As soon as Lin Mengya looked up, she saw a small group jumping down.

She caught it and touched the soft fur of the beast.

"Where is the person, will you take me?"

After she banged for a few hands, she put the little one on the ground.

Xiao Xiaoju immediately jumped into the wall next to me, meowing to guide her.

After a person and a beast walked through the alley, after several turns, the animal husbandry led her to a dead end.

At this moment, there is a person under the innermost section of the low wall.

"Save me, save me!"

When she saw someone coming, the woman immediately made a tragic cry for help.

It just seemed that she was afraid of something and didn't dare to step out.

Zhe Lin Mengya walked to the woman step by step. Although the light here is not good, she can still see that the woman is surrounded by a scorpion in front and behind her.

"Isn't this-Miss Gong Ya Gong?"

"It's you! It's you! What exactly do you want to do? I tell you, if you dare to kill me, someone will never let you go!"

之中 In the darkness, Lin Mengya evoked a sarcastic smile.

"Let me go? You mean, the palace family? Unfortunately, they don't care about your life or death."

She said it intentionally, and at this time, Chonghua had already been overwhelmed by fear.

She couldn't be more familiar with the poisonous scorpions in front of me, and once, she also used these poisonous scorpions to punish some people who offended her.

Now, this thing in turn dealt with her, so it is even more terrible.

"The palace family is nothing at all? If you dare to hurt me, someone will let you survive or die! At that time, the palace family will not be able to protect you!"

In the end, it's still the straw bag with a sharp color.

Lin Lin Mengya poked her lips and didn't care.

"If I kill you and then ruin the body, who knows who is under me? Miss Gong, it seems that you are really not very smart."

Wu Zhonghua is completely panicked now.

After she spilled the things that could lead to the corpse puffer, she thought of fleeing to a safe place temporarily.

But I didn't expect that as soon as she ran out of the alley, she was blocked by the little beast and these scorpions.

In a panic, she couldn't follow the escape route planned before, and was forced to stay here.

现在 And now, listening to the meaning of that woman, is he going to die here?

Suddenly, Chonghua was afraid that her teeth would tremble, and even her stomach was aching.

"Let me go, I beg you, let me go! I promise you, as long as you let me go, I will tell you a secret!"

秘密 "Secret? Unfortunately, some secrets are useful to you but not to me. Since then, how can I spare you?"

Zhe Lin Mengya said calmly.

Chonghua was about to collapse, she cried and said, "I, I'm not the real Gongya! I'm just a poor man deceived by that little bitch. I know that you all want to get the palace family. In this way, you Let me go, I'll help you get the palace, okay? "

Hehe, Lin Mengya chuckled in her heart.

Isn't this Chonghua a fool?

"Oh? But you are not Miya, it doesn't matter too much to me. I killed you, and Miya is really out in the future, so why not kill her?"

In fact, what Lin Mengya wants to ask is the person behind Chonghua.

Yu did say before that Chonghua had lost audio, but all signs showed that people were not dead.

Since she can be selected as the internal response tonight, it must have something to do with the outside forces.

Even if she is anxious, she needs to understand the situation first, lest she help.

"No! If I die, your house will be over! I beg you, let me go, no matter what you say, I promise!"

"Why should I let you go? You don't know yet, the corpses of Dongmen have been solved. Now, you can not threaten us any more. Huh, but that's it."

She said it on purpose.

Sure enough, realizing that Zhonghua might be useless, she struggled and said, "It's not like this! In fact, Dongmen is just cutting off your back road, Ximen is really powerful. You can't win!"

危 "Extremely alarmist, in order to survive, you really can tell any lie."

Thinking that she was unbelieving, Chonghua's heart mentioned her throat and said in a panic: "I'm telling the truth! There are corpses on the east gate. Although there are many corpses, most people can cope! But Simon , There are all strange animals over there! I have seen them, and no one can overcome them! "

Lin Lin Mengya's brow twisted into a knot.

What does Xixiancheng want to do? For a while it was a corpse, and for a while it was a strange beast.

"What strange beast?"


At this time, Chonghua turned her mind back.

Lin Mengya snorted coldly and said, "I see, I'm afraid it's you who got me. You're really not afraid of death."

"No, I said! Those strange beasts are very much like tigers. But they are smaller than tigers and have no hair on them. I heard that these strange beasts can see things at night and run fast, And extremely cruel. "

Later, Chonghua's voice was hoarse and exhausted.

It seems that she was out of strength because of the long tension.

"Anything else?"

"No! I also spied on the strange beast by accident. Who dares to approach such a beast?"

Gao Linmengya knew that at this time, if you ask again, I'm afraid I won't get any other news.

She didn't think about killing Chonghua, she just scared her.

"Can you let me go now?"

Wu Zhonghua slumped in fear and asked carefully.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her and finally landed on her raised belly.

"Are you married?"

Wu Zhonghua didn't slow down for a while, I don't know why she asked so.

"I mean, whose child is in your stomach?"

Wu Zhonghua lowered her head, and there was a trace of resentment in her eyes.

恨 She hates this little beast in her stomach, making her look like this.

I have to cling to this child, and maybe she can rethink wealth and prosperity in the future.

Lin Lin Mengya did not know what she was thinking, but took the opportunity to approach quietly, and then knocked Zhonghua.

They must have a way to communicate with each other, and no one here will come before dawn.

Yun Shun's hand, Lin Mengya also touched the pulse of Chonghua.

Strange, how is this pulse completely different from the average woman during pregnancy?

But she didn't think too much, just aiming at this unborn child, she will not kill Chonghua for the time being.

What's more, this person has other wonderful uses.

From such a long distance from the east to the west of the city, I'm afraid that even if she broke her leg, she could not reach it before dawn.

Fortunately, she had been prepared for a horse from her second elder brother, turned over and rode on, and led the herd beast and her purple scorpion companion away.

I waited until she reached the west of the city, it was already late at night.

In a few more hours, it will be dawn.

他们 And their troubles have not yet been resolved.

The galloping horse has a natural perception of the beast, and it seems more and more disturbed and irritable.

的 The obedient beast lying in her arms all the time, as if she felt something, she suddenly carried her shoulders.

Lin Lin Mengya felt the feeling of herd beast, and she was afraid of something.

半 While half a mile away from Xicheng Gate, the horse stopped here, and he refused to take a step forward.

Lin Lin Mengya had no choice but to dismount, tied the horse aside, and patted her head to appease.

At this time, the smell of the strong beast has gradually drifted away.

Lin Lin Mengya's heart was trembling, how many beasts would there be outside?

But this time, she did not choose to go out of the city directly, but after she knew her identity, she boarded the city wall.

In the night, countless torches are interwoven into a fine net.

And this net is retreating one after another, the beasts roar, and the beasts stimulated by the **** smell have long been reduced to **** of Warcraft, taking away one life after another.

The fangs of the fangs bit those people's necks, tore their muscles, and exposed **** organs.

Compared with those beasts, those who are obviously at a disadvantage are more difficult.

But they kept the gate firmly, even though there were fewer and fewer people, but they were not afraid.

"Mr. Sumei, it's dangerous here, you go back first."

Next to me, the palace guards of the palace family advised with due diligence.

Because those fierce beasts are extremely dangerous, Long Tianyu did not use the people of the palace family, but his own personal soldiers.

Zhe Lin Mengya watched the situation outside worryingly. In this way, the destruction of the city is only a matter of time.

"Do these fierce beasts really have no weaknesses?"

On average, ordinary beasts on the road fear the flames.

But at the moment, it doesn't seem to have much effect.

The guard of the city sighed and said with great dread: "The fierce beast is really powerful, not only acting fast, but even in the dark, there is no hindrance. My brothers were attacked and bitten by them. dead!"

I saw the brother who was born and died with myself, but it was not eaten by several beasts, and the guard's heart was breathless.

Even if it is so, their flesh and blood body can not withstand the fangs and claws of fierce beasts.

Are they destined to be eaten by those beasts tonight?

The guard only felt unwilling, even more reluctant to give up his wife, children, and children.

The tough tough guy was actually red, but he clenched his fists and bit his teeth.

"I want to go out and see."

Zhe Lin Mengya turned to leave, but was stopped by the city guards.

The man knelt down in front of her with a stun, and gave her several heads in a row.

Lin Lin Mengya was startled, and she jumped a few steps subconsciously.

"This brother, you are this"

"I know, sir is a man with great patience. Since the younger has joined the guard of the palace family, he will surely protect the palace family to the last minute. But, only in the small family, there are still wives and children. I implore you to help Small, let ’s be small, use this life and change their lives! ”

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