Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1786: True or false

I was so confused by her, and the sorrow and gloom that had just appeared were also scattered.

I was all my family and Gu Pan didn't feel too embarrassed.

But Lin Mengya also knows, let Gu Pan go back this way, I'm afraid there is nothing good.

After all, I have to wait for her to come up with an idea.

"After a while, you go back first. No matter how Princess Xiao treats you, don't worry. Anyway, she's on the palace's site, and she doesn't dare to treat you. Other matters will be discussed after I discuss with Mrs. Lian. I think of a perfect solution. "

She thought, Gu Pan always listened.

Mrs. Lin Lian was a little uneasy, but in the end knew that Princess Xiao had to be reluctant to take care of her mouth, and now there was nothing to be found.

As soon as a few people comforted, Gu Pan turned back three steps, and went back first.

Mrs. Lin Lian stood at the door, watching the girl sigh slightly and shook her head again.

You are all poor children. Why are there so many cruel people?

"Mrs. Fanghua is a county lord. Even if the prince and grandfather want to exchange her for benefits, it will take some effort. But because she is a county lord, she is afraid of being inseparable from Xiao Wang's house. You must ask for this. Master Lien bothered. "

Mrs. Lin Lian is a smart person, and when she heard what she said, she understood what she meant.

Although King Xiao Xiao is Fanghua's dad, in face, he can't surpass His Majesty the Emperor.

He said it plainly, as long as Huang Zun gave Fanghua's family affairs to the card owner, even if Xiao Xiao was dissatisfied in his heart, he did not dare to openly grab people with Huang Zun.

Unless he wants to openly rebel.

Mrs. Lin Lian thought for a while, and nodded and said, "Leave it to me. You need to find a way to delay Princess Xiao and his party for a while. In the presence of the Emperor, I still have something to do."

This is not difficult, not to mention that she has countless ways to delay time, and in accordance with the temperament of Princess Xiao, how can she eat this dumb loss?

I presumably want to stay and find a chance to bite them back.

She sent away Mrs. Lian and Sister Hui, and Lin Mengya went to the great ancestor's yard.

At this time only four brothers stayed in front of them, the other three went out to do their own affairs.

As soon as I entered the door, Lin Mengya heard a sigh of great ancestor, apparently for some reason, worrying.

I could not help but smile on his face and make a relaxed look.

"Why would a great ancestor be upset about those things that haven't been reflected? I think you have been watching for so many years, what kind of storms have not been seen, and such things are just small scenes for you."

Even though she knew that she said this to widen her mind, Gong Qianfeng was not an ignorant person, and also knew that the palace family is now in the storm.

With a little carelessness, you face the risk of overturning.

But he also knows that the palace family is helpless when they come to this step.

He looked at his great-granddaughter, and the expression on his face eased slightly.

"You're here, what's the matter with the county master?"

Lin Mengya first met Li and sat next to her great ancestor.

"Everything is dealt with, Zengzu's peace of mind is. Today I came here, and there is something I want to discuss with Zengzu."

"Say it."

She didn't say about Dumu before, because she was afraid to get angry with her great ancestor, and she thought that she would deal with her brothers.

But now, 搀 and the things nearby are gone.

The person posing as herself, she knew who she was by pressing her heart.

But that person is not a very powerful person, relying on her own strength to lie to those who do not know the bottom line.

Who gave her the courage to write such a letter?

Isn't she afraid that the palace family recognized it as fake, and traced it down to her?

She can be sure that Chonghua's body did not matter that night. If the other party wanted to leave, it was not easy, but it could be done.

Why didn't she leave? If she wanted to be detrimental to the palace family, why didn't she hide it completely and why should she reveal the news in front of the palace family?

Everything is like a mystery, waiting for Lin Mengya to discover the truth.

现在 Now, the first thing she needs to do is to stabilize the entire palace family.

"Whether it was Gong Tu, Lin Mengwu, or Princess Xiao now, it ’s because the owner is not in the house, so people are restless. I thought, let ’s just let the wind go and say Gong Ya I'm back. It's just that I'm not feeling well. I have to recuperate in the house for a while. I can't see anyone for the time being. "

Her proposal immediately surprised the fourth brother and great ancestor.

Especially Gong Si, he knows some insider than others, and also knows Xiancheng's dedication to his younger sister.

If the news is made public now, will the young girl be put in danger?

Lin Mengya, obviously also guessed what the four brothers thought.

"I know you're worried about me, but we're just letting out the news. At that time, true or false, false or true, who can tell clearly except our own family? Moreover, As soon as this happened, we said that the owner was back. Wouldn't it be more confusing to see and hear? "

She blinked playfully at the elder brother.

此时 At this time, the palace's hanging heart was settled down.

Noisy for a long time, the younger girl was planning this.

如此 "This way, this method is feasible. As long as we bite you at home and you just don't show up, they will definitely think that this is our imagination."

I nodded, and she continued with her brother's words.

还有 "Also, maybe we can catch a few big fish based on this news? As long as we focus on it, we will never give them a chance!"

Qiangong Qianfeng also had to agree with this somewhat risky proposal. Indeed, they are now too passive, which is not a good phenomenon.

既然 But since you want to fish, the bait must be well planned before you can catch a big fish.

Inside the city, one after another came to the palace to resign.

There are also people who continue to stay. The meaning is unknown, but some small families have temporarily dispelled the thought of sending their children over because of the Liao family.

In the evening, just after Lin Mengya returned from the great ancestor's yard, it suddenly rained heavily.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not like rainy days, and the humid air made the whole person sticky and half-hearted.

She lit sandalwood, trying to drive the moisture out of the house.

The thunder roared and the rainstorm was tumbling.

The two babies were lying beside her right and left, and under her comfort, they slept soundly.

She frowned while stroking the babies lightly.

There are a lot of things in the palace family, and I don't know when it will have a result.

After a while, the outside door was opened.

Gao Linmengya heard that Bai Su called "Her Royal Highness" and knew that Long Tianyu was back.

She quilted the quilts of the two babies and went off to the ground in their clothes.

"Did you have dinner tonight?"

Xunlong Tianyu came in wearing a jersey, and even though he wore a dipper on his head, his forehead was wet and his body was full of moisture.

"Don't come here, I'll wash it first."

Xiao Long Tianyu looked at her, and her cold eyebrows softened instantly.

Because she didn't like the wet and cold feeling, she hurried to take a hot bath.

I waited until the two of them sat down and talked. The rain outside had already been enough, and they gradually lost their stamina.

In this case, maybe it will be sunny tomorrow.

"I sent someone to find it, but I still don't see the trace of Chonghua."

Nine Dragons Tianyu ate some hot rice, and people were more energetic than when they first came in.

He has a lot of work to do these days, but he has nothing to do with her.

Lin Lin Mengya was stuck near the table, her chin was supported by her little hand, and her eyes were slightly lost. This was a small movement she was accustomed to thinking.

She only later learned that Long Tianyu was because of her relationship within the system.

"Chonghua is pregnant, do you know whose child it is?"

Lin Lin Mengya did sort out clues in the system, but Long Tianyu sneered at God, and finally sneered.

"I don't know whose child she is pregnant with, but I'm sure she is afraid she won't be born."


Xun Long Tianyu touched her slightly cold hand, and then held her hand carefully in the palm of her hand.

"The immortal city is not peaceful. There have been disputes in places where power has existed since ancient times. Not to mention fakes like her, otherwise why would she do such dangerous things while pregnant? I want to give myself more opportunities to live. "

Although Long Tianyu never revealed too much, Lin Mengya can feel that this guy seems to have some connection with the interior of Xiancheng.

翻 Ranging out of the system, Lin Mengya immediately caught the man's neck, and the two were so close together, but Long Tianyu saw that the man's face was playful.

我 "I said, Your Royal Highness, what surprises are there waiting for me?"

Gao Linmengya gently fingers around Long Tianyu's chin, as if teasing a big cat.

"Now you say, what a surprise? Anyway, it was unexpected."

Nianlong Tianyu was still calm on his face, but he held people in his arms across a low table.

The warm chest with the dryness that fascinated her, only this person can bring such a sense of peace to herself.

"I can tell you that after the praying mantis catches the cicada, you think you are the cardinal, but you have to look back often, so that people don't even know it."

She knows that he is very smart, but at the same time, he also has the common problems of smart people.

越大 The greater the risk, the greater the return. She understands this, but she is more cautious.

Xun Wei was afraid of being clever and was mistaken by the clever. The self-conceived person who held the situation was biting back. That was not a joke.

"I know."

Xun Long Tianyu put her forehead against her neck socket, and a faint scent of medicine came. He closed his eyes and inadvertently sighed from his throat.

I seem to have insomnia for many days, as long as she can rely on her, it can be cured without medicine.

"Don't worry about the things in the house, I can still handle them. Those people you left me, I ca n’t use them for the time being, only for occasional needs. You always think about me and the children when you are outside. If you care about things, you will think more about things, and you will not be reckless and make a big mistake. "

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