Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1779: to seek cooperation

"Mr. Su is really a wonderful person. In that case, I will talk about it. Indeed, Brother Cheng and I came from the house of the palace. However, we all know that wanting to annex the palace is simply wishful thinking. Working with the palace family is not a small risk. "

Openness and honesty, the later things are much easier to handle.

Lin Mengya felt that since it is cooperation, it is understandable to first explain the conditions.

Benefits are benefits, and human feelings are human feelings. The two cannot be confused.

"Yes, but if I tell you, you can only keep your family if you cooperate with the palace family?"

Ma Machen looked at her in confusion, but Cheng Su's expression was more profound.

"What does this mean?"

Facing Ma Beichen's doubts, Lin Mengya looked at Cheng Su.

"I believe that Major General Cheng should be aware of it. Under the flowers of Wei Guo, there is an unusual undercurrent."

Xi Cheng Su took a deep breath and looked at her again, but her eyes flashed with hatred and helplessness.

"You know those people?"

"Well, a little more than you know. I also played against them, but every time, they are slightly better."

Cheng Chengsu was silent again, and Ma Beichen was anxious like a monkey.

He pointed at Cheng Su and opened it.

"Okay, you are hiding a secret behind me! Come on, what the **** is going on?"

Cheng Chengsu looked at Ma Beichen and whispered, "Do you remember, my uncle?"

"Did your uncle disappear when he was a bandit a few years ago?"

Cheng Cheng shook his head and finally got a chance to spit out the secret in his heart.

"My uncle is three years old, and we grew up together from an early age. He is superior in martial arts and uses soldiers like gods. Five years ago, I went to the border bandits with my uncle, but he didn't want to. Brothers, all are gone. In the camp behind, I only heard someone say that they had strayed into the mist and were transformed by the mist. But I don't believe it, and sneaked into the place where they disappeared that night to check. But I saw the stumps scattered on the ground. I thought they were ambushed by the beast, but I met someone. No, not a person, but a living dead who feeds on living people! "

Xun mentioned all the things five years ago, and it seemed to be invading him.

In the house, except for Lin Mengya, the two remaining people couldn't help shuddering when they heard Cheng Su's somber narration.

Ma Beichen, holding her arms, tried to smooth out the goosebumps that shuddered.

"Your boy, let you talk about business, but not for you to tell a different story!"

"No, he's telling the truth. That's the thing that came to attack the city that night."

The sound of suddenly sounded, making Ma Beichen startled.

He just felt a chill, straight into the Tianlinggai from his spine.

"Is it possible, is there a ghost in this world?"

Zhe Lin Mengya shook her head, and then said, "These things are not ghosts. What they say is similar to Mu's uncle. It's just worse than uncle."

The reason why the tartars are afraid of ghosts and gods is because there are many things that cannot be explained by common sense, and ultimately can only be attributed to the power of ghosts and gods.

But if you turn intangible things into tangible things, you will not be so afraid.

"In addition to these things, those who came to attack the city that night, there are some trained beasts that can be treated as beasts. Although the two of you were at the dinner that night, the dark whistle you placed outside the city was returned Some news, so you start to wonder, right? "

He and He both hesitated and nodded in the end.

In fact, not only are they skeptical, but many people are also skeptical.

Because I was outside the city that night, except for the secretly ambushing staff of Ma Ji and Cheng's family, many of the other family members were damaged.

He did not know what method was used in Xiancheng. He avoided so many pairs of eyes and let the herd follow the medicine. God appeared unconsciously outside the city.

Alas, later heard the people cleaning the battlefield say.

Many people along the way lost their lives in their sleep.

And there is no wound on his body, he should have died of poisoning.

Most of these people live near roads and rivers, and some return late.

As for those who secretly placed the family outside the city, it was because they had to go back to protect the remaining people on the night of the banquet, so they did not escape.

However, there are also those who stay behind, there is no way to avoid it.

But they broke their teeth and swallowed their stomachs. After all, they came to visit and secretly buried their manpower outside the city.

As for the Ma family and Cheng family, she believes that their intentions are different from those of other families.

Therefore, they have quietly sheltered one or two.

Because of this, their people only got some news, but it was not so clear.

"Well, once they came back, they said that they were stopped in your room by your family and were not allowed to come out. Second, although you did very secretly, I always felt that the banquet was a bit wrong. But I asked all People said they didn't notice anything, so I also wondered if there was something wrong with my own feelings. "

Ma Machen touched his nose and said with a smile.

Lin Mengya knows that there are things that can't be hidden from these smart people.

She didn't want to hide too hard. If they want to know, then check it by themselves.

"That night, they wanted to sneak attack on non-Yecheng and kill us all. Fortunately, the owner and His Royal Highness got the news long ago and guarded their lives. They just kept everyone. The reason why I didn't tell you was because you never I've seen something like this. I'm afraid that when I do, I will be frightened and make a mistake. "

Lin Lin Mengya did not hesitate to paste gold on her and his own man's face.

I do n’t know what to do, why do you invite me if you know?

As soon as she heard her say that, Ma Beichen and Cheng Su knew the significance of the event that night.

Unconscious, could not help but admire those two people who had righteousness in their hearts.

I especially Cheng Su. He traced the incident in his early years and knew more about the danger of the incident, so he had more favorable feelings to His Highness Xi.

"Thank you for your kind help from the palace family and your Highness."

Cheng Chengsu's words come from the heart.

Zhe Lin Mengya waved her hand as if she didn't care about it.

"Anyway, everyone is the same person. However, His Highness and the head of the family can make such a sacrifice, although it is commendable, but it is not thankful."

Sannomiya was on the side, a little out of control.

Coughed a few times to remind his sister, if he boasted, would he blush for her?

I do n’t know, but Su Su is deeply convinced.

"Yes, Mr. Su is right. His Highness and the Gongjia are the people who are of high moral character, which makes me really ashamed. I also know that there is no egg under the nest? My Cheng family is willing to follow His Highness and defend me with death. David Jiang Shan! "

Cheng Cheng Su is a Cheng family member, but he is even a soldier.

It is his responsibility to guard the frontiers, and it is his ideal to protect his country and defend his country.

If there is such a day, he will definitely abandon some grudges and fight only to defend his country.

In contrast, he is more persuasive than Ma Beichen.

But he made Ma Beichen's a little passive.

人 This man gave Cheng Su a powerful blow with his beard and stare, but the other party was not indifferent.

I could not help cursing myself. This fool Cheng didn't know if he bought it.

Knowing that Ma Beichen was not so foolish as Cheng Su, Lin Mengya turned sharply.

"General Cheng is young and promising, loyal and loyal, it is really admirable. However, this matter is not related to the family of my palace family, but to the life and death of the entire Patriotic State. Do not hide the ambitions of those two people It's not just replacing the royal family. "

"Oh? They can't, they want to annex the whole country, right?"

She Ma Beichen didn't know the gravity of the matter, and Lin Mengya didn't mind telling him.

"Their purpose is to destroy the Patriotic Kingdom, and then let their people become the masters of this land. And you and my descendants will live forever and become their slaves!"

"It's impossible! How many people are there in the patriotic patriarchal family? They want to annex them one by one, it's just a crazy dream!"

Ma Machen immediately retorted fiercely, Lin Mengya knew that there would be such a result.

要 "If I said, the so-called sanctuary, the so-called royal family, royal family, and the top ten families, are they the means to check and split us? Magong, do you think they have the ability to enslave us?"

Suddenly, Ma Beichen was speechless.

The authorities are astounded by the spectator Qing, because Lin Mengya is from another world, so she knows that such division is actually pathological and deformed.

The culprit responsible for all this is the fairy city hidden underground.

But Ma Beichen certainly does not think so. This is how he was born in the world. How can he jump out of this world and see something that does not exist in his memory at all?

"This this"

"There are many things in it, I ca n’t tell you one by one now. The reason why I do n’t hide from the two is because we do n’t have much time left, and we must act now. Otherwise, only man-made knives will kill me for fish. It's for the sake of it. "

She's not alarmist.

About the elder brother's affairs, maybe there is a handwriting behind Xiancheng.

Once the conspiracy starts, if it fails to achieve the goal, it will never stop.

As a result, it is imperative to recruit collaborators.

The Ma Ma family and the Cheng family were the first batch selected by her after many considerations.

The single tree cannot be a forest. No matter how powerful their palace family is, they cannot fight alone.

I spent a lot of words, Lin Mengya revealed her plan to the two of them preliminarily.

The two were smart people, and Lin Mengya didn't think about letting them decide now.

It is a matter of life and death. You must go home and discuss it before you can act.

She Ma Beichen and Cheng Su also asked some questions. As long as she could tell, she answered them one by one.

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