Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1789: Holding ace

The matter between Qiu Liuqianrong and his elder brother is the good news in the pile of broken things at home.

She doesn't want to simply send two people as a pile, everything depends on whether the two people have such a fate.

But she will artificially create more opportunities to let her elder brother see Liu Qianrong's good and let Liu girl know her elder brother.

It may be an instantaneous thing, but marriage is a lifetime.

Be sure to make sure that two people have the confidence to accompany each other for the rest of their lives before making other decisions.

Although the heavy rain last night stopped, the storm against the palace family has just begun.

When the third brother came home that night, he brought bad news.

Because of the pressure exerted by Liao Zhong and several great Confucians, many gentlemen in the college have already resigned.

Brother Ersan and Mr. Liang and some of the more prestigious gentlemen consoled, but there were still many people who chose to part ways with the palace family for their own future.

She and the three elder brothers do not blame these people. Everyone has everyone's ideas. The choices made to protect their own interests are fair.

But having said that, Miyazo also told everyone clearly.

He can let these people go today. Then in the future, these people will be with Sitai College. No more affiliation, and Yongshi will not be hired again.

Alas, these people are not attentive.

Even, some people still think that it is still unknown whether the college can continue to run.

Moreover, such pessimistic and negative thoughts are not alone.

I continue to do this, I am afraid that it will affect the morale of the college.

"Liao heavy old man, bullying too much!"

Fangongwu has followed Gongsan in and out for the past few days. Those people have seen too much of their faces, and their hearts are full of anger.

Especially after seeing the gloating faces of those people, he was so annoyed that he rushed to give them two punches.

However, whether it is the third brother or the younger sister, he is strictly forbidden to conflict with those people, but it is cheaper for them.

Although he is not as excited as he is, his frown is also tight, and the situation is more difficult than he imagined.

Everyone is dignified. Sitai College is not only a college, it is also the key to the rise of the palace family.

"Brother, how many times has Mr. gone, can you still maintain normal teaching?"

Lin Mengya knocked on the table and asked lightly.

"Mr. Wenwu has walked a total of eighteen people. Mr. Wu is okay, only two of them have left. Some of those Mr. Wen are still watching, I'm afraid they can't keep it. I have some preparations before, but I can still survive. But this is not a permanent method. "

I handed over the college to my third brother, and now it looks like a really good choice.

He has learned knowledge, but with his own prestige, he can still stabilize some people.

But as the third brother said, in the long run, it will definitely affect the college.

Several other people are also thinking of ways, but they are all emergency measures, which cannot fundamentally solve these problems.

Are they really going to fall under the conspiracy of those people?

How I thought, a few people were a little reconciled.

"Don't worry about this beforehand, aren't we? Is there another trump card?"

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and smiled at the corners of her mouth.


Suddenly, it was Gongsan's turn and they were completely confused.

As for the academy's affairs, the little girl has never kept it from them, but where can anyone stand up and turn the tide?

She lowered her head and smiled silently.

As soon as supper was over, Ning Liang came in person to invite them, saying that it was the ancestor's side, and there was something to discuss.

A few people came to Zeng Zu's courtyard, but saw the people in Zeng Zu's yard packing their luggage.

Xi Gongbin was a little puzzled. When he came to beg this morning, he didn't hear that Zeng Zu was going out.

"You are here, sit down."

In Zeng's main room, the great ancestors were still in the same manner as before, looking at their eyes, and still loving.

But a few people felt a little weird, but Lin Mengya seemed to have known a long time ago.

"You don't need to bring too much clothes, shoes and socks, but you have to bring two thick ones. Don't forget the medicine that Zeng Zu usually used."

"Yes, all of them."

Zhe Lin Mengya still can not rest assured, got up to see them pick up the medicine of their great ancestor.

The man who left a room, scratching his heart and guessing, these two are playing a mystery.

曾 "Zengzu, are you going away?"

Gong Bin asked tentatively, and Gong Qianfeng only glanced at him, as if dissatisfied and said, "What's the use of me to support you? Isn't there just such a caring person? To know that there is Yaer, I have long been Kicked you all out. "

I just asked it kindly, and it was a trick.

Xi Gongbin was wronged, but he couldn't say, because it was the case, and he could not tolerate it.

"I don't know where my great ancestors are going? Today is not a good time outside, I'm afraid there is any danger on the road."

With a person at the beginning, after receiving the anger of Zengzu, Gong Si was not afraid of being scolded, and asked with a smile.

Sure enough, Zengzu didn't think much of him, but just sighed.

"Well, it's not for the college. Liao Zhong's self-righteous thing, really thinks that the world is the only one in the Liao family? Wen Wu First, Wu Wu Second, he really considers himself a character Now. "

Qiang Gongfeng felt energetic. The Liao family said it plainly, but it was just a poor scholar, and he dared to show it to him.

宫 When the palace family prospered, the Liao family was afraid that there was not even a shadow.

After hearing it, Gong Sanyi knew that there was a way for Zengzu, his eyes lighted up, and he hurriedly asked, "Zengzu, what is the way? Do n’t sell it when you are old. It ’s our incompetence. Please have a lot of adults, don't be mad at us, will you? "

It wasn't that angry at these children that Qiongong Qiang was angry with him, he just felt very angry.

"Can't blame you, forget it, I'll tell you. In fact, there is no special way to do it, just to clear my old face and go to Baijia."


The four brothers suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the little girl was in a hurry and was in a hurry for a long time. It turned out that this ace was in hand.

But, the little girl had already discussed with Zengzu before, and went to the Bai family to apologize.

Why, just go now?

It was impossible to succeed, she had expected that this would happen today?

At this time, Lin Mengya also packed her things up. After all, her great ancestor was old, and she had to carry a lot of standing medicine and first aid.

I have her with the teacher. Naturally these are excellent recipes, but preservation is also technical work. After all, this season, the moisture is high. In case of mildew and deterioration, it cannot be used.

As soon as she entered the house, she gained a variety of sights in the house.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

I still couldn't help Gongwu, and muttered angrily: "Little girl, you are really too bad! Knowing that there will be such a thing, why not say it in advance? Anxious us all!"

"Say in advance, can you act like this? Besides, you may not be able to do it this time!"

瞥 She glanced at her great ancestor, who almost didn't sip it into her throat.

怎么 "Why can't it be done? I've said that my old face is gone, what else can he do?"

Look like that, where is it to ask for help, it is almost to collect debts.

If it wasn't for the great ancestor Zeng Zuo had Lian Lai come to talk to her last night, saying that she was going to visit the Bai family in person, she should hide her great ancestor and ask for help herself.

In any case, Zengzu contributed his life to this family or to work hard.

She joked and joked. If the owner of the Bai family really wants to embarrass his great ancestor, she will not be the first one!

"Why not? The old man in the Bai family, he still wanted to kill me? I told you, he was a soft egg when he was young, and there is nothing terrible about it! Let's start tomorrow, my third son, I will Ya'er go first, you've settled in the college before you come over. "

As soon as he heard that he had his own affairs, Miyazo's expression changed.

曾 "Zengzu, I won't go. After all, the college is inseparable from me now, if I go, what should I do if I make a mistake?"

"I asked you to sir, if you don't go, how can they convince you?"

The words of Zeng Zengzu blocked Gongsan.

In fact, they all know that it was the great ancestor who begged for help, but the purpose of the great ancestor was to make the Bai family owner calm down and stop stumbling from it.

How many people can be brought back, it depends on the skills of Gongsan and Yaer.

"Three brothers, Zengzu said it makes sense. Tomorrow you will have a school-wide conference. We do n’t want to stay if you want to go. Whether it ’s a sir or a student, if you leave within three days, we will send you around. God, we will deal with the breach of contract. At that time, they will have to pay us a penalty. "

Kuimiya nodded at three, he was still too hesitant, without the young girl's ingenuity.

The stubborn melon is not sweet. Even if he left people here for a while, it would be a scourge afterwards.

好 "Okay, I know how to do it. Those gentlemen and students who are going to stay sincerely, I will make corresponding rewards. People always know that our palace family has clear rewards and punishments."

Yi Yi was settled. Outside the home, there were big brothers and four older brothers. At the same time, he also sent a letter to the second brother. After doing the things of the Liao family, he rushed to the Bai family to meet with them.

This time, Lin Mengya also brought two babies by the way.

This is what Zeng Zu strongly demanded. The name of Mei Qi is to let the two children know for a long time. In fact, it is not that they want to show off in front of the Bai family owner and be angry at each other.

Long Tianyu came over at night, and she happened to tell the other side about it.

He thought he would tell him to come back soon, but he didn't want this person to say nothing when he heard about it, so he had to follow him.

Gao Linmengya didn't want to delay his business, but did not expect that this man had to say that his wife and children were the biggest business in his life, and he pulled two young children to trouble her.

At last, many people from outside the house took a lot of people together.

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