Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1755: out of control

Xiaoyao is also very curious.

Although within his knowledge of the system, the biochemical crisis may not be a nightmare.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, it is a bit strange.

主人 "Master, although I can detect the ingredients in it. One thing is strange."


"In it, some ingredients are very active."

"Be specific."

Xiao Xiaoyao did not answer her immediately, but presented some images on her retina.

In the image, the small medicine marked all the ingredients of the whole pill.

Then, a few of them were enlarged.

"If it is a previous database, I can't detect these things. But since the decryption function was upgraded, the Qingzheng spectrum database was updated again. I found these components inside."

At this point, she was clear.

She clicked in and took a look, and found that the expanded database was larger than all the previous sums.

And those things, she was unheard of, never seen before.

When she was about to find some time and carefully looked at these things, the small medicine was ready to use.

"Master, this thing is said to be like medicine, but more like a seed. According to the simulation of the system, if these things have enough conditions, they can take root and sprout. However, the system has no way to distinguish it, it Are plants or animals? "

It's bound to be counterintuitive if you can feel confused about Xiaoyao Pill.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the image in front of her, and was thinking about the introduction of Xiaoyao in her head.

According to him, it seems like some kind of 蛊.

But as soon as her idea took shape, she was rejected by Xiaoyao.

"No! Master, this thing is not the same as 蛊. There may be similar places, but this kind of thing is not exactly the same as 蛊."

或许 "Maybe it's a 蛊 we haven't seen?"

"Well, this possibility is not ruled out. However, this kind of thing has no use for living people, it seems to be used to manipulate the corpses. Is it possible that this thing was researched to build a dead army for itself? "

梦 For Meng Gu's speculation, Lin Mengya felt a stun in her heart.

Yeah, if this medicine is purely for the purpose of manipulating the dead, then, in terms of the strength of Xiancheng, how many corpses can they prepare for so many years?

When Lin thought of countless army of corpses, invaded the ground, Lin Mengya felt only a layer of cold sweat on her back.

This is too scary, right? By that time, the Xiancheng people can almost wipe out the entire patriotic nation without having to send their people.

"Master, don't over-brain supplement anymore! This is not a science fiction movie. Besides, if they are really so powerful, why keep shrinking underground?"

The sound of Xiaoyao awakened her in time.


The contradiction between Wuxiancheng and the ground has a long history.

If they really have that ability, how can they use a trick to destroy the palace family?

Their lack of understanding of Xiancheng is really the biggest disadvantage.

It seems that after this incident, she has to think of a way to spy on the military situation.

Zhe Lin Mengya inspected it, but found no trace of tapeworm on the body of the corpse.

It's strange that their blood circulation, although much slower than ordinary people, continues.

She thought about it for a while, and thought that she could keep it for the time being, and when she was all over, she could study it with her teacher.

After I was optimistic about the two corpses, she came to her brother.

At this time, Wu brother and a group of good players have quietly passed through a corner, and without knowing the ghost, sneaked into the army of corpses.

"The first team listens to my order! Every 15 minutes, change the position with the teammates behind the second team, save energy, there must be no mistakes!"

Brother Er, standing among the crowd, commanded them like Hong Zhong.

After discovering that those things only need to be cut off in the head or pierce the heart to die completely, Miyaji temporarily turned the thousands of people into four teams.

The first team lays out in front and is protected by the second team.

Then, after a quarter of an hour, the two teams switched roles and then slammed for another quarter of an hour.

After another moment, their previous position will be replaced by three teams and four teams.

In this way, everyone can get a respite.

After all, the weapons will be dull if they are cut down like this. They must take this rare opportunity to destroy enough corpses.

Gao Lin Mengya didn't say anything, but even with her excellent eyesight, she couldn't see their brother Wu's actions clearly.

However, this is also a good thing, the more unexpected, the better the results obtained.

"I don't know if the fifth child is successful now."

Eriya Gong tightened the steel knife in his hand and said with some concern.

In view of the big poison division, Lin Mengya explained to her brother in advance, as long as she saw some living things in it, be it animals or humans, as long as she waited for the opportunity to kill them.

一旦 Once the controlled thing is killed, the dead body under its control will definitely have an impact.

This way it will work.

However, such a general description is the most difficult task to perform.

After all, there is no simple and direct target, the chance of manslaughter is extremely high, and it is easy to expose yourself.

Fortunately, elder brother Wu is a very intelligent person, and it is indeed the most correct choice for him to leave it to him.

别 "Don't worry, Brother Wu will definitely complete the task and return safely."

Zhe Lin Mengya looked forward to her expectations, and her anxiety didn't need the second brother's less.

After about half an hour or so, when the first team and the second team completed the task and the third team and the fourth team were making up, something unexpected happened.

报 "Report! Second son, northwest corner, found something abnormal. Those things suddenly fell to the ground!"

Gao Lin Mengya and Gong Er were pleasantly surprised and looked at each other!

"Okay, I already know, you let everyone take advantage of those things!"


Then, similar to this, began to happen frequently.

Finally, the blockbuster corpse began to fall uncontrollably.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately rushed to the front and saw the corpses lying on the ground constantly convulsing, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, removing the corpse's controller is a very risky thing.

After all, she wasn't sure if the corpse was out of control, would it suddenly erupt and make things worse.

But there is one thing, it is certain.

The man who controls the corpse will never put himself to death.

For such a large-scale corpse manipulation, once there is any abnormality in the link, the controller behind the scenes is not very dangerous.

So if the control fails, then in order to save lives, the response of these corpses should be at least a period of time, can not move, can leave enough space for those controllers to escape and safety.

Now it looks like she should bet right!

I'm right, and it's true.

The next thing seems to be much simpler.

As long as the five brothers can return safely, Dongmen will be safe, and they will have no worries.

I waited for a long time, but did not see those who sneaked back.

Gao Lin Mengya and Gong Er also began to worry.

别 "Don't, what happened?"

Brother Erxi frowned, and said with some concern.

Zhe Lin Mengya was also very frightened. Since Brother Wu could find the operators of those corpses, it should go smoothly.

Is there any accident?

The two were in anxiety and waited for a while.

In the end, Miyaji couldn't help it and had to find it himself.

This time, Lin Mengya did not stop, but when she was preparing to pass along, she saw a large group of people lying on the ground, and a few people ran over.

"Second son! It's us! Five son is injured!"

After the man shouted, the guards who had blocked their way just now in surprise were flashing away.

One of them was carrying a human guard, the first passed, and then ran to them.

"The second son, Mr. Su Mei, the fifth son is injured, please take a look!"

The man was very anxious, and Miyaji immediately took over his brother.

Lin Lin Mengya also took the pulse and began to check.

But strangely, except for some skin trauma, the fifth brother did not have any injuries inside.

He is just a person, but he is unconscious.

怎么 样 "How's it? Your brother, is there any big trouble?"

Brother Er Er asked anxiously, she shook her head, glanced around and said, "It's not a big problem, it might be a pull-out. Do you see the five masters injured?"

Hearing that the guard who ran over with his elder brother on his back, immediately replied: "The young men went with the five sons. Later, when the five sons found something, they let us stand by. Then we found the surrounding corpses. We didn't listen to the call, we were afraid that they would suddenly explode, and we quickly removed the surroundings. Later, we waited for the fifth son for a long time and didn't come back. We were secretly touched in case of any accident. As a result, there were a lot of things. Outside of the black cat's body, there are only five boys left there. We think this thing is evil, is it this thing, got on the body of the five boys? "

Qi Lin Mengya shook her head immediately and said, "There is nothing evil, but it is just some unscrupulous tricks. I think Wugong is fine, it may be too tired."

Yun Yigong's understanding of the younger sister must have nothing to say.

But I am sure that the fifth child has no worries about her life. For others, you can go back and talk about it.

"Hurry up and send Master Five into the city to rest, others, sweep with me!"


The battle situation was already a one-sided result. Under the command of the second brother, everyone began to harvest the final victory.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not follow the peace, but followed the person who escorted her five brothers and returned to the city.

He repeatedly explained to them that after he had to send people to his house as soon as possible, Lin Mengya was on the way and parted ways with them.

刚刚 She just turned into an alley and could only hear a soft scream from above her head.


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