"I thought the poison was either in the meal or in the water. But I stared for so long and there was no problem at all. It was only when the goat's milk came in. I smelled something wrong, so I discovered the clue. . "

The goat's milk contains a small amount of "quartz grass" juice.

This kind of grass is not common, at least not in the fiefdom of the palace.

"Jack! Don't let the children go, are they still human?"

The third brother slaps his hands to the table and says with gritted teeth.

Gao Linmengya knew his indignation, and she did not intend to let it go.

"It's a person or a ghost, and you can see it clearly in a moment. No matter who is behind the scenes, we can't let one go."

Sannomiya nodded her head three times, looking into her eyes, she was already trusting.

"Sister, do what you say, let's do it!"

"Don't worry, they can't wait long. After a while, you will go back to your study first. No matter who is looking for you, you just have to calm down and deal with it carefully."

"how about you?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her lips, revealing a deep smile.

"I naturally want to hide in the dark, look at them, what new tricks are there."

As soon as the two agreed, Gongsan went to the study by himself.

And as instructed by Lin Mengya, he did not deliberately avoid the crowds and did not visit the students.

Lin Lin Mengya sat on the couch, looking at the clear sky outside, squinting her eyes, learning the cat to bask in the warm sun, waiting quietly for something to happen.

In the afternoon, the college that had just started class, as always, heard the sound of reading.

Because the progress of each family is different, students are divided into classes based on progress regardless of their age.

He is in a class, and there may be prodigals who are out of chapters, or there are swingers who do not learn.

I am just that the husband is all the same, and he is not too biased because of the family history and talents of the students.

"Sir, my stomach hurts a bit!"

In the class, Zhang Xiao, who was explaining the Book of Songs, put down the book, and looked at the student who was unhappy.

The student is not very old, but he is usually a stable person.

He squinted at the small face, which seemed unfit.

"Go and go, come back earlier."

Zhang Xiaoxiao waved and let people out.

As soon as I picked up the textbook and continued to explain a few words, another person trembled and said, "Sir, me, I'm almost dead!"

Zhang Xiao's face sank. This time, it was the most naughty student in the class.

"Here, is this the place where you are playing?"

"But father and son, I really hurt!"

The student gritted his teeth tightly, and there was a layer of cold sweat in front of his forehead.

Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at him and felt a little strange.

Usually, although this child is terrible, he has never done so.

I didn't have much time to think, so I waved my hand to make it easier for the child to go.

I didn't want to, this afternoon, a lot of students were holding their stomachs.

Finally, there was a long line in front of the cottage.

That's really "you sing me on the stage", the cottage has not been a day, so welcomed by the students.

In the end, I was more serious. I was so pale that my legs and feet were weak.

But more, just after a few runs, just fine.

But so many students fell ill together, and suddenly the atmosphere in the college became a little weird.

After a short while, someone found Miyazo.

"Dean, something happened in the front yard."

Sannomiya Kazunori is sitting at his desk and practicing calligraphy.

The younger sister Pu let him calm down, and he could only use this method to calm his heart.

Xu Xu was because of the psychological preparation. When the people in front of him ran noisily, he didn't feel how flustered.

He just put down his pen and asked methodically, "What happened?"

"It's the students in the front yard. I don't know what I ate at noon. Many people are starting to get sick. You should go and see!"

The man was in a hurry, and he hurried to the front yard.

At this time, those students who were seriously ill had been sent back to their bedrooms.

I don't know who said that they were like this because of poisoning. By the time Miyazo arrived, the older students were already noisy and clamoring for home.

The small student also showed a timid expression of ignorance, and narrowly crouched in the corner.

"Why do you stop me? Could it be that you didn't poison us, do you want to kill us now?"

A few students took the lead in making trouble, rushing to the guards blocking them.

The guards did not dare to take too much of the students, they just blocked their fists with their bodies.

半 Although those half-sized boys are scholars, they also have some strength.

At this moment, some of the guards were wounded by them, but they were, but their clothes were a little messy.

Fangong San frowned and said coldly, "What are you doing!"

The scene suddenly quieted down.

As soon as the teaching gentlemen saw their dean, their hanging hearts were immediately put in their stomachs.

I hurriedly gathered around and said everything that happened before from beginning to end.

Sugimiya San of course believes what gentlemen say.

And these gentlemen are also skeptical.

Rong Gongsan did not rush to explain, but instead walked to the center of the crowd and said loudly, "Who said they were poisoned?"

I looked around for a week and finally fell on the students who were in trouble.

几个 These people have some impressions. They are said to be the place where the school started and they are the poor children who signed up.

I just watched them look rosy, long-breathed, and physically fit. It seems that they are living well in the college.

"Dean, Mingren don't speak secretly. They are poisoned, otherwise, why would this be the case? We just want an explanation, will you not bully us?"

The student's words were so crazy, both inside and outside, that he was convicted of poisoning the college.

Sannomiya Misaki quietly picked his eyelids, but now he is not so anxious.

I just looked cold and looked at the student in front of me.

"Oh? You say to them that they are poisoned. I don't know. Your medical skills are so advanced. I really want to thank the gentleman who taught you medical skills. I don't know, who is the master who taught by Yan?

He said that, the student suddenly changed his face.

In the academy, the gentlemen in charge of teaching each other looked at each other.

He looked at the student's face one by one, and finally shook his head fortunately.

"not me."

"It's not me."


I heard the gentlemen deny that the student was a little embarrassed immediately.

Gritting his teeth, he said angrily: "Huh! Although I can't heal, but I have seen this poison in my hometown! This poison is called" Quartz Grass ", also called" Ye Crying Lang ". Young Children, as long as they eat a little, they will be troubled for a few days and nights, and eventually they will be weak and die. Lord Dean, I have to ask you carefully, why is there such a wickedness in Sitai College? thing?"

The man's tone was so aggressive, Gongsan's brow jumped, but he didn't expect it, but he really hit his sister.

He didn't wait for him to speak, another humming came from the crowd.

"What else can I do, of course, to kill someone and cover up his crime!"

The anger in Sannomiya's heart raged, such stigma made him almost mad.

"Crime, what kind of crime? But I heard that our dean, our decent character, is a famous modest gentleman!"

The stinging student hugged his shoulders and said very ironically.

At this point, a thin figure emerged from the crowd.

Seeing this person, Miyanomiya felt a heartache.

This man was a stray starving that he had picked up outside of Non-Yecheng.

Now, the wanderer is wearing the clothes he bought out of his own pocket, but stares at him with a disgust, saying: "This is the man! Jin Yu is defeated outside, and he and the women's school he set up are not for the girls. They read and literate, but want to support a group of prostitutes, to save money for him, and to attach to the wealthy! Poor my sister who has been separated for many years, this year is only twelve years old. douchebag!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked.

Before long, whispers came from the crowd.

People held various eyes and looked at the accused Miyazo.

But at this moment, he was already shaking with anger, and his throat was only smelling sweet.

"You, you, how can you fiddle with black and white, twist black and white? I swear to heaven, I have never done such a dirty thing, how can you defile me so!"

Word by word, Gong San exhausted his efforts and refuted his innocence.

But the wanderer who avenged his revenge, but just sneered, and even sneered at him in disgust.

"Human face and beastly heart, really a shameless villain! You thought you made everything seamless, but were seen by those children. So you covered the crime with the whole school's students as a cover, and you hurt your poison! It ’s human and beastly. If someone was sleeping with me, he was afraid day and night, for fear that you would be bad for him, so he told me about it! I was anxious for a while, so I secretly searched. Then I found that my poor sister I actually sold it to you! Miyakaku, you returned my sister's life! "

After saying that, the man actually hit Palace III.

Sannomiya San stood there, only to feel the blackness in front of her for a while, and her tongue was numb, and she was angry and angry.

The wandering child was so black-hearted that his fist went straight to the heart of Gongsan.

The people around you want to stop, but not as close as they are.

To look at the young man's fist, he had to go straight to the heart of Miyazo's heart. When he didn't know when the white hand extended, he pinched the young man's fist.

He heard only a scream, and the fist was pinched away, and a sharp-edged iron piece fell out of it.

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