The meat pad on the tiger's claw hides the footsteps of the tiger father.

Zhe Lin Mengya also extinguished the oil lamp, lay on the tiger's body, followed her head, and stared at the front.

In the system, she has "seen" someone.

Alas, the two men seemed to be looking for something, their signs were suspicious, and they did not look like posterity.

Lin Lin Mengya patted Hu Dad's ass, and the latter smartly led her over, and the darkness covered its white fur. After a while, one person and one beast came to the corner.

Opposite me, those two people just happened to be a short distance away.

庆 "Kyoko, do you say this ghost place, is there really any baby?"

声音 The voice was a little low, and a little guilty at first.

"Brother Ma, don't you believe me? If my wife and brother were doing things at Tu Ye, I'm afraid I don't know that there are many gold and silver treasures in this broken cave!"

Gong Tu?

Lin Lin Mengya soon wanted to understand.

These two people have a relationship with Gong Tu. It seems that Gong Tu discovered the secret library here.

Although she had previously placed several smoke bombs on Gong Tu, but the location of the secret library, apart from the two brothers and Ling Ye, I was afraid that others would not know.

Even those who are in charge of transportation are **** with eyes every time, and they will take a few more circles outside to get here.

Can this be found?

She is not afraid that Gong Tu came here to steal things, but now the herd is here. In case Gong Tu revealed this to the people in Xiancheng, what about these beasts?

Then what else does she do?

Here, they can't be found after all.

"Hey, if it does, our brothers will get rich. There is a fork in the road, how should we go?"

Ji Qingzi scratched his head, he just knew a letter, where is the key to knowing it?

"Otherwise, let's go this way!"

Wu Qingzi pointed to the black painter's right side, and the second brother of the horse was also stunned by greed, his heart was crossed, and he rushed over with a torch.

But as soon as they entered, they saw not far away, but there were two fist-sized lanterns hanging in the air.

"Qing, Qingzi, that, that"

Brother Ema is terrified.

For a moment, my mind flashed from my childhood to hear the big monster story.

Xi Qingzi also trembled, his legs trembling.

"Yes, should be"

He didn't wait for Qingzi to finish speaking, he heard a roar.

The two men felt an almost windy smell coming from the door almost instantly.

"噗通" two times, the two did not even run, they collapsed to the ground.

The torch fell to the ground, then rolled to a short distance.

And they finally saw that within the area illuminated by the torch, the huge white beak claws were sticking out their sharp nails.

Two people can't help being stupid.

The claws are so big, how big is this beast.

I estimate that they have not swallowed a bite!

I smelled a bit of smell and wore it over.

Lin Lin Mengya bent down and picked up a torch on the ground.

I spoke in a cold tone.

"Now, whatever I ask, you guys just tell me, you know?"

Two people want to cry without tears.

别 Don't just ask a question now, just do not kill them both, you can do anything.

I bid farewell to Hu Dad, Lin Mengya walked out of the crypt alone.

Outside, the sun is bright and dazzling.

She looked up, blocked too much light, and looked hard into the distance.

Putianye is lush, and in the farmhouse not far away, cooking smoke has been rising.

夜 The thrilling and tiring work of this night made her feel as if she had passed away.

After all, she ushered in the same rising sun as yesterday.

After blocking the plot to pull the world into the boundless darkness, everything changed again.

At least, now, she feels that every sunrise is a little hard-witted.

After narrowing her eyes a little, she could look at everything around her a little greedily.

Peaceful and beautiful, simple and orderly.

A day like this is ordinary to everyone.

But who knows how many people are buried in the night in order to protect such ordinary people?

The snore stopped by her ears, and a carriage appeared in front of her eyes.

"Miss, your lord, let the younger come to pick you up."

She nodded and took away her gaze.

Light will always come, but darkness will follow.

Stepping onto the carriage, she thought with her eyes closed.

Under the intimidation of Hu Dad, the two men recruited everything.

They were villagers in a small town around Yecheng.

When Gong Tu was in power before, one of his wife and brothers was captured by Gong Tu's men and became his servant who served Gong Tu.

Later, Gong Tu was kicked out of the palace house. The man was afraid of being retaliated by the palace family, so he grabbed Gong Tu's tree.

However, Xun didn't want to. He really got some chances for him. Now, he has become one of the more faceless slaves around Gong Tu.

But Gong Tu's failure is difficult, not to mention the glory of the past, even the past is incomparable.

And the slaves among them were even more troubled.

Therefore, Gong Tu had the idea of ​​the secret house of the palace.

Lin Lin Mengya knows Gong Tu's personality very well.

I'm used to being an uncle, who will sincerely serve others as slaves?

With this money, he can live well without tying people.

Perhaps, there is still the capital to make a comeback.

So, he just called a few people he could trust, and vaguely told and revealed some news.

I just said I was going to dig some treasure in the mountains.

The man's wife and brother did not intentionally disclose it, but after drinking a few drinks, he was a little bit casual and wanted to brag.

I didn't expect it, but was remembered by my own sister-in-law and became greedy, so I found a loitering fellow in the village to dig treasure together.

After the two guys spoke intermittently, they fainted.

Lin Mengya didn't let Tiger Father hurt their lives, but just let Tiger Father help and threw it into the forest not far away.

The two men are awake, they must not dare to enter the crypt.

But Gong Tu will definitely go.

Gong Tu flashed Lin Mengya's eyes, and what Chonghua had done before, Gong Tu must have done a lot of work.

Although the palace family expelled them, they did not utterly kill them.

I did not want to, it turned out to be a hidden danger.

After all, she should also clear some garbage!

The horse rides with her in a gallop, Lin Mengya lost her blood last night and ran for so long, before she unknowingly fell asleep.

When she awoke, she found herself lying in a soft and warm quilt.

I lifted the quilt and found out that my clothes had been changed from the inside out.

I was also refreshing, obviously someone had bathed her while she was sleeping.

刚 As soon as she got up and got down, the door opened.

Xi Baisu came in with a wooden tray, saw her, put down things immediately, and greeted him with surprise.

"Master, you finally woke up."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, only feeling a little dizzy.

In my opinion, it is too much physical exertion.

As soon as the lame fell to the ground, soreness came from her legs and stomach. She tried it, but she almost didn't stand up.

"Mr. Baili came to see that you were too tired last night, and your legs were a bit strained. Master, you really did n’t know to pay attention to your body. When you came back last night, your blood was covered with blood and a blister , It scared us. "

It is rare that Bai Su, who is so cold and cold, will say these words.

Lin Lin Mengya helped her so that she could walk crookedly to the table.

Although the shoes are very soft, once I walk, I still can't help feeling some pain.

She knows that she has a deficit, so she doesn't refute a word.

Bai Su helped her to the couch, and backed her with several soft pillows. Then she put the contents of the table on the small square table on the couch.

There are a few food items on the tray.

Scoop a bowl of shrimp porridge, finely chopped pink shrimp, hidden in white rice porridge, occasionally emerald green vegetables.

The two remaining dishes are soft and easy to digest.

Lin Lin Mengya held up the bowl, and regardless of whether she was in a good posture, she ate a bowl first.

At last, he took Bai Su's handkerchief and wiped his mouth.

"What happened at home last night?"

Don't worry about her outside affairs.

Even if there is no way to cover up, but they have discussed the countermeasures before, they will not cause too much panic.

The uncle was at home, and because of some changes in the back, she could not return in time to deal with it.

Although I have also explained to others, I don't know if I can be confused.

"We did everything you ordered. By the way, it was still Mr. Baili who was very good. He poured some medicine on everyone. It was said that they would feel like a hangover when they were awake. What? I followed them secretly, and everyone seemed unsuspecting. Some people praised the singing and dancing in our house, and they forgot the time. "

The dinner started at dusk.

When the song and dance rang, it was already dark.

Before she drank the drinks and the things she ate, she also moved her hands and feet.

So time is indeed ambiguous.

Even if they are a little skeptical, no matter how they ask, they will get the same result.

Moreover, the novel banquet mode last night was enough to attract their attention, and it must not have been discovered.

"Well, that's good. Is there anything unusual at home after I left last night?"

Bai Suzi thought about it carefully, then shook her head.

"It's gone, oh, by the way. It's dawn today, and I don't know where a cat came from. Although he is dirty, he is very close to the two young masters. I saw the two young masters I like it, and the cat is docile, so I washed it and gave it to two young masters to play with. Do n’t look at the cat who is not big, but it is very clever. The coat is also white and snowy, which is very attractive.

When Lin Mengya heard it, she snorted secretly.

I'm afraid it's that unscrupulous animal husbandry!

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