Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1817: Zheng Jiafengyun


The words before, Lin Mengya did not care at all, has been waiting for this but.

Master Zheng Zheng's expression was a little dignified, and when he looked at them, he felt quite oppressive.

"Some things are a private matter of our Zheng family. I don't want anyone to come in. Rong Rong and Xi Er are just a family. They are just some misunderstandings. In that case, it will be solved by our own family. Well, there is no need to bother others. "

When he said this, Lin Mengya felt something awkward when she heard it.

She raised her head and looked at Master Zheng without fear.

"It is my husband's duty to heal the sick and save people. We are here only to cure the lady. As for your words, I don't understand something."

Master Zheng is not angry, but he is also not very happy.

I seem to think that she should be so unruly as a small elementary student.

"I don't want to understand something too clearly, but your husband should know what I mean. If a family is worried, if it comes in, it will be trouble. Mr. Yang, do you think I am right?"

Xiao Long Tianyu did not nod his head and shook his head, but looked at him with an almost disregarded look.

That feeling was like he was staring at a cloud of air, not putting the person in front of him in the slightest.

Master Zheng Zheng was secretly shocked. He had long guessed that this divine doctor would be extraordinary.

But here is his home, his study, there is no reason to be afraid of an outsider.

"Butler, get up early tomorrow, and Hao Sheng will send them both out of town. Prepare a generous gift, don't take it easy."

"Yes, sir."

Butler withdrew to prepare, but under such an obvious order-by order, Lin Mengya snorted coldly.

"To put it bluntly, is n’t Master Zheng still afraid of being ugly? But I'm curious, is Zheng Rongrong your biological daughter? In order to please the next owner, you actually pushed your daughter into the fire pit. I am also today. See it. "

Lin Lin Mengya's words made Master Zheng look very different.

He stared angrily at the next child in front of him, and his words cooled down.

"What do you know? This is our thing for the Zheng family, and it's not your turn to intervene!"

"No wonder Zheng Rongrong is so bad, she still has to work hard every day. Where can the family wolf relax for a while? Master Zheng, your tragic dead wife can look at you in the sky. After 100 years, what do you have? See her face! "

Gao Lin Mengya's eloquence made Master Zheng furious.

Yun Ke's last sentence made him turn off the fire instantly.

His hair wife, the gentle and smart, he has loved his daughter for almost a lifetime.

The guilt in the deepest part of his heart that was suppressed by his toughness swarmed, almost tore his heart.

The whole person fell into a chair suddenly, and his eyes fell on the Begonia plant outside the window.

It was the day he got married, and he planted it with his wife.

In the end, he failed her.

For a moment, Master Zheng lost his power to argue with her.

I just waved my hand lazily and said, "I don't want to care about the things between you and Rongrong. But there is one thing, Xier can't be fine."

"Master Zheng is assured, as long as he doesn't die, Miss Rong Rong still cares about the old feelings. Besides, we are just outsiders, only to heal Miss Rong Rong, we can't control others."

Lin Lin Mengya's mood was a bit bad.

Even though Master Zheng's purpose is for the entire Zheng family, Zheng Luxi wants it, but his daughter's life!

From what he said just now, Lin Mengya already knew that Master Zheng did not know anything about his nephew's dealings with his daughter.

What if I knew it?

Now, he has to take the initiative to cover up his nephew.

She was the first time to see such a "great-private selfless" father.

"If you're fine, we'll retire first."

Lin Lin Mengya pulled up Long Tianyu and opened the door politely.

I just didn't expect that Guan Jia stood outside.

When I saw them, the housekeeper didn't ask anything, but just made a "please" gesture to guide the two.

Gao Lin Mengya glanced back, was seeing Master Zheng, looking at a direction outside was fascinated.

There was only one begonia beside the window, and nothing else.

Hehe, it was only when I passed away that I knew well.

Which is the case, why not try your best to protect when you have it?

He is not selfish and cowardly. In the eyes of strangers, he plays hard-hearted drama.

She is too lazy to look at, and is also worthless for Zheng Rongrong and Mrs. Zheng.

One is the husband and the other is the father. They should have been their shelter, but they became the source of pain.

才 She didn't believe in the helpless act of "sacrifice the ego and fulfill the great self".

If you can't stand a person, even your own family, your loved ones, what else can he keep?

She was so angry that even the steward saw something wrong.

Looking at no one left or right, he suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Actually, my master also has a lasting distress. I know Brother Yang, you really care about my lady, so that's how you get it. But I still want to advise you, still Leave as soon as possible. You are not at ease with the Zheng family. "

梦 Lin Mengya did not have any bad feelings about this uncle butler.

Just now she was angry. Apart from being dissatisfied with Master Zheng's handling, more than half were pretended.

若 If she leaves, she will see the problem with Master Zheng's shrewdness.

After a while, if she still wanted to mix in, it would be a bit difficult.

After all, the same tricks are used so much that they will always be seen through.

"I know that such a large family always has its own difficulties. But you don't know the situation of Miss Zheng's family. If it weren't for my husband, I'd be long overdue"

The rest of the words, she did not say but the housekeeper also understood.

But the steward thought for a while and tentatively said, "I heard someone say today, Uncle called you past, but why?"

Lin Mengya knew that the steward was faithful to Uncle Zheng, and she said true and false: "Uncle did not say anything, he only gave me some rewards, and said that we should not be in a mess. But you also know that I and my family Where does Mr. Dare to take care of other matters besides Miss? "

The steward nodded, afraid that he already knew what Zheng Luxi meant.

But he thought privately that the two people in front of him could be trusted.

I was struggling a lot, and finally, he still slowly revealed the biggest secret he knew.

"I hope you can protect my lady and make her live nineteen years old."

"Miss Guigeng?"

"It's half a year, it's nineteen."

Lin Mengya was a little puzzled, but she explained patiently: "Even though you can rest assured, although the lady is weak, her life span will not be affected. Not to mention that she is nineteen years old and ninety years old. Nothing is impossible. "

But the housekeeper shook his head and said, "No, you do n’t know. Once the lady has passed the age of nineteen, the Zheng family will change dramatically. This is why, even if my master ca n’t bear it, it must be the same the reason."

"What is the specific reason, do you know?"

But the steward shook his head. This person, except for several real figures in the Zheng family, did not know much.

He only occasionally heard some words and put them together.

Looking at the person in front of him, he thought that since he had already said it, it would be enough to say it all at once.

"It seems that it has something to do with the palace family. I don't know the specific things. I just hope that two can protect my lady. This matter, I'll leave it to two."

Lin Lin Mengya was aggressive.

This, this and their family affairs?

As a result, she nodded, and then took Long Tianyu back to the room.

It's strange, why are there traces of their home everywhere?

Even if the temple, the royal family, and the fairy city are all related to the palace family, why is an internal concubine of the Zheng family related to the palace family?

What did the ancestors of her family do?

Lie on the table with some weakness. I didn't feel it before. Now she finds that her family is more like a poop.

Wherever there is a storm, there is a palace house.

Xun Long Tianyu looked at her face with utter love, couldn't help but reached out and squeezed her little face.

"Don't make trouble."

She dropped his hand gently and turned her face to the other side.

"what happened?"

"In the past, I thought I was just a mass-eating crowd. But now I find out that I am the one in the bureau. Do you say that the old ancestors of our family are okay to make money, and playing Mahjong is not good? Why are they everywhere? Shadows? Everyone is a mess for the younger generation to clean up for a lifetime, I'm fine, wipe the **** of the ancestors every day! "

Despite Lin Mengya's dislike, Long Tianyu knew that she was just complaining.

His ya'er never dreaded responsibility.

Moreover, the ancestors of the palace family were too troublesome, no wonder his family Yaer was soaring.

"The palace family communicated very widely. When the heyday was the heyday, the top ten families of the patriarch, the three royal families, the royal family and the temple, and countless families all had in-law relationships with the palace family. At that time, everyone knew Rumors of marrying a wife and a housewife. "

Lin Lin Mengya raised her head and glanced at him weakly.

He said this, as if their ancestors were dandelions, so where can they spread the seeds?

"No wonder in recent years there has not been a girl. It may be a big wave. Retribution has come. But I haven't heard of Zeng Zu mentioned this incident. Although Zeng Zu has seen the Zheng family owner a few times, his evaluation is very fair. The relationship between the two is neither close nor too distant. Even if it has anything to do with our family, it won't make the Zheng family upside down? "

I was thoroughly pleased by Lin Mengya's "our home".

I scratched her little nose, and every word this man said made him love.

I could not bear to see her meditation, Long Tianyu had to tell her everything she knew.

In fact, these things were explained in detail after they decided to have their great ancestors divide their troops.

Now again, she still could not find any useful information.

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