Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1807: Fuzzy clue

Have someone send white hair to someone with black hair, how can one not feel sad?

The servant girl also knelt on the ground, crying in a ball.

"Miss, what can you do, Miss, God, why should you treat my Miss like this!"

Outside, the housekeeper wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeves and couldn't help but persuade him, "Master, our lady must be a godsend. If you are young, go to the lady for a doctor!"

Looking at the sadness of the family, Lin Mengya suddenly felt embarrassed.

那个 "That, but when I met my husband, it was really a blessing from the Zheng family."

Speaking at her, the crying inside and out stopped abruptly.

Master Zheng's family rushed to the door and looked at her with trembling, eyes red with blood.

"You mean, your husband has a rule of law?"

"Exactly, but fortunately, my husband came in time, otherwise it will not be able to return to heaven even if the gods come," he said.

In the crowd has not yet returned to God's work, Lin Mengya shamed out of the medicine box, carefully took out a jade box.

He held his hands and walked in front of the Master Zheng.

"What's in this box is the fruit of my husband's painstaking efforts and painstaking efforts for more than ten years. Take this medicine, take one capsule daily with cold boiled water and give it to the lady. Remember, you must just boil The water is too hot, and the rest is not. "

Master Zheng's family quickly took over the small box, he didn't believe it.

But the boxes outside are made of goat fat jade, and the contents inside may not be as expensive as gold.

I hurriedly handed it over to the maid and looked at them both gratefully.

"Thank you for your help, even if the girl's illness can't get better, I'm grateful for it. However, I have an inexcusable request, and ask the doctor to stay in the house with the little brother first, and take good care of the little girl?"

Master Zheng is not a fool.

Don't look at him to be decisive enough in front of others, but in fact, it is only his means to weigh the family power.

Naturally, he cannot believe them.

Xun Ke wanted the heart of fist to recover his lover, but he couldn't let down any hope.

I mean, he wants to keep them in the house, but he just wants to see if they have any real skills.

"This matter, and I asked my husband first."

"Yes, yes, and please ask the doctor to be considerate of my beloved girl."

Lin Lin Mengya respectfully returned to Long Tianyu's side. The latter looked at her, and then nodded slightly.

"Master Zheng, my family agreed."

Master Zheng's family immediately gave a breath, and said in a hurry: "That's good, so much, thank you, the doctor, butler, go and let them clean out the best rooms. Don't neglect the doctor. ! "

"Yes, Master, please the Doctor."

The steward was also a little excited and treated them more diligently than before.

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu were also rude. After thanking the Zheng family, the two arrived in the Zheng family room. Later, Lin Mengya dismissed all her descendants on the grounds that the divine doctor liked to be quiet.

I waited until the two of them were left in my room, Lin Mengya entered the inner room with Long Tianyu and closed the door.

呼 "Hoo, this day, I'm so tired of pretending."

She rubbed her shoulders, and she collapsed into a chair.

Xun Long Tianyu also changed her previous facial paralysis, with a smile, and rubbed her shoulders.

For a whole day, she had kept her shrinking followers, let alone, it was really tiring.

Nine Dragons Tianyu is naturally distressed, a pair of large hands are moderate, comfortable enough to make her look like a kitten, yawning, and want to take a nap.

After Xun stuffed himself into his arms, Lin Mengya leaned comfortably on the other side, thinking in her heart, but what happened today.

Would n’t she have died if her mother had this phoenix when she gave birth?

Thinking of this, she shook her head with a bitter smile.

Everything is missing. Her mother is not Mrs. Zheng, how could there be phoenixes—no!

Lin Lin Mengya immediately sat up straight, a thought, quickly moving in her mind.

Although the medicine prescriptions of Xunfengxuedan are rare, the materials are not difficult to find.

Even if some materials cannot be found in the Jin Dynasty, the ancestral family has a very special cultivation technology.

That is to say, if the mother has a prescription for Fengxuedan, then she can definitely cultivate those medicines with the technology of her grandparents' home.

Mother loves her father, brother, and her so much, how can she not make a complete preparation for her own production?

Xi Fengxue Danmingming is most suitable for a mother with too much blood loss, so there is absolutely no reason for the mother to miss it.

Unless, the mother does not know the prescription!

But is that possible? If the mother didn't know what was recorded on Qingzheng's spectrum, then she was just guarding an old book that, on the surface, was smeared with ink so that it could not see any writing at all.

But why is it that mothers spend so much time on this?

You must know that the turtle in the yard is not ordinary.

For a while, her complex thoughts changed her face.

Ji Long Tianyu embraced her, only to feel that her body suddenly became stiff, could not help but tighten her arms, and whispered, "What's wrong?"

There was too much information and too much information, and details that she hadn't noticed before were coming at the moment, which made her a little unbearable.

Her subconsciously grabbed Long Tianyu's arm, and she murmured, "My mother, how did you die?"

Chen Longtianyu hesitated for a moment. He searched around, but there was no information in his mind about it.

"Sorry, I can't remember it for a moment."

But Lin Mengya shook her head. Even if it was Yu, it was just a child / child. Where would I know some details.

In any case, the mother did die. I think of it now, but it was because she was temporarily touched.

"Nothing, I think too much. Probably I was forced to lose my mother when I was young, like Rong Rong."

Can Nine Dragon Tianyu not hear the sourness in her tone, and can't wait to rub people into her arms, drive away the haze in her heart, and make her happy forever.

"I'm here, I will always be with you."

He whispered in her ear to promise, life and death, never give up.

The soreness in Gao Linmengya's heart, a little bit, was ironed properly by him.

The death of her was in exchange for her mother's life.

Since it can't be changed, she will work hard to improve.

"Ok, I know."

The two hugged each other, and the room was full of lingering love.

Fortunately, they always keep in mind that this is the Zheng family. Some things should be avoided.

I smashed for a while and then separated, and soon after, someone knocked on their door.

"Sacred doctor, this is the package that you asked Xiao to get from you before. Look, is there anything missing in it?"

The Taolairen was a very clever little tadpole, carrying two blue and white cloth packages in his hands.

They put it in an inn in advance. They complained at the inn with a disguised identity a few days ago.

I also under the command of Lin Mengya, he cured the old illness of the innkeeper.

The boss was grateful to Ded, and at the same time, the boss's propaganda made the staff of this divine doctor more authentic and credible.

相信 She believes that, whether it is Master Zheng or the caring person, they will check their details after tomorrow.

Fortunately, they have long been ready.

"Thank you, I don't know if my brother knows, who else is in this house?"

She took the package with a smile, and raised it like a gossip.

The little uncle saw that she was the same age as her, and was a noble guest, and smiled and said, "Our house, in addition to the old man and the young lady, there is an old man, but our old man is not convenient these days , Can't walk away. "

"Oh? Presumably the uncle Zheng Luxi Zheng?"

Xiao Xiaozhang looked a little surprised, Lin Mengya explained immediately: "This uncle in your government is famous outside, and I have heard more or less with my husband, but I think the rumors are not credible."

Her remarks, let Xiao Xiao's mind turn a few more laps.

Hat a few words at the moment, after leaving her confused, and left the room.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Xiao's back, but her lips sneered.

I closed the door again, and checked the parcel she opened.

Even though the other party was very secretive, she could detect that the contents of the package had been turned over.

Especially those bottles and cans for camouflage have been opened.

I took things and went back to the inner room.

"Unexpectedly, Master Zheng's hands and feet are so fast, it seems that he is really a cautious person."

Her conversation with that little 厮 did not escape Long Tianyu's ears.

"He lied under the window for a while before he came in."

"I just tried to test him. This man is smart. In front of me, there is a look of disdain for Master Zheng. But if he is really Zheng Zheng or Zheng Rongrong, it is absolutely not He will take the initiative to mention what happened to Zheng Luxi. "

Master Zheng is afraid of family ugliness. If it is his person, he only needs to introduce a word. Anyway, people are in a circle and they can't get in touch.

If it is Zheng Rongrong's people, it will not be mentioned any more. After all, these people are so forbearing, and her people must be as thin as ice.

I also took the parcel, which she said to the housekeeper.

The only person who can control the housekeeper is the Zheng Family Master, besides the Zheng Family Master?

"Master Zheng Jiaer is a master."

"how do you know?"

They've only met one side before, and didn't even say a word, how did Yu think he was a master?

"His breath is steady, but his pulse and footsteps are almost inaudible."

With this in mind, Long Tianyu told her before.

The real master of kung fu, after reaching a certain level, what he is pursuing is a "Tibetan" character.

If the previous momentums were "reports", then the really powerful side is "li".

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