Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1795: Spill on the street

The Shangyang City is the main city of the Zheng family's land.

The Zheng family has been here for generations, guarding their glory and wealth. It is also here that the Zheng family welcomes generation after generation of glory and silence.

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu led a horse into Shangyang City.

It is indeed more prosperous than other cities.

The quaint streets are full of both vendors and pedestrians.

But compared to Hainan Baichuan Feicheng, this place is relatively conservative.

Zhe Lin Mengya also watched a lot along the way, so she did not show any novel expression.

The two walked to one of the most luxurious inns in Shangyang City, and shot very generously to buy the most expensive suite here.

As soon as I arrived in the room, Lin Mengya cheered a little, then jumped to bed, and took off her coat neatly.

Xun Long Tianyu looked at her drownedly, and saw that this man shook out a lot of silver and silver tickets.

Then, she counted a little bit more, the more she bent, the sharper her eyes became.

At the end of the day, there were two silver tickets for Lian Yin and those copper plates, which were as many as five or six thousand.

才 It's only been a few days, and you have such a big gain.

She properly collected these "stolen funds", then tilted her head and looked at her own man.

"Yu, let's be a full-time bandit in the future, okay? It's a good book, a good way to get rich!"

Chen Long Tianyu really didn't know what to say, so she just flicked her forehead gently with her finger.

"Even if you rob a lifetime in the future, it is not as good as your current net worth."

But Lin Mengya was very sad, holding silver.

"But those are the money of the palace family, not mine."

Xiaolong Tianyu paused and added another sentence.

"I said the ones I gave you."

"Give me all your money?"

"Well, it's all for you."

Lin Lin Mengya immediately smiled and put down the silver two, crawled over and hugged his neck, and gave him a big one.

"I know that you are the best and the best man in the world, and they love you most and most!"

Nine Dragons Tianyu could not resist her sweet words, even if he knew that these were deliberate, but she was still happy, just to make her happy.

But if you let others in the family see it, you will definitely get goosebumps.

I am just the two of them to make flesh fun.

Hug also hug, kiss and kiss.

Lin Mengya, who was running all the time, also felt a little tired.

Let Long Tianyu hold her to the window couch, Lin Mengya opened the window and looked at the lively street.

I was in the center of Shangyang City, where the old Zheng house was located.

In the past few days, they have singled out the bandits and dug into many other things.

It's more irritating than exploding the caravan between the house and the caravan.

Lin Lin Mengya is not a person who likes to mess around, but if she can tolerate this time, the next time, the caravan of the palace family will be treated more cruelly.

What's more, many students also passed by the Zheng family.

In order to protect the safety of these people, there are certain things she must do.

So she and Long Tianyu came here.

"Let's eat first."

Behind him, Long Tianyu had asked Xiao Er to bring the food up.

的 The dishes here are good, at least Lin Mengya eats well.

I just had a meal, and the two decided to spread the food below.

I didn't expect to see it as soon as I came to the street, it seemed to be a little lively.

Gao Linmengya didn't have the habit of watching liveliness. When the two people just wanted to change their way, they could hear the words of the "Ms. Zheng Family" in the conversation.

She stopped immediately and listened carefully to the words beside her.

It seemed that Miss Zheng's had some trouble, so she caught the attention of these people.

But what makes her even more puzzled is that, as far as she knows, the Miss Zheng family in the main city should be the most famous Miss Zheng family who is even weaker than Sister Lin?

Is it something she encountered?

I can think of it and think it's wrong. This is the main city of the Zheng family. As the only daughter of the Zheng family, Miss Zheng, what else can I encounter?

Xiao Long Tianyu only glanced at the onlookers over there and pulled her away.

"Yu, shall we go and see?"

She lowered her voice and asked, but Long Tianyu didn't answer, but pulled her around the corner, and then passed through the alley.

I don't know how this person knows where these alleys lead. In short, the light road turned back and then hugged her to the roof of a house.

But there, you can see the event center.

Lin Lin Mengya watched the man's operation and couldn't help but admire her body and lay on her back and bit her ears.

"How do you know this alley leads here? Have you been here before?"

"Last night the dark guard had given me a detailed topographic map, no."

I was so simple and straightforward to answer, but Lin Mengya looked at the man in front of her, but her taste was a little complicated.

I met such a good man but turned her into a bandit.

This feeling is really fascinating!

Lin Mengya, pregnant with this kind of energy, leaned her body against Long Tianyu's chest. Although it is behind the house, with her hearing, she can still listen to the previous things gently. clearly.

At this moment, a man was crying there, and the content probably said that Miss Zheng's behavior was misbehaving, that she was rich and poor.

On the front street, a small sedan was parked.

The man was about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, and he was not very handsome. Although he was dressed up as a scholar, he looked like a thug.

Zhe Lin Mengya was a bit surprised, but she thought that she also had her own eyes. Maybe this lady, Zheng, would like this type.

But the strong man couldn't see the people in the sedan chair, but he lay down on the ground and splashed.

When a strong man said such a grieving mouth, and he cried and wiped away tears, Lin Mengya only felt hot eyes, and couldn't help admiring the people in the sedan chair and the crowds watching.

"What do you think this man has to do with Miss Zheng in the sedan chair?"

I looked at Banyan, the man turned over and over again, just to say some peachy ambiguous.

Lin Mengya, for her vision health, looked back at her own man and raised her eyes. By the way, discuss the problems outside.

Chen Longtianyu is not very keen on this aspect. It can be said that he has not noticed any women except Yaer.

At the moment, I replied briefly.

"Lover relationship."

"Wrong!" Lin Mengya stretched out her fingers and shook them, said with a jerk: "I don't think they are a lover relationship. I ask you, what color would you put on my bellyband? Does anyone on the street know? "

Looking at the woman's pride, Long Tianyu didn't speak, but her arms around her waist were tight.

The expressionless face fell to her ear and said, "You never wear it"

Lin Mengya stomped his feet hard, narrowed her eyes, and said very dangerously, "You try to say something."

Shu Cong shut up his mouth, Long Tianyu never disdain to fight against the evil forces, anyway, know what to know, there is no difference between saying nothing.

It was Lin Mengya who teased him so much that this man was so unscrupulous!

I said, she doesn't wear a bellyband, but she wears a small vest!

I made this person speak as if she likes to streak.

He shook his head, Lin Mengya expelled all these thoughts, and said with a small face, "So I said, An An is not a lover relationship with Miss Zheng at all. I think he's almost come to slander others."

Just now, the strong man suddenly pulled a peach pink bellyband from his waist.

Suddenly, the people on both sides were in an uproar.

The glamorous color was like the last ultimatum. Instantly, countless criticisms hit the woman in the sedan chair.

The servant girl next to the sedan chair was so angry that her eyes became red, but only because of the order of the lady, she could only bite her lips tightly.

"Ms. Zheng, I have a deep sense of affection for you, and we have once again eachother. Since you are so ruthless and unrighteous, from now on, we will be justified!"

The man raised his bellyband as if holding the banner of victory.

What was revealed in those eyes was not only irony, but also greed.

Although from beginning to end, the woman in the sedan chair, let alone come down, is the people next to her, and there is no word back.

The brawny man looked at the trouble, and moved his bellyband to his waist, got up, patted his butt, and left.

的 The crowd around me is almost dispersed, but today's events have already become the talk of people after dinner.

After watching the rogue leave, the servant girl choked and said toward the people inside, "Miss, that rogue has finally left, you, you have suffered."

After a long time, a voice came from inside.

声音 The voice was so weak, but inside it was pressing the anger to the extreme, but there was nothing to shiver.

"Let's go back."

Three words, crying blood, as if every word drained the woman's strength.

The sedan chair lifted, and the group returned along the same path.

Behind them, they hung two tails far away.

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu watched the sedan chair being carried to the main house of the Zheng family.

It stands to reason that generally people who can even bring a sedan into the main house are either very honorable guests or their own family.

The former one, she hasn't heard of it recently, then the latter one is possible.

It's just that the Miss Zheng family's host was actually insulted in the main city of the Zheng family's land.

I wonder, isn't it incredible?

She stood outside Zheng's door and looked at the door.

By the way, he elbowed the man behind him.

"You said, she is really Miss Zheng family?"


"how do you know?"

"The sedan chair is owned by the Zheng family."

"Why didn't you just say?"


Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her teeth. This day, I'm afraid it's really too much!

Excuse me to return it now, is it too late?

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