They went for help this time, but didn't say a word.

Plutonium was mixed with those who left, and no one knows that the old palace house is now an empty house.

The two babies rarely go out with her, excitedly peeping outside in the carriage.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that the two babies were afraid that someone would pay attention, so they put on a melon skin hat for the two babies.

The little child squeezed into the window and looked at everything outside. The two brothers were still mumbling. After a while, they smiled and were very happy.

"The two little masters are happy."

Bai Su also stood beside them, looking at the two boys with gentle eyes, and guarding them alertly.

The family is inseparable from the people, and the three girls around Lin Mengya are both capable and clever. Liu Qianrong wants to stay with her elder brother to cultivate feelings, and A Xiu is left to take care of them.

梦 Lin Mengya was not very sure about Bai's trip.

曾 Although Zengzu has revealed that he would take down the Bai family's homeowner anyway, but the accumulated years of old things can really be said so easily, and there will be no decades of grievances.

Hope that goes well.

There are children and old people in the car, and the speed naturally slows down.

I set off early in the morning and walked out of the palace for a few days before leaving.

When I walked outside, they acted more low-key, and everything must be prepared.

Inn was prepared earlier, using the pseudonym of the four brothers, let people go one step ahead and wrap it down.

Zhelin Mengya and Bai Su hugged a child and walked to the inn. At this time, there were a few tables in the hall besides their family, but looking at them, they were obviously not the families who were eager to leave.

I came out with them this time, who was waiting for Leng Bo, who was beside his great ancestor.

Although he is a few years old, he is still smart.

At the moment, a frown frowned and found the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper immediately laughed with him. He also knew that the person who had packed the inn was quiet.

But these people just came to eat, not to stay overnight. He was greedy for money and let people sit down in the hall.

Zhe Lin Mengya had no intention of arguing with people, but it was only overnight, as long as they were careful.

After the children and great ancestors were settled, Xiao Er brought the meals up, and after finishing eating, she let Bai Su take care of the children and prepare to go out and go around.

"Master, do you really want me to follow?"

Bai Su was uneasy, but at this time Lin Mengya had changed her face.

These days, her Yi Rongshu is amazing.

Not only can you change your facial features, you can even change your voice and facial muscles through acupuncture.

In this way, even people who are familiar with her may not recognize her, let alone a completely strange place.

"It's okay, here is not far from the palace's closure, and the law and order is good. Besides, no one knows me, what trouble can I have?"

She gave a few words of consolation and promised the two children that they would bring them some snacks when they came back.

As soon as I came downstairs, she found that the tables were not gone.

However, those people at the table seemed to know each other, and there were several of them, who looked like scholars.

路 Passing by the table, she accidentally heard the two people at the table, discussing Sitai College.

It sounds like it seems that these scholars originally went to college to apply with other people.

I only unfortunately learned the news of Liao Zhong's trouble with the Gong family in the middle, and then he dispelled the idea of ​​going to Bai family.

Lin Lin Mengya was not a pity, on the contrary, she felt that even if they had arrived at the Bai family, it was difficult for them to take on heavy responsibility.

As a scholar, I didn't even have my own opinions. So easily afraid of power and superstition of authority, I can only be a stubble in the future.

What's more, although Liao Chong is regarded as highly respected, he can't cover the sky with Wei Guo.

They didn't even dare to try, they just scared away when they heard the wind, what else could be done in the future.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't bother to listen anymore, came out of the inn and merged into the crowd.

Feng Bai's home was not too far away from the palace family. After another ten days and a half months, he could arrive.

出来 In addition to taking a look at the local customs, she hopes to hear about the Bai family. By the way, she can also listen to the evaluation of the palace family outside.

But before going far, she felt as if someone was following her.

Did she get caught up when she came out of the inn?

My heart shrank a bit, was that a local thief, or did he come all the way from the palace?

Why didn't she feel it before?

I was thinking. Suddenly, as soon as my wrists were tightened, people were dragged into the alley aside.

As soon as Lin Mengya wanted to fight back, she heard a familiar voice from overhead.

"it's me."

Unfamiliar breath, mixed with her own medicinal fragrance.

Lin Lin Mengya raised her head, and suddenly she saw the deep eyes, but now she was embedded in a bland face.

She was a little surprised, but because of a little scare just now, she punched him.

"Don't you say you don't show up easily?"

Before dying, Long Tianyu said to follow them in secret, naturally he wanted to clear the obstructions in the dark for them.

Who knows that this person is so unscrupulous, so suddenly it appears,

"I miss you."

Even though she knew that this person was not telling the truth, she still felt sweet in her heart.

I relaxed and snuggled in his arms. In the unmanned alley, she had a rare opportunity to indulge herself.

After a moment of silent embrace between the two, Lin Mengya spoke lazily.

"Who was following me just now?"

Long Tianyu was not surprised. He knew her keen intuition and pressed people to her chest, and said gently in her ear: "It is a local gang. Because the palace is rich and wealthy, there are often businessmen passing by here. .So they send someone to step here first, if the other party is not strong, they will rob in a main road not far away. But they are not timid, and they just ask for some money. "

I heard Long Tianyu's explanation, she just came to understand.

并不 They don't have many people on the surface, and they disguise themselves like a small family, which is naturally the best target to start with.

Squinting her eyes, she had an idea in her heart.

"Can you touch these people's nests?"

Xun Long Tian Yu buried her shoulder, with a pleasant smile in her voice: "Are you trying to kill the people?"

"Where do I have such good intentions, but I need them and create some small troubles for some. They have robbed so many small vendors and made all the money in our palace's enclosure. Both took our family's Money should also help us. "

Xiao Long Tianyu petted a smile, still his woman is the cutest.

He even made sense to threaten people with their homes.

好 "Okay, you're right."

In a distillery in Wucheng, dozens of distillery buddies are sitting in the innermost room of the distillery.

屋 This room is very spacious, surrounded by neatly arranged wine jars, obviously for warehouse use.

But in the middle of the open space, there are several benches and tables.

Although the person headed by is dressed as a small businessman, it is full of suffocation and looks like a bandit.

This person is the leader of the well-known local "Fire Snake Gang". Even the neighbors around it are not clear. This seems to be a normal business, but there are often strong guys in and out of the winery. Little gang's nest.

At this moment, the Fire Snake Gang advocated that Mao still didn't know what he was going through.

只 He only knew that the opportunity to get rich was here.

"Brother, I have already made it clear. These people are all guests invited by the palace. However, it looks like it is just a little family, those guards are completely useless."

He glared at a guy, and said with a smile.

Zhang Mao looked at him, but in greed, he was a little more dignified.

"You inquired, are you sure the guests invited by the palace?"

The little spy nodded again and again, afraid that the elder brother would not believe him.

"This is not easy to do. In the past, we were robbed by merchants who had nothing to do with the palace family. If the palace family's guests are moved, I am afraid we will get in trouble."

Even though it was a passing mouse, Zhang Mao still had a little brain.

The palace family is not as good as before, even those big family palace families are not paying attention to them, in case they annoy them, this fire snake gang is not enough for them to plug their teeth.

After thinking about it, he looked at the person sitting beside him.

That person is like a man in his twenties, but unlike these rough people, this life is a bit like a scholar.

And different from those reckless men, this man was wearing blue shirts and looked like a scholar.

It's just a pity that he looks extremely proud, as if he was born to be superior.

Zhang Zhangma looked at him, but lowered his attitude and said, "What does Mr. Liu think?"

There was a trace of disgust in Mr. Liu's eyes.

But he thought for a while before he said, "I've heard that any family that makes good relations with the palace family stays in non-Yecheng and doesn't leave. And if they really make friendship with the palace family, it should be The palace guards sent them out personally. You, can you see the palace guards? "

几个 The few people responsible for snooping on the target immediately shook their heads.

Suddenly, Zhang Mao felt a joy in his heart, and he felt that Mr. Liu was extremely clever.

"Mr. is still very good, you are quite clear, when you do things, you must do it neatly!"


When I heard that there was a "big deal", the gangsters in this nest were all smiling, as if they saw the white silver flowers, waiting to pick them up.

Although Mr. Liu looked down on these people, he had to temporarily associate with them.

And the touting of these idiots greatly satisfied his vanity.

He raised an eyebrow. After those people were happy, he slowly said, "But we still have to think about it."

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