Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1805: Peer battle

Sacred doctor, naturally there must be a shelf for the divine doctor.

For example, do not like talking, or arrogance without looking at people.

Yi was not surprised when Zheng Congen saw the inscrutable doctor, and the other party did not even say hello.

God doctor, naturally is different from ordinary people.

He was just anxious in Zheng's heart. After all, although his daughter was frail, he could be so severe.

After seeing the divine doctor, I could not wait for the divine doctor to cure her daughter immediately.

"Dare to ask the doctor, my daughter's illness, how sure are you to cure it?"

The doctor only sat in the position, and after thinking for a while, held out a finger.

Suddenly, Zheng Cong'en felt that he was "scratched" in his heart.

When he was finished, even the therapist had only 10% hope, wouldn't his own daughter have to wait for death?

"Master Zheng has misunderstood. My host's meaning is that he can wake up the lady in your house with only one finger so capable."

The young disciple with clear eyebrows next to the sacred doctor was sharp-edged. After listening to his explanation, Zheng Congen's dangling heart was proper and put down.

After the little disciple looked at the doctor, his brows frowned slightly.


"But what? Little sir, but it doesn't matter."

"Although my master is a sacred doctor, I have never seen this patient before. I wonder if Master Zheng can let us see the patient?"

The words of the young disciple made Zheng Cong'en a bit ashamed.

不少 There have been many people in these days, but most of them are incompetent.

In fact, until now, he was suspicious of this divine doctor.

He was just rushing to the doctor, so he wanted to test the skill of this divine doctor.

"It's true, there is a famous doctor who is helping the little girl now. It's not the old man who believes in the **** doctor, but in the end, is there a first come first?"

The young disciple did not show any dissatisfaction. After nodding, he was attached to the ear of the therapist and did not know what to say.

Who knows that after listening to the theologian, he snorted coldly.

"Mr. Ai, this is really not Mr. Zheng's fault. After all, there is a patient in his family, and it is reasonable to rush to the hospital for this disease. It is reasonable for you to wait a second, and it is a good thing. "

On the other side, Zheng Congen wiped the sweat on his forehead.

He secretly glanced at the doctor. From the moment he entered, the doctor did not say a word.

But the momentum of the other side is too strong. Nowadays, when the Malaysian golden sword sits there, even he feels the pressure has increased sharply.

Now, I believe five points.

It's just a coincidence today.

Right before them, a famous doctor was also sent over.

Because he was one step ahead of the miraculous doctor, he had been invited to see the only daughter for medical treatment.

Whoever thought of it, another **** doctor came.

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Zheng Cong'en tried to talk a few times, and in the end all the little disciple answered.

After confirming that the doctor is a lonely person who doesn't want to listen to people, Zheng Cong'en also feels that he can't talk, and just by looking at his daughter's reason, the housekeeper entertains them both.

After confirming that those people have gone far, the little disciple whispered, "We made an appointment with Rong Rong today, why did we suddenly kill a famous doctor?"

He was just so proud of what the doctor was like, and gently squeezed his hands to signal him not to be nervous.

"It should just be a coincidence. These days, the Zheng family asked for a famous doctor, but everyone knows it."

The sound was deep and mellow.

These two people are Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu posing.

Gao Linmengya knew early that if she was a divine doctor, Zheng Congen would not necessarily believe it.

But Long Tianyu is not the same. Even if this person doesn't speak, sitting there is enough to frighten people.

There is only one point, if someone deliberately considers it, it is easy to wear.

Therefore, this has created a cold and lonely person.

Don't say, it's really suitable for Long Tianyu.

"Look again, if something goes wrong, Rong Rong will send someone to inform us."

Lin Lin Mengya was a little worried.

知道 She knows that Zheng Luxi will never give up, and Zheng Rongrong will be his target first.

So she asked someone to send a letter to Zheng Rongrong.

After explaining the antecedents and consequences, I sent some medicine to the other party.

On that day, Zheng Rongrong was intentional.

I stabbed Zheng Luxi out of control with her words, and Zheng Rongrong, who took the medicine in advance, pretended to be sick and comatose.

Paeonia lactiflora was prepared by Lin Mengya himself. There are two kinds.

The first kind can forge the pulse of a person. Unless she and the teacher, who are good at using poison, can't find any flaws.

The second medicine is to temporarily block her feelings.

In other words, no matter what method the other party uses, as long as Zheng Rongrong wants to faint, no one can wake her up.

蓉 While Zheng Rongrong was taking the medicine, her consciousness was completely awake. Whenever she wanted to wake up, she would wake up whenever she wanted.

Today, it is also their agreement to let Long Tianyu, the divine doctor, "treat" Zheng Rongrong.

In this way, they will have reasons to enter and leave the Zheng family at any time without being suspected.

But I did not expect that a famous doctor was actually inserted today.

I waited for a while, but no one came, and there was no news from Zheng Rongrong.

It seemed to me that nothing was wrong.

"Sacred doctor, my master please!"

At last, in the dream of Lin Mengya, the housekeeper appeared in front of them.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at his impatient appearance and knew that the famous doctor was afraid that he would not succeed.

At the moment, she temporarily let go of her heart, respectfully and respectfully, invited her family "sacred doctor" to walk towards the backyard.

When Xun Rong arrived at the gate of Zheng Rongrong's courtyard, he saw a man dressed as a priest who was leading one out.

Gao Linmengya quietly twitched her nose. The scent of sandalwood on the Taoist priest was very heavy, but it smelled a little weird, not like an ordinary thing.

Suddenly the two men stopped before they came to them.

"This is your lord, the **** doctor said? Huh, nonsense!"

The man next to the martyr looked in his fifties and was well dressed, but his eyes were a little too proud.

I must be the famous doctor.

What is the identity of the priest beside him?

She suddenly remembered that the second master of the Zheng family seemed to be clearing up in a Taoist temple outside the city.

And the second master happened to be Zheng Luxi's father.

He's here now, I'm afraid he came for the sake of his son?

Zhe Lin Mengya had a guess in her heart, and after confrontation, she became even more energetic.

Since you are the enemy, what else can you be afraid of?

"Doctor Sun, don't get me wrong, this one is also your companion. I just have a relationship with the master, so I want to do my best."

The steward is smooth, and he can't be guilty of speaking.

孙 The famous Dr. Sun didn't know what happened, but they looked at them unpleasantly.

"If you try your best, I'm afraid that some people are not good at learning and mistaken."

When he said this, Lin Mengya didn't like to listen.

Her medical skills, but that was the pro-teaching of ancient and modern famous doctors!

I thought that at that time, the teacher of her university, who was a famous international doctor, and a visiting professor casually, were all famous domestic experts.

Not to mention her teacher here, it is the famous poisonous saint.

算 What is this Sun Mingyi, she has never heard of, okay?

I smiled at the moment and said, "Doctor Sun makes sense, my master often said that this practitioner is afraid of encountering a half-dead. Not only is it harmful to others, but he still can't see how much he weighs."

Doctor Sun immediately sank a face. He was originally annoyed because he had not fulfilled his friend's request.

But this boy's words made him suddenly feel offended.

"what did you say?"

"It seems that Dr. Sun's ears are not very good. But my host often warns me that I don't have to say too much to people who don't understand."

"Presumptuous! Do you know who I am?"

Lin Lin Mengya thought to herself that she cares about who he is and puts up a rack in front of her, not afraid of the wind flashing her tongue.

"You are a famous doctor, and you should be famous all over the world. People like me who have followed my master all the year round from north to south will naturally have no chance to see your name."

This statement is undoubtedly sarcastic on the famous doctor.

The man glared at them both, and the flesh on his face trembled unconsciously.

"Okay, since you are not afraid of anything, don't blame me. You will be ill at all times. In the future, all the medical treatments in this world, don't want to have your place again!"

Lin Lin Mengya didn't care at all, smiled, pretended to be afraid, and grabbed Long Tianyu's arm.

"Master, I'm so scared. You can tell me everything, it seems that your medical skills are really superb. Then let's go, Miss Zheng's illness must have been cured by Dr. Sun."

She is going to leave, but where is the steward willing to leave?

"Brother, you still have to say one less thing. Doctor Sun doesn't mean this. Since you are all fellow citizens, why do you hurt your peace because of such a trivial matter? Or, it is important to see a doctor."

Zhe Lin Mengya smiled provocatively, and did not look at each other, she said to the man at home: "Since this, then the master you go quickly. Let some quack doctors see, this medicine, there are people outside, there is heaven outside."

This sentence almost rolled Dr. Sun's eyes.

I could only watch the housekeeper openly and lead them in.

"It's just a villager and a villager who dare to pretend to be a famous doctor! I want to see how they can cure Miss Zheng's disease!"

The second master who stood aside, also retracted his inquiry.

Dr. Sun's medicine is clear.

If there is nothing he can do, it means that Zheng Rongrong is hopeless.

This is bad news, but it is also bad news.

"Doctor Sun, my niece, how is your condition?"

Doctor Zheng slowed his breath and lowered his voice, saying, "The incident that year has already hurt her fundamentals. Even if someone later adjusted it for her, the foundation is already utterly deficient. Now no matter what method is used, it is always Powerless to return to the fate of heaven! "

Master Zheng Er nodded his head, and there was a stroke of light in his eyes.

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