I was a brother who grew up together. In addition to being angry, I was more disappointed.

However, the Gong family has never been a pretending temper.

He especially loves and hates such things.

Therefore, after just a little silence, the two recovered.

"Let ’s hide some great ancestors in this matter. His old man is the oldest and ca n’t stand this kind of thing. However, since he has already appeared, I am afraid there will be some storms. We need to make some preparations in advance . "

After a few moments of thinking, the four palaces can also be treated with the usual attitude.

Wu Gongbin also meant this, but Lin Mengya had some other ideas.

"It's hard to say how many people were before, I always think that this person appeared something wrong this time."

"What's wrong? But what did you find?"

Xiongong asked, Lin Mengya shook her head.

She hasn't found any direct evidence for the time being, but there is something weird everywhere about it.

"I asked my elder brother that the man had disappeared for many years and had no news. Although he was disgraceful at first, he did not go to the place where he turned against his family. If he wanted to avenge the palace, why not do it early When these things happen, instead, after the prosperity of the palace family, come to pull hatred? "

I have to say that the old grudge between the man and the palace family is also a reason.

But according to the elder brother, this person has been extremely intelligent since he was young, and he is not under the elder brother.

At the beginning, the palace family was in trouble, and the family took away the old house.

If you want to step on the palace house at that time, you can definitely make the palace house hurt.

But now, he actually wanted to appear in true colors at this time, as if he had made an intentional appearance and led them to follow up.

Gongsi thought for a while, and said with a serious look: "I have heard some rumors about this person before. He left the house and became a guest of various families. Because Zengzu said that he was removed from the house This is already the biggest punishment for him, so that we cannot cut off the roots. Therefore, I have not paid special attention to his situation. "

"He went to another house as a guest?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised an eyebrow, it seems that this person is indeed not simple.

"But in the end he is a Gong family, can those families really accept him without heart?"

Hagiya Shichi tickled his lips, smiling a little ironically.

"His name has been publicly deprived of his great ancestor. Where can it be called the palace family. I heard that he has now changed his name to Dumu."

名字 This name is a bit special.

I want to come to this person, intend to go all the way to the dark.

既然 "Since he has done so many things, if only to lead us to track him down, then we are not as good as he wants."

Gao Linmengya bent her lips slightly, revealing a profound smile.

At first glance at her, Gong Bin and Gong Si knew it.

Sure enough, my little girl must not be a messer!

Xi Liaozhong broke into the academy, and the conflict with Gongsan soon spread throughout the non-Yecheng city.

When everyone thought that the palace family would be embarrassed by the person who waited, the palace family ignored the matter.

This has made many people who have a wait-and-see attitude shake a little.

Is n’t that what the palace family recognized?

After a few days, it was Liao Zhong and his supporters who collectively quarreled to leave Feicheng.

Instead of stopping, the Xun Gong family sent people to watch it early in the morning, for fear they would not leave.

Liao Zhong was afraid that he did not expect that the palace family would have such an attitude.

Now he understands that the palace family was not afraid of him, but he did not take him seriously.

After that, the guards of the palace family searched for the waist cards that went in and out of the non-Yecheng main city before they left.

Several of them were lost, all of which were claimed by the palace family according to regulations.

Even though a few people led by Liao Zhong made a noise, the people sent by the palace family this time were all forceful and unreasonable by Kong Wu.

Xiu Xiu encountered the soldier and could not tell clearly.

Under the eyes of the people in the city, these people were hurriedly driven out of non-Yecheng.

Upstairs in the tea house, Lin Mengya sat by the window and sipped a cup of tea.

Downstairs, those people are really noisy.

"You are leisurely, and you have time to watch the liveliness here."

Sannomiya also came quietly. In these few days, he was too busy to return home, with a tired look on his face, but no haze in his eyes.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw my little girl looking down at it like a play, and could not help but feel a little helpless.

"Of course you have to come and watch. Anyway, our family's reputation can't be better. In this case, it's better to be happy than to get angry."

Lin Lin Mengya has no fear. She is used to being a wicked person, and now she has no burden on her heart.

Sannomiya shook her head, knowing her own housework and self-knowledge, the little girl seemed to use a bit more ruthlessness, but it was also a very extraordinary move during the extraordinary period.

If there is a better way, who is willing to bear this notoriety?

"Master, Mr. Ma and Mr. Cheng have arrived."

After Bai Su returned, Lin Mengya immediately closed the window and smiled.

"Hurry up."

Bian Ma Beichen and Cheng Su arrived together. The two of them usually confronted each other as soon as they met. Today, they just looked at each other, and they had a lot of heart. With their buddies, they reached the second floor.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the brothers and sisters of the palace family, and some of them could not help but want to ask for a certificate.

"Two boys, just sit down."

Compared with the previous several times, Lin Mengya's attitude seems a lot more easy-going.

The two looked at her with doubts in their hearts.

Gao Linmengya knew what their suspicions were, but that was not the point and was not in the scope of today's discussion.

The two sat down in silence.

Cheng Chengren is as serious as he is, and his emotions are not revealed at all.

But Ma Beichen was a little bit worse, he seemed a little restless, and his eyes kept looking at them both secretly.

For a while, there was nothing else in the box except the fragrant tea.

"Three sons."

I spoke with Ma Beichen.

He looked like he was talking but stopped, but he just called Gong Sanyi.

Unfortunately, the latter didn't cover it at all, only a gentle smile, then bowed his head again, and tasted the tea in his hand.

Bian Ma Beichen's complexion changed, no longer the same as before, but a lot of calm.

"To take the liberty to ask the two sons to come here today is to ask the two sons a truth."

I pondered for a long time before Lin Mengya just spoke.

She Kema and Cheng looked unclear and did not seem to know the meaning of her words.

She is not in a hurry, she said lightly: "The other day, two people are afraid that they may not sleep well."

Seeing that she was on the subject, the two people's looks finally changed slightly.

Cheng Chengsu glanced at Ma Beichen and seemed to be asking for his opinion.

后者 The latter nodded slightly, and seemed to agree with Cheng Su's decision.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, but she was defamatory.

Outfit! Look at these two big-tailed wolves.

"It's not like hometown here. Naturally, some of them can't sleep well, thank you Mr. Su Mei for remembering."

Bian Ma Beichen's flat answer did not cause Lin Mengya any dissatisfaction.

On the contrary, she nodded and said with concern: "What is said is that it is not as good as her own home. I think many families have packed their bags and are ready to go back. I do n’t know when they will leave. They all want to practice for the two. "

Wu Chengsu and Ma Beichen did not expect that Gongjia could order them.

"Sir asked us to come here just to ask when we are leaving?"

Ma Machen asked hesitantly, but Lin Mengya's smile was more polite.

I nodded and pretended to be innocent.

"Of course, otherwise, what other reasons can there be?"

All right, the chat was dead.

The two horses, Cheng Ma and Cheng, only felt that their chests were stuffy, as if someone had forcibly covered their mouths.

Lin Lin Mengya snorted in her heart. It was time to play with her. No wonder the two uncles had to worry about her at home.

It's okay to hide, but to be stupid when it's straightforward, that's too bad.

Squinting his eyes to see Luca dead, Ma Beichen's eyes twitched slightly.

I remembered the diligently urged by the father when he was leaving, and could not help but regret it.

But Mr. Xun has ordered that the palace family is different from others. They come with sincerity. Naturally, in some things, it is better to say that it is better than temptation.

What a pity, he was clever.

It's a clever mistake, but he doesn't know what to do now.

"Sorry, it's ours."

I did not expect, Cheng Su opened his mouth.

A few people froze slightly, but Cheng Su said indifferently: "Mr. Su, I want to know what happened that night a few days ago."

His eyes are burning, black eyes seem to be able to see everything.

It's a pity that the woman in front of him, though Wenwen looks weak, is unaware of his momentum.

She smiled and smiled, as if to say the most insignificant words.

"Why should I tell the two? Or, in what capacity do you two ask me?"

This attitude again unexpectedly exceeded their expectations.

But after a short while, Ma Beichen reacted and said hurriedly: "Because we are allies."

"Allies?" Lin Mengya spit out these two words softly, but in her eyes she seemed to be scornful.

"I don't believe in allies. I only believe in partners who have a common interest with me. The world is full of benefits, and two people, I never value the alliance oath. For the benefit, brothers and sisters can be disabled, not to mention us. Such people. "

She said this too coldly, but she showed the relationship between the family in front of others.

The two horses, Cheng Ma and Chen, had a short breath, but soon they understood each other's meaning.

小 First villain, then gentleman, this is completely the attitude of collaborators.

The only simple and clear relationship is to put the word “li” first, instead of climbing on the so-called human feelings.

Neither of them is that kind of hypocrisy. They all came out and they just picked it up.

The two seem to be relieved, and even Ma Beichen has restored his frivolous appearance.

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