Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1777: Changeable

However, the college is not safe now, and it is better for the two babies to be at home temporarily.

After those menacing departures, they will not cease.

Zhe Lin Mengya has sent someone to stare, and with a slight change, someone will report.

She didn't want to get involved in things too much in the college.

Although things are a little tricky this time, it may not be a good time for the third brother to establish prestige.

After this incident, everyone who can stay in the college is convinced by the third brother sincerely.

This is also a good thing for them.

She wanted to go out for a walk today, and by the way look at the ending situation everywhere.

Who knows, it's really uneasy to make such a mess again.

She can't delay what she should do.

On the street, everyone lives as before.

Traders hawk their own merchandise, and the tourists on the street are also stepping forward towards their destination.

She was sitting in a carriage, looking at such a mundane world, and suddenly understood why there would be so many people that night, preferring to fall in the night forever.

What they guard is just such a simple life.

She squeezed her fists, and her resentment seemed to be less.

"Master, the person responsible for monitoring Liao Zhong is back. It is said that beside him, he found a person who looks exactly like San Gongzi."

"Oh? What is he doing?"

"This person seemed to be Liao Zhong's distinguished guest before, but I don't know why, since Liao Zhong returned, he was kicked out."

What else can I do?

Of course, they were embarrassed and broke their faces.

"Would you, our people, go and bring him back?"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head.

"Just send someone to stare, Liao Zhong will not give up so easily, and this person is not so simple."

Bai Su nodded and led away.

After a round of inspection, it was determined that Feicheng had not left too much confusion because of the night, and Lin Mengya returned to the palace.

At this time, everyone also knew what was happening in the college. The atmosphere in the house was a little tight.

"Sir, you are back. My ancestor is waiting for you."

After receiving the news that she was home, Yuning Liang hurried over to meet her.

Seeing his sweaty face, he wanted to come, but he didn't bother.

"You tell the big guy, do n’t go out these days. Also, all the news from Brother Three must come to me first. Even if it is encountered on the street, you have to run a leg Tell me first. "

"But what if you delay the three masters?"

Gao Linmengya thought for a while and said, "I will assign a brother to the third brother. If the third brother is in trouble, he will pass through her. If it is not her, even the third brother himself cannot speak, you know?"

Su Ningliang nodded in a hurry.

He can understand it. Today, only this young lady has the final say.

I walked all the way from the door and soon arrived at Zengzu's yard.

At this time, several brothers gathered here, quite lively.

I heard it when I walked in. The excitement came from the mouth of Wu Brother.

I said for a while that I was going to teach those guys, and then I said that they were ungrateful and unworthy.

In the end, it was a general training of Zengzu that made this person honest.

But after seeing her, she glared up again and ran over and took her hand.

走 "Go! Brother Wu will find a place for you! Dare to bully my little girl, my brother, when I am really dead?"

Lin Lin Mengya dragged him, and could only look to his family for help.

Fortunately, Zeng Zu was still majestic and had a cold drink, which saved her sleeves that were about to be torn off.

他们 "They're all gone. Now go find a place, and our house won't make sense."

After hearing what she said, Gongwu was still a little angry.

He is the least likely to be bullied by his own family, and it is not excessive for him to behave like this.

"Learn your sister well, our family is the most impulsive!"

Zeng Zengzu really hated iron and steel.

Suddenly, after seeing the disapproval of his younger sister, Gong Wuyi couldn't help but feel a little faint.

It was strange to say that a great ancestor's meal was sometimes not as effective as his sister's word.

He touched his head and sat down next to his sister.

Looking at him like a bear, the other people at home can only be helpless.

Xun Gong Qianfeng saw that the fifth child was surrendered by Yaer, and she was somewhat relieved.

I can't help but think of the news that came back today.

"Yar, what's going on?"

Lin Lin Meng Yasi thought for a moment, and told the school things originally.

I just disappeared this part of my third brother's twin brother, and I was afraid that after the great ancestor heard it, he would only become sad.

I heard that Liao Chong was so shameless. Several brothers of the palace family were irritated with teeth.

After listening to his great ancestors, he was silent.

"This Liao Zhong was not this kind of character before. I met him a few years ago. He was a man who only studied and studied. If he had arrogance, it was just the arrogance of the literati. How could he become so vicious? "

Zeng Zengzu said with emotion.

Lin Mengya heard this, but she had other thoughts in her heart.

曾 "Zeng ancestors, people will change. The desire to smoke the heart, so is the case. Then Liao Zhong was also a great scholar of Confucianism. Now, it seems, hum, but it is the failure of Jin Yu."

Wu Gongbin said with a frown, but it was quite shameless.

Zhe Lin Mengya also had some myths. This Liao Zhong, she also did some investigations when she founded the hospital before.

Although many people say that he is innocent and proud, no one has ever said that he was interested in these worldly powers.

Is there any reason for this?

"Brother, what do you think about this?"

She looked up and looked at Miyaji, who had been silent.

The latter is emotionally stable, and his face is not too angry.

She just had suspicions similar to her in her eyes.

"Liao Chong is definitely for the ownership of the college. But everyone knows that the college was funded and built by my palace family, and within the main city of my palace family's land, how can we be able to slay others?"

"The meaning of the four elder brothers-are they drunkards not to drink?"

Kojimiya looked at her, nodding slightly.

At this time, everyone else was also quiet, thinking quietly about some possible situations.

Gong Si lowered his eyes and seemed not to be in a hurry. He said slowly: "Anyway, things have already reached this stage. Although Liao Zhong has some status, I think the Liao family may not follow him around. It's those behind him. Supporters are afraid that it will cause trouble. At that time, we will make us look against the Liao family. "

At this point, she was worried too.

As a result, when she returned, she was going to repair a book and inform the Liao family of what happened today in the name of the palace owner.

I want to come, with the wisdom of the owner of the Liao family, we should understand the ease of the matter.

As for the other families, the happier they are, the more they can see the strange things.

了 Without Liao's backing, Liao Zhong's personal ability is also extremely limited.

"This matter must still be treated with caution. According to your statement, those people dare to calculate the third brother blatantly, afraid that there are others behind."

Heiguchi groaned and said solemnly.

I know this.

But what they should do, what should not be done, at least what should not be done on the surface, they can't move.

After all, there are many families in non-Yecheng now.

It was obviously a little uncomfortable to move the whole body with a single blow.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it and looked at Miyaji again

"Brother, I think after this incident, they will definitely not live in non-Yecheng again, I want to ask you to help me **** them for a while."

"What do they **** them? I wish they were dead halfway!"

As soon as the fifth side of the palace went out of his head, the ancestor gave him a glance back.

Although Hagiya Er reluctant, this was her request and she had to obey.

Unexpectedly, Gong Shi also nodded and agreed: "If they died on the way, then we really have a mouth to talk about. Brother, if they encounter any attack, at first, don't go out and help . First look at the truth, if it is true, you go out, but you have to be careful, don't let people calculate. "

These things, Miyaji understands.

He hurried to summon his men, at least a few days off first, so that everyone is not too tired.

Gao Linmengya reassured Zengzu a few more times and assured him that there would be no problems before she resigned.

Afterwards, Gong Bin and Gong Si, after returning to their respective yards, went to Dongyuan at the same time.

The two met at the door and looked at each other in surprise at the same time.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya knew that they were coming and had prepared tea.

"Come in all."

Xi Gongbin and Gong Shi hesitated for a moment, and knew in their hearts that what they came to ask was probably one thing.

After Lin was seated, Lin Mengya didn't make a circle and said straightforwardly: "I know what you want to ask, yes, the person who pretended to be the third brother to enter and leave the college is probably the brother of the third brother.

I was silent and spread among the three.

Zhe Lin Mengya slowly opened the tea cup in her hand and took a sip of the clear and sweet light tea.

I'm in the same room, my brother is against the wall.

This is even more heartbreaking for a family that is very family-oriented.

Fortunately, there was Gong Tuzhi's base in the past, and the latter things were not so difficult to accept.

I just sighed.

After all, those brothers who were once their brothers and feet are now enemies who want to place twin brothers and die.

After all, I'm still sad and angry.

"He, why did he do this?"

After a long time, Gong Bin struggled to speak.

Lin Mengya couldn't bear to see his elder brother so sad, and could only comfortably said: "Big elder brother, man will become. Since he abandoned the palace family at first, what he is doing now is not so difficult to understand Now. "

Xi Gongbin looked at her and sighed heavily.

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