harmful except that the body will emit a rancid smell.

When she told the two brothers in a concise manner, they could not help but wonder.

既然 "Since I was afraid of hitting the grass and terrifying the snake, then why let the woman run away again? Wouldn't it be better if we caught her?"

Eriyagong felt his head and asked, but Lin Mengya smiled mysteriously and lowered her voice and said:

"She can't run away, let's take care of the outside first, then come and pack her."

Wu Zhonghua's identity is a bit troublesome.

Once people are told that Chonghua is counterfeit, many things will be more troublesome.

Moreover, she has already figured out Chonghua's methods, and now she is allowed to run away, so she doesn't have to worry too much.

For her younger sister, Gong Er and Gong Wu seem to have become accustomed to her mysterious behavior style.

Soon, the three went outside.

Thousands of people are facing each other outside the city gate.

Even if there is a reason for the wind direction, those strong rancid smells are not allowed to float into the city, but for a person like her who has a too keen sense of smell, it is enough to feel the smell of being faint.

"Though these things are troublesome, the medicine you laid out works very well. At the beginning we were losing ground. Now they are much slower and are not our opponents at all."

I looked at the situation outside, Gong Wu looked very confident.

I seem to have seen these strange medicine puppets before I came out, and it wasn't him who was suffering in my heart for a while.

They are indeed not afraid of any enemy, but the other person is not human at all.

"There are so many."

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and said something unexpectedly.

In the distance, there was a dark piece.

Even if their side is as easy as chopping melon and chopping vegetables, after all, people's physical strength is limited, not to mention that the medicine 傀 is not really unresponsive, but it is relatively slow.

Relying on the wind, they did occupy convenient conditions.

同时 But at the same time, the more it spreads out, the lighter the medicine taste and the smaller the effect.

They are all in this situation here, so what about Yu's situation?

Hei Palace was on the battlefield, so he also knows that the situation is not as optimistic as the fifth child imagined.

"It's really annoying, these things. In this way, once our physical strength is exhausted, they will definitely fight back."

"Yes, we must find something to control them, otherwise our advantage will be lost."

At this point, Gong Er and Gong Wu also agreed.

However, although these things are slow to move, but there are too many of them, it is simply unrealistic to go alone.

I'm afraid that before they get close, they have to be torn to pieces.

Gao Lin Mengya thought about it and suddenly said to Gong Er, "Brother, help me find the two people who were almost conspired before."

Eriya Miyaji suspected that he was there, and immediately went to do it.

I was soon brought to her.

Lin Lin Mengya gazed at her, and then she poked out her head and sniffed hard.

The two men were a little shy, couldn't help but collapsed tightly, their faces flushed.

"The two of them took that medicine, and they seemed to have no liveliness. I think it would be feasible to send them in?"

Her words, so that everyone around you is stunned.

A few moments later, the two said together: "If possible, let us try."

"No! In the unlikely event that something goes wrong, you guys will be gone!"

Hagiya Erji vetoed it decisively. His brother could die, but he could not die in vain.

But Lin Mengya said, "I ca n’t see it this way. Brothers two and five, you are good at it. Let ’s go grab a dead body first. How about an experiment?"

Everyone felt that this proposal was good. Gong Er and Gong Wu didn't talk nonsense. Relying on their high martial arts strength, two corpses were **** in a while.

手臂 These two corpses were severed, their arms were severed, and their fangs snarled continuously. The eyes were only turbid black, and there were still large patches of stains on their bodies.

Compared to the corpse corpse they saw in the ghost market before, this one should only be regarded as a quick product.

Even so, the lethality of these things is extremely great.

Nian Gong Er and Gong Wu couldn't rest assured, they didn't know where to find the rope, and tied these two things firmly.

Lin Lin Mengya walked in curiously, but the two corpses were gradually quiet.

He seemed to be a little afraid of her.

Frowning her frown, leisure time is not the time to study these.

After a while, she let go and let the two people who took the medicine approach.

As soon as she left, the two corpses began to growl like wild animals.

Sting and moving in the direction of a living person, constantly biting.

The two men approached carefully, and Gong Er and Gong Wu were ready to save people at any time.

But something unexpected happened.

The two people have come closer together step by step, but the two corpses have not moved at all towards them.

The two of them are also a little nervous, after all, they are ordinary people, where have they seen such horrible things.

So, after finding that the corpse was indifferent, the courage of the two people also became big.

There was even one of the puppets, who also tentatively stretched out his hand, forcibly shivered, and placed it at a distance that the corpse puppet could bite.

He was dead, but still unresponsive, he just bite at others.

"It looks like it should be what you say."

Wu Gongwu couldn't help but frown. I didn't expect this thing, but I couldn't tell it.

The other one who was experimenting was afraid that everyone felt that he was timid. He actually dared, reached out his hand, and poked at the corpse's face.

Even if he got it back with a poke, the corpse pupa didn't show any attack on him.

The two could not help but feel relieved. After repeated touching, the staying time became longer and longer.

In the end, everyone had to believe that the dead body really did not respond to them.

"Second son, since this is the case, let us go!"

"Yeah, they're not in danger anyway."

The two men said scramblingly, but Lin Mengya shook her head and said.

"The two of you alone are not enough. There must be someone behind them to control it. You can fool the corpse but you may not be able to kill the others behind.

For example, the big poison teacher who gave her profound lessons.

She doesn't think that the people who stand behind the corpse and control them are as powerful as the poison master.

But at least, not both of them can handle it.

The second palace and the fifth palace, after looking at each other, said in a tacit understanding: "Let me go!"

"Second Brother, let me go! Although you are better at martial arts, I am not as good as you when it comes to dispatching troops."

Hei Gongwu rushed to say, but Gong Er touched his head with great relief.

"My little five has finally grown up, but there is still a chance for you to build your career. Today, let the second brother protect you once again."

"What's the matter! Second brother, don't worry, my martial arts are taught by you, and nothing will happen!"

The two of you are fighting for me, but you don't want to put your brother in danger.

The people around me could not persuade him, so they could only turn to Lin Mengya for help.

From what they just saw, the second son and the fifth son are more powerful, but they also have to listen to Mr. Su Mei.

Gao Linmengya thought for a long time before she said, "Second Brother, this time, let Five Brother go first."

Nian Gongwu immediately showed a surprised expression, but Gong Er frowned, and looked at her in disapproval.

She immediately remarked: "The fifth brother is more suitable as an assassin, and when he sneaks in, we must effectively restrain them so as not to let those people have doubts, but also to protect the fifth brother. One thing, you can do it only with your second brother. "

Talking about her, Miyaji had to nod.

After all, their numbers are not dominant.

In order to contain them completely, he must be an experienced general.

At present, only he is qualified.


分 On the battlefield, every minute and every second is wasted.

The second palace was too late and had to agree.

Next, Lin Mengya gave the medicine she just seized to the second brother and let him arrange it.

Seeing nothing else, she quietly walked to the two corpses.

These two things will definitely be destroyed in a while, but now she is very interested.

Sure enough, as soon as she approached, the two corpses showed a movement of fear.

不再 They stopped biting, but trembled, scared into a quail.

"Am I so scary? Even this thing is afraid of me?"

Gao Linmengya frowned, but the small medicine in the system said leisurely: "No way, it looks too ugly."

"Format warning."

"Do n’t do it, master! I ’m just kidding, the emotional code says, humor is a high-level expression of human emotions, I'm just connecting!"

The little medicine that was just gloating just now suddenly became a medicine dog's leg.

Gao Linmengya rolled her eyes. This little guy seems to be getting skinny recently.

"This medicine is nothing special."

For the purpose of research, she left two.

收获 Anyway, I have learned a lot before, it ’s enough for my brothers.

Holding the little black pill, she looked curiously.

Unfortunately, although the small medicine can detect the ingredients in it and simulate the effect of this thing, she can't figure out how. With this medicine, how can the body be turned into a corpse?

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