Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1787: She is jealous

With these words, she knew she had spoken many times.

I still couldn't help but became a word, told her again and again.

The skin on her neck was very sensitive. Even if Long Tianyu blows a hair, it will cause trembling.

At this moment, she felt itchy and thought that the man was making trouble.

But as soon as he pushed away a little, he saw his eyes closed tightly and seemed to fall asleep.

"What the **** is it?"

Qi Lin Mengya shook her head, but her heart was sore, and she was too soft to know what it was like.

He asked Bai Su to withdraw from the low table and bring another quilt. Lin Mengya gently covered him.

As soon as I wanted to go back to sleep with the children, who knew that he hadn't waited to turn around, he was dragged by the belt and then ran into the man's arms.

"Just sleep here."

The man's eyes were not open, but he used both hands and feet to hug people tightly in his arms.

Lin Lin Mengya pushed and pushed, after all, it wasn't spacious enough to fall, and the two adults slept, after all, they were a little crowded.

But the man didn't give her a chance to refuse at all, and patted her hips across the quilt with his big hands. It seemed to want her to be good and close her eyes to sleep.

Lin Lin Mengya was helpless, but she was craving for the warmth in his arms.

He whispered to make Bai Su light up her special soothing fragrance, just to sleep in these two beautiful women in the room.

Xi Baisu closed the door with a smile, and the wind and the waves were shaking, but the family of four could get together, rely on each other, and warm each other up.

I don't know if it's raining or the doors and windows are isolated, which blurs the sound outside.

Gao Linmengyawo was in his arms, leaning against his warm chest behind his back, thinking about closing his eyes.

She doesn't know how to count people, nor does she use those tricks.

When she was in the Jin Dynasty, she did n’t know how powerful she was.

But she suddenly changed a lot after her son was lost and the man disappeared.

I used to be ruthless to protect everything.

Now she converges, also in order to be able to accumulate some ethics in the head.

现在 But now, many things can't stand her.

If you continue to tolerate this way, I am afraid that sooner or later, you will endanger yourself.

In my opinion, she really should think about it.

As she expected, the rain was sunny and the next day was a sunny day.

It was just a rainy autumn and a cold winter. She was wearing a gauze a few days ago. The next day, she had to put on a slipper early in the morning.

Instead, the two babies were not afraid of the cold with her man. In the early morning, the two little skin monkeys hung on their father and went out to practice martial arts.

When I remembered that she was in the arms of Long Tianyu in the morning, when she opened her eyes and saw those two **** eyes staring curiously at herself, she could not wait to find a place to drill into it.

He tried to break free, but the man was very aggressive.

Even in her sleep, a pair of iron arms were tangled tightly, and she couldn't get rid of how she broke free, but ignored herself, afraid to wake him up to the truth that he didn't dare to use too much strength.

If it wasn't for the two babies watching their dad didn't wake up, they just clenched their little mouths. She really didn't know how to deal with the babies' problems.

After looking at such awkward big-eyed eyes for a while, Long Tianyu was awake.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at him with a grieving glance, this article is definitely intentional!

Don't think that she was busy hiding in the house and didn't hear the man talking to the two babies.

"Daddy, why is your mother here with you? Didn't she follow me to sleep with my brother last night?"-From the staring and curious Ning Er, a cute little girl.

"Daddy, isn't your mother afraid of thunder too, so you will sleep halfway to drill your quilt?"-From the unswerving Mo Yan brother who thought he had discovered the truth of the matter.

"Yes, that's right, your mother is timid and the most afraid of thunder." — From the face-thick face father who is as thick as a city wall.

With a bang, Lin Mengya closed the door in the back fiercely.

She knew that it was not good to have a son, and when she was free, she said that she would have a thoughtful cotton jacket!

Although the babies are common to her, they really adore Long Tianyu.

I did n’t do anything else, because Master Wu had a few tricks with my father when they asked them to practice.

In the heart of the boy, always look forward to admiring the great heroes of martial arts.

他们 And their father is only one, and after that, Master Wu was highly respected by Long Tianyu, and trained two little fans.

The three of them practiced for a while, and the faces of the two babies were also red, so Long Tianyu carried them in one hand and brought them back on his shoulders.

Wu Baisu already set up a family's meals, even with a smile on her face. It was obviously the simplest meal, but it was called a family of four, and her heart was full of warmth.

Mo Moyan and Ning'er had very good rules at the table. At a young age, they had a few parents' posture. After eating their own bowl, they also rinsed their mouths with tea.

"Dad, I'm full!"

"Dad, me too!"

The eyes of the two little guys were glittering, and they looked at Long Tianyu slightly with anticipation.

The latter looked at the appearance of the two children, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but said in a deep voice, "How did I tell you just now, now, go to class first."

My two children were a little disappointed, but they didn't say a word, just twisted their short bodies, and under their leadership, they went to learn their homework.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't swallow. She looked at the two little traitors "grieffully". She said yesterday she likes her mother most, and she didn't even look at it today.

Huh, man!

Nine Dragons Tianyu was in a good mood, just by looking at her, she could open her appetite.

However, Lin Mengya felt that she was a little bit lost at most. She also knew that the children had too little time with their father. Looking at them reluctantly, she felt more distressed.

I used rice, Lin Mengya saw the people of Long Tianyu and hurried to find them.

Although she knew that Long Tianyu would not avoid her deliberately, but for the sake of convenience, she actively gave up the study to Long Tianyu.

Although the autumn rain last night was cold, it also refreshed the entire yard.

After the rain, the air was fresh, and she took advantage of this freshness to walk to the elder brother's yard.

I did not expect, as soon as I entered the door, I saw a familiar figure.

"Sir, why are you here?"

Qian Liu Qianrong looked at her with surprise, and Lin Mengya was also curious.

But soon, Liu Qianrong's face turned red, as if the mouse saw the cat, and fled quickly.

Lin Mengya knew that Liu Qianrong and his elder brother might have a marriage contract, but the elder brother did not mention it.

Is it because the flowers are deliberately flowing?

That girl is a shrewd person, and she is also affectionate and righteous. If the elder brother really doesn't have that meaning, he can't delay the girl.

He made up his mind and Lin Mengya went to the study to find someone.

Anyone in charge knows her and dares not stop.

"Brother, I'm here, didn't I disturb you?"

In the study, Gong Bin was sitting behind the desk and meticulously looked at the things on the desk.

All the matters in the business of the palace family belonged to him.

In addition, in the non-Yecheng city, if those families leave, he must bring some gifts, according to estrangement, closeness, and practice.

You can even offend people if you don't think of it.

He is so busy recently that he can't get away and has no time to take care of other things.

But the little girl can come, he was a little surprised.

"It doesn't matter, come in and sit down, have you used your meal?"

Lin Lin Mengya answered each one with a smile, and then sat across from the elder brother's desk.

Grandma said that she was no stranger to the study of several brothers.

The Xun Palace family has always been a stocking attitude towards men, and as a result, their residences are full of very distinctive personal styles.

For example, the eldest brother was only in his early thirties, but because he was too mature and stable, his house looked like a tent's house without any taste.

Gong Bin thought she was here to ask about business affairs. Just a few words at the beginning, she found that the girl's thoughts were not at all here. Instead, she was looking at her study and could not help asking .

怎么 "What? Is there anything wrong?"

Qi Lin Mengya immediately shook her head and thought for a while, but didn't mention it first.

"The detailed list of those previous guests should still be your elder brother, right? I am here today to see it."

Wu Gongbin didn't ask why, but just pulled it out immediately.

Because of the past, this list has been done very carefully.

There are not only how many people from each family come, but also how many maids, maids, and guards have names.

She looked super fast, and finally found some clues.

"How many of these companies have your elder brother seen recently?"

She placed the booklet in front of Gong Bin and came out with her fingers.

Xi Gongbin Zai carefully looked, thought about it, and shook his head.

"How many of these companies have problems?"

"Well, I thought about it last night, I always feel that things in King Xiao's house may not be so simple."

"Oh? Didn't someone take the chance to deceive Princess Xiao?"

"I have met Qi Roujia before. She seems to go out often, as if she is here and has made good friends."

She originally did not notice Qi Roujia's whereabouts, but Qi Rouji chose where she lived.

The people up and down inside Ning are all Ning Liang themselves, and there will never be any problems.

A big living person, and still pregnant, even if Qi Roujia wants to hide, she must have a place?

Since she is not hiding in that house, where else can she hide?

Inn? Houses? These places are under her control, she wants to check, the other party has nowhere to hide.

And Qi Roujia's attitude.

She was fully aware of the previous side, and Qi Roujia was a wall grass.

When I did n’t know she was a family member of the palace, she could put on her face and play with her temper.

When I learnt her identity, my attitude became so fast.

A person like this, who has no stance and confidence, and where is the self-confidence, dares to challenge him in person, and is convinced?

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