Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1794: Acting alone

And most of the benefits they get from selling goods go into these people's pockets.

Is tantamount to grabbing food in her mouth, is it okay?

"How does he contact you usually?"

At this point, Zhang Mao has nothing to hide.

At the moment, I put this matter to a clean end.

In the beginning, they really only wanted to do some robbery business. Later, after a little scale, there were people in the "river and lakes" who could speak up and offered to match them.

Originally, they still couldn't figure out their ideas, but later Mr. Liu came forward and let them formally associate with Uncle Zheng.

And because Zhang Mao is a rough man, why did he prevent those people from offending those things?

After Zhang Mao said these things in one breath, Lin Mengya smiled and looked to the side, Mr. Liu was already pale and ghostly.

"Either you say it yourself, or I let you say it, Mr. Liu, which one do you choose?"

The soft female accent, when spit out, made Mr. Liu tremble fiercely.

He has no doubt now, if he doesn't speak, the woman might not kill him.

Despite the hatred in his heart, Mr. Liu gave in.

He told himself in his heart that his eldest husband can bend and stretch, staying in the mountains, and not afraid of no firewood, as long as he keeps his life immortal, then in the future, he will definitely find an opportunity to report his grudge today!

Lin Lin Mengya also saw the viciousness in the man's eyes, but she didn't care.

There are so many people who hate her, isn't it worse?

林 Under Lin Mengya's "sexual prestige", Mr. Liu also roughly said everything that should be said.

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu heard the end from the beginning, and the feeling in her heart was still a bit complicated.

I told the dark guard to watch someone, she and Long Tianyu did not return to the inn immediately, but walked around.

Although the Zheng family's power is more than weaker than the palace family, it is still rich because of its location on the main road of transportation.

If the Zheng family really has a downfall with the palace family, then it is necessary for the palace family to be affected in some way, whether it is economic or otherwise.

This is not what she wants to see.

"Yu, how much do you know about the Zheng family?"

On the horse's back, Lin Mengya was nestling in Long Tianyu's arms, asking dignifiedly.

"The Zheng family had an in-law relationship with the Gong family before. Later, the Gong family weakened. Although the Zheng family did not make a downfall, they did not lend a helping hand. However, the Gong family's property in the Zheng family's land was seized by them. A lot. "

Although she is the owner of the Zheng family, she has heard of it.

虽然 Although the owner is not extremely intelligent, he is not stupid.

He has only one point. After his daughter-in-law gave birth to a daughter, he died.

And this daughter's body is also very ill, making the Zheng family's homeowner be regarded as the palm of her hand.

Later, he carried several rooms to 愣, but for so many years, 愣 was a child who had not been born.

That's why I have this Uncle Zheng.

Everyone said that in the future, the head of the Zheng family might be the uncle Zheng.

Therefore, Lin Mengya suspected that since there was an uncle Zheng's handwriting here, maybe this is what the Zheng family meant.

"I can't investigate the former things. But this time, they have done too much. But if this is what the Zheng family meant, it will be a little tricky."

Nine Dragons Tianyu couldn't bear to see her worry, and her lips were lightly rubbed against her delicate little ears, causing this man to go into her arms again, hiding and hiding.

"It's so difficult. Since it's in the way, kill it."

Lin Lin Mengya raised her head and poked at his chest in disapproval.

"How can you say murder at every turn? Isn't it illegal to kill?"

But Long Tianyu looked like a stable mountain, bowed his head, and said casually: "I am a royal family, and only fines are required for murder."

Lin Mengya choked him, the royal family is amazing! Hum, the evil old society!

Alas, she felt that if it was the Zheng family's meaning, even if she killed an uncle Zheng, maybe there would be another second and third grandfather.

She licked her lips, revealing a smirk without knowing it.

要 "Or else, let's do it alone?"

When Chen Longyu looked at her, she knew that this girl must be thinking of any damage.

But he just likes her bad look, for a time, he just felt itchy.

"You decide."

"Let's let us be male and female, and get out of the rivers and lakes! Rush the ducks and regain the silver of our family!"

Xiaolong Tianyu almost didn't laugh at her. What a male and female, he never had such a strange nickname.

But looking at her cheerful look, Long Tianyu thought it was novel and interesting again, and he was going to accompany her to pass by now, and now the two of them left alone, but they agreed with him.

The two of them shared a horse and did not return to the inn to inform the great ancestors. Instead, they ordered people to secretly tell the great ancestors that they had left alone.

曾 As for Zengzu and the two babies, they felt fooled and shouted that the two were too cunning, and she knew nothing about it.

The current Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu did not attract any attention at all, and penetrated into the hinterland of the Zheng family.

Every day for a few days, the news that those robbers were being beaten into their nests every day.

It is said that there are only two people. It is said that these two men are still a man and a woman. It is said that this man and a woman did not do anything else. When they were in their nest, they forced others to tell where the money was hidden.

Then, after they ransacked their old nests, they were forced to change their wickedness from now on, and they would no longer be allowed to engage in robberies, otherwise they would fight once.

得 The bandits could only shed tears into their stomachs.

The two men are holding the banner for the skywalk, but they pick up the silver, which is called a soft-hearted, copper plate hidden in the toe seam, they have to wash their hands and give them.

哪里 Where is the martial arts? It is obviously darker than them.

This turmoil has no effect on ordinary people.

I was only in the main town of Zheng family, but some people were already violently thundering.

查 "Check, check for me! If I know who made it, I'll have to rip his skin!"

鲁 In the main house of the Zheng family, Zheng Luxi, known as Uncle Zheng, has a black face.

These people are all his subordinates, and the money in his hands has seven people. Chengdu is relying on these talents to continuously become his cash cow.

It would be like killing parents to cut off people's wealth, not to mention that it was still on the site of his Zheng family.

I dare to break the ground on Tai Sui. He had to scoop out these two people.

"What happened?"

At this time, a man dressed as a priest, who was about fifty years old, frowned, and walked into Zheng Luxi's house.

Outside, the housekeeper who had been scolded for several days because of his anger was like a life-saving elixir, and greeted him tightly, showing a flattering smile.

"My second lord, you are finally back. My uncle, it ’s just because of something, you persuaded."

二 The second master of the Zheng family, the only brother of the Zheng family owner, Zheng Lianen frowned.

He knows his son's temperament best, so at this critical moment, he can't make something else.

鲁 Zheng Luxi saw his father, and his face of anger could only quietly dissipate.


"Well, I heard someone say that you have lost your temper for a few days. What is it for this time?"

连 Zheng Lianen also felt a little helpless about his son, but he was more reluctant, so no matter what he asked, he would try to satisfy him.

He is just this child, and he doesn't understand his mind too much.

"Father, this time it wasn't the son's initiative to blame. You know, I just created a few places in the fiefdom for the caravans and caravans to rest. I also let people **** them, but it was just a little money. But who thought, the two barbarians who did not know where they came from, smashed my place without telling me, and stole my money! How can my son bear it! "

Speaking of which, Zheng Luxi was grieving again.

Zheng Lianen was not so confused. He actually knew that his son had colluded with the gang in the fiefdom, and he wanted to exploit the business team.

In the past, he didn't care, because these caravans had no power, and it was necessary, after all, they also used Zheng's business logic.

现在 But now, under the influence of another major event, some things can no longer be as bold as before.

既然 "In this case, you send someone secretly to arrest. However, your unscrupulous sales should stop for a while."


鲁 Zheng Luxi refused to accept it, but Zheng Lianen only gave him a cold look, and the man immediately stunned.

"I know your mind, but compared to the entire Zheng family, those small profits are really insignificant."

Sure enough, Zheng Luxi's mind was attracted to him.

In those greedy eyes, a different kind of light came out, Zheng Luxi rubbed his hands, and asked in disbelief, "Uncle, agree to give me the Zheng family?"

Zheng Lianen shook his head, but his face was a little cold.

"Not yet, no wonder, my eldest brother has been the owner for so long, even my monk cannot dispel his doubts, let alone make you a younger owner. However, even if he does not want to give you, but he Below my knees, there is only such a sick daughter. This family will be yours sooner or later. I think he has some looseness recently. You still have to behave well. Don't let anyone get anything wrong. "

是 "Yes! Father, rest assured, son will take home the position of master, take revenge for you!"

连 Zheng Lianen nodded with satisfaction, but there was something uncontrollable in his heart.

如何 Even if he is not the head of the household, what can he do in the end?

The elder brother who hit him, it's time to taste this deprivation!

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