Take a plain white hand, pick up the iron piece, and weigh it a little.

The wanderer who was still very happy before, suddenly changed his face.

"At a very young age, I will be revengeful at school. It is so vicious that I have never seen it before."

The shy woman chilled her face, and when she scolded, she was very powerful.

The people around me couldn't help but take a breath. With the power of that boy, if he really inserted into the dean's chest, I'm afraid

"That's what he deserves! I'm revenge for my sister! He should do this kind of thing and deserve it!"

The juvenile eased his expression, and immediately made a look of indignation.

Lin Lin Mengya heard the words, but just snorted coldly.

既然 "Since you said you were taking revenge for your sister, then I ask you, aren't you a tramp? How did you know that it was your sister?"

The teenager was obviously prepared, and he didn't hesitate, then gritted his teeth and said, "I was separated from my sister, and I had tokens on my body. I searched all the way and realized that she was adopted by a family outside Yecheng. When the beast who wanted me to study in the college, I was very grateful to him. But I did n’t want to wait for our brothers and sisters to recognize each other.

I said these words, the teenager flushed his eyes, as if really distraught.

What a pity, who stood in front of him was an actress with absolute strength.

演 This acting is simply not enough.

Xu Wenyan said, Lin Mengya bent a corner.

"That's a coincidence. Who is your sister's last name? What's the name of the adoptive parents who adopted her? When was she given away?"

The young man did not expect that the woman in front of him was so stupid.

既然 Since he dared to jump out, there must be full evidence.

He sighed with joy, but his face became heavier.

"My younger sister's name is『 宝儿 』, adopted by a couple named Qi, now called Qi Miao. This happened half a month ago!”

"Who is calling me?"

I didn't expect that as soon as the boy's voice fell, a clear and crisp voice came from the crowd.

At this time, the crowd separated, and a twelve-year-old girl came out.

The little girl was wearing a white school uniform with big round eyes. Now she was looking left and right and looked very ignorant.

The young man who was still agitated just now suddenly stopped and said wrongly, "Aren't you taken away by them?"

The young girl looked at him with a little chubby face, showing a little doubt.

"I wasn't taken away, I'm in the college."

不可能 "Impossible! He said clearly that you were taken away, absolutely impossible"

Immediately, the boy seemed to think of something and immediately closed his mouth tightly, his face pale.

Gao Linmengya sneered, beckoning at the little girl.

"Mr. Samui!"

The sweet, crunchy voice of the little girl, like a breeze, cleared the mist that lingered in the hearts of everyone present.

She took the little girl's hand, but actually protected her, and then she said, "Tell your brothers and gentlemen, what's your name?"

"My name is Cheng Shuang."

"Well, it looks like you don't call Qi Miao."

Lin Lin Mengya's eyes showed a little coldness.

However, the little girl was not frightened at all, and answered generously: "Qi Miao is my classmate. Because she had chickenpox half a month ago, she was picked up by her family. It was also received in time, otherwise, others were afraid It's going to be passed on to her too! "

The words of the little girl were mad / pumping the boy's face.

Suddenly, the man's face rose into a pig's liver color. Obviously, everything he said before was somewhat untenable.

"You say, you are looking for your sister, you are vengeance on your sister. But now it seems that your memory is not very good, you must recognize your sister."

Little girl, before she came in, she immediately asked Bai Su to look for the boy's slander.

There are not many students in the girl's college, and you can find out a little about which student has been absent this time.

Therefore, she explained to Bai Su, looking for a child of the same age, as long as she waited for a suitable time, she launched a scam.

I did not expect that the other party really showed his feet.

"I didn't expect you to use such a despicable method! No wonder you snakes and rattles! Well, I can't avenge my sister today. I am incompetent, but in the next day, I must let this beast to pay the due price! "

The teenager didn't see things well, but he wanted to slip away.

Where does Lin Lin Mengya give him such a good opportunity, he chuckled coldly: "Stop! Defile the dean, spread rumors, are you dead when we are dead?

"You, you are colluding, you can't do it. Do you want to kill people?"

The juvenile is already insatiable, and already has his will in his eyes.

"Of course not, but—"

She prolonged her tone a little, dangled the teenager, and said slowly: "Since it is the college's affairs, then the college must have the responsibility to investigate the matter clearly. Moreover, here is the palace's closure, no matter what The palace family has the right to dispose. And where can you go? "

Her words, suddenly pulled the boy into the cold hell.

**** it! How can he forget that Gongjiao is not only the dean of Sitai College, he is also a Gong family member!

In the palace's fiefdom, a small character like him, even if the palace is pinched to death, no one cares.

Suddenly, his face was a hundred, and his legs were a little soft.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him with a kind of counseling, and was too lazy to deal with it.

But she definitely does not allow this to spread freely, letting the third brother be vilified casually.

So it must be resolved publicly.

"You guys, I have to check it clearly about what he said, so as not to use it again in the future."

大多 Most of the students and gentlemen around the college, what else do they not understand?

I nodded one after another, begun to agree.

I didn't want to be guarded by the college at this time, but hurriedly came over.

"Master Dean, many people broke in!"

Alas, this immediately stimulated some people's hope.

The young man who thought he was dead before jumped up and yelled out loudly, "Gong Jiacao killed his life, and tortured it into a trick. Please adults, please be my master!"

Wu Baisu frowned, trying to come forward to stop, but Lin Mengya held her wrist.

The latter saw that she didn't have any nervous look at all, and knew that she was afraid that the master already had the answer.

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and looked at those who came in from the outside, but her heart was even more sneer.

After watching this drama for so long, Zhengzhuer finally came to an end.

She watched with interest those people who came to her, headed by the old stubborn old people who were unwilling to relax at the banquet.

Now she regrets a little.

What to save them is not as good as feeding the animals.

偏 She tilted her head and looked at her third brother.

Seeing that his face was pale, his mood had completely calmed down.

"do not worry."

This is what she wanted to say.

I did not expect, but gave the third brother first.

The words of the ungrateful beast just now completely cut off the last sorrow of the third brother.

How powerful is a male lion who is no longer a cocoon?

Then ask those prey.

"I don't worry about it, I'll kill one if I come, and two if I'll kill one."

She said with a smile, while Gongsan was staring at those people, but still said gently: "Well, dare to run, I am responsible for discounting his legs."

Brother and sister-in-law were both elegant scholars on both sides, but the conversation was inexplicable.

Lin Lin Mengya knows that today, she is not fighting alone, she just feels that her fighting spirit is agitated.

刚 As soon as those people came here, the teenager fluttered with hissing noises.

"Master, please, give me justice!"

The old man walking in front of him looked attentively, his eyes looked a little puzzled to somewhere behind.

This is different from what I said before. Doesn't it mean that Miyazo can no longer say half a sentence to distinguish at this time?

Why are people standing there now?

And the atmosphere seems different from what they expected.

Alas, the arrows were on the strings, and they had to go on as planned.

"What's your grievance, let's say. The old husband is Liao Jia Liao Zhong. If you come carefully, the old husband will naturally decide for you."

"Liao Zizi, here is not the back cover of your Liao family. Anything should be handled by our palace family yourself. Do you do this? Is it true that the owner of the house is also interested in my back family?"

I did not expect that Miyazo, who had always been respectful to Liao Zhong, said suddenly.

The Jiao Liao family can be regarded as everyone who has inherited it. The most glorious time was once one of the top ten families.

He only learned a lot from their generations, and everyone from Hongru was a lot. Therefore, other families respected them a lot.

Alas, the owner of their Liao family is a smart person.

I know that their family is inferior to other families, so they are at most neutral in attitude and rarely participate in other family affairs.

Suddenly Liao Zhong was so stunned by a junior, he suddenly cold face.

"Miyakaku, is that how your Master teaches you to have an interchange? That ’s right. I ’m still your elder. You are so arrogant. It seems I should talk to Brother Qianfeng.”

Lian Zhong was upset, Liao Zhong was already annoyed.

He was impartial, and when his elder grandma was majestic, a shallow laugh came and attracted everyone's attention.

It seems that Sannomiya was unaware, and asked, pretending, "Mr. Su Mei, what are you laughing at?"

Zhe Lin Mengya took out the parchment and wiped the corners of her eyes, as if she was laughing with tears.

"I'm laughing, this senior Liao Zhong, I'm afraid it's old and confused."

"Little girl, dare to be so disrespectful to senior Liao!"

After Liao Liao regained his own supporters jumped out to blame.

But Lin Mengya didn't see it, only raised her voice and said, "Everyone knows that the owner of the palace is Gong Ya. The owner of the Liao family is three forty years old this year, but he is comparable to his family. As far as I know, senior Liao Zhong It ’s just the uncle of the Liao family's owner, how can they tell our brothers and brothers to get up? ”

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