Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1806: The doctor is cheating

"If it was that **** doctor--"

Dr. Sun snorted suddenly, which should have been the heart of the healer, but now his face saw only the faint viciousness.

"What **** doctor, in my opinion, is just a quack doctor who is swaying and cheating. Besides, although Zheng Rongrong's body is already non-toxic, her foundation is too thin. The current recuperative medicine is only adding to her burden. Within three years, she will be weak and die. "

If Lin Mengya is here, he will definitely slap Dr. Sun a few slaps.

She entered the medical tract, but only thought about how to harm people, even her poisonous person looked down on.

如此 "So, then I can rest assured. Please Dr. Sun first go to my house to rest, come, please be entertained, not neglect."

Master Zheng Jiaer said with a smile, but his face sank again when the next man took Dr. Sun away.

He waved his hand, attracting his confidant who was standing by.

"Go and stare, no matter what the situation, don't miss it."


Looking at Zheng Rongrong's courtyard, Master Zheng Er narrowed his eyes.

Everything must be under his control, he has been planning for so long, and absolutely no mistakes are allowed!

The steward led the two of them to Zheng Rongrong's boudoir. In the past, there was a strong smell of medicine, and after a long period of toss, it was almost stronger than the pharmacy.

The smell of bitterness or bitterness started to make people feel blocked.

It seems to me that these famous doctors have exhausted all their abilities, but unfortunately, they don't know where the crux is.

Outside the bedroom, the head of the Zheng family was worried.

Although he has neglected this daughter for some years, this does not mean that he does not care about his daughter.

He is just an involuntary thing, it is too much.

"Master, the doctor has arrived."

The steward whispered a notice, and Master Zheng raised his head, but he didn't expect much.

After all, these days they have been disappointed too many times.

He just smiled and waved his hand, motioning them to see for themselves.

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu didn't care about his attitude either, nodded slightly, and then took their medicine box into the bedroom.

的 The medicine smell is stronger than the outside, and there is a bowl of strong black medicine on the small table in front of the bed.

The servant girl lowered her head and her eyes were slightly red and swollen.

The woman on the bed was pale with her eyes closed tightly, as if the wind was blowing, she could blow her away.


Lin Lin Mengya coughed, and the maid immediately wiped the corners of her eyes and got up to give way.

She immediately took out the small pillow and placed it under Zheng Rongrong's wrist, but Long Tianyu did not directly touch Zheng Rongrong's wrist, but seized a silk thread that Lin Mengya tied to Zheng Rongrong's wrist.

The maid next to me looked curiously at the tenacious silk thread, and never thought of such a battle.

Nine Dragons Tianyu kept his high-cold appearance, sitting silently.

After Lin Lin Mengya pretended to look at it, she pulled the maid to the side.

"Can you trouble me for a little help?"

The servant girl looked at "he" with a beautiful appearance and a soft voice, and nodded after thinking.

Lin Mengya asked her to prepare a bowl of water.

侍 Although the maid didn't know why she wanted to boil water, she prepared according to the words.

Before he left, he just opened the door, and he could just see that the "sacred doctor" was sitting aside.

I waited for the maid to leave, and Lin Mengya immediately quietly knocked on Zheng Rongrong's bed three times.

It was a signal they had agreed, and sure enough, the woman in the bed who was still in a coma just opened her eyes.


Lin Lin Mengya immediately pointed outside and motioned for someone.

Zheng Rongrong nodded, and said his voice to the lowest. "The person who just came here has a problem."

谁 "Who, that Dr. Sun?"

Zheng Rongrong said "um", biting his lips, with a bit of uncertainty in his words.

"Everyone who came before, no matter what method I used, I didn't feel much. But that person just gave me a few stitches, and I felt that my body was very tired."

Zheng Rongrong's words caught her attention.

Gao Linmeng and Aizai watched each other's expressions carefully. They did not look like the face of a person who had cultivated in bed all day, and those eyes were a little tired.

After carefully examining Zheng Rongrongzai, she found that the girl's physical condition was like a layer of window paper.

As long as there is something wrong, it will cause other chain reactions.

At that time, even if she didn't die, she would be a short-lived elephant with a sick bed all her life.

I'm surprised, it wasn't like that a few days ago, what did that **** doctor do?

"Where did he pierce you?"

Zheng Rongrong thought about it, and then pointed her out.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at these acupuncture points, a little puzzled in her heart.

"Do you remember the order of his needle?"

After Zheng Rongrong reported one by one, her brow frowned.

"But what's wrong?"

She's expression was a little scared, Zheng Rongrong asked carefully.

After Lin Mengya pondered for a moment, she said, "This acupuncture point is nothing, but the order is somewhat wrong. But you can rest assured that since you have met me, I will certainly not let people harm you. We follow the original plan, and tomorrow morning, You say you woke up. But you have to add another person besides thanking us. "


"Ming Sun, the person who gave you an injection."

Although Zheng Rongrong is not clear about the relationship, she will not listen to what Lin Mengya said.

"I wrote it down, is there anything else?"

"Is there anyone who was waiting for your mother before?"

"Well, although my mother left early, there are still old people in the house."

Gao Linmengya thought for a moment, and then said, "You give me the list, and I secretly protect these people."

Zheng Rongrong responded, but even if she was a fool, she guessed some of the reasons.

"Is Dr. Sun related to the death of my mother and brother?"

Lin Mengya froze for a while, she wanted to shake her head, but nodded her head when she saw Zheng Rongrong's expectant gaze.

如何 How can a girl concealing a girl who has worked so hard for so many years for the death of her mother and brother?

They are always the same kind of people. Only with their own hands can the enemies be truly resolved.

Zheng Rongrong's eyes were cold, and there was a sharp pain in his eyes.

"I knew that her mother's death was not that simple. She was always in good health, and she survived miraculously even when she had a major bleeding while giving birth to me. After having a younger brother, her pulse was always smooth. Otherwise, They don't have to design that accident, it killed my mother. "

Lin Lin Mengya was a bit surprised.

Under the current medical conditions, the mortality rate of maternal hemorrhage is almost 99%.

It is a miracle that Madam Zheng survived.

He was just unpredictable. Madam Zheng fought God, but died in the hands of others.

"My mother also had an accident when she was born."

Her softest corner was touched and she couldn't help saying.

Zheng Rongrong also held her hand. At this moment, she felt that the two of them were more sympathetic to each other.

"At that time, I lost my mother's family and gave her a magic pill. However, I happened to hear my grandparents say that it seems that this medicine has made my mother avoid anyone, probably, black and white. Right. "

"Medicine, what medicine?"

Zheng Rongrong was also unclear. After thinking for a while, he hesitantly said, "It seems to be called" Fengxuedan ". At that time, my grandfather drank too much, and then said these. Later, when I went to ask , They won't tell me. "

Lin Fengxue Dan, Lin Mengya repeated these three words secretly.

Maybe this is a completely unfamiliar name for Zheng Rongrong and others, but for her, she is a little familiar.

Because after the decoding system was upgraded, there was an introduction of this medicine on Qingzheng spectrum.

In fact, until now, she hasn't figured out what kind of existence of Qingzheng spectrum.

In the past, she only regarded it as an extremely precious and rare medical book, but after the decoding system was upgraded, other secrets in the Qingzhen spectrum were gradually discovered.

However, according to the estimation of Xiaoyao, the information contained in the Qingzheng spectrum is huge, and it cannot be completely solved with the current decoding technology.

So he's been paying attention to this recently.

Feng Xie Dan's prescription is one of them.

Speaking of which, the function of this medicine is to quickly promote blood production.

As long as the nutrition can keep up, it can change the blood of the drug user for one round in 24 hours with minimal harm to the body.

Maternal blood loss is too much, taking this medicine is considered appropriate.

I suppose it must be Mrs. Zheng's maiden house. I'm afraid she'll have something unexpected before sending someone to take this medicine.

As for what people dodged, maybe like Zheng Rongrong said, it was probably a disaster. It ’s more fortunate.

The conversation between the two did not last long, and Lin Mengya heard the footsteps coming from outside.

She and Zheng Rongrong glanced at each other quickly, and the latter closed her eyes immediately in a coma.

When the maid came back with a bowl of water, she saw that she was bending over and took off the silk thread from her own lady's wrist.

Suddenly, his heart became tense, and he kept asking, "What's the situation with my young lady, my brother?"

Lin Mengya walked to Long Tianyu, pretending to be two people whispering, and nodded and nodded, and then, in the eyes of the servant girl, said something a little embarrassed, "My husband said, this disease is rare No cure. "

After her voice returned to normal volume, Master Zheng, who was sitting outside waiting for the result, naturally also heard clearly.

Suddenly sorrowful came from it, and only felt that his eyes were hot and hot, as if he could no longer control it.

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