Because the situation of the Zheng family is unknown, Long Tianyu has used the special contact method agreed between him and his subordinates to tell the other party not to sneak into the house easily and stand by.

Lin Mengya was naturally very careful, and every time she talked to Long Tianyu, she would carefully check it.

But some surprises were that, except for the day when Sun Mingyi came, she didn't find it again.

I do n’t know if it ’s because people are completely disinterested in them, or at the time of her detection, the person under surveillance has left.

From that night, Sun Mingyi and her also conditioned the body for Zheng Rongrong.

Because of this, before the beginning, Master Zheng also called them together to meet each other.

The result naturally broke up. In the end, the Sun Mingyi was so angry that he was like a young man with a hair. He was eager to compare with them to see who could correct Zheng Rongrong's disease first.

Lin Mengya took the challenge from the other side, but Master Zheng's mood didn't look very good.

The battle between two superbly skilled people is the body of his daughter.

如何 How does this make him happy?

However, fortunately, Sun Mingyi and Lin Mengya stated at the same time that, for Miss Zheng, they pledged to exhaust all their efforts and never let her have any loss, and then Master Zheng reluctantly agreed.

I just looked at her eyes, but a little bit more blame.

Zhe Lin Mengya just didn't see it, it was all to save Zheng Rongrong, otherwise, how could she spend this effort?

The agreement is five days for each person, but the premise is that the formula between them must let the other person see.

In this way, it is avoided that the two sides use Zheng Rongrong with some bad means in order to win.

The grandson Sun won the opportunity by relying on his relationship with Master Zheng Er

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the flashing glory in that man's eyes, hum, don't you know the principle of burning first?

She waited quietly, what tricks the other party would use.

The prescription of Sun Sun's famous doctor was quickly sent to Lin Mengya.

Chen Longtianyu stared at the prescription in front of him silently. Others seemed to think he was more inscrutable, but only Lin Mengya knew that the goods were just being installed.

After staring for a while, Long Tianyu beckoned and asked her to come over.

Muttered several times, and when the famous doctor Sun was a little impatient, she finally nodded and straightened her waist.

"My husband said, this formula is really good."

The grandson doctor glanced at her. She was so arrogant and saw Lin Mengya's fist itch.

"This is natural, I don't look like some people, but rely on those unreliable prescriptions. Orthodox doctors, how can you understand."

Lin Lin Mengya gave the guy a white look and stood next to Long Tianyu.

那 She just looked at the formula just now and felt familiar.

I flipped through the system and didn't expect it, but it was similar to a formula of Qingzheng's decrypted version.

But compared to the house in the Qingzheng spectrum, Sun Mingyi's prescription has fewer medicines.

At most, it is a simplified version.

As a result, the effect is greatly reduced.

This recipe is indeed suitable for conditioning the body, but not for Zheng Rongrong.

As long as I drink three times a day, the first few days will look radiant and I feel more relaxed.

But I don't know, for Zheng Rongrong, this medicine is a poison that overdraws her vitality!

No matter who you look at, you will feel that this medicine is indeed a good medicine for conditioning your body.

She now understands why Dr. Sun Mingyi would take the lead before moving out of the second master.

Isn't that just letting them cook?

What a pity, I am afraid that their hopes will be defeated.

But she was more concerned about how Sun Mingyi would use Qingzheng to make a similar formula?

Isn't there any means to murder Mrs. Zheng's family?

Teacher Ke Ke has said clearly that Qing Zheng is rare in the world, and has been lost for a long time.

Is n’t it possible that this is just a coincidence?

There was a lingering thought in her head.

But on the face, but always kept calm.

Soon, the medicine was ready.

At present, Sun Mingyi doesn't have any hands-on stand, so Lin Mengya has no way to see it.

He is the villain. Before the maid gave Zheng Rongrong to take it, she also probed inside with a silver needle and glanced at her with alert eyes.

Humming, the thief shouted to catch the thief!

In the house, Zheng Rongrong was in her heart.

But the thought of the couple is outside, they settled down a little, took the medicine with a small mouth.

"How does the lady feel?"

Grandson Sun asked across the screen.

Zheng Rongrong had just wiped the corners of her mouth, and when she wanted to speak, there was blood in her chest.

A squeak of "噗", the blood-stained plum blossoms blooming on the light-colored screen.

"Come here! Miss, miss, what's wrong with you?"

The maid called for help in horror.

The three people outside were all gods, and then they rushed into the room.

"What did you do to her?"

Lin Mengya stared at Sun Mingyi coldly.

Just a glance is enough to make Sun Mingyi a little daunting.

His eyes were so cold.

After the three of them came into the room, the maid was already kneeling by the bed and called her own lady in a crying voice.

The grandson doctor pushed away the maid and snatched Zheng Rongrong's wrist.

The next moment, his eyes changed slightly, this was--

Lin Lin Mengya went to the bed and looked at the empty bowl.

There was nothing wrong with the medicine in this bowl. If there were, there would be no way to escape from her eyes.

There was nothing like incense in the house, and there was no trace of poison.

What is it that makes Zheng Rongrong like this now?

She searched inch by inch, and finally, she set her eyes on a saucer of red fruits on the table.

The grandson of Sun is rescued Zheng Rongrong. She believes that the other party will do her best, otherwise Master Zheng's level will be difficult.

While no one cares about her, she moved to the table, quickly removed from the plate, pinched two fruits and hid in her sleeves.

At this time, when he heard that his daughter had an accident, Master Zheng also hurried in.

Fortunately, before he came, Sun Mingyi handled it properly, and Zheng Rongrong gradually recovered his sobriety.

I was just weak and looked pitiful.

"What's going on? Well, why does he vomit blood?"

As soon as he entered the house, Master Zheng faced a storm of thunder and stared at Sun Mingyi.

知道 He knows that his daughter is drinking the medicine prescribed by Sun Mingyi. Naturally, he went to him.

Lin Mengya also reached behind Long Tianyu, pulled his sleeve, and wrote a few words on his palm.

At this time, Sun Mingyi was sweating.

I do not know if it is urgent, or angry.

But in the face of Master Zheng's anger, he can only admit it.

"It was my negligence that made the lady become like this. It was my fault, but please rest assured that the lady has no problem now. It will definitely not affect her body, and I will definitely make up for it."

For Sun Mingyi, Master Zheng had no much favor.

After all, he said to himself that Rongrong had no cure.

So, this time it feels worse.

After looking at the man in unclear look, Master Zheng turned his attention to the sacred doctor.

"Sacred doctor, what do you think?"

无 "No matter, qi and blood run too fast, just take a break."

After getting the affirmation from the divine doctor, Master Zheng Zheng's face eased slightly.

"what do you mean?"

"Mr. My family means that the lady had been lingering on the sick bed before, and the blood and blood were both lost. Although Sun Mingyi's medicine is for replenishing qi and blood, it has made the lady ineffective. Fortunately, the lady vomited the blood Or it will be a big trouble. "

Actually, if it wasn't for her foresight, she sealed Zheng Rongrong's acupuncture points in advance and made preparations.

I am afraid that just now, Zheng Rongrong will spit blood and die. Where can there be such good luck?

Want to come, someone has used something to make the effect instantly stronger.

Zheng Rongrong's condition was not good at first. In this way, his body could not stand it.

I heard them say the same thing, Master Zheng was completely relieved.

He only looked a little bit angry at Sun Mingyi's eyes.

既然 "That being the case, then I will not pursue this matter anymore. Sun Mingyi, I respect you as a famous doctor, but you must not lose your reputation for a paper gamble. I hope that you can be more careful in the future."

Master Zheng has a bit of fire, but this famous doctor of Sun is really famous.

In case of complete offense, I'm afraid it's a little bad for the Zheng family.

Therefore, even if he is not willing anymore, he must sell his face.

The famous doctor Sun could only nod his head to accept these humiliations, but in his heart he hated the person in front of him.

何时 When was he ashamed? It's all that **** doctor!

If it were not for his appearance, there would be nothing behind!

But his gaze also looked at the plate of red fruits on the table.

It is really something that is not enough to fail, but who did it?

经过 After going through the previous events, Sun Mingyi became more careful.

Not only grabbed the decoction in person, but after taking Zheng Rongrong, she also carefully checked the water afterwards.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the plate of red fruits and knew that it was the problem of this thing.

But what she was not sure about was that anyone who knew Zheng Rongrong's physical condition must be with Sun Shenyi.

He is a group, so why go all out to add chaos to Sun Shenyi?

He still said, is this because they are arguing for doubt, is it to clear who has doubts about Sun Shenyi?

She thought and thought, still unknown.

He waited until the evening, after confirming that Zheng Rongrong was safe and sound, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu returned to the guest room again.

This time, they still act as before.

Sure enough, there were surveillance people outside. Only, Master Zheng Er didn't come.

This time, the people watching them are still two people.

After two people pretending to be unknowing, commented on what happened today.

I waited until dinner was over, and the two men retreated.

Lin Lin Mengya turned off the light and lay on the bed, biting her head in the arms of Long Tianyu.

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