Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1764: Place the herd

Lin Lin Mengya's heart quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The next thing is that the people of Yu will be arranged properly. After dawn, although there will be traces here, but anyone can guess that there has been an outbreak here, which is related to the life of the defending nation. What about the war?

Zhe Lin Mengya could not help but have a little regret. In the end, the people who died tonight can only become unknown heroes that no one knows.

But she will always remember.

One day, she will finally announce this time to the world, let everyone know the bravery and glory of these people.

小姐 "Miss, what about these beasts?"

Ling Lingye treated her almost like Long Tianyu.

Zhe Lin Mengya glanced at the disturbed herd, and then glanced at Tiger Dad, and there was a dilemma in her eyes.

Although these beasts were their enemies just now, wouldn't it be like killing prisoners of war if they were slaughtered now?

After all, she felt that the errors made by the ambitious people should not be borne entirely by the beasts.

"You can't help them." Long Tianyu said with regret, grabbing her shoulders.


"Did you see those beasts? They can only live on the ground. As long as they are exposed to the sun outside for a day, their skin will crack, their eyes will be blinded, and they will die alive."

Nine Dragons Tianyu is not the kind of cruel killer.

I just have some things, and he can't help.

Lin Lin Mengya frowned deeply, but her heart hated the shameless people of Xiancheng.

For them, aren't they just tools that can be used?

群 Even though these beasts are fierce, they have been trained as tools, and they can no longer be free.

In the end, it is a poor beast.

She turned to look at the herd, and now, even though there are still a lot of beasts, and she grins at the soldiers, she sees a few little beasts that are not much bigger than cats, and probes out from the herd. .

He was only dragged by the female behind, dragging his tail and neck, and dragging it back.

She could not help but think of Mo Yan and Ning'er.

Even if it is, accumulate a little innocence for the two babies.

"I know, these beasts carry blood debt on their bodies. Even if they are unconscious, whether they are human or beasts, they will eventually pay their own price. Later, I will leave those who have been completely Inspiring ferocious beasts, others, I want to take away. "

Nine Dragons Tianyu nodded, and doing so was considered the best of both worlds.

After all, now, the hearts of their own group of people are still burning with anger.

If you let Yaer take away the beasts now, after all, the resentment in their hearts will be transferred to Yaer.

"I don't know, where do you place these beasts?"

Wu Lingye has always had no opinion on the two of them, and therefore asked it sincerely.

"I haven't figured it out, after all, I want to place them in a place that will not be exposed to the sun."

Ling Ling Ye thought for a while before he said.

"I don't know Miss, do you remember that the second vault and the fourth vamp, the forged vault?"

Of course, she remembered that Ling Ye continued to say, "The two sons before were short of staff, so my Highness also borrowed a few days to help. Now, the secret warehouse has transported a lot of gold and silver in the past, but it has not accounted for much. Place. Better, the lady can take these beasts and settle them first. "

Ling Ling's words brightened her eyes.

There is a rare natural crypt, there are twists and turns, even the hunters who are most familiar with the forest are afraid to go deep.

It would be a good idea to place the beasts there.

As far as food is concerned, it is easy to solve it.

The Xiong Gong family now has an academy, and even looking at meat purchases is not noticeable.

Alas, she didn't want to support them for a long time. One day, she still had to return them to her hometown.

"Okay, then I'll do it first. Yu, I will leave the family's affairs to you."

Chen Long Tianyu looked up and touched the top of her head.

"come back earlier."

"it is good."

She brought in the tiger father, pointed to the cubs and the female in the herd, and made a gesture of leaving.

Hu Hudaddy roared a few times and ran back to the herd again.

Walking behind it, the cub and the beasts immediately followed behind them.

Those strong males were left on the battlefield.

Xiao Long Tianyu watched them leave, and the group of people who were almost killed by the herd showed a look of continued indignation.

男人 "Men look like men, don't let the beasts look down."

He said loudly, and those people also found that all the cubs and mother animals were walking, and even those half-large cubs were mostly left.

In the crowd, someone looked at this scene and felt a touch.

"Master is right! We are all men, how can we care about those cubs, come on!"

Looking at those puppies that are not much bigger than cats and dogs, these people can't let go.

The adult males raised their heads one after another.

Even though the Beastmaster's orders and coercion restrain them, they are also glorious war beasts, and they will never beg for mercy!

The smell of animal blood came from the air.

Lin Lin Mengya sat on the father's body and sighed quietly.

The cruelty is always the human heart, even if the male beasts only execute the order, but this hatred can only be extinguished with blood.

She did not leave all the male beasts. For the development and safety of the ethnic group, a small number of males that were not motivated to be ferocious were taken away by her.

Now, those male beasts are guarding around the ethnic group.

Riding on Tiger's father, she became the most conspicuous guide in the night.

The white giant tiger kept running on the road according to her instructions. Finally, when the morning light was faint, he came to the crypt where the secret library was located.


Daddy Hu jumped onto a boulder and shouted at the herd of beasts behind him.

The cubs and the beasts immediately ran inside.

And the males stayed at the entrance of the cave one after another, and after all the cubs and the females ran in, the males finally followed.

The cave is a gourd-shaped cave. Although the mouth is not large, it is very wide inside.

Spectacular beasts, after the previous events, there are still hundreds of them.

Tiger father was the last one to enter the crypt. At this time, the dense crowds were all beast pupils.

Zhe Lin Mengya found the oil lamp that was placed here, and followed Hu Dad to the innermost.

Here is her first visit.

四 Four older brothers told her the topographic map before, so she is not completely unfamiliar.

I soon reached a fork in the road.

Lin Lin Mengya knows that to the left is the secret library, where there are many institutions, and the beasts cannot enter.

So she took the herd to the right.

的 The terrain here is weird, but it is naturally formed.

In the system, Xiaoyao has completely drawn the topographic map. The map shows that they have been going underground.

After a long time, after passing through a place where only two male animals could pass, Lin Mengya suddenly saw a little fluorescence.

She rubbed her eyes, thinking she was an illusion.

As I walked inside, she felt that the air was much moist than outside.


The herd of beasts behind them suddenly heard the sound of the beast, which seemed to be happy.

Zhe Lin Mengya quickly took a few steps and found that there were many natural night stones scattered not far away.

夜 This kind of nocturnal stone is a special product of the palace's fiefdom. In the dark crypt, it emits a soft white light.

And she also discovered at this time that this is actually a huge natural underground lake.


A few courageous beasts cheered and broke free from the mother's side, and immediately fell into the water.

There were a few beeps, the beasts already had some dry skin, and they were finally nourished, and they were comfortable and humming.

She glanced, fearing that something in the water would be bad for the little beast.

But the detection function of the small medicine shows that although the lake is deep, there is almost nothing in it except for the huge fish.

Soon, the slightly older cubs followed.

And they have learned to hunt, a fierce son pierced, and a flapping fish came up in his mouth.

The fish had a small belly and large scales, and the scales shone in silver.

Xiao Xiaoyao silently estimated the number of fish in the lake, and feeding such a group, but couldn't be easier.

Lin Lin Mengya finally relieved, probably this is God's will.

If she can't find a place where they can hide from the sun, I'm afraid she won't help even if she wants to help again.

的 The environment here seems to be very suitable for their lives, but what kind of opportunities will come next, that is not what she can foresee.

Tiger father is a good animal king.

It kept changing the roaring sound, directing the herd to enter the cave in an orderly manner.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at it and felt relieved.

I touched the huge head, and she whispered, "Are you going to stay here or go with me?"

Daddy Hu licked her hand and went on to settle the herd.

She thought about it and quietly got up and left.

Before I walked a few steps, I grabbed the skirt corner.

I turned her back, but saw that Tiger Dad was biting the corner of her skirt.

Zhe Lin Mengya patted her head lightly, and took out the bow.

"After the ethnic groups are resettled, I'll take you to find the tiger. This, put it here for you."

She disassembled the bow and tied it to the front paw of Hu's father.

Xi Hudaddy lowered his head, licked his front paws, and arched into her arms with his head.

"I will come as soon as possible, don't worry."

She squeezed Hu Dad's ears and rubbed them.

Soon after, Hu Dad stepped back, but lay down and made her climb up.

Lin Lin Mengya did not tweak, anyway, she felt that Tiger Dad was better than a horse.

After a short while, she was sent to the boundary line between Crypt and Miku by Tiger's father.

But Lin Mengya heard some footsteps outside.

She patted Tiger Dad's head, and Giant Tiger immediately stopped.

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