Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1810: Neighbours

Although Master Zheng Er repeatedly tried to persuade him, Master Zheng seemed to be determined and refused to say anything.

Later, he was still afraid of disturbing his daughter's rest. Master Zheng only said that he would consider taking a look.

After listening to the footsteps and leaving, the maid who had been by the side of Zheng Rongrong helped her lady up.

"Miss, you, don't be too sad, lord, he also has his own problems."

The eyes of this master and servant were full of helplessness and bitterness.

I'm afraid that this is not the first time such a thing has happened in these years.

Zheng Rongrong remembered that they were also there, and he wiped the tears on his cheeks, and said a little embarrassedly, "Let the two laugh."

"Are you OK?"

She couldn't bear it, but Zheng Rongrong shook her head and gave her a strong smile.

I also grew up in this environment. If my heart is not cultivated like a copper wall and iron wall, I am afraid that I will be swallowed by the evil wolf.

I thought for a moment, but she didn't touch Zheng Rongrong's sadness, and instead asked: "Miss, you know, what did Master Zheng Er say, what is it?"

Zheng Rongrong heard the words, and after thinking over and over again, he shook his head with some regret.

"It's a matter of family, and my father rarely mentions it. But my uncle has only cleaned up in Taoism these years, and rarely participated in family affairs. Is it related to Taoism?"

Clear desires? not necessarily.

Maybe, just as a camouflage to hide their true purpose.

Now, his son became the next homeowner, for fear of it, he couldn't hold himself back.

"What's the matter, I will find a way to find out. I just listened to the second old man Zheng, I'm afraid he did something for his son."

According to Zheng Rongrong, Master Zheng Er has been a transparent person for so many years, but now, he not only took the initiative to send Sun Mingyi, but also tried to testify Master Zheng. Obviously, this is a precursor to a major event.

The urgent task now is to figure out what Master Zheng Er tried.

"I feel that Master Zheng Er has no intention to send people in. The Sun Mingyi didn't hold any mistakes on the surface, and we couldn't rush them out. We still have some wonderful uses to stay. But for It's a bit dangerous for you. "

The reason why Xun returned at the risk of being discovered, Lin Mengya was afraid that the sudden failure of Sun Mingyi would affect Zheng Rongrong.

After all, compared to her, Zheng Rongrong, a person who has no involvement in medicine or poison, is absolutely invincible.

Even more pity, Sun Mingyi stayed, playing in the guise of conditioning her body.

好 "Well, I will take more precautions. No matter if it is for food, I will let my people ask you first."

"That's not enough. After all, there are too many enemies here. You can't defend it if you don't want to defend it. So, I want to make some arrangements on your body. In this case, even if there is a leaking fish , We can be considered prepared. "

Zheng Rongrong trusts the woman in front of her very much.

He didn't ask any more, and immediately let the other party apply a needle to himself.

Fortunately, I met Lin Mengya. Otherwise, if I change to another person, no matter how superb the medicine is, I will only push Zheng Rongrong to Huang Quan.

After about a quarter of an hour, Lin Mengya finished her injection.

At this time, Zheng Rongrong also seemed to collapse, her eyes were barely open.

"You take good care of your young lady, and it's just a good night's sleep. These days, no matter what medicine Sun Ming prescribes for her, you should show it to me first. Remember to take it while you are boiling it, don't To alarm anyone, do you understand? "

The servant girl nodded again and again. Lin Mengya looked at it and had already delayed a lot of time, so she could only leave with Long Tianyu.

As soon as she returned to the courtyard of the guest room, she saw that the steward was taking that grandson and was heading in their direction.

After Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu stared at each other, the two immediately turned to the backyard, and entered the inner room through the rear window before the butler knocked on the door.

As soon as the two men landed, they heard the door and were knocked.

Then, the voice of the housekeeper came.

"Doctor Yang, are you there?"

"Where, wait a moment."

Gao Linmengya immediately pushed the person to the bed, grabbed a bun in her backhand, and pulled the neckline again, and opened the door with a siesta and not waking up.

"Uncle Butler, what are you doing?"

She asked with a smile, but after seeing the bad-looking Sun Mingyi, she gave a cold hum and gave her the other eyes.

The man was so annoyed that he rushed in to teach her, but because the housekeeper was there, he could only swallow the breath.

Fortunately, the steward is a smart man, knowing that both of them can't afford to offend, so he didn't see it and said, "Little brother, is there a **** doctor?"

"My husband is on lunch break. Whatever it takes, just tell me."

"Yes, both of you are distinguished guests in our house, and they are also the body of the young lady. So the master thinks that if you arrange the two together, you will have both prescriptions and medical treatments Isn't that a negotiation? "

"Let our family treat the disease with this quack doctor now? Uncle steward, sir, we don't want to smash the signboard by ourselves. If this is because of this quack doctor, it is difficult for the young lady to see the disease repeatedly, and I do n’t know who it is Responsibility."

"Ignorant child, what do you know? My medical skills are inherited from the famous doctors of Baili family. This time, it is just that you hit them by mistake!"

At the home of Baili, her eyes flashed coldly, but she was a little more alert to this Sun Mingyi.

After the incident of the temple, Baili's family blocked the connection with the outside world, and the turtle was confined in the enclosure, and there has been no news of them for a long time.

既然 Since this famous doctor of Sun has a relationship with Baili's family, maybe there is something she hasn't discovered yet.

Thinking this way, she had intentionally left people behind.

I just can't be found by the other person.

"We accidentally hit or accidentally? Oh, you have a deep medical skill, why don't you see that you accidentally hit or accidentally hit yourself? If you can't do it, you have to have the courage to admit it. It is worse than a child."

"you you!"

Dr. Sun's famous doctor almost rolled his eyes. For so many years, no matter he was a colleague or other people, he was regarded as respectful.

He is very respectful even for those clan.

He didn't want to be insulted by a little **** one after another. At the moment, those eyes revealed a bit of viciousness, as if trying to swallow her.

The steward was afraid that the two ancestors would fall out at this moment, and immediately blocked them in front of them.

"Dr. Sun, you are angry. He is just a child, and he has no habit of covering up. You must not care about a child. Brother Yang, don't say a word, don't bother your husband. Hear no . "

For the housekeeper, she still has to give some face.

After a stunned glance at the famous Sun Doctor, he slammed the door in front of the two of them.

But after blocking their eyes, Lin Mengya converged all the expressions on her face.

He leaned tightly against the door panel, but turned on the detection function of the system.

At this moment, every move of the two people outside appeared to her eyes.

"Hehe, this child is so irrational. Doctor Sun, you have a lot of adults, look at the face of our master and second master, you must not go in your heart. Looking back, I must tell his husband, good Discipline him. "

Although the steward said so, secretly, he still favored the theologian.

At this point, Sun Mingyi noticed it naturally.

After all, he was the one invited by the second master, and he failed to wake up Zheng Rongrong.

This housekeeper knows that it is not only Master Zheng's confidant, but also the person who watched Zheng Rongrong grow up from childhood.

He repeatedly told himself that the big thing is the most important thing. After the wish was reached, the little **** was not allowed to rub and rub.

Nevertheless, with a calm face, he followed the housekeeper to another room.

Chen Longtianyu pushed open the door and looked at his wife quietly.

After a long time, she opened her eyes and nodded at him.

Chen Longtianyu slightly opened the window and carefully looked at Sun Mingyi's room.

At this time, the steward arranged for the Sun Mingyi to go in.

It seems that everything is as usual.

The two returned to the inner room in silence, but this time, Lin Mengya raised the detection level to the highest level.

This is actually a bit painful for her.

After all, her five senses will increase sensitivity as the level increases.

Now, a little bigger movement is like a thunder to her.

Nine Dragons Tianyu slowly slowed his breathing, and the solidified figure was almost motionless, and even the sound of cloth friction was very few.

Finally, she exhaled softly and opened her eyes.

He then looked at Long Tianyu, pointed towards the rear window and the corner of the wall.

Xiao Long Tianyu immediately understood that he was afraid that someone was eavesdropping.

Moreover, I am afraid that I am still a master.

"Who came here just now?"

He deliberately made his voice hoarse and muffled, unable to hear the usual mellowness.

Lin Mengya cleared her throat immediately and said in a disdainful tone: "Sir, that is the grandson of the Sun. He is really shameless, obviously did not cure Miss Zheng's illness, and came to the government with a cheek to appreciate. What famous doctor he Also match! "

I followed Lin Mengya's words, and the two chatted for a moment.

I didn't reveal anything at all.

Zhe Lin Mengya had her ears edged, monitoring two eavesdroppers at any time.

After waiting for them to leave, she immediately leaned into Long Tianyu's arms and bit his ears with him.

"The one who left the back window first is Master Zheng Er."

"Well, what about the rest?"

"I don't know, they shouldn't be together. Otherwise, they won't leave together."

"Be careful later."

"I know."

Two people exchanged information with each other, they know better than anyone.

The arrival of Sunsun's famous doctor was just the beginning of a conspiracy for the entire Zheng family.

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