Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1780: Preliminary intention

In the end, both men were silent.

After a long time, Ma Beichen shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a bizarre thing in the world. So it seems that we are just a frog at the bottom of the well."

以来 Since they were born, they know what kind of situation they are facing.

But now when they know that they are just a group of mice kept in boxes, they are at a loss when they are at risk of being slaughtered.

For a moment, it was like a flat boat abandoned on the sea, and it was completely out of its control, inevitably a little discouraged.

Lin Lin Mengya picked up the tea and moisturized her throat.

"In fact, we don't have to be so pessimistic. Xiancheng has its fatal weakness, and we are not without advantages. However, if we set ourselves up as a camp, we won't have to fight against Xiancheng, we will be finished.

Wu Chengsu nodded. He knew this.

In recent years, no matter the friction between various families or the puppets of the surrounding small countries, the deep contradictions of the defending country have been exposed.

For example, in his army, the coach and the vice general often disagree because of political disagreements.

Ascending and descending, most of the people below formed a small team based on the premise of the family, fighting, and did not listen to the command at all.

且 This is so in a place where the military should be disciplined, not to mention elsewhere?

After thinking about it, Cheng Su also raised a key question.

"Your idea is very good, but use the inn's buddies to serve as the army, not to mention that there are not too many people. They usually do not cooperate with the training, and when they are on the battlefield, how can they cooperate?"

"You don't have to worry about this." She tickled her lips and smiled softly.

He knows this at home, not only his second brother, but also his man?

"The inn and the business line are just cover, we will find a suitable place to train a group of personal soldiers. At the end of each year, we will take the name of the inventory and let these private soldiers come to the palace home for training."

Although it is impossible to be 100% sure that there are no spies in other homes in Fengfengdi, within this year, she will gradually clear up and remove those nails that are in trouble.

In recent days, some progress has been made in the excavation of Shi Yu.

She will try to expel those in Xiancheng within this year and seal the palace family as stable as an iron bucket.

Cheng Chengsu's look was a little easier.

He is not like Ma Beichen, he feels nowhere to start.

他 In his opinion, no matter how strong the opponent, there will be weaknesses.

Throughout the ages, examples of less wins and more can be found everywhere.

必要 It is not necessary to admit defeat before the two parties have started.

Everything, how do you know without trying?

"Yeah, when I go back, I will send a group of generals with combat experience. You don't need to worry, they are all from the cold door, and they are just my personal strength and have nothing to do with the Cheng family."

Lin Lin Mengya was so happy that she was lacking this.

"Thank you, Major General Cheng."

Wu Chengsu waved his hands, and his attitude was much milder than before.

"Let's just call me Cheng Su in the future, I will just call you Su Mei."

"Well, that's fine."

I watched the negotiation progress on their side, Ma Beichen was anxious.

He stunned Cheng Su and said very dissatisfied: "I said cold face ghost, what do you mean? Is there no one to bully Ben? You promised so easily, not afraid of your grandfather and lift your skin?"

Cheng Cheng Su didn't care.

"This is my own person."

"You just bully less! Someone is amazing!"

"you have not."

"I'll wait for you, I will go to your old man to report you!"

The horse Beichen was swollen, gritted and bruised.

It is a pity that this threat is not very effective. At least Cheng Su didn't take it seriously, and the other two people smiled secretly.

However, I can only sue the parents for this trick. I am naive, and her son is too lazy to play.

Lin Lin Mengya was disgusted, but she still had to be persuaded.

"Okay, okay, Ma Gongzi was a big help to us before. Is the last injury all good?"

He Ma Beichen wasn't really trying to get through with Su Su. He has been used to it for so many years.

Now someone gave him down the steps, he naturally didn't need to stand.

I tilted my head and gave her a self-concealed smile.

"It's okay for a long time. When was this skin trauma, when was Ben Ben minded? But Xiaomei knows that the palace family offended Liao Zhong, I'm afraid this college will be greatly affected."

Zhe Lin Mengya has always been allergic to Ma Beichen's overly intimate title. Fortunately, Long Tianyu is not present, or it is really easy to catch fire.

"Liao Zhong matters, we have our own way of handling."

"But those small families have always loved to protect themselves. Instead, I merged the Ma family's ethnology with the college. In the future, all the children of our Ma family will be sent to Sitai College. What do you think?"

The horse family's position must be someone who can drive a part.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that this was Ma Beichen's sincerity.

Like Cheng Su, she has no reason not to accept it.

"Then I'll take the third brother, thank you Ma Gong."

"Why be kind between you and me. I'm too old for you. If you don't dislike it, sister Xiaomei will call me Brother Chen."

Lin Mengya suddenly appeared goose bumps, this person is too shameless.

For a moment, even the three elder brothers who were next to him looked a little bad, Lin Mengya smiled reluctantly, but still didn't agree with him.

"Our palace is very strict, thank you Ma Gongzi for your love. Oh, I suddenly remembered that there was a pot of old soup in the house. Third brother, we must go back quickly, we will leave.

I watched as she almost trot down the stairs and got into the carriage, Ma Beichen's face turned black.

Across the window, he waved his hand earnestly, hoping to leave a affectionate impression on his little sister, but the other party did not give him this opportunity at all.

"Am I so scary?"

Holding the heart of a sore boy, Ma Beichen was very depressed to himself.


Cheng Suwenyan next to his uncle only gave him a word of unknown meaning.

Suddenly, he looked like a cat with a tail on his tail, staring at the guy in front of him with a frown.

"Did you say something in front of Xiaomei's sister?"

"Everyone is gone, what else do you pretend to be."

Can Cheng Su ignore him, growing up from a young age, did he not know the other side's virtue?

Sure enough, Ma Beichen put away the frivolous appearance, opened the tea cup, narrowed his eyes and drank a little.

"I think she said these things are true. But how to convince my old man, I still need to think about it."

Cheng Cheng nodded.

Everyone knows that Master Ma's master is cynical, but no one knows that this person's core is more sly.

虽然 Although he doesn't deal with Ma Beichen, he believes him most.

"After you go back, you should first report your uncle's affairs to Uncle Cheng. For other matters, we need to discuss the matter from a long-term perspective."

I left the teahouse and returned to the palace. She was not worried about Ma and Cheng.

Now, what needs to be addressed is the potential danger in non-Yecheng.

As soon as I arrived home, she received the news.

He said that after being driven out by a single tree, he was penniless. He actually fought with a group of beggars and caused a patrol.

However, in the end, when the patrol arrived, the people were dispersed and neither side caught them.

After receiving the news, Ningliang did not dare to neglect and went back and forth directly to her.

Lin Mengya seemed very calm, and did not seem to worry about it.

"Miss, one thing is unclear about the younger. Now that the single tree has been ordered, why don't we take the opportunity to arrest him and interrogate him?"

Gao Lin Mengya smiled and asked, "If you are a lone tree, knowing that your conspiracy has been revealed, and you have been spotted, will you fight with beggars for some money, so that you will alarm the patrol?"

She said so, Ning Liang came to understand.

"Miss means that he intentionally caught our attention? But why, then, would he run? If he was caught by the patrol, wouldn't it surprise our house?"

Zhe Lin Mengya put down half of the college student roster, and she had a bit of fun in her eyes.

"Where do you know the thoughts of smart people, if they were caught so easily, who would believe him? It would be better to pull away the cocoon, and finally get out of hand, and then be caught by us. Wouldn't it be more logical? Don't worry about him, let people stare That's it. However, every person he meets and does something must be reported one by one. "

"Yes, the little one understands."

As soon as Ningliang pulled out, Long Tianyu came over.

As soon as He entered the room, the man took off his mask, exposing his handsome and flawless face.

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her eyebrows and looked at her man with a smile.

No wonder so many women went to follow-up, the beauty is wrong!

"What are you thinking?"

When Chen Longyu looked at her with a smirk, she knew that the man was wondering what idea was in her mind.

He is very likely to have something to do with him.

没 "Nothing, I'm thinking that my husband is so beautiful."

This simple and straightforward compliment was still spoken from her little mouth. Somehow, he was so pleased.

Xu reached out and shaved her little nose. Long Tianyu smiled and took out a small cloth bag from her arms.

A scent of sweet peach scent floated out instantly.

"Oh, for you."

The small cloth bag was placed on the table, and a few fist-sized peaches rolled out instantly.

The thin fluff had been wiped off, but the delicate peach skin was not scratched.

When I smell the smell, I know the flesh inside is not so delicious / juicy.

She picked it up immediately and took a bite

"噗嗤", Qin sweet fruit juice filled the mouth, it is exactly the taste she likes.

"Why is it so sweet? Where did you get it?"

Xiao Long Tianyu saw that she liked it, and her heart was sweeter than eating peaches.

"A wild peach tree that I stumbled upon when I was exploring with them. I've told people to dig it up and plant it in your yard?

Zhe Lin Mengya nodded again and again, such a breed is rare.

She even ate three, and then she patted her half full belly and talked to him with a smile.

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