Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1796: Bring back the past

After whispering for a while, Lin Mengya was finally reluctant to twist on this man's arm.

Unfortunately, she didn't use any energy at all. Long Tianyu didn't hurt.

I just felt like scratching the kitten's meat claws, and by the way wrapped her hand in her palm.

The two did not sneak into the Zheng family in this regard, even though she was curious and wanted to know why the Miss Zheng family was so insulted in the street, and she was blindly patient.

But now, obviously, there is still something to do.

The two of them looked at each other with tacit understanding.

After the crowd broke up, the strong man in the long gown did not leave.

Da La La walked into an alley next to him, with a pair of proud eyes, staring at Miss Zheng Jia's sedan chair, and then humming the uncomfortable tune in his mouth, and went toward the direction outside the city.

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu found this man without much effort.

Squinting as he exited the city gate and entered a ruined temple outside the city, the two sneaked in.

"When you came, no one followed?"

In the ruined hall, the sound of two people talking.

The first question I asked was not the strong man, but someone else's.

"Just rest assured, I have always done things in Xu Hu's way of doing things. I only walked around in the city several times, and it will never be found."

Xu Hu, that is, the strong man who held the belly with Miss Zheng family.

In his voice for a while, he was full of smug pride.

Lin Mengya also felt that this person was shameless.

I was blind before the girl of the Zheng family and had feelings for this kind of scum.

But this is not the reason why this person scum used to hurt Miss Zheng?

The dregs, should all be destroyed humanely!

"I just came to you when I knew you were doing clean things. You can rest assured that I promised you that things will be done. Now, everyone in Shangyang City knows that you are Zheng Rongrong's hoe. In the future, who will return? Can you come to marry me? At that time, as long as you take the initiative, find a matchmaker. According to the temperament of the Zheng family owner, he will surely let Zheng Rongrong marry you for the honor of the family. I will congratulate you . "

"With joy and joy, I have long been the little girl in the Zheng family. Without your help this time, I'm afraid I won't succeed. If Zheng Rongrong marries me, we can Family. "

虎 Xu Hu's proud laugh came out, but the sound, how to listen, made people feel cumbersome.

Lin Lin Mengya clenched her fists, and she was a good girl, so they did it badly?

Suddenly, Lin Mengya stroked a big red cross to the two people in her heart.

I bully a woman like this and she can never forgive!

Stubbornly forbearing anger, Lin Mengya continued to listen to the tricks of the two men under the quiet soothing of Long Tianyu.

"Okay, now that things are going so smoothly, I will rest assured about the later things. But you have to remember that if Zheng Rongrong marries you in the future, then you have to make sure that in this life, you can't let her go on. Come back to the Zheng family. "

Xu Hu's allies have poisonous murder in their tone.

At this time, Lin Mengya also understood that, at the beginning, the man ran to Zheng Rongrong's life.

Ye Ke, although she is the Miss Zheng Family, but because of her frailty, she rarely goes out.

谁 Who has such a fragile woman caused?

"This is of course. With Zheng Rongrong's body, it is unknown whether I can survive the night under my crotch. Speaking of which, I just like this kind of sick seedlings. Unfortunately, their health is too weak, and they can't always let me Fun, "

Xu Hu smashed his mouth, said all regretfully.

Although his allies were disdainful of him, he covered up the emotions very well, and also gave him a "considerate" plan.

"Zheng Rongrong's body should be able to make you happy. After all, she has taken a lot of panacea and body bones. In addition, I have some medicines here that allow her to hang before you play enough. Breathing. And when the effect is gone, she will die silently without any trouble. "

Xu Hu was a little surprised, and quickly came over.

The two people talked more and more about the topic, and the expression on Lin Mengya's face became more and more calm.

Nine Dragons Tianyu did not speak, just holding her waist and quietly changing places.

Here, they barely see the back of the two people inside.

Gao Lin Mengya looked up, only to see Xu Hu standing in front of a man in gorgeous clothes.

Look at the body should be around 20 or 30 years old, and has a great relationship with the Zheng family.

Chen Long Tianyu knew her knot.

A certain thing in the past made her resentful to this wicked woman.

既然 Since this time, she must not ignore it.

Wu Gang just wanted to go in and ended up with these two bullies, but Lin Mengya pulled him and shook her head, motioning him not to do so.

Two human cats are in the corner, and listen to the plot of these two people from beginning to end.

Compared with Xu Hu's shameless and vicious, his allies did not let it go.

In order to deal with that Miss Zheng, the two used means more despicable than one.

Until two people left, Lin Mengya two, entered the city again, and returned to the inn where they settled.

Along the way, Lin Mengya didn't say a word, and Long Tianyu didn't ask. She just kept her in her arms, and used her hot chest to comfort the depressed lover.

She didn't eat any rice. After Lin Mengya returned to the room, she lay on the bed together.

That incident was a regret she couldn't make up in her life.

With the increase of experience and the improvement of her ability, even if she knew that this kind of thing could never happen to someone who she regarded as a sister.

But once again she encountered the same horrible things as before.

In addition to her coat, Nine Dragons Tianyu lay beside her, clutching people in her arms.

The familiar atmosphere and hot temperature made her tense heartstrings gradually relax.

She was buried in his arms for a long time, and then she slowly exhaled.

"Sorry to make you worry."

"You're fine."

Lin Lin Mengya hugged Long Tianyu, this time, no matter what the purpose, she will help Miss Zheng Jia escape this disaster.

But this is only from her personal emotions. The Zheng family's ransacking of those caravans must be done one by one.

Annoying emotions come fast and go fast.

只是 She just hates why some people use the most despicable means to hurt a woman.

Whether she met Miss Zheng or another girl today, she must be in charge.

At the beginning of the Huahua lantern, just after the two talents ate, someone knocked on the door.

"Master, you asked the younger to inquire about the younger."

The caller was the dark guard that Long Tianyu brought with him.

I can single out so many places in such a short time, naturally there is such a dark guard to help.

I was just outside, and they changed their names.

Chen Long Tianyu nodded coldly, signaled that the dark guard was honest.

"The name of the person who insulted the Miss Zheng family was Xu Hu, and his family was also regarded as a wealthy merchant's home in the city of Shangyang. But this person has a quirk and likes abusing and ill women. He has already carried a lot of lives Now. "

With the dark tone of the dark guard, Lin Mengya saw a demon covered with blood.

"He's so lifeless, hasn't anyone managed it?"

She asked indignantly, but the dark guard shook her head and said, "The Xu family has some power in Shangyang City, and after each accident, they will use silver money to compensate. The family members of the weak women think they are their own girls. Suffering, he died because of serious illness. In the past few years, one family has made trouble, but it was quickly suppressed, and there was no storm at all. "

"The Zheng family doesn't care?"

"Miss Hui, it's the people of the Zheng family who pressed Xu Hu down."

This time, Lin Mengya's turn was a little dumbfounded.

Is this a good reincarnation of heaven, see who has spared whom?

But she frowned and felt something wrong.

If the person covering him is the Zheng family, shouldn't Xu Hu see cats like mice, when a licking dog is almost the same, where would he dare to embarrass Miss Xu?

Isn't he afraid, he hurried the Zheng family, and shake out the evidence that he had tortured the women before that time, but then he could n’t eat and walked away.

"Did the owner of the Zheng family do it?"

"No, it's Zheng Luxi."

Zheng Luxi, she is no stranger to this name.

Even when she and Yu deliberately ran here, it had something to do with this person.

"What is the relationship between Zheng Luxi and the Zheng family owner?"

"Zheng Luxi is the nephew of Zheng's family owner. I heard that he grew up under Zheng's family's lap from a young age, and, most likely, is the next Zheng family owner."

Zheng ’s homeowner is just such a daughter. If the homeowner ’s position is not given to his nephew, he must be given to his son-in-law.

The Bai family is a special case like this, but the current owner of the Bai family is also considered a distant relative of the Bai family, and is not entirely an outsider.

If it is Zheng Luxi who wants to start with Zheng Rongrong, then it is possible.

However, Zheng Rongrong did not threaten Zheng Luxi at all?

If this is the case, why does he have to spend all his efforts to get rid of Zheng Rongrong with such dirty means?

It seemed to me that there were many things she did not know.

Xu waved and Long Tianyu motioned for his men to leave.

Next to her, Lin Mengya thought about it, and let Long Tianyu take herself to dive into Zheng's main house to find out.

On the way to Zheng's old house, she was fully appreciated. Her Royal Highness Xi, who had been the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Long Tianyu, had a good way to climb the wall.

Which corner has fewer night patrols, what arrangements and traps are generally available, and how to better avoid the servants in the yard, it is like a treasure.

No wonder, his five brothers couldn't help it.

These things can be attributed to maturity, right?

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